shpuing it west elas wl. so, guwiys, thho tse withth ostwe o elements aayt pl, eth idea of stthe orpum shing out to a is not en veon the tables a possibility. e fiofcial forecasnet co wlil shouow y ts.hi mean, tomorr ow toy,da is alrely your day lato pn. tomorrow, exyou ece utthat plan. by sy,unda y roue going to get a ndfall. think lit sik6:e 00 a.m. withnf raialpul shing into long iansld, bctut aualal ndfalb ou2:t 00 p.m., anywhere ,from y, fire islaupnd, tarowds the hamptons, thand ent ipushes ndinla wh itthe bigger etsffec. so s theto srmurge we always ta autbo storm surgehe tbi ggt esstorm surge oiis gngo t be on the ereastn desi of whererev imat kes landfall, maybe e-thre tsio x-foot storm sue rgon the western side, is where you oire gng to get the biesggt rain, tree ds goown, power ouestrag asi posbityli as we.llso whae ve a hurricane, obably a tecagory 1, moving into torhe nthstea. jim,t thas e thvery latest. wel arstt watching tthhis ing getting e,clos bthy e time you toge