Speaker of the house of representatives the speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 6 2016, the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and majority whip limited to five minutes but in no event shall debate continue beyond 1 15 p. M. 1 clop 50 p. M. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california, ms. Roybalallard, for five minutes. Ms. Roybalallard i ask unanimous consent to address the house. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Roybalallard mr. Speaker, the primary responsibility of congress is to keep our nation safe. However, we are 133 days into the 25th fiscal year and the department of Homeland Security is without a budget. The department is trying to fulfill its mission under the uncertainty of a continuing resolution set to expire in 18 days. Last week the department of Homeland Security submitted its fiscal year 2016 budget bu
The school board and him have reached a settlement. Its been a tough couple months for him. Megan mcgrath is live from the School Headquarters went down. Reporter good morning, barbara. Sources with Montgomery County School System who are familiar with the negotiations tell chris gordon that joshua starr and the board of education have reached an amicable agreement to part ways. Starr and the board chair will be holding a press conference at noon a expected to learn the details of that agreement. They are also expected to take questions from the press. Dr. Starr was hired in 2011 and a source says hes found it difficult to do his job since media reports surfaced about divided support for him on the cool board. Talks of an ongoing for the last several days. A source tells chris gordon that dr. Starr will not work through the end of his contract which is june 30th. The board did appear briefly in a Public Session this it morning. Thats the video that you see here. They then adjourned to
Schools. Michelle obama said yesterday that School Districts that hold back on efforts to emigrate, others say success has been made. Schooloughts on segregation and if it is still an issue in this day and age. Heres how you can make your thoughts known. We divided the line regionally. On the eve of the 60th anniversary of brown versus board of education, First Lady Michelle Obama in kansas making comments that only about the state of education and her experiences, but also segregation issues as she sees that race saying raised inequality still exists and that School Districts have pulled back on efforts to integrate, even as schools are becoming less diverse. Much has been made of a study that came out of ucla this week. Amongst the study, they put several charts taking a look at most integrated states for black students. This is for 2011 and 2012. Earlier this week in the pages the wall street journal here is some of what she wrote in the wall street journal pages. Again, we will tak
New exhibition space, there was a deliberate decision by the curators not to do that again. And what we wanted was that the flag becomes a metaphor for the country. Its tattered, its torn, but it still survives, and the message is really the survival of both the country and the flag, and were not trying to make it look pretty, were trying to make it look like it endured its history, and it still can celebrate its history. This year marks the 200th anniversary of the British Naval bombardment of fort mchenry during the war of 1812. Learn more about the flag fran be sis scott key wrote about while we tour the smithsonians starspangled banner exhibit tonight at 6 and 10 p. M. Eastern, part of American History the this weekend on cspan3. Part of what makes this a special place as we seek to bring the outside and into the inside out and it is in that spirit i would like to introduce my friend who has come in this evening to read from and talk about his new book. Sam is and always has been a
Education, and its enemies, that is sour show tonight. Is our show tonight. John biggest education controversy this year over common core. The supporters say this is eye single common standard that tells parents, in every state, this is when your kid ought to know, some Union Teachers are upset. They are crippleing our students education, and joy of learning, common core standards they must contan ly struggle. To push themselves to levels that are not developly arope yeahappropriate. John no say common core support supporters. Life is full of measures sticks, how smart we are, how fast we are, how well we can you know compete. But until now, it has been hard to tell how well kids are competeing in school, and how will they will do when they get out of school, that is where common core standards come in. John here is a mag problem. Compose, and decompose numbers from 11 to 19, to 10 ones, and furth ones by using op jecing on or draws and record each. That is my wel produceer. Asking peo