and so i said to him, i said can you help me out on something? because i ve been looking for a week and a half to try to figure out the basis of this welfare reform ad. i ve scoured the wall street journal editori iaial pages. could you he said oh, that s completely false. it s just completely false. and i i was pretty stunned. does it make a difference what comes out of of the candidate s mouth versus this other stuff? well, if it s bill burton, that s one thing. when the candidate is out on the stump saying this stuff, do voters treat that differently? i would say there should be a higher bar. a successful bar he had his people out here landing the punches. when he got to talk, he d do it with a bit of humor, make his
that ad accuses the president of gutting welfare reform. it is airing heavily there. the third since may. what does that tell us about the strategy there and the two campaigns feel is important there now? the welfare reform ad has been debunked. the president has not stripped the work requirement outline of welfare. it is really about the economy here for the romney campaign. they want to refocus attention on the economy. we have the highest unemployment in the country. it ticked up to 12%. that is down a little from a year ago. the epicenter of the foreclosure crisis in the country. the housing market is in very bad shape. it seems like they have not been able to seize it.
points, keep it general. it was people s money and that was how he stumped. romney s taking it in a different direction. that s not what presidential candidates have done. i don t know l we re seeing getting punished for this or how is this shaping people s opinions for this. is mark still in washington? yes, sir. when you talk to the romney campaign, what s the justification on the welfare ad? that some republican officials don t like it. i would say the democrats have run some ads, not just the super pac. no, i m talking about what is the legal basis of the welfare reform ad? that the republicans made changes that some republican governors say open the door. but i don t i don t think that ad is justifiable but there have been democratic ad, one on governor romney s position on abortion that also is not accurate. both campaigns have done it. in the current system, there s no good way to get them to stop.
in 1996. on july 12th, obama quietly ended work requirements for welfare. you wouldn t have to work or train for a job. mitt romney strongly believes work must be part of welfare. the romney plan for a stronger middle class. it will put work back in welfare. i m mitt romney and i approve this message. david gregory, you could have turned the sound down on meet the press yesterday and seen that this welfare reform ad is really getting to the obama campaign. did you want to do that? it was fiery. why were they worked up? they re take something tough shots. over the weekend mitt romney elevated his rhetoric on this saying that president obama disrespects the office of the presidency with some of these super pac ads, in particular the one we were talking about last week before the ryan pick about the man who lost his wife after she had been laid off from a company that bain had invested in and ultimately shut down,
attacks the portion of obama care which requires even religious organizations that preach against contraception to purchase healthcare for employees that provide the service. this is the subject for 34 lawsuits around the country. it has not yet been ruled on by the supreme court. it will make its way to the supreme court but after election day. it is a perfectly leg gnitimate argument for the romney camp to suggest this legislation tries to force the hand of religious groups by forcing them to do the opposite of what they teach. that is a war on religion. democrats will push back. we haven t seen a lot of it today. they are dealing with the fallout and offensive about the cancer ad and the welfare reform ad. what about the ad and how it plays? i think it has a very specific focus target audience