1. Rate-control, along with anticoagulation, should be the main approach to managing patients with atrial fibrillation. 2. Compared to rhythm-control, rate-control resulted in a lower incidence of adverse events and no significant difference in mortality. Original Date of Publication: December 5, 2002 Study Rundown: Originally published in 2002, the Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of Rhythm Management
insufficiently loyal to donald trump. a man that he still claims had the 2020 election stolen from him. these people are, if i can quote aristotle here, crazy as a shithouse rat. oh, my gosh, joe. i m sorry. jonathan lemire, i study greek philosophy. i study classics, the classics. these people are absolutely crazy. yeah, that was great recall of the aristotle quote, joe. you re right. this is what the are the and his team have tried to do, as i wrote earlier this week. for so long, to the frustration of some democrats, the president has not wanted to directly engage with trump and trumpism. in fact, he never mentions trump s name. in fact, research was done yesterday when he talked about maga. this is the third day since taking office he s used that word, maga. he doesn t like to talk about trump and his people directly.
reframing the classics. and as always, it s the younger generation that will continue to push these stories front and center. where i grew up, it sort of breeds a regret that you don t necessarily have when you re raised in a fairly comfortable situation where you re always accepted. i think the banlieue here creates that same dynamic. i see the same grit, the same hustle as we call it where we come from. and this resourcefulness to create something to thrive.
saint-denis and this type of suburbs has the same yes, it s the same history. yeah. of layers of immigration for economical reason. we have to be inventive and recreate ourselves. the expression of the immigrant french experience is the new art movement in paris, making space for voices that used to be marginalized and reframing the classics. and as always, it s the younger generation that will continue to push these stories front and center. where i grew up, it sort of breeds a regret that you don t necessarily have when you re raised in a fairly comfortable situation where you re always accepted. i think the banlieue here creates that same dynamic. i see the same grit, the same hustle as we call it where we come from. and this resourcefulness to create something to thrive.