Two years ago, Susan Murray moved to Wiscasset from Pennsylvania. Tuesday night, May 16, she stepped up to the microphone at the selectmen’s public hearing on the June 13 town meeting warrant and said she wholeheartedly supports the proposed.
When both bids for an entrance at Ancient Cemetery ran over budget, Wiscasset selectmen OK’d town officials Sept. 6 to review the bids, pick the lowest qualified one and tap the board’s contingency account for the extra money needed. Town Manager.
Dear Editor:
January 11, 2021 marks the 19th anniversary of the opening of the Guantanamo Bay prison.
Forty people are still held in Guantanamo, and most of them have never been charged, let alone tried, for any crime.
The prison at Guantanamo costs the U.S. taxpayer over half a billion dollars per year – half a billion dollars to hold 40 prisoners! That’s about 13 million dollars per prisoner per year – making Guantanamo the most expensive, least efficient prison on the planet.
To close Guantanamo is one of the promises that President-elect Biden made to us. It is not the most pressing. But it is important. The problem can be solved by either trying the prisoners there in federal courts, or transferring them to other countries.