Amid the heavy rains in Tamil Nadu, 500 train passengers are stranded in the Thoothukudi district of the state and are waiting to be evacuated. IMD has also issued a red alert in four districts, schools and colleges have been closed.. - Tamil Nadu Rains: 500 Passengers Stranded In Thoothukudi District, IMD Issues Red Alert
Several trains have been cancelled for today due to the heavy rains in Tamil Nadu; flight operations have also been affected as four districts are on Red Alert by IMD. Know all about it.. - Tamil Nadu Rains: Trains Cancelled, Flights Diverted As State Is Flooded, Check FULL LIST
Tamil Nadu Rains: As per IMD reports, Thiruchendur in the Tuticorin District witnessed 60 cm of rain in just 15 hours till 1:30 AM and Palayamkottai in Tirunelveli District recorded 26 AM rainfall. Similarly, Kanyakumari also witnessed 17.3 cm of rainfall.
Cyclone Michaung Live Tracking Today News: As the Cyclone Michaung made landfall in Andhra Pradesh between Nellore and Kavali on Tuesday, incessant rains lashed Tamil Nadu’s Chennai taking the death toll in rain-related incidents to 17 .