Simplified and these pieces that we talked about in depth at our Commission Meeting and can you refresh us to the terms are . Isnt that what theyre doing and come back and this is the bull budget once we get that first piece of work done with them, correct . Right. So what we were hoping is that after todays presentation you have a higher Comfort Level with what this whole plan looks like opposed to hearing about it in pieces. You have the full plan that you would be comfortable at our next Commission Meeting releasing the balance of the funding and allowing us to go forward with that contractor. The commission had limited us to 100,000 early task order with davis and associates. That allows has allowed us to consult with them in putting this program together. That allows us to begin the work to be able to launch the poll in january that we talked about here, so hopefully with this fuller conversation and description and the written plan itself that you have before you will feel comfor
Components to inform who we talk to in the actual statutory opt out phase. We are not suggesting that anyone who is going to be served by cleanpower sf would not receive an opt out notification. Anyone who wishes to participate can participate which sounds like opting in, but we wont enroll them after we have included them in an opt out process. So i think we have worked with the City Attorney on this to make sure we are accurately understanding our obligation and that our approach is consistent with it. We think it is. And so were not always this careful with our language as we should be, but the actual steps will be anyone who says let me in will receive and be included in the opt out portion of the program. Thank you. Youre welcome. Can i add also the people who are seen in the green area that are saying i dont want to be in the program. They too will be included in the program . Right. And theyre receiving the same opt out required by state law and encouraged to take the right acti
The motion passes unanimously. Commissioner hur, you will rejoin us. Thank you. So, did we just announce . Yeah. Yeah, so the commission has announced that it has adopted both settlement agreements. That discussed in the agenda in the attachments. Very good. Madam chair, may i say one thing . Certainly. Weve never been in so much focus worldwide and will not be this this is a the moment in time when a story going and make a wish is a program that fulfills wishes for children we operate in every cities there are 62 chapters. Our chapter was formed in 8984 we fulfilled 24 wishes. Our chapter covers from movntd ray 17 communities and we expect to fully 3 hundred and 50 wishes this year. We send verizons it out to the wish families and interviews the wish child and if you do their heartfelt wish then go to work to make it happen. Dismissals is a 5yearold boy who was diagnosing diagnosed with life without parole when he was 20 months old hes 5 hose now in remission he had his port removed h
Notices would be sent then in midaugust for the first one and the second in midseptember. Opt out the program launchs in october and then we do the final two opt out notices in november and december. All of that has the wrap around multimedia components that we have been talking about, social media, advertising, word of mouth, all those efforts are under way throughout that time frame. So then lets take a minute with what that is going to cost. Our final slide addresses the cost components by the periods were in. Early notification, statutory opt out period with Community Outreach with the broadcast cast media. On the bottom are the two polls were are expecting to conduct for total 1. 4 million in expenditures over this year, this coming year. That completes by formal presentation. I am happy to take any other questions. Colleagues, commissioners, any comments or questions . I know we have asked many already. Seeing none i have one commissioner vietor. Sorry. Yeah, i had a question jus
We mix it. Yeah. Right. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Ricky mr. Vice president that concludes my report. So i see mr. Erick if theres no other any Public Comment . There are no speaker cards a very good afternoon im eric im representing the local. Im also one of the members of the Sierra Club Bay Chapter Committee and i want to take you back to our last meeting. And also a or some of you may have seen in the newspapers a report about deacceleration i want to make sure that that report took comments out of the context and made it a lot look we were supportive of deacceleration we dont support of the bay area deacceleration project thats still the case. Let me read from the sierra clubs guidelines deacceleration shouldnt be used for water supply needs that can be reached from other water efficient practices. So a project like the bay area deacceleration he promise is not necessary. Xhifl we over estimate how much water we were going to need decades ago we thought we needed more. And so what