Bricks have been installed as far up as the second floor windows and granite pieces are going up at that level, Wawenock LLC spokesman Mark Robinson told Wiscasset Newspaper April 16, Robinson said according to a contractor, the improving weather.
Wiscasset selectmen Nov. 7 agreed to appeal in Lincoln County Superior Court last month’s Maine Board of Environmental Protection decision in Maine Yankee’s favor. Oct. 19, the BEP upheld Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s decision to.
The Labor Day tradition “Bands for Books,” the end of summer celebration held to raise funds for Wiscasset Public Library, continued Sept. 4. Monday evening’s event sponsored by Friends of the Library had a new venue, Lakehurst Lodge in Damariscotta.
At a St. Philip’s Church member’s request, Wiscasset selectmen plan to have their Aug. 1 meeting minutes note comments about the minutes from the July hearing on commonspace’s business license request for Harbor Peer and Wellness Center at the Hodge.
Two years ago, Susan Murray moved to Wiscasset from Pennsylvania. Tuesday night, May 16, she stepped up to the microphone at the selectmen’s public hearing on the June 13 town meeting warrant and said she wholeheartedly supports the proposed.