advise them. but you can imagine a case where you have a group o people, they ve all been sent target letter, been called and brought before the grand jury, and the lawyers are saying let s just not talk. sort of without the firs domino falling, i don t have any of it. and i imagine those kind o discussions that are going o in the defense game. there is nothing wrong with th idea of protecting potential defendants rights. that s a good thing. at the same time, it s going t be balanced by the court, th idea and really a sacrosanct choice fitted vandoorne has to have a lawyer of his choosin his or her choosing to represent. him michael moore, thank yo for your time this evening i do appreciate it we have more to come tonight the white man in missouri wh shot a black teenager fo ringing his doorbells says h fired his gun because he was scared and in missouri, as in about 3 other states wit stand-your-ground laws, that alone could be enough for hi to avoid conviction.
these places in the late goo alternately win big. democrats have to think beyond the next two years, we have to think passed the next ten an 20 because there is energy i tennessee and it can be purple or blue state if we sustain the investment amanda, can you explain something for me real quickly? can you explain the revers coattails effect what is that this is the idea that peopl running for local office bring people to vote for the entir ticket the most scientifically proven thing to get somebody choked a vote s relationship between candidate and a voter. now joe biden, god bless, is not going to be able to build personal relationship with every voter. nor likely is a congressiona candidate or a senat candidate. but a school board candidate o city council counted i candidate do you see at the gy or your church who you can tal to and ken yell at personally, so who ever get someone to the polls, -
how do you square, then, th idea, from jobs, the idea from there was to take back to th states and allow them to get i passed the most conservative o to allow abortions remai legal. how do you square the states rights issue with the potentia for a national ban would set a federal mile marker? and when talking about national ban, number one i was simply - so you wouldn t pass national ban i m not gonna deal with hypotheticals, but what i gonna say is the fact is the factories dobbs and th decision to the states 100% agree with that brittany, talking loud an saying nothing senator scott celebrates overturning of roe and the refusing to say no when aske if he would sign a nationa abortion ban i m going to state a perhap unpopular opinion. i m actually really glad t hear tim scott so fervently sa that he believes in the cultur of life. because i m looking forward to his support for an assault weapons ban, i m really lookin forward to him finally getting out of the way it ende
news it was true then, it s true now, i think it has eternal value if you re a long time watche of the show, you will know wha the rule is which is - watch what they do, not what they say and in today s news, we have a excellent example of why tha rule is important. as he approaches his arrest an indictment tomorrow, forme president donald trump has reportedly told associates tha he welcomes the spectacle of what is going to happe tomorrow specifically, he welcomes th idea of being paraded in front of the cameras for his arraignment. he s reportedly described th proceeding as being a potential, quote, fun experience to him the new york times reporting that he has mused aloud on whether or not he should smile for the cameras, a smile for his mugshot. his allies are also saying thi indictment, this arrest is going to be a big boost fo him. it will be great for his