Getting close to a opt in program that would violate state law, and i assume that we have looked at what the limits are that the law imposes on us. Would you elaborate a little bit how what were doing has been shaped to fit within the state law or on the other hand where is there jeopardy for us . So the notification and Education Program survey and early notification portions are the sort of the new pieces that arent required by state law. We are using those outreach efforts, those outreach components to inform who we talk to in the actual statutory opt out phase. We are not suggesting that anyone who is going to be served by cleanpower sf would not receive an opt out notification. Anyone who wishes to participate can participate which sounds like opting in, but we wont enroll them after we have included them in an opt out process. So i think we have worked with the City Attorney on this to make sure we are accurately understanding our obligation and that our approach is consistent wi
You didnt say before, correct . Because i know that all of you are coming forward testified at length, so your comments are going to be geared towards the reduction from 11. 9, 011. 5. Would you like two minutes . Yes, two minutes, yes. Commissioners . Today, we had a lengthy presentation and discussion on this matter. And the purpose of this amendment is to tell pg e that sfpuc can bring this number to the same number that pg e proposes. Which is nine. So, that is the only purpose. That sfpuc is on the equal footing or has the resources or can deliver a product the same as pg e. And in my humble opinion, we cannot. This is a moving target. We cannot. There are 105 years of experience and we have none. That is the only purpose. And that presentation of the many, many, many, loop holes, so with this rate, we are also need to know, what is the quality, what is the unit quality of the entity . We need the critical data. Not just reduce the amount, we want to know. The public needs to know
This meeting will come to order. Call the roll. President torres . Here. Courtney . Here. Commissioner caen . Here. Commissioner vietor. Here. Commissioner moran . Here. We have a quorum. Any comments on the minutes . June 25th . I will look. By moran and second by courtney. All by aye. All of those opposed. The motion approves to carry the minutes. Public comment, item number four, any Public Comments . Communications . Item number four, Public Comment . What i want to sis at as we live in the sewer system imovement project and as we look at especially back on the inaudible we need to have a plan for the community and a good out reach for the community. Some of it have already started it on our own and we need to, the assistance, of the sfpuc, to really have the community, because, again, and again, as we notice with the water system, Improvement Projects, and everything was left for the 11th hour. And with the Community Benefits of the water system Improvement Project, if you evaluat
And envir Environmental Justice advocacy and many residents in the bay view participated in Community Choice aggregation and perhaps one person here in the auditorium that knows what i am talking about. Michael [inaudible] lynn brown, jerad bloomfield and others. We make trips to sacramento and we do what we could in the bay view. We put solar on all 58 homes and so on and so forth. In the beginning of this discussion i heard something about Climate Change and then i was paying attention to this conversation and theres a lot of fluff. So much fluff it gives you a headache. Now, if you look at a map and some of you have done the outreach, whatever way you did the outreach, if you want to Pay Attention to the Carbon Footprint you have to do anything for the people that are impacted in district 10 and 11 and if you havent done that to the best of your ability you have failed, so dont tell us in the areas that are green, which is where mostly the rich people live, where they send all their
That the law imposes on us. Would you elaborate a little bit how what were doing has been shaped to fit within the state law or on the other hand where is there jeopardy for us . So the notification and Education Program survey and early notification portions are the sort of the new pieces that arent required by state law. We are using those outreach efforts, those outreach components to inform who we talk to in the actual statutory opt out phase. We are not suggesting that anyone who is going to be served by cleanpower sf would not receive an opt out notification. Anyone who wishes to participate can participate which sounds like opting in, but we wont enroll them after we have included them in an opt out process. So i think we have worked with the City Attorney on this to make sure we are accurately understanding our obligation and that our approach is consistent with it. We think it is. And so were not always this careful with our language as we should be, but the actual steps will