[inaudible conversations] lets get started and i will have a conversation about the private sector in afghanistan we have been doing a series of events over the last year we recently hosted a couple of weeks ago we could not have done this about the of partnership and as a friend thinks for everything. We will have been interesting and conversation today when i think about people who were qualified for their jobs and the right people at the right time i cannot think of the of better person turning afghanistan around that usa id. To serve some of the toughest places in the world a patriot and a friend a qualified individual they got he raised his hand to do public service. [applause] it is very nice to see my old friends here in the audience is a particular that has been done in afghanistan for those of you that i have not met and i would like to say some words about the south asia strategy with the very few point on how that applies to usaid role and i will mention in pakistan and then
How does that work . Yes, it did in the form of our biological opinion. So, essentially the measures that were spelled out in the 2009 Compliance Plan were then forwarded to the fish and Wildlife Service for their evaluation during the, the biological opinion of 2012. Do you have any fear that if you dont do Environmental Review in this case that you might end up in a situation where youre once again found in violation . ~ by the feds . Well, we are under obligation to meet these measures that are spelled out in our permit and in the biological opinion. So, we have been working very hard to meet those measures. And we would like to be a good partner with fish and Wildlife Service and implement those measures in a timely way, according to the spelled out deadline. Kay, thank you. If i could followup on that. I wanted to ask questions around the lawsuit a couple years ago. My understanding was the environmental groups brought that, wanted to make sure there were appropriate mitigations f
Arguments or to the position that the department has and im still not clear on sort of what that means in terms of whether or not the appellant has met their threshold yet. Okay. Before i go to supervisor mar and kim, i know rec and park was also going to make a presentation. So, let me just ask colleagues, supervisor mar, do you want to ask your questions of planning or do you want to wait for rec and parks presentation . Theres one thats relevant to this question of is there substantial evidence. Of their argument. Wild equity is saying one expert, greg hammond, the hydrologist that worked with the recreation and Park Department and analyzed the hydrology, according to wild equity, theyre saying that he explained that the pumping rate will harm the threatened california red legged frog and the Laguna Solano wet land complex in two wii ways. One, it will cause harm to the california frog by draining more of the frogs breeding habitat, ~ the cover habitat being impacted. And impacting
An eir is one mechanism through ceqa to perform Environmental Review. It is required when there are significant impacts that cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level. That Environmental Review was completed for the initial study. Thank you. I do think there is a certain circular nature to the arguments or to the position that the department has and im still not clear on sort of what that means in terms of whether or not the appellant has met their threshold yet. Okay. Before i go to supervisor mar and kim, i know rec and park was also going to make a presentation. So, let me just ask colleagues, supervisor mar, do you want to ask your questions of planning or do you want to wait for rec and parks presentation . Theres one thats relevant to this question of is there substantial evidence. Of their argument. Wild equity is saying one expert, greg hammond, the hydrologist that worked with the recreation and Park Department and analyzed the hydrology, according to wild equity, t
About the role of the fire boat phoenix during the 1919 earthquake which we will be commemorating the 24th anniversary, often times i go to the schools and many of the kids have not heard of the book and it is educational at all levels and adults can learn from it as well and i am proud tonight to say that on behalf of the Fire Department we want to donate a book to each of the schools and it is really on behalf of one of our retired members who i speak with today and he wanted to be anonymous and i said please could i mention your name and it is somebody that i worked with a colleague of my recently retired and his name is tom dudea. And he retired as an assistant deputy chief and i was proud to promote him and he was also a teacher. I will have a book that i will pass out tonight but i would like to read what we have on the outside of the book to go to each of your libraries in each of your Elementary Schools and it says a note to San Francisco Elementary School teachers this book ha