Things out in public. And so i emailed commissioner taylor to add it on for action. Commissioner taylor responds, i cant do that. Its on for status. I get an email that thats whats going to happen, but theres no reason its not on for action. This should be adopted tonight. This august 5 . This should have been passed last august. This is disgraceful, embarrassing, disgusting conduct, and i Vice President taylor all right. Dont be so hard. Commissioner hamasaki now, dont interrupt me commissioner dejesus yeah, its showing. Youre being rude right now. First of all, parents are here. Youre being rude, first of all, and second of all, i dont normally do this, but there are a whole bunch of lies happening tonight, so you want to have this conversation . Let me finish. Were going to have this conversation now. First of all, were not going to do is compare every situation to the slaughter of black people. Not everything is a knee to the neck, and were not going to do that. Second of all, i wa
Im not the smartest commissioner or the most knowledgeable person. This is a constant fight, but you know, this looking at the country, looking at what happened to all of the individuals who have died recently from from White Supremacy and Police Violence, weve got to do better, ive got to do better, and, you know, i didnt really i guess i just as you can see, i got out of i had surge in the last week, and ive spent a lot of time on my back thinking, and i dont have any answers tonight. Some people think that were you know, as i said before, and ive read it online and on social media, were putting a gloss over operator your conference is now in questionandanswer mode. To answer each question, press one and then zero. Commissioner hamasaki do i need to stop for something . Clerk no, you can go. Commissioner hamasaki i dont have anything deep or profound to say, other than i really hope, i really hope that this is a moment that we rise to, and i i just we cant just keep going and reading
We have a quorum. Vice president taylor thank you. In the last few weeks, we watched the barbaric murder of george floyd by vile, racist Police Officers. We watched Ahmaud Arbery get gunned down by white spr supremacists. Study after study shows that white people and black people are not only more likely to commit crimes, they think that we feel less pain. We have a less nuanced feeling, and less worthy of protection, so we often have to fend for ourselves. Racism is definitely a police problem, one that is as old as our entire nation, but lets be clear no ones off the hook. Racism is an america problem. Trayvon martin, Ahmaud Arbery were killed by citizens. The overwhelming number of hate crimes are committed by ordinary citizens. Every Single Member of this commission is committed to rooting out bias in this Police Department, and after seeing the murder in minneapolis, after seeing the recent video circulating of what appears to be neck restraints used here in San Francisco in janua
Lets acknowledge from both sides. It wouldnt be a battle without or mascots. From the San Francisco giants lucille. From your oakland as give it out for stomper. [cheers. ] of course, we have Community Partners and we are going to hear from them to speak about the efforts. It is the city of San Francisco and oakland, the two cities facing off right here. It is about the greening competition to take place saturday, september 21st as part of the annual California Coastal cleanup day. There is a cool incentive that we will announce as well. Lucky folks from oakland and San Francisco will win on Alaska Airlines a trip wherever they want to go. Make sure to sign up. Get teams ready, and you might win the tickets to anywhere we fly on Alaska Airlines. It also protects the San Francisco bay. Cleaning, greening neighborhoods. Trash removal, habitat restoration, tree planting, neighborhood beautiful projects. We are going to hear more about the efforts, what the battle for the bay 2019 i is all
[roll call] commissioner, you have a quorum. Also present our chief scott of the San Francisco Police Department and director Paul Henderson from the department of police accountability. Okay, good evening, everybody this is the september 11th, 2019, meeting of the San Francisco Police Commission, and i would like to say that we sit here tonight in memory of the people who died 18 years ago on september 11th, 2001. We have a long meeting tonight so we will allow two minutes for Public Comment, and we are ready for the first item. Item one is adoption of minutes, action, for the meeting of august seventh, 2019. Is there a motion . I so move. Is there a second . Second. Public comment . Public comment on the minutes hang on, i dont think that is on. Okay. Go ahead. My family has been four generations in San Francisco. I was very active in Civic Affairs for a long time and a federal Civil Servants and i spent i expect a lot. I really expect good service in San Francisco, including the pol