In 2023, Wiscasset and other towns dealt with how to get and keep workers, improve residents’ and businesses’ internet access and, in Wiscasset’s case, how to protect the wastewater treatment plant from the rising water of climate change.
Wiscasset selectmen Nov. 7 agreed to appeal in Lincoln County Superior Court last month’s Maine Board of Environmental Protection decision in Maine Yankee’s favor. Oct. 19, the BEP upheld Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s decision to.
Wiscasset selectmen decided Sept. 5 to talk again Sept. 19 about the Wawenock building repair project downtown. Town Manager Dennis Simmons told the board, town counsel has drafted a letter to the owner; so far, the board has opted not to send it. “.
Update: As it said it would in the original article below, Wawenock has gotten back to Wiscasset Newspaper with a timeframe for the repairs that have kept scaffolding in front of the Main Street, Wiscasset building. Doering family spokesman Mark.
With Wiscasset still eying options to force the issue, and with the latest rainstorm sweeping through, a spokesman for the Ralph Doering family responded Aug. 8 to Wiscasset Newspaper’s email questions on the state of repair work on the Wawenock.