[ speaking foreign language ] anthony: this is anthony bourdain, cnn. good night and eat more spam. choi: goodbye. anthony: notice the totally blissed out, happy look on my face. choi: one, two, three. anthony: observe the bowl, with nothing left but fiery remnants. behold! the magnificence that is budae jjigae. anthony: oh, okay, that s enough, enough. good. anthony: whoa, jeez. oh, man. aw, it s going tgo straight to my hips. choi:o use, no house.
and we know for certain he applied for it in texas. if that s the case, again, we gook to tgo back to the six different reasons you be be separated from the service, an honorable discharge, a general discharge under honorable conditions, an other than honorable, a bad conduct discharge, a punitive discharge, or a dishonorable discharge and an entry-level separation. the fact that he could be discharged with a bad conduct discharge, a punitive discharge, after a court-martial, and still be legally able to procure weapons, to buy and own weapons is central. i can t understand, if you have a misdemeanor and there s violence attached to it, you are precluded from owning weapons, but if you have a misdemeanor in the military, under the military code of justice, you can still own a weapon. it s preposterous. well, also, look, a little bit of a common space between left and right on this is administration and effective administration of law.
see how breitbart is reacting to this. trump said i m going to be different, not going to be like everybody else. turns out he is like everybody else. they say they re going to do one thing and they come in and the generals convince them of something else. i think that is a legitimately frustrating thing, i think, to a lot of voters and i suspect to a lot of trump voters. i don t think anybody thinks trump is not one of a kind. i mean, and look, what he did was again, exciting. he listened to generals. whatever the reason he got to the position he said, you know what, we have to do something different than i ran on, and here s why. when he gave that speech, he was on the teleprompter then he started to get ramped up. remember? and he got off the teleprompter a little bit. i was talking to folks late last night and today, they were excited about it. they didn t think he betrayed us. they thought that s a serious guy. said no, because he didn t say we re going to give 100,000
gazillion amendment to this bill. you see what time it is now and the fact that they re milling around there, this thing is expected to tgo on all night until tomorrow morning. one photographer today caught this cot being truck into the capitol earlier today in case any senator needs to take a nap between votes. before the night is over we are told to expect a vote of some kind of mitch mcconnell s mystery meat health care bill. we have no ynd whidea what is i bill and we think senators don t either. we also don t know if he s going to have the votes when it comes down to it. anything can happen between now and then in terms of the substance and the politics. the only thing i can tell you for sure is it s going to be a long night and senator al franken joins us last next.
administration? no. if you get into a series of hypotheticals about what you narrow the table. i think the president has long held a strategy that doing that begins to give the opponent, whoever it is in that particular case, if it s just a negotiation, the options of where to go and w not tgo. the president was making it clear that not to take options after the table was done. we will always make sure our national interests were protected. if we were to say we were taking something off the table in any way, shape or form, that would limit what we have to do. we re going to make sure we have to do what we have to do to protect our natural interests.