Directors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much. Madam clerk will you call number one. Number one is waiver of banner fee for banners of 300 from it is Mayors Office and the shop and dine in the 49 campaign. Thank you very much. We have oewd up here. Good morning supervisors. My name is Mary Ann Thompson and project manager for the mayors mayors the opposite and office of economic and Workforce Development. Shop and dine in the 49 is our campaign here in San Francisco. Soft launch in 2014, very well received by local merchants by merchant door oors and in particular Small Businesses. The program has expanded in 2015 to include a very robust website, very significant outreach which included 300 banners, 500 interiors muni cards and exterior cards andad bias in all of the San Francisco newspapers and a decorated cable car and a map. This local campaign is a project that has many stakeholders, in particular our stakeholders are the Merchant Association and it is corridors. T
For questions if the supervisors so choose. Thank you. Colleagues. Do we have any questions . Great. Mr. Rhodes, can we go ahead get your report. Yes, mr. Chairman, on page 38, regarding items 6 and 7. We report that the office of public finances estimates the annual debt service in the bonds is approximately 1, million, 791 and 13, 34,000 on the bonds estimate at 5. 1 percent. The combined debt of interest over 20 years of the bond is 828,000. On page 8 of the report for the property tax would be maintained below the 2005, 2006 rate. So that is the estimate. And on page 40, we do recommend that you approve this legislation. Regarding item 8 on page 56 of our report, we note that in 2012. The budget and legislative analyst made a finding of fiscal fees ability for the proposed Historic Buildings project to rehabilitate the building to 20th street as pier 70 and we did at the time the board of supervisors endorse the project. Since that time the total estimated the cost of the project h
Enclosed substation. As part of this agreement, weve been talking a lot with pg e about their properties at the foot of portrero. There are a lot of uses that got a switch yard that aligns in red with an open switch yard and they have an industrial use for dirt recycling near the ports property. We have done something about those uses that would house mixed use development on the east shoreline. This is an open to the east bay station is what you have in the industrial areas. You will note in mixed use neighborhoods these types of facilities are enclosed. In terms of the license terms between the port and pg e they will be licensing for submerging property for a 26 year option. They will be paying the port 23 million between now and january 2015 the system would have the right to relocate the line subject to certain conditions. I showed you that switch yard, the open air switch yard, the city would have the right to prefer to be screened or encloseded in the building. Well work with th
New park. My experience in working with the families in the neighborhoods, chinatown doesnt have a lot of open space. This is whats needed and i thank you for bringing all the children to this brand new park. Thank you. Thank you very much. Are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on item no. 2 . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Colleagues, i want to thank you for sitting through this item and as all the Public Comment and as has been mentioned this is a project thats been talked about for decades, six plus years and through my office with a lot of work and the parks and Recreation Department and puc. I appreciate your hearing involvement from all the community and a lot of people have taken a lot of pride on whats happened and excited for the future. I want to thank you for your support and specifically margo kelly from my office. We would not be here today without her help and dedication to this project. Our budget analyst has recommended a few items. Colleag
From the prior here, and were allowing a small amount of increase for Retiree Health which is the other agency wide costs i am showing here. We spend a Million Dollars a year to the commitment for the retirees that we give the support for the health insurance. This is another look at the admin costs. Down by the more detailed break out of really the administrative support costs. You can see the salaries increasing by 7. 7 partly due to coalace the pension contributions and as i mentioned one additional position and the filling of vacancies. Retiree medical insurance. Were allowing for a slight increase in that. Other things are fairly constant. We are allowing for a slight increase in rent. We dont have that charge before you from the city. Weve had savings in insurance costs and were allowing for a small increase in our it costs. That maybe related to refreshing our server and possibly using were still negotiating with the city over we will virtualize our servers with the city or do t