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Directors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much. Madam clerk will you call number one. Number one is waiver of banner fee for banners of 300 from it is Mayors Office and the shop and dine in the 49 campaign. Thank you very much. We have oewd up here. Good morning supervisors. My name is Mary Ann Thompson and project manager for the mayors mayors the opposite and office of economic and Workforce Development. Shop and dine in the 49 is our campaign here in San Francisco. Soft launch in 2014, very well received by local merchants by merchant door oors and in particular Small Businesses. The program has expanded in 2015 to include a very robust website, very significant outreach which included 300 banners, 500 interiors muni cards and exterior cards andad bias in all of the San Francisco newspapers and a decorated cable car and a map. This local campaign is a project that has many stakeholders, in particular our stakeholders are the Merchant Association and it is corridors. These banners continue to help and repeat the message its important in San Francisco to buy local. By way of background there are 90,000 registered businesses here in San Francisco. 56,000 are Small Businesses who employ 326,000 residents. Small businesses are our backbone in San Francisco. The best way that we can support them is with this campaign to encourage residents and guests to buy local so i am here for your support to have your fee waived of 4,050 and here for any questions. Okay. Thank you very much. Seeing no questions we will move on to Public Comment. Anyone wish to comment on item number 1 . Okay. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed item 1 is closed. [gavel]. Supervisor. I am happy to send a recommendation to the full board. Take that without objection. Madam clerk call number two. Item 2 is authorizing the general manager of the sfpuc executing the planning and engineering project Design Services Agreement Agreement number cs3 89 between the city and engineers to extend the contract to november 30, 202020 for an total amount of 19,500,000 not to exceed 176,000,000. Thank you. I am director of the Improvement Program and this is a modification that you have before you is a vital part of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Sources Improvement Program. This Improvement Program is a 20 year multibillion dollar citywide investment to upgrade our aging infrastructure to ensure we have a reliable and secure system now and into the future. Before i move into the amendment i wanted to give you background on the head works facility. If you could bring up the first slide please, it people. Thank you. This is an arial of southeast plant. It started up 70 years ago. Its locationed in the bay view Hunters Point neighborhood and treats 80 of the citys waterfront and form water flow 24 7 and this is shown in the rectangle box within evans avenue within the footprint. Just to describe what the head works does is where the flows from the bay side enter the Treatment Plant from the north and the south and the first treatment process and has a big job to do. It takes flows in a range of hydraulic conditions during high and low weather and remove grit and screenings and send the flow on and go to the next slide. The existing aging facility is an extremely oarious part of the plant and doesnt meet treatment or seismic resiliency and similar to how a car from the 1940s would look today. The standards are not like they are currently. It was a different era. In 2012 the Funds Program was endorsed by San Francisco Public Utilities commision and staff was authorized to do the work for the facility. We held a procurement process in 2014 and selected carollo engineers. Planning and Engineering Services initiated 2015 and the initial contract was for 14 million. During the last 12 months we did planning and preliminary designed and identified additional scope items so that the facility can function as we are intending. Bring up the next slide john, and the issues really are we are extreme grit loading that comes into the collection system. We characterized it on testing and get six more times peak loads than any other treatment across the country and this unanticipated level of grit means we need a more robust handling and removal system and adds to the Construction Cost or control. The baseline odor model and studies show there is a higher level of control to meet our sfpuc levels of service. We have other facilities that are 70 years scpold in the construction we will have seven other Construction Projects going on concurrently so coordination is required to develop a construction scream because we will inserting this structure. You can see how impact it is from the first aerial under the type site while operating and the plan will let them continue operating and develop design packages and coordinate a lot of deep straked structures that will require design coordination with our other projects that are adjacent as well. The high level effort theres a lot of engineering analysis, drawings and specifications that are part of this. And we can have slide four john. Seismic requirements are an issue. The soil and site characteristics bay med and fill make this an area where the quality of the soil is not really great and were looking at meeting the demands for maximum credible earthquake and 7. 8 on the andrea and 7. One on the hay ward fault. This is a cut of the inside of the facility, what the future facility will look like to meet these challenges that i have talked about so earlier this year 2016 we went back to the commission and we reviewed our 6. 9 billion dollars Improvement Program and through this level of effort the Commission Adopted a baseline scope schedule and budget and again identified 2. 9 billion dollars of work that is in the phase one effort and this included at that time 385 million for the head works facility, so that all of these critical scope items could be addressed. Its important for me to note to you that the increase for the project does not increase the overall cost of the ssip, the sources Improvement Program through the review we conducted some projects had reduce in scope and others had an increase in scope so the purpose of the amendment today is account for the additional Design Services based on this larger scope of work and were also looking for design support during the construction phase. Were asking to amend the contract with carollo engineers by 9. 5 Million Dollars and Contract Value as listed and extend the contract for three years and 20 days to commence november 30, 2020 for a total of term of december 19, 2014 through december 19, 2023. This head works improvement is needed to ensure that the southeast plan maintains permit compliance on state and federal guidelines and operates reliably. If grit moves through the entire process it basically ends up harming each of the mechanical and treatment processes along the way. This proproject is needed for the levels of service and critical project and the first piece of infrastructure we will be rebuilding at southeast plant. The construction will start next year. Staff is in agreement with the budget Analyst Report and recommendation to approve the resolution and with that i am happy to answer any questions and i have project team members with me here today. Thank you very much. Colleagues at this point any questions . Okay. Mr. Roses office could we go to have your report too. Good morning. I am from the budget analyst office. Mr. Rose is on a cruise right now. Good for him. As pointed out by the representative of puc this would increase to 14 million to 33. 5 million and the Engineering Contract with carollo engineers from 2020 to 2023. The increase in the contract is consistent with the increase in the project budget which originally was one 84. 9 million. And now increased to 358. 6 million, increase of 173 million. The increase was according to puc based on identified significant changes to the screening krit and odor system and southeast pollution control plant. [inaudible] on the contract and page four of the report is 6. 4 million. The increase is the 19. 5 million on page five of the report is driven largely by changes in the budget for detailed design. The design process is expected to be 100 complete by may 2018 ask and we recommend approval. Okay. Thank you very much. Any questions for the budget analyst . Okay. We will move on to Public Comment. Anyone to comment on item number 2 . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel]. Supervisor tang. I will take a motion to send item 2 with positive recommendation to the full board. Okay. Motion by supervisor tang and second by supervisor yee and take without objection. Thank you. All right. Item 3 please. Item 3 is airport director declaration of an emergency seawall at airport runways 19l and 19r estimated to cost more than 250,000 to repair. Welcome back. Thank you mr. Chair. Im with the San Francisco international airport. Were requesting approval for a declaration of an emergency by the director by the seawall erosion of 19l and 19r in couldntance with the code koa. Airport staff noticed damage to the end of two run ways and hired a specialty go Technical Team to assess the damage and impacts. The engineers concluded that sections of the seawall were in Critical Condition and needed immediate repair in order to reprent a failure of the wall and sink holes and airport staff identified the group to have the expertise to fix the seepage and saw wall problems and will use a crane in order to allow for continued operation of the run ways during the work. Though 1. 5 Million Contract will be paid by the airports Capital Improvement plan budget. Airport staff does intermeadantly expert the seawalls and around the rerim terof the run ways and facilities and currently developing a more rigorous program as part of the shoreline project which the board of directors found fiscally feasible almost a year ago so on going work on that project continues. It will address longer term challenges such as protecting against 100 year flood levels and the anticipated Sea Level Rise. While this project fixings the immediate issue of the oh region erosion and at 19 and potential for a sink hole that would impact the operations. They have approved this and i am here for questions. Thank you. I know looking at Sea Level Rise and seawalls and its a massive thing in San Francisco and i represent by part where there is waterfront expose and you are what are you think going it. The airport director sits on the Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee so all of the work is in conjunction with how the city is looking at seas and the shoreline project which was found to be fiscally feasible in december of last year is a much larger project than what is before us today which is sort of a quick fix. The estimated cost of the entire airport shoreline protection project is 57 Million Dollars and i believe when we brought it before its about a ten year project over time to complete the whole thing so its a much larger comprehensive look at our shoreline protection than this item. Okay. Thank you. Supervisor tang. Thank you. So just a question on timing so i know that the i guess the observation occurred in july and then there was a firm hired to scope out and assess what exactly was the issue and now were here in november so i just wanted to know during that time period was it simply because you were still trying to analyze what the issue was it. Its a combination of two things. One being it took some time for the geotechnical engineers to get to the root of what the problem is so we could fix it hopefully before the rain started although that didnt happen because of the second part which is the u. S. Army corps of engineers as well as bcdc have emergency permitting requirements that needed to occur before we brought the item to you so those two factors sort came into play in the timing of bringing the item to you. Okay. Thank you. Colleagues any further questions . Okay. Ms. Campbell can we go to your report please. Yes, as ms. Wagner said this resolution is approving the declaration of an emergency and not approving a specific budget but the airports budget for the emergency work is 1. 5 million from the capital Improvement Program. Our question and concern was the fact because there hasnt been a regular Inspection Program this became an emergency contract which is not subjected to competitive bidding. As you notice on page eight of our report they are working with fema and the port to develop a periodic Inspection Program which we hope will address that problem. As she said have the shoreline protection project which will address some of the issues in the emergency contract and we recommend approval. Okay. Thank you very much. Colleagues any questions at this point . Okay. We will move on to Public Comment. Anyone wishing to comment on item 3 . Good morning supervisor. Eric brooks representing San Francisco green party and the local Grassroots Organization our city. We worked a lot on the issue of Sea Level Rise in relation to the bay view Hunters Point and treasurer island and i would caution the city to really pay close attention to the fact that bcdc and other public agencies are still archaically using previous ipcc estimates of Sea Level Rise that are woefully under estimating the problem. If you look at the new science that came out from james hannen from nasa that has showed who is the one that called attention to Climate Change in the first place to all of us it shows that we could get several meters of Sea Level Rise, meters of Sea Level Rise by the middle of this century and so as youre going through and approving contracts like this you need to make sure these agencies are actually addressing the potential much more serious problem that the International Climate body is still want paying any attention to and that means that bcdc is not paying teapgdz to tif we dont plan for a higher Sea Level Rise than the agencies are doing right now well face a situation and were penny wise now but pound foolish later and have major disasters because we didnt think ahead. Thanks. Thank you very much. Is there any further Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] i will go ahead and make a motion to mass it out of the recommendation with positive recommendation to the board. Okay. Moved by supervisor yee and seconded by supervisor tang and madam clerk call item 4. Item 4 is the department of Public Health to accept a grant for the United States president s emergency plan for aids relief and global for the period listed. Hello i am with the department of Public Health. This is grant money that is part of the United States plan for engineer plan for aids rerelief and from the ccd and to us and then to the Health Department and pay for staff with the expertise we have in San Francisco with aids hiv prevention and supportive and to countries that are lacking and often in africa and pace for our time and off sets the cost of Staff Required to do the work in San Francisco. Were requesting retroactive approval because of the delays that happen at the centers for Disease Control so unless they do a budget and provide it to us we cant execute a subcontract with dph. Thank you very much. Colleagues any questions . We will move on to the Public Comment. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] i make a motion to pass it with recommendation to the full board. Okay. We have a motion by supervisor tang and second by supervisor yee and take that without objection. Madam clerk will you call item 5 through seven. Item 5 is the issuance of not to exceed 350 million city and county of San Francisco and taxable taxexempt general Obligation Bonds 2016. Item 6 is authorizing the issuance of not to exceed 2016012224lbr and aggregate city and county of San Francisco general Obligation Bonds and Public Health and safety 2016 series 2017a. Item 7 ordinance approving 176 million of the series 2018a health and safety general Obligation Bonds and spreeds for public works and proves and seismic strengthening and Public Health and safety facilities and Critical Community and Mental Health and Emergency Response and safety and homeless Shelter Services and thank you very much. I know we have staff here. Good morning members of the committee. Joe chin sf public works, program manager. I am here today to give a short presentation on the program itself, give a quick overview of the Program Budget components and it is also to give update on what the project has been able to accomplish prior to the first bond sale and followed by a presentation with the office of Public Finance and talking about financing above and we will leave time for questions and answers in Case Committee members have any questions and i brought also members of my team, the project managers for the project as well as i know members of the department are here to answer questions that Committee Members may have so with that let me go ahead and start the presentation. So i have a quick agenda just to kind of go through what i want to go through this morning. First topic is overall budget and components of the program and by the bond sales source, use of fund, drilling down to details of what the first bond sale encompasses and how we end to allocate the first bond sale dollars and the last two items are tied together to focus on each of the specific components and the projects and what we have done to date in terms of the prebond funding as well as where the upcoming planned activities for these projects. So this is just a quick i dont want to spend too much time on the slide but this program was approved in june and total amount 250 million. This is a collaboration between three departments. We have Public Health, San Francisco Fire Department, and the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing, and with the components its broken down by zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital building five projects which is budget of 222 and followed by another small subset of Community Health projects totaling 50 million and so the Fire Department we have the ambulance deployment facility as well as various neighborhood fire station projects and last but not least the Homeless Service sites with a budget of 20 million. This is a summary of the break down of the first bond sale. The amount the resolution is requesting supportive is not to exceed amount of 176 million which 171 million is for project funds with 342,000 for csa audit totaling 172 million and the balance of the 176 million would be spread between the cost of issuance and market uncertainty. In this slide this breaks down the various projects by our key six components. It shows for zuckerberg of the 176 million we are asking for 112 million for San Francisco General Hospital projects and then for the Southeast Health center which is a one of the most heavily Health Center of the network 18 million and for the other Community Health centers 16 million and for the Fire Department between the ambulance deployment facility and the 13 million. Fire station would be 6. 7 and followed by 4. 8 million for the Homeless Service site projects. So moving on to kind of specific components of the program. For the zuckerberg building five projects was with all the prebond funding allocated through general funds we have been successful in kind of hitting the ground running on six projects that way into design. They are the seismic [inaudible] project, a seismic retrofit project for building five as well as the Public Health lab project which basically relocating the Public Health lab from 111 grove to building five on campus, physical. Therapy and various programs on site in different buildings and all being moved into building five so they can coexist. And this will be more efficient for patient access. For the 112 million that is allocated in this first bond sale the plan is to complete design and Start Construction for the six projects as well as to initiate the programming as well as design for other plan improvement and fire safety projects thats been on the discussion for a while. Just one note is that this is only for patient funding for construction so in the next bond sale we will be asking for the balance for the construction dollars. Community Health Center. This is of the 50 million this is a subset of that, and this is geared toward the Southeast Health center so two phases of the Health Center project, phase one which is for renovating the existing space to improve flow, and then the phase two, which is the addition of a brandnew building on the same footprint for additional programs for the Health Center so in terms of the prebond dollars we have been able to complete design for phase one. We had the permit and we actually in bidding right now with anticipation of starting construction january once we have the funding from the first bond sale and phase two is currently in the programming phase based on what we have done so far and for upcoming were focused on starting the starting and completing phase one construction as well as completing design for phase two and starting construction as well. For the other for the balance of the Health Centers focus is on three priority centers, mission, maxine hall and chinatown Public Health center and the dollars allocated we have been able to initiate and start programming and design for castro and maxine and some programming for the chinatown Health Center. In terms of what is upcoming when we get bond dollars start design for Castro Mission and maxine as well as to Start Construction for chinatown Public Health center as well and also there will be a subset of funding that we will be for planning for additional building renewal projects and other Infrastructure Improvements on Health Centers and now focusing on the Fire Department projects the ambulance deployment facility project is replace existing facility locateod evans and to relocate that to a new site on jer old which is owned by the city. What we have done so far is complete Schematic Design or completing that by january with a team that is currently being selected so that we can start the actual design in january, and what is upcoming for the first bond dollars is completing design and selecting of a contractor for the project and also allowing the preconstruction to start and develop a trade package in preparation for construction to start. Construction start is currently targeted for january 2018. Neighborhood fire station. The amount that is being asked for is 6. 7 million and the first bond sale there were no prebond dollars for this particular component, so with the first bond dollar the intent is to use that funding to solicit to bring on board a consultant that will allow the full vetting of the design scope keeping in mind with the guiding principle developed in the project 2010 2014 and focus on health and safety and functional lets see cost avoidance [inaudible] just a second. Supervisor yee. Can you go through this again . Youre saying that the first bond sale allocation is 6. 7 million. What is it for . Starting the programming. Theyre doing the study. Finishing design, and also has funding for construction as well. Oh okay. That made more sense. How much of it is for construction . Because the total cost that you down here is 14. 5. Right. I dont have the break down with me, but it should be in the [inaudible] [off mic] good morning supervisors. My name is gabriellea and the project manager for neighborhood fire stations so to address the question supervisor yee we have ongoing work with San Francisco Fire Department in the easter 2010 14 bonds and the need far exceeds the dollars available and we will look for projects and now that we have funding through the health bond we will continue through that track. Were prioritizing the work for the Public Health bond in the area of seismic improvements and at several fire stations and. I can go into more detail about that but the intent of the bond dollars as joe mentioned we dont have the benefit of prebond dollars to do the studies so were going directly into the designs of those identified needs at those stations but again the 6. 7 7. 6 rather 6. 7 [inaudible] seismic need at those stations. Again fire station two on powell street and station 15 on ocean avenue and 38 which california can which is direct two. Can you get a break down of the total . Certainly the estimate is designed at 2. 7 million and the fire station is need of a modification and steel frames in the station. Fire station 15 is estimated again predesign at 1. 3 million for total project cost. At fire station 15 what we need to do is do [inaudible] concrete walls and exterior walls and at 38 remove the house tower and not sufficient bracing and a Million Dollars cost. I am concerned about the break down for the budget for this regardless of the source of funding or redesign or construction, so forth. I am not getting a sense of what percentage of this funding is going to predesign versus construction . Understood. Okay. So the majority of the project costs do go to construction. It depends on the location and the specifics of the details of those budgets that will be built when the funding is available, but generally speaking its a rule of thumb around 70 of the dollars, 65 , 70 are going into construction of those so again the break down at two for example 2. 7 million total project cost the lions share goes into construction so these projects are relatively small so the development of them is rapid so we will be able to expend the bond dollars relatively short order moving into design and bid and award and construction so they will happen in short order. So my question is do you have a break down of the estimated [inaudible] yes, i beg your pandon. If you can get me a couple of that. You dont need to tell me right now. Certainly. We have detailed budgets of the project and we can forward that. Again we dont have the benefit of prebond dollars but this is our preliminary numbers based on the studies and the estimates we have done to date and then we will go into that. Thanks. Supervisor tang. Thank you. Just to build on supervisor yeess this is the first time i heard the details and what fire stations and what the work is for so this really stems back to my original discomfort with the fact that we swapped out several projects and swaped in different projects at the last minute of approving the capital plan. Not your departments fault. If i had the chance for more funding opportunities i would grab it well but talking to the larger process of planning and why we venture into this ten year process i think is important just just to build on supervisor yees question if we could see how the i believe 50 or 58 million going towards the neighborhood fire station rehab or seismic work and have that information readily available because this was passed by the voters back in june so at this point i believe we should have that level of detail. Thats right. And the 58 is for the bulk is for the ambulance deployment facility. All right. Thank you. Okay. Colleagues any further questions . Okay. Do you want to finish up your presentation . So the last point i want to focus on this morning is the Homeless Service site. The ask is 4. 9 million of which the spending will be used for as well as this is anything to be similar to the going to be similar to the fire station and no prebond funding allocated to the scope, so one of the first uses of the bond dollars would be to identify and vet out what are the best use for the funding, but based on our past project experience we have identified potential sites that we can quickly move from planning to design into construction, so the 4. 9 million addresses will be funding for all three phases of the project and thats the end supervisor yee. This question actually is beyond this particular project, budget request. The rest of the funding which is about 16 million left is there any thinking around this in regards to some of the projects we thought we were going to accomplish through the sales tax that we dont have it is some of the funding going to be used for some of the projects that they were thinking about for the sales tax . And again i know its beyond i dont have the expertise to speak on that and maybe someone else can. Supervisor. Sam dodge o Housing Office of Supportive Housing and we have two shelters and part of the work around the Navigation Centers and the legislation passed had been incorporate the into some of the Spending Plans we hope with the sales tax it was to upgrade the facilities in these shelters to incorporate some of the learns from the Navigation Centers so we know we have the three big buildings and theyre bond eligible and in the bond to do upgrades for Public Safety and approaching the clients in a more client centered way so this is what looking to do with dpws assistance. Good to know. Thank you. So at this point that concludes my presentation. I can turn it over to michelle for the financing piece. Good morning Committee Members. Thank you for having these items. As mr. Chin mentioned the voters approved prop igz a authorizing general Obligation Bonds for Public Safety health and homelessness projects and item 5 say res authorizing the sale of the bond program. Item 6 is issuance of the first bonds in the program in an amount not to exceed 176 million and item 7 is ordinance proceeding the sale of the 176 million and the projects described to you by mr. Chin including zuckerberg general San Franciscoicize motorcycle and life Center Improvements and Health Centers and Fire Department and fair stations and Homelessness Services shelter improvement projects. Based on the total amount we expect not to exceed 176 million of the bond and using the conservative Interest Rate of 3. 9 the expected life service of the bonds is 13. 8 million over the 20 year life of the bonds that would be estimated two 67. 3 million in debt service of which 93. 2 million goes towards interest on the bonds. The taxes on the bonds [inaudible] and impact of about 38. 69 for property assessed at 600,000 including the only owners exemption of the city charter imposed limitos the go bonds and set value of the city and net exemptions and current outstanding level of outstanding debt is equals 9. 9 of the assessed value for year 1516 so if the board of directors approves the issuance of these bonds the debt ratio would increase to 1. 0 seven and well within the 3 limit. Additionally the board approved the capital plan and places a policy constraint on general Obligation Bonds ensuring that the property tax rate does not which funds the general Obligation Bond program would not be increased above fiscal year 2006 levels of 12. 01 cents per 100 of assess d value so the proposed saul of the funds is consistent with that and the rate. Were expecting to price and close the sale of these bonds in january. I can try to speak to any particular questions you have regarding the bond financing and if you have any questions about the individual projects, anymore questions i am sure the project staff will be happy to answer those as well. Okay. Thank you very much. Supervisor tang. Thank you. Thank you. I just wanted to point to the Capital Planning committees memo from october, the end of the month, so for this particular go bond there was a recommendation that the board of directors condition the Fire Department and department of homeless and Supportive Housing, work with the Controllers Office, Public Finance and the Capital Planning program to develop detailed projects funded by the neighborhood fire stations as we discussed earlier and the homeless site Service Categories and so then to have those Details Reviewed by the Capital Planning Committee Prior to initiating the construction so i dont know if this is a City Attorney question but i am wondering if we need to amend anything to put that in or we just state it verb what we would like to see happen verbally . I think just stating it on the record is appropriate here. Great thank you. And supervisor just to speak to that as an office we have met with the project managers initially already. We are going to be meeting again to go over some of the detailed Spending Plans that you and supervisor yee mentioned in your questions earlier, and we will be going back to the Capital Planning committee in december before the sale of the bonds and the goal of that is ensure that we dont sell bonds that we dont feel so we can spend in a timely manner so those steps are in progress and thats how we intend to move forward. Okay. If no other questions right now can we go to our budget Analyst Report please . I will not repeat everything said in this presentation. I wanted to confirm that the based on the presentation by the office of Public Finance the bonds are within the citys policies on debt limit property tax rates and capital plan and we do recommend approval of these two resolutions and one ordinance. Okay. Thank you very much. Seeing no questions we will move on to publi comment on items 570. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] okay i will make a motion to pass five, six, seven out of committee with positive recommendation to the full board. [inaudible] [off mic] okay. Thanks. We have a motion by supervisor yee and second by supervisor tang and take those without objection. [gavel] moving along madam clerk call item 8. Item 8 authorization the mayor Mayors Office of housing and Community Development expend so mow Soma Community Stabilization Fund 595,000 address various impacts and destaib on residents and businesses in soma. I am from oc d. The proposed legislation would allocate the five 95,000 from the south of market Community Stabilization fund and some is recommended to go to the Entrepreneur Center for upgrade to the hvac system and 400,000 is recommended for saipt Vincent De Paul society of San Francisco for the rehabilitation of their Administrative Offices on Howard Street. Brief background on the soma fund. In 20five the board of directors approved section 4 18 in the planning code which establishes the rincon district and a Rincon Community Improvement Fund and south of market stabilization fee on developers who build new Residential Development within the rincon hill downtown residential district. The code also created the Soma Community Stabilization Fund and established a Soma Community Stabilization Fund Advisory Committee to advise mohcd and the board of directors on expenditures of the fund. The planning code mandates that the money in the Soma Community Stabilization Fund are to be used to address the effects of destaibization on resident and businesses in business soma and new developments and the four goals of the plan are one to strengthen Community Cohesion and neighborhood communication, two, to support economic and Workforce Development for low income residents and businesses that serve the community, three, increase access to perpetually affordable opportunities for existing residents, and four, improve the environment and infrastructure and mohcd issued Capital Projects rfp on a roll rolling basis for Capital Funds and means that agencies can apply at any time and mohcd reviews them twice a year. Mohcd received two proposals and one from renaissance Entrepreneur Center and the other from st. Vincent de paul. The proposals were reviewed by staff and a member of the soma group and staff recommended funding both proposals completely at a meeting earlier this year. They voted and u nan unanimouslied move proposals. Were seeking the 595,000 expenditures of the fund and i will provide background on the organizations and the projects talking in the background [inaudible] increase the entrepreneurial capacity. The soma fund has been providing grants to renaissance for last four years for services that include consulting to soma Grant Consulting and grantees and legal and on site entrepreneurial training to Small Businesses. The grant would provide five 95,000 to upgrade the heating and cooling and ventilation system and the total needed is listed and have been identified funds from other identified sources and have 65,000 on reserve for the project. St. Vincent de paul provides assistance through homeless shelters and Domestic Violence centers and the grant would be used for the renovation of ad min offices on Howard Street and the soma funds are used for direct renovation costs and total as listed. The total project is estimated at 1. 7 million. 1. 3 million of funds are available from other sources including a private foundation and the Mitigation Fund and twitter and st. Vincent de paul has 30 parse matching funds. Fiscal background or update regarding the soma fund maam, can i interrupt . I think we have a lot of background. We have a pretty heavy agenda sure. I want to make sure were getting to the chase. We talked about that. Is there anything else yeah. Okay. Colleagues any questions . I dont want to artificially cut it but colleagues if you have any questions . Thank you very much. We dont have a budget Analyst Report so lets go to Public Comment. Anyone to comment on item 8 . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. We do have a budget Analyst Report. You do . Im sorry i cant read very well. Lets go to your report. I will say with the expenditure of the funds its still 22. 1 million remaining in the Soma Community Stabilization Fund and we recommend approval. Lets get that on the record. Thank you. Colleagues any questions or comments or a motion to approve . All right. Will make a motion to approve the motion with positive recommendation to the full board. Motion by supervisor tang and second by supervisor yee and take without objection. Madam clerk call item 9 please. Item 9 is resolution approving the fiscal year 2016 housing opportunities for persons with aids permanent Supportive Housing renewal grant for 1. 4 million for the period of december 1, 2016 through november 30, 2019. I am from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development. The resolution is for a 1,430,000 grant from the federal department of housing and urban department. Hopwa as you know is an acronym for housing opportunities for persons with aids and the grant is used to continue providing permanent Supportive Housing for people with hiv aids in the community. We have a minor amendment at this time which to make this a resolution to retroactively authorize us to accept and expend the grant. That would mean simply a change to the title on page one, lines one and three as well as a change to page two, line 13 just to insert the word retroactive. That concludes my presentation and available for questions. Thank you mrs. Hayward. Supervisor tang. I dont have any questions. Thank you again for your service and last day with the Budget Committee and with the city so thank you very much thank you very much. Thank you. Were going to miss you here. Colleagues any questions . All right. We will move on to Public Comment. Anyone to comment on item 9 . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] [inaudible] [off mic] i will go ahead and make a motion to move this out with amendment and move a positive recommendation to the full board. Okay. Motion by supervisor yee to accept the amendment move it out as amended positive recommendation and second by supervisor tang without objection. Already madam clerk will you call item 10 and 11 please. Item 10 resolution authorizing the department of technology and department o technology and the office of Contract Administration to enter into amendment number one for agreement between the city and county of San Francisco and en pointe technologies and Microsoft Online 365 Microsoft Online 365 4,335,418 not to exceed 13,909,873. Item 11 resolution authorizing the department of technology for department o technology and the office of Contract Administration amendment number one and agreement between the city and county of San Francisco and en pointe technologies for Microsoft Online 365 from 4,850,304 to 14,719,597 over the term listed. I am with here with the department of technology. I will be brief. This [inaudible] to Purchase Authority to meet Department Needs through the expiration of the contracts in may 2017. [inaudible] en pointe technologies. This doesnt require any new budget appropriation. Departments use the existing budgets to purchase the microsoft products. We surveyed the major departments as to their needs and the amendments provide purchasing authority through may and worked closely with the budget analyst to eaft with the review and thank them for the work on this and happy to answer questions. Thank you. Supervisor yee. Just a quick question. What you call the true up cost on enterprise products. Yes. This is where youre saying a fee as people are using the product . Well, the true up relates to at the beginning of the year we pay advance for the number of users of licenses and then at the end of the year we survive to see how many we survey how many we used and pay prorated amount for increase in the year and that is considered the true up cost. And then for the licenses are they annual fees . For the most part, yes. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Seeing no other comments ms. Campbell can we go to your report on items 10 and 11 please. Yes supervisor, chair supervisor farrell. You will see on the tables one and two will show that the existing contracts largely been spent up to the not to exceed amount. The increased amount is based on as in the presentation based on the estimates of the increased usage to the end of the contract fiscal year 1617 and expenditures should be included in the city departments budget and we recommend approval. Okay. Thank you very much. We will move on to Public Comment on items 10 and 11. Anyone wish to comment . Okay. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] okay. I will go ahead and make a motion to move items 10 and 11 with positive full board. Taken without objection. [gavel] madam clerk can you call number 12. Item 12 ordinance amending the police code to prohibit owners of multiple multiple occupancy buildings from interfering with the choice of communicates and centuries and prideer and occupants and establish requirements for Communication Service provider obtain access to multiple occupancy buildingses and establish remini for violation of the access requirements. Today this is i bill i authored and first in the country and affirm the rights of multiple occupancy buildings to collect Internet Providers of their choice and closed a loophole used to deny true choice and competition in the city. We all believe its a good thing. Definitely leads to Better Services at lower cost. Unfortunately for thousands of our citys residents and businesses they lack choice in seeking a Internet Provider and they live in multiple occupancy buildings and barriers or deny the choice of internet provideer and the scope circumstances provideer and the is alarming and 50,000 units face impediments that block Service Providers from accessing buildings to provide service. I have numerous examples on the commercial side as well and providers. A front page story in the chronicle showed the story of kevin in potrero hill how the property manager told him hoo had two options and couldnt go with the option of his choice. The property manager wouldnt tell him why. Another resident in the sunset wanted faster internet but told no by the landlord and he was again denied. The simple examples and denials shouldnt be happening in San Francisco. While the federal government prevents those from entering into Service Agreements with Service Providers they continue to exist in San Francisco. Its hard to imagine today in the internet capital of the world we have all of our residents and 15 of the School Children lack Internet Service at home. I believe we need to get everyone online and providing more choices and competition for tenants is one of the big keys to closing the Digital Divide and key to providing affordable high quality internet options so in terms of the ordinance it firmly establishes the tenants to select providers of their choice, prohibits Property Owners and landlords interfering with the choice from the tenants and stop dee nying providers access to the buildings. I should note only those certified by the San Francisco Public Utilities commision qualified isps can provide service to multiservice buildings and provide they require advance noting in writing for a tenants request for service isps work with Property Owners and protect the safety and function of the property and well being of other tenants and make sure that isps pay for the cost involved and full indemnification and [inaudible] compensation to use the utility boxes or anything inside the building. I believe Internet Access to be a fundamental right in todays world and our tenants shouldnt be limited with providers. If we provide a leg up for residents in our city we need to advocate and implement policies that give consumers a true choice. We have a vested interest in competition and deliver at the lowest cost possible. I want to thankful involved in the gz issue and Property Owner groups and business groups. I want to thank a number of the tenant rights group and internet advocates and particularly want to thank my staff and bill sanders from the City Attorneys office who did an incredible job working on this legislation so with that colleagues i am happy to answer questions or open it up for Public Comment. I think i saw speaker cards here. Supervisor tang. Thank you. Just a couple of questions going through the legislation and there is a clause that says a Property Owner would allow any other type of service to use existing wiring to provide Communication Services so i am wondering if you could elaborate on that and with contracts and future contracts or the right to the existing wire something. I have a number of amendments we will pass out and talk through after Public Comment. Again over the past month and a half i would say we had dozens of meetings with constituent groups work in a way to satisfy peoples needs and im not going to say everyone is satisfied at this point but in one of the amendments we want to say any wiring owned by the building owners thats what this ordinance addresses. Any wiring in buildings that is own the by existing Internet Providers or outside people its not something we should be interfering with so its existing building with existing wiring owned by the building owners and again why we worked with them and the constituent groups to make sure we talked through the issues with them. Any further questions colleagues . Okay. At this point we will open this up to Public Comment. I have a number of speaker cards here. I will call out your names and please sign up on the far side here and want to thank everyone for sticking around. I have some speaker cards not for this item. Okay. [calling speaker names] anybody else please come forward. Good morning supervisors. My name is dane jasper and im the ceo and cofounder of sonic telecom. We are San Franciscos largest gigabyte fiber internet and telecommunications carrier. Today our network reaches one in five San Francisco residents. As San Francisco residents choose to our internet and Telephone Service were encountering issues with multiple occupancy buildings entry on a daily basis. While the majority of owners see the benefits of having this to the tenants a number of building owners refused to get access to the buildings and reach residents and deliver services. High speed Internet Access is essential for residents and businesses and in San Francisco frustrating for residents who have gigabyte fiber at their door but blocked by the landlord. As a result we appreciate support from the board of directors on the ordinance advanced by supervisor farrell. Thank you. Thanks very much. Next speaker please. Good morning supervisors. My name is sara de young and the executive director of cal telewhich is the trade association that represents competitive carriers here in california both at the Public Utilities commission and legislative issues in sacramento. We provide voice, broadband and Video Services to residential as you heard sonic is one of our key members serving the additional and business communicates and Level Three Communications and telea pacific and xo and we have been hearing i have been representing competitive carrieros broadband and voice competition issues since the passage of the 1996 act and hearing from that time from incumbents and legislators and others that competitive carriers should deploy their own infrastructure and fiber and sonic is here deploying fiber here in San Francisco San Francisco and other areas of the state and building laterals and trying to do building laterals which it proves in to business customers who are tenants in commercial buildings both in San Francisco and across the state, and we do encounter problems that we believe the ordinance will address. One of those is just there is sometimes a lack of information on the part of building owners and managers about what their obligations are. One example that i have heard from one of my members that a owner is refusing access because they alluded a cell tower on the roof and didnt work out well and not happy with the arrangement and therefore no one else in the building so that is one of many examples so again we welcome this oird. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good morning supervisors. Jim lazarus San Francisco chamber of commerce. The chamber has members on all sides of this issue, both legacy businesses that have been in the Communications Field for probably over 100 years as well as newer businesses and building owners commercial and residential. In the last hour and a half we sent an letter outlining amendments suggested by communication member and building owners. I know some of the amendments have been presented to you by other participates in this discussions and i appreciate supervisor farrell and his Office Outreach on this matter. Obviously its a changing universe with communication providing networks and methods of getting these services to tenants whether commercial or residential. I think the real issue the chamber has chaism as a broader issue and with other legislation been the board of directors. Absent Public Health and necessity and major emergency contracts in place should remain outside the scope of legislative changes until the contracts expire and i know there is debate whether it lines up with federal rules of the fcc and the contract rights really of building owners to control access, number, locations, building issues regarding the structure itself, and how the services are to be provided, so appreciate working with you supervisor farrell and your staff. We would like to continue that work over the next few days to see if this legislation can meet the needs of all current providers, future providers and most importantly the building owners who have to accommodate these Service Providers. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good morning supervisors. Name charles barr and the founder of one pass and one of the largest in town and compete with dane and unfortunately i cant because the buildings i operate in he isnt in and i cant operate in the buildings he operates in and that is ridiculous. We should have a competitive environment where we can fight for the customers business and they make the choice and thats what this ordinance is about and i love ti love this ordinance because were saying that the internet is a utility, unique and its a competitive utility. Its just like water and electricity and Everything Else except for dane and i want to fight it out and give the best prices and the best service to customers and thats what this ordinance does and thats what we need to support and it should pass this body unanimously. If this ordinance doesnt pass this body unanimously i cant imagine will. What will a note vote say . It will say i dont believe in competition, the internet doesnt matter, or tenants rights dont matter and that is false disptd internet is full of delays. Every aspect of trying to build an internet Service Provider youre faced with delays and referenced by the previous speaker is existing contracts. They must recognize its a competitive utility and were all here to serve our customers and please follow supervisor farrells lead and pass this unanimously. I also want to recognize the other staff that is here as. I am a policy analyst at engin and a San Francisco nonprofit that brings the gap between policy makers and research and nal dmal and advocacy on local and initial issues. I want to change supervisor farrell and tang and supervisor yee for having this hearing and great importance to the start up community in San Francisco. Improving the countrys ecee system is important to the economy and more competition means more customers and lower costs and enhanced system for vaitionz. San francisco is know fortunate. The city is home to a relatively large number of providers. Many of the Innovative Companies are in the room today. But unfortunately even with so many providers in the bay area many San Francisco residents dont have access to these competitive services. As has been e brab braited already this morning many residents are stuck with one, two providers because the owners or lrnlds have set up exclusive contracts from precedenting providers from installing the equipment in the building to gain access to tenants. In other cases landlords have schemes if they provide a kick back fee to access subscribers. This suppresses competition and limits the freedom of residents to select the Internet Provider of there choice. Thats why we are supporting supervisor farrells ordinance and prevent landlords and Property Owners from refusing out right but allow them to seek just and reasonable compensation from the providers using the process and increased Competition Among proiters and making the city livable and grow the start up community and again thank you for holding this hearing and i appreciate your consideration. Thank you very much. And i want to thank supervisor mar as well. I am chair of the Government Affairs committee for the building owners and managers of San Francisco. I applaud the supervisors holding this hearing, [inaudible] and commercial Property Owners provide everdo support by providing access. I want to that out there we support that. Were all about having happy tenants pay rent in our commercial buildings and for the majority of our buildings we already have multiple providers both roof top and land line based answering our buildings providing high Speed Internet to our tenants. Its telling in supervisor farrells remarks and most of the comments from today most people are focusing on residents and Residential Properties and not commercial properties. We would like to have more time to discuss our individual concerns. Weve just gotten amendment this is morning. Yesterday we submitted comments to the supervisor and you will all be members of the board of directors next year and look forward to speaking to you on it. We believe first in line first in time which is what this legislation would do is not the correct way to proceed. There are unintended consequences. We would like to that sopt present that to you. While we support narrowing the Digital Divide and our members want that we would like to talk to you about the legislation and as i didnt know it presents concerns to commercial Property Owners. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good morning supervisors. Im Tracy Rosenberg from Media Alliance which is a San Francisco based Democratic Communications based advocate. I am here to speak largely in favor of supervisor farrells legislation. I dont think it needs to be emphasized how incredibly crucial high speed Internet Access is now. You cant get a job without it. You cant Access Government Services without it. You cant get the information that you need to function as a human being without it. When we talk about residents in Residential Service and this bill its important to remember that tenants in San Francisco are under enormous stress as you guys hear all the time economically so the scenario where internet can be provided in a way that works for tenants is really important part of the citys maintaining livable and accessible for large numbers of people so when i hear you say or when i hear other speakers say hold back on this bill. Take your time what i have to tell you tenants in San Francisco dont have time. They need you guys to sort of piewf move as quickly as possible to make the city more livable for people struggling so they can access the services that they need in the way that they need them and at a price that can afford so thank you and i hope that you will move on this legislation. Thanks very much. Next speaker please. Good morning. Im im kit walsh with the Electronic Frontier foundation a nonprofit in San Francisco and protect Civil Liberties and support the proposal because competition is hymnful for improving the service and decreasing the cost and protecting free speech and privacy of internet subscribers. Whether you use the internet you trust them with a lot of power. You leak a huge amount of private information that the isp would theoretically able to observe in which they want to observe and stressing for deregulation to observe and capitalize and for information and express yourself and we and 4 million americans wrote into the fcc to have Net Neutrality rules over the years and working to protect privacy and were facing a new administration that is less protective of those values and competition is an important check on isp abuses that we encourage the board to promote with this issue so that if a customer votes they are not prevent friday an exclusive agreement with the landlord and we will work with you on future measures for isp measures in San Francisco. I also have copy of my comment totion submit for the record. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. I am founder of the San Francisco Bay Area Renters Federation and i am here to here to support this legislation. When i saw first reported in the chronicle i was so thrilled not only because you know it obviously has benefited as the other speakers have elaborated but it also was a reminder that sometimes you can have Public Servants proposing practical laws that improve many, many peoples lives without making anybody really worse off, and it was an important reminder that yeah sometimes our supervisors get into this to actually pass practical beneficial laws and thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good morning again supervisors. Eric brooks San Francisco green party our city San Francisco and also representing public net San Francisco on this issue. We help stop a bad google earth link from controlling our internet a few years ago and were here to commend supervisor farrell for bringing this forward. This is a crucial piece of legislation. We cant have landlords determining or lording over our Internet Access and i want to use that concept as a way to kick this up a notch. This is a great first step. This will make Internet Access more free to people in San Francisco and by the way a lot of Small Businesses in San Francisco that are in buildings that confine them to conexpensive provider, but we also need to think about the fact that we need to have a public internet broadband system in San Francisco and that we also need to avoid landlords controlling that, and the landlords i am talking about comcast, at t and verizon and Companies Like that. If somebody came along and said about our city streets that we should have a landlord or a big company like comcast control our city streets that we would laugh at that. The internet is like our city streets for information, and that means that we also need to very soon now weve got donald trump coming in who is going to try to privatize everything in sight we need to soon establish that San Francisco is not going to do a private approach, not going to do Public Private partnerships. Were going to build and own our own Fiber Optic Network system, allow all the players to play and compete and in the process pay us money to fund our 10 billion city government. Thanks. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good morning. Bruce wolf today speaking as a public member of net San Francisco and we support the proposal and needs tweaking but strongly urge to you pass it today. Internet access is mandatory in the 21st century and we urge you to create a publicly owned citywide gigabyte network for the businesses and in fiber, wireless et cetera on the network to be managed by paid city workers and not third parties except Government Associations like the airport and freeways were. In this issue of this magazine it highlights multiple occupancy buildings and i recommend that you read it. Some amendments on top of the Building Code and actually workses and meefns conduit into the cabling and Internet Providers doing the trenching and providing access into the buildings become publicly owned and in exchange for that would be provided perform access to the band with through the med medium and the conduit and [inaudible] should be mandatory. We need to be distinguish between the proposal youre proposing and mandatory access for competing carriers and the long range issues and mandatory Building Access is necessary first step providing san franciscans with meaningful choice within the carriers. Its not fair to allow owners to hold their tenants hostage or to a dominant carrier. Other proposals like municipal hallway fiber must be considered and most important the city should act like the fcc because we dont know what will happen under the new administration. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public wish to speak on item 12 . Good morning supervisors. Brook turner with the coalition for better housing. Our membership of rental properties supports this legislation. We had an opportunity to work with you supervisor farrell to address our issues that i will tough on briefly. The first issue well, all of the issues are wrapped in the idea of protecting owners and tenants and to that end we ask that all installation and alerations are okayed by the owner and paid by the provider. The owner can deny installation if it will adversely affect the esthetics of the building or disturb abetos or lead paint which is important to the tenants and before tin stallation and access sought and obtained through the manager and owner and not the tenant and believe in thoughtful competition and providing our tenants access to the internet they desire and we appreciate all that you are trying to accomplish today. Thank you. Thanks very much. Next speaker please. Good morning supervisors. My name is charlie goss with the San Francisco apartment association. Thank you supervisor farrell for giving us an opportunity to work with your office on this item. We feel its come a long way in the weeks since we first talked to you about it and we appreciate the changes that you have made. We. Do i want to say we dont disagree with any of the speakers that commented in favor of the ordinance. We believe that tenants should have the right to select their Service Providers. We would like tenantses to have the choices that works for Property Owners big and small and we feel like many of the changes serve that end and we appreciate that. I would like to echo the comeptses of the chamber of commerce. They have submitted a letter which we signed on as well. We still believe there are outstanding concerns that we have. We would like to make sure some of the timelines work for Property Owners, especially small Property Owners, the section has a five day timeline and scw for your consideration to extend. Its a pretty short timeline and we would appreciate your thoughts on that, but we appreciate the opportunity to work with you and you have done a lot of work on this and its come a long way and we appreciate that. We would like tenants to have a choice and to choose their Service Provider but want to work with the Property Owner. You have done work on indemnification and that sort of thing and the legislation has a ways to go and if possible we would like more time to work on this to you. We dont believe it needs to go forward today and would like more time but thank you for the opportunity. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public wish to comment. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] so colleagues again there are a number of amendments i want to walk through them. First of all i want to thank everyone here who has been participating with me working on the legislation. We had dozens of meetings. I think definitely over i cant 11 amendments including some of the ones referenced in the letter from this morning. I appreciate everyones involvement. I think at the end of the day there are things that were not going to come to an agreement on but we worked diligently to make sure all matters are heard and protect the legislation and providing choice in the multiple occupancy buildingses and the status quo is not working in the city and i believe we need to do Everything Possible to make a difference for the residents so the amendments today and again i think these are reasonable concerns that have been addressed and i dont know i want to thank bill sanders from the City Attorneys office and the hard work on this so theres a number of amendments that allow Property Owners time to respond to get access in order to provide service. There is clarifying language and have providers give plans for installation been gaining access, use licensed contractors and insurance and indemnify the owner for damage and protect against frivolous lawsuits and Civil Penalties and notice must be given in advance of Civil Penalties accruing or a suit brought against each other or limitations of concern lead paint and asbestos and architectural building and using only the area necessary when the property is owned by the owner. All of the amendments strengthen the legislation and again result of numerous meetings with providers and tenants and owners and organizations. I will the totality of the amendments strikeslet right balance at the end of the day and thank everyone for the worj work on this and i ask for a positive recommendation to move forward to the board. Supervisor tang. I had a in definition of multiple occupancy buildings. I live in a multiple occupancy buildings but in each unit you can pick a different provider but youre talking about a Property Owner has decided for the building, every person, every unit in the building must use a particular carrier . I think what we have today you know when theres certainly instances like that. Hopefully internet Service Providers in an ideal world this legislation isnt provided and they contract with landlord s or Property Owners and so forth. What has happened and if you have an individual right in your building to choose thats great. Therefore this legislation doesnt need to apply and people dont need to avail themselves of it. Its in the cases of thousands of units in the city where people are denied to choose the internet Service Provider to have that competition. Thats when people can avail themselves of the legislation so its in the larger buildings that we hear from but again if there is private contracting between providers and landlords if you as a tenant has a choice thats wonderful. This legislation doesnt need to affect any relationship or what have you. Its simply in the case we have existing issues with access to internet for tenants and Service Providers. Any further questions or comments . Is it possible to get a motion and pass it out with positive recommendation. I am make the motion and move it forward with positive rchgz to the full board. Thank you moved by supervisor yee and second by supervisor tang. [gavel] with that we have item 13 coming up. Madam clerk if we go into a ten minute rece okay. Welcome back everybody to the San Francisco board board budget and finance Committee Meeting for wednesday november 30, 2016. We are back from our recess. Sorry it took longer than we originally thought and were down to the last item for today and madam clerk will you call item 13. Item 13 ordinance appropriating a total of 9 million for the Real Property tansfer tax for fy 201617 for the Community College fund to support students attending the city college of San Francisco and placing funds in the chromiers reserve prending the outcome of the general fund tax renew measures in the november 8, 2016. This was sponsored by supervisor kim and Campos Avalos Yee and mar and peskin and supervisor kim is here and i will turn it over to her. Thank you chair farrell and committee. I know you heard this item several times so i will be try to be brief but to go through the history what is before us today we started with a resolution stating the intent of the board to make City College Free should new revenue pass at the city level. During that time we introduced a Real Property tansfer tax measure known as proposition w and went forward to the voters it november. It was a slight increase of 2. 5 of buildings and properties and an slight increase for properties above 25 million and the ultraluxury Real Estate Tax. We went forward with the voters with the intent of using the new revenue that came to the city from this fund to make City College Free again and San Francisco to be the first in the nation to be free for all San Francisco residents regardless of aim income or gpa requirements and we had a supplemental if it passed to give seed funding to the administration to move forward with the Free City College in 2017. Rem fra registrations starts this spring and asking the board of directors to commit seed funding for the fall semester august 27 for the administration to feel comfortable on revamping the portal system allowing students to register for free in april. We put together a 9 million supplemental based on some of the following assumptions. One the Controllers Office estimated that roughly 14 million will come in between january and june if it passed and which it did and thank you to everyone in the room for making sure it passed and passed with 62 affirmation vote from our voters and excited this new revenue will be coming in. With the Controllers Office estimating an additional increase revenue of 14 million we put forward a 9 million supplemental. However this number came to be we estimate making Free City College today assuming todays enrollment at 12. 9 million. We hope that enrollment go up should city college become free in the next year so we wanted to give them an assurance through seed funding for the fall semester, roughly 7 million with a buffer if enrollment goes up and for the 1 administrative fee which we allowed in the special fund that this board also supported back in october as we put that fund together so that is the budget supplemental that is before us today. We expect to move through with the remainder of the funding through the regular board budget processes and then keep that funding ongoing as we continue to work with the City College Board of trustees and administration to ensure that our commitment to our voters, the ones that the board boor has made through a resolution of intent but through the passage of proposition w remains firm and i want to say this incredibly exciting. If were able to do this here at the board of directors we will again be the first city in the nation to make Community College free for our resident scpis cant state how exciting that is particularly in a time when many of us have felt perhaps not have felt depressed about the National Election results and this is in many ways a ray of light we as a city can be about inclusivivity and equity and opportunities for all and i want to thank my office for all of their work and my chief of staff ivy lee and thank labor who came out strongly in the fall to make sure that a measure second to last on the five page bol on the got attention of the voters and passed and i see the Labor Council here and tim paulson who the executive director and aft 2121 and tim, the president who is here today, and also want to recognize alyssa muster who is in court but hopefully be here at Budget Committee soon. Also our City College Board of trustees starting with the president Raphael Mandelman and the trustees that are here as well as Current Trustees here and the labor partners for their support and ensure that we could have this discussion today and set aside a supplemental and free for city college beginning in 2017 so i wanted to give the Committee Members an opportunity to ask questions if they have any and through the chair if you want to go to Public Comment. Unless colleagues if you have pressing questions and i know people have been waiting for a long time or ms. Campbell do you want to do your budget Analyst Report first . I will be brief and most of it has been said by supervisor kim but i want to appointment out we have a recommendation in this legislation to revieses it to ree move reference to the controllers and it did pass and its a policy matter. Thank you very much. Supervisor kim do you want to open up for Public Comment . Yes. All right. We will open it up for Public Comment and we will let her run great. [calling speaker names] and i do apologize if the electeds would like to speak at the beginning of Public Comment youre welcome to come in anytime to speak. Supervisors good morning or good afternoon. Tim paulson. Im the executive director of the San Francisco Labor Council and represent over 100 unions and i want to start off in the comments because were proud of the work that we did as a coalition both labor and community and working you know as the word is the city family over the last year or so to move a Free City College program forwarded and its been a Great Campaign and as most of you know we have been working on our support for city college for almost three years right now flew the credibility crisis and all the other issues we have been working on so were here to support this appropriation. That being said there has been certain phone calls that have taken place and conversations over the last maybe 24 or so hours that have seemed to doubt some of the priorities of labor, and i do want to dispel this right now because even though city college was a major focus of this Electoral Campaign and as the supervisor mentioned at the bottom page near the end of the ballot it still got the votes and with oversight and the board of directors as well as the vehicle on the ballot the voters knew this was about city college but i want to make sure know we support the issues and endorsed the ideas of the trees and the park and rec that was on the ballot the airport runways were fully aware of the budget issues going into city college negotiations. And theyre extremely important to the Labor Movement so i want to be clear about that. We have many priorities behalf of working men and women and continue to for to and this is an exciting victory and we support the funding of Free City College. Thank you. Thank you mr. Paulson. Hello supervisors. My name is a noxel ramma and thank you for having the hearing to talk about city college. During the course of the campaign one of the really striking things i encountered was talking to some of the families i work with at Community Housing partnership realize they would have the opportunity to send their kids to college and it brought a lot of hope. It was a ray of light in an otherwise really dark times and i want to encourage you to consider continuing the funds for Free City College because it will send a message to the country were about our communities and lifting them up and doing the things that need to be done to build and create sustainability communities. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is Susan Solomon and executive Vice President of the united educators of San Francisco so it was really wonderful to see a clear voter mandate for supporting not only a Free City College but funding for it. When we campaigned for the funding proposition we campaigned on the understanding and belief that it would help fund city college, and that is what helped pass that resolution, that initiative. From my perspective as somebody who works with High School Teachers and paraprofessionals and students this is such an important path way for our students. For San Francisco Unified School District graduates city college is the main first pathway for them. They often then go on to four year colleges and also to successful careers, but to lift the financial burden for our students would be enormous and not just for our graduating High School Students but for our own members and in particular for our classroom instructor aids, the paraprofessionals. Many of them are now working on getting teaching credentials and during the Teacher Shortage its very important and if they can most of them work part time. Their salaries arent high and if they can take classes at city college that are free that will help in the path ways to teaching as well so thank you very much for considering this. Thank you ms. Solomon and thank you for your amazing support. Ken tray. Political director and executive board member of united educators of San Francisco. So thank you supervisors for supporting prop w and supervisor kims leadership on the issue, so Susan Solomon i think summed up usafs perspective and educators perspective on prop w and the importance of providing the seed money so i just want to speak a little bit about my experience for 25 years being a High School Teacher in the schools of San Francisco. I taught particularly challenged students at mark twain continuation, kids who were struggling to stay in the system, and i can remember so many of those students who went on to city college and made something of their lives because it was available to them. I also taught at Balboa High School and had similar experiences particularly poor working class students many of color which city college was the gate way to success, but particularly as supervisor tang knows i also spent years at Lowell High School generally high academic achieving students in a very classic sense and i think it would surprise a lot of people to know that more students from Lowell High School went to city college than any other campus, so if you think of the whole sfsud High School Community and i think i safely speak for teachers throughout the district we need the seed money. We need to get going on Free City College and invite your support, and one last word is sanctuary city we not only have to be concerned about our immigrant families but given president trumps proposals for Public Schools in this country we think San Francisco may have to be a sairchl area for the very idea of universal free Public Schools for our citizens citizen. Thank you. Thank you mr. Tray. A sanctuary for the undocumented and the documented thats where were are basically right now. Supervisor kim so glad to see you. I want to add im going to glad youre going to be around and on the other hand i voted for you. Thank you. And glad youre still in the mix. City college. Im a long time learner there and spend my day and a longterm learner and im not the only one. I go back to when city college was free in San Francisco and there when city college was in fact free. There was a time way back then slowly and sure she added to the enrollment costs. I want to see that again. I think of these dark times maybe supervisor kim who said it was a ray of light and other rays of light so i am here to give my support. As a long time learner, a long time learner in san the idea of a Free City College. Thank you fellow human beings, brothers and sisters on the planet. Thank you diamond dave and before the next speaker comes up i will call the next ten speaker cards. I apologize i didnt see chancellor lamb for being here today from city college and i will bring you up after Public Comment to address our Budget Committee. I will call all the trustees if you would like to speak. [calling speaker names] good afternoon supervisors and i also voted for you jane kim. My name is [inaudible] and i work with community houses partnerships and i just want to say having passing w prop w is very important for the people that live in San Francisco. Let this city be the first to have free college in San Francisco. You know my opinion is that you know society is not educated you know cannot prosper so education is important not just for of color but people in general. We have people from other countries and they the cant go to expensive universities and the first stop is the Community Colleges and i was shot five years ago and the crew that helped me and i am standing here and who knows . Some of them could have went to city college and now at San Francisco general and its important for all people of all colors and races. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you mr. President. Thank you for being here today. Thank you supervisors and supervisors. I want to as others have done thank you for your work on this measure, on prop w and Free City College and thank you you everyone in the building that has been supportive of city college through the last years of challenges and i want to thank the voters who by overwhelming margins this year expressed their love for our city College Passing prop b by more than 80 and prop w by more than 60 . Just to remind folks Free City College is a great idea for a lot of reasons. For one thing it puts San Francisco at the cutting edge at a National Movement to make Higher Education affordable once again and that is really important, but also it allows us to provide access to vulnerable folks that wouldnt be able to attend and undocumented students and wont equal for Financial Aid when they need it and other students struggling with not just fees and textbook costs and transportation and housing cost and provide a little additional help to help them stay in school. For me as a trustee i really value the opportunity this provides to rebuild the enrollment that weve lost over the years due to the credibility process. We have lost 30 of the enrollment and from 100,000 students to 60,000 students and facing a loss in funding because of the decline in enrollment. We are contemplating making cuts to the budget that will decimate the city college that people know and the best things to stop that from happening get our credibility back keep the accreditation in january and its important to. Do i think the voters passed prop w clearly for free college city and provides for other city priorities and those are important i think its also important to keep the trust of the voters and not breach the trust so i hope you vote for the supplemental. Thank you. Thank you president mandelman. Hello supervisors. I am here today to ask respectfully that you recommend this budget supplemental go to the full board as supervisor kim and others have said. This is a voter mandate, 62 of san franciscans voted for prop w and they did so because they really believed in Free City College here in San Francisco. Undoing the will of voters unfortunate we might expect elsewhere but not in San Francisco. I spent the last year campaigning and talking about city college and i cant tell you the number of people who approached me on the streets to say how excited they were to vote for prop w because it meant they or their spouse or their child or parent would finally be able to go back to school. These voters voted for prop w expressly with that in mind. And largely while the feaivetion a Trump Administration are still unclear we do know that the effect on Public Education is going to be chronic under funding and a dramatic move towards privatization and given i was brought to see this board unanimously pass a statement of a sanctuary city from the president elect for immigrants and lgbt folks and communities of color and i want this board to remember that a critical previous sanctuary is the promise of a better life and thats what we do at city college. Thats what these fundses will a louis to do for the marginalized community negligence San Francisco and including as president mandel man said and the undocumented students who will lose resources and with that in mind stand with the voters of San Francisco and stand with city college and recommend this budget supplemental to the full board. Thank you. Thank you mr. Temrano. Hello. My name is bridget davila and im on the board of trustees for city college. I am very proud to hold that position and i know that from this last election and when i ran city college is reloved institution in beloved institution in San Francisco. I meet with a lot of trustees and nobody has the city support that we do and i know you know we havent been a perfect storm of problems over the last few years and this is such a ray of light now to have Free City College, and i just want to make sure that you understand how important it is to plan in advance. This is why we need this to go forward to the board of directors. We need to plan in advance so that we can start offering Free City College in the fall. Now, i also want to mention my day job and professor at San Francisco State University and i teach a Critical Thinking class and we went over false dilemmas and i think its a false dilemma to create this option of it has to be monies have to be dedicated towards sanctuary or another area opposed to city college. I know we have capable supervisors and you can make the right decision regarding this save city college. Thank you trustee dav villa. Good afternoon supervisors. Adele fields carpenter director at the youth commission. I stand today on behalf of the commissioners that are in class today some at city college but as a ccsf alum and a former full time student there and the accessible affordable education, a civic minded education has a lot to do my ability to continue contributing to the city, so for the last four years youth commissioners priorities have included the city exploring ways to increase enrollment at the college. They held after school hearings on referred legislation from the board and fully supported both the real estate transfer tax with the understanding that it would go towards funding the city College Assistance fund and fully supported the city college fee Assistance Fund when that came to them so i think this is part of supporting and maintaining a world class Community College here in San Francisco. Its also part of supporting our i young people who are phasings rising costs and the cost of completing a four year ago is so much more than a denegation ago and while were look okay looking at education with the Upcoming Administration how were informing the electorate and Lifelong Learning of residents here in San Francisco and how were supporting the young people to make sure they have the resources to educate themselves and to continue to contribute to the city and remain here so just here to voice support for the supplemental today and to kind of reiterate youth commissioners intention and thank you for your time. Thank you so much for being here. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is phil pierce with the coalition for healthy trees and Safe Sidewalks and major support of prop e in november. I am here to say that were in no way against Free City College, but also want to remind the supervisors and the Mayors Office that some of the money in the transfer tax was promised a major way to fund prop e and now the mayor is threaten to use the kill switch on it and so i just want to urge the supervisors to stand with the 80 of people that voted for having the city take over all care and maintenance of street trees and stand up for street trees here in San Francisco. There is plenty of money for the trees and city college and millions left over for other programs as well. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Piece. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is jonah. Im a former student of city college. I transferred to uc davis and completed my degree more recently than. I want to stand here and remind the supervisors that at city college my experience as well as many other students was choosing between paying our tuition or paying for books, paying for rent or paying for food came right up against being able to attend school. I applied for a board of governors fee waiver despite from being a family called middle class every semester because it is that difficult to pay for these services in the city. It is a college that serves the citys most vulnerable residents and gives them an opportunity to get a leg up, to get training for vocational jobs, not just people who are looking to go to four year universities but people looking to get experience, welding and car personality tree and other fields and this is a voter mandate with the cost of prop e and w is indicating for San Francisco our priorities are city college and education as a whole with the Upcoming Administration we want to make sure to protect Higher Education to show that not only is San Francisco but california an example for the nation to follow in protecting education and being a promoter of Free City College and giving this initial funding will allow us to increase enrollment and focus on making a stable transition to that Free City College promise of prop w. Thank you for your time. Thank you mr. Martin and before ms. Ford speaks i will call up the next set of speaker cards. [calling speaker names] good afternoon supervisor. Yes, i want to thank each and every one of you for your support for this three year effort that coming finally to fruition today. I want to echo what the previous speaker said as i feel about city college. He couldnt have said it more beautifully so i wont talk about the college and that experience right now. I want to talk about San Francisco values and i am connie ford and reporting jobs for justice and coalition of ten, 12 unions and Community Organizations that made funding free and Free City College a priority for the last three years and the boots on the ground to do the hard work that we did to support this initiative but its about values. Its truly about values and our values that we talk about in San Francisco of educating everybody here, everybody here, is something we can do for really not that much money. I mean we can pay for this. Prop w the controller is saying 14 million is probably going to come in the next six months from january to june. We can do this. City college might cost a little more than that for the year but the first 9 million will get us started and make us move forward with our commitments. You know the other thing i want to say briefly this horrible election that happened in november in dc we cannot let it control us. We cant let it control us. We have to be the beacon of light San Francisco as we always have and legislation uniting and hope for the future and thats what city college does. Thats what a Free City College does and thats what vote today to extend the vote to the board on tuesday will do and if you take the position that could not just support this right now then we urge you just paout without a recommendation to the board next tuesday so let the board decide what we can go from there. Thank you. Thank you ms. Ford. Hi. My name is jessica and esl instructor at city college of San Francisco and i want to support the seed funding for the Free City College and the reason i am here today is to speak on behalf of my students. So i work with immigrants. The students in my classes come from all over the world places like china, yemen, el salvador, iraq, japan, mexico all in one class together. They work hard to learn english and theyre an incredible source of energy and hope to me but also to our city and to our society. But they also face many barriers to their success here in this country more now than ever. For many of them in fact i would say for most immigrants and their children as well education is their path to success. It is their way to move forward and to have a better life and my students confirm that to me every day. So funding the Free City College initiative really is a way for us to reaffirm our commitment to the immigrants who are such a vital part of San Francisco, and i would say that as many people have mentioned after the results of the election in november this Community Really Needs our support now and needs signals from us, from our leaders, from our college that we do support them and that were going to take concrete steps to make sure they can achieve their dreams. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening supervisors. I am theresa. Im a student from city college, and member of puc. Thank you for taking your time for listening to us and thank you for support to help us to pass the proch sigz w. Thank you. And San Francisco must be example and ensure access to quality education for city college and our city, so for students for ccsf. Thank you again for supporting us. Im a mother. I am a mother of two childs. Theyre teenagers and i dont speak for all of the students but my son and daughter theyre really excited mom, were going to have Free City College . I hope yes and drop sigz w passed already so please help us and i am happy to help you to pass prop e and proposition w. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. I am ian and here on behalf of all of california, a local nonprofit working on a longterm campaign to reform proposition 13 to increase funding for Public Education in california and i am here to speak on behalf of and my support of Free City College and i wanted to thank supervisor kim for your leadership on prop w as well as everybody else that worked so hard to pass this. You know we clearly live in very uncertain times. Theres clearly a lot of anxiety about what is going to happen with this next administration or concern for the most vulnerable communities and theres a lot of uncertainty that we all feel but one thing we shouldnt be uncertain about when a near super majority San Francisco voters votes for Free City College we should not feel uncertain that our elected officials will fulfill the promise and please support clear mandate and stand with the voters that supported this. As someone that personally went to Community College and benefited greatly from it i can speak to how great of impact it it had on my life and i hope all san San Francisco cans with benefit from this. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you supervisors for being here listening to folks. My name is vanessa an organizer as well with evolve california lending an additional voice why we need this supplemental seed money for our students and for our community here because investing in education is a proactive response to the complex dilemmas facing this country. Free Higher Education is about restoring opportunities to marginalized communities. Its about empowering the next generation of leaders to build a just and stable future. As an advocate for education justice you know i really am am really hoping that our elected officials proceed with prop w and allocate it for city college because you know San Francisco must set the example and ensure access to quality education. Our state has long abandoned our master plan providing for an affordable accessible quality and mostly Diverse Education and as we said here throughout the campaign and weve known before it as go San Francisco as goes california and as goes the country and i hope we keep our promise to our community here and ensure that we look for our students over profits more than anything else. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is allen fisher. And i am here to support the funding for making credit classes free at city college. We worked very hard to get that passed. I have been teaching esl for 35 years for city college. My students are mostly latino and asian students, and i always try to encourage them to take credit classes and when i tell them the cost of tuition and books i can see in their faces that thats a real challenge to them, so i really do believe that this money will do a lot to provide more opportunities for our students who are here under challenging circumstances to try to get a better education, and now at this time its more important than ever to have an educated population, so Critical Thinking skills and other skills that are needed like social and political awareness. Theyre needed to make this society good so we really need to get these funds. Thank you. Thank you mr. Fisher. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is maureen doing an and registered nurse working in San Francisco for 27 years. I here today a representative of the California Nurses Association and the San Francisco nushses that we represent. We have been a strong supporter of prop w and urge you to keep your commitment in keeping City College Free and not to delay its implementation. The health of San Francisco depends on all of us to better our situations through opportunities that education provides. We want to a San Francisco that represents all of us and not just the most privileged thank you. Thank you so much ms. Doing an and also to the california nurse frs the incredible support of prop w. Thank you supervisors. Thank you for your leadership in passing Free City College in the election and supervisor kim for your leadership and there are leaders that went through city college and got their nursing degree. As a matter of fact one of the copresident s got her degree in nursing from San Francisco city college. City college of San Francisco is a great treasure for the city and the area. I didnt go to Community College and after i was able to change careers this. Is important to the fabric of the community, to future leaders in the community so i encourage this council to move forward with funding city college now and know that the funds from prop w will be there but we want City College Free as soon as possible. Thank you. Thank you ms. Boden. Hi. My name is duane. I am with Community Housing partnership and i believe that this is a winwin situation not only for the students but the city itself, the first city to have Free City College i think would go down in history, would be great. Thank you mr. Seers and also welcome back. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is james tracy. I work at Community Housing partnership and the cochair of the proposition w campaign and teach part time at city college. Community Housing Partnership took an active role in preposition w because we saw it as a smart piece of legislation to help achieve Free City College but leave millions of dollars on the table to help you guys jobs to be a lot easier this spring because we know because we provide the services that the city has other needs as well as evidenced of 72 san franciscans voted for proposition j. We dont envy the task in front you have to fill all the holes but we definitely are in absolute support of this 9 million supplement. We want to work with you to help fund the new department of housing and homelessness and Supportive Housing. Make sure thats a success. Its a hard road but i think that this supplemental and this campaign to make city college is actually in the spirit of supervisor farrells internet legislation that was just passed odd of the community and more for all and shows a vision of what the city could do to make more access for people, and we can get there together, but only if we resist some of the pot holes around divide and conquer around the many things so thank you very much for all of your leadership and look forward to working with you in the spring. Thank you. Before mr. Kramer speaks i will call up the next set of cards. [calling speaker names] carl kramer campaign codirector for the San Francisco living wage coalition. Many of our members are very low wage workers, 13 per hour. Many are in calworks or they have been timed out of calworks or undocumented. They have children. Many of them have left school to have a child, and for going back to school in many ways its like convincing someone to go into a 12 step program. Its a major battle and the easier its made and the less paperwork and the simpler and the least expensive for people who are their monthly budgets are bleeding red ink where a parking ticket is a financial disaster. The fees at city college make city college inaccessible to them. We want to be able to Start Talking to people about getting into city college for fall 2017. This supplemental i think is a major step towards letting people know that yes they can get into city college. Those skills that they need is a path to a living wage job. The possibilities that young people have that all they need is the access to school to be able to get aa degree or get that certificate. Thats the next step forward for them to be able to survive and support their families. Please vote us on the supplemental. Thank you. Thank you mr. Kramer. Michael lyon. So i worked 15 years at San Francisco General Hospital and the kind of job i had took me all over the hospital and i have got to tell you everywhere i went there were graduates of city college in nursing, respiratory therapy, radiation, radiology graduates, and i think the important thing about that is that they were low income people and people of color who got into those jobs because they were able to get through city college. Now, a lot went through city college when it was free. Thats when i taught there, but it is extremely important for health care to have compassionate understanding nurses and other Health Professionals working there, and a Free City College will make that happen. City college of course has been under huge teax by the state and teax by the state and the Accreditation Agency and lost quite a few people and its necessary to get those people back immediately and having Free City College start this fall can let that happen. The other thing i think weve got to say we cannot let ourselves be divided and fighting each other over homelessness, education, or any of the City Services we need. We need them desperately, and there is ways to be able to get additional money and we need to. Thank you mr. Lion. Good afternoon. Jordan Gwendolyn Davis and i want to say i support Free City College because when they go right we go left. It would help disabled people because we be able to take risks to better our lives and help trans and queer people because we dont have families to fund us. With prop w which i voted yes on and donated to you all made a pinkie swear to this citys voters both moderate and progressive had that this new luxury tax would fund tea college and embezzlement to back out to saul san franciscans. There is reports that people want to break this because of austerity. Dont put us against each other. It wont work. Even with the right ring regime at the federal level dont be on the wrong side of history and keep your pirngy swear and vote yes on the supplemental. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Good afternoon and happy holidays. My name is ms. Henry. 50 of first of all thank you for letting me be here. Im a student and a late bloomer at the city college. I was one of the ones responsible for keeping the civic center there and ask you to make history and my family and my neighborhood being being a late bloomer to be educate to the fit in my community and to reach out to people that is reaching out to me and once again thank you for passing prop w and please squeeze us in somewhere to make me part of the history of San Francisco being a movement for Free City College. Thank you. Lee loveet. Im an academic counselor at city college. We provide the kind of invisible infrastructure that really is critical to San Francisco, so if we support and commit to free city we will only make the city stronger as we face tough times ahead. Can i speak to two populations. Directly besides the High School Students graduating and coming to us. We are looking at people that work every day in the preschool and Child Care Centers where they need ongoing training so they continually attend college while raising their own kids. Our motto is we keep San Francisco working its an important population and might want get Financial Aid but this will help getting the support for city college and to keep their jobs and the other population is actually people who need job training. Theyre unemployed. They are often graduating from the universities and unable to find employment in good paying jobs so they come looking for computer science, networking, Biotech Program which what i serve and these folks really need city college as well. They might want qualify for Financial Aid because of the four year degree but this is the additional step beyond the education they have received to continue to get a good paying job and support the infrastructure in the city. Thank you ms. Loveet. Good afternoon commissioners. I am mr. Louise and part of a youth group south of market. I think city college should be free because San Francisco is one of the most expensive cities and like myself who lives in a low income family its hard to pay for books and classes and supplies. Making City College Free will give High School Students and youth another door to open instead going straight to work. There shouldnt be a fee for people trying to further their education. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Commissioner thank you so much for being here today. Supervisor kim always a pleasure. And good afternoon to the rest of you that are up there. I am mary claire and sf native and raised in the tenderloin and south of market. Although a commissioner i am here representing today south of Market Community Action Network [inaudible] youth organizing home and [inaudible] and the youth unable to be here today so on november 15 i and other san franciscans voted to make City College Free and its your job to uphold this that the voters passed. My story is graduating high school and a smart woman with a future and she decided city college paused factors out of our control. Making City College Free is about making education more equitable for those that lack the funds and resources and opportunities giving the resources to be successful so i encourage all of you as our governing bodies and as the ones that make this decision to make it happen. Thank you. Thank you commissioner. Thank you for being here. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is Raymond Castillo and work as a organizer for south of market Action Network. I want to talk about two things if you guys dont mind. The first one is you know growing up people always say to succeed in life you need to get a better job. To get a better job you need to go to college. To go to college you need to graduate high school; right . Now, you know lets imagine for a second lets go back in time and middle school, high school, we work so hard test after test waking up in the morning, you know, all of this and the moment comes in. Youre graduated. Yahoo; right . And then because youre a low income you cant go to college, so what happened to that better job . What happened to that better life that we strived for, that we worked so hard for our family; right . So how are we supposed to succeed in life . The second one is were always told the youth is our future. Now, i still believe that the youth is our future. Thats why its important for us right now here to plan in advance to stand with the people to stand with the voters. Put budget to make City College Free not just for us but the future of this city. Thank you. Thank you mr. Castillo and before the next speaker speaks i want to call up my remaining speaker cards. [calling speaker names] and if i didnt call your name feel free to line up with the rest of the speakers. Thank you. Hi. My name is win and a current student of city college of San Francisco and part of the ccsf solidity community and group of students to ccsf and non students who have part of the organizing efforts for prop w and what we want to reemphasize prop w would remove the barriers and give us access to the education that we need. A lot of the students you know and including me it would benefit us greatly. The cost of living in sf is really high and a lot of students we have to decide between books and tuition and another needs and so aside from moving barriers what gravitates students to come to city college is also the diversity studies and thats one of the efforts that we have been working on is defending diversity studies and that full community is has benefited from and some of the studies are unique at city college across the nation. Filipino studies and latino and africanamerican and asian american, commissioner Pacific Islander and middle east and it remains a safe space and it should remain a safe space and we must continue the fight to make ccsf more accessible and not let this go. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Good afternoon supervisors. Eric brooks San Francisco green party and the local Grassroots Organization our 73. Just strongly support this allocation. First of all its important that we fund all three Homeless Services protecting undocumented citizens and education, free education, because Homeless People and undocumented citizens can not lift themselves out of their circumstances without getting an education. Lets remember that in California Public education of all kinds including university education, not just city colleges used to be free and thats the direction that we need to be heading in, and weve got a president coming into office who is appointing a secretary of education that wants to go exactly the opposite direction and privatize all education in this country, so this education is your crucial first vote after the election of donald trump to say no were not going to stand for this. You passed a resolution. You got up and made speeches. Thats all great, but if youre not going to back up speeches and resolutions with actual legislation and actual funding to fight the Trump Administration then youre not showing the courage of your convictions and any supervisor on the board of directors that does not support this allocation is not showing the guts to stand up to trump so you need to support this. Its absolutely crucial. Thank you. Thank you mr. Brooks. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is dan flanagan from friends of the forest. I wanted to thank you for hearing us today and first make it leer that were not against clear were not against city college but in favor of a Free City College. I think i spent three months of my time out campaigning for prop w also and actually followed many of the people in this room of trying to convince various Community Groups to vote for prop w. I am here to remind the supervisors that prop w also supports prop e which is really important to have the street trees maintained by the city and i want to thank all of you supervisors for supporting that unanimously. We just finished a survey of all the street trees in San Francisco and the preliminary numbers look like right now that over three quarters of the trys in San Francisco trees in San Francisco are in poor or fair condition which is exactly why were doing what this legislation is supposed to do, so i am strongly underring the board to urging the board to consider all the issues around the revenue measures and we know now that the mayor is forced to make some very tough decisions. We just hope that the people who voted, the 278,000 people who voted for prop e are successful in having their needs met. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Flanagan. Hi. Good afternoon. Tim kima kelly. I am urging you to move this forward and respect the will of the voters. Prop w passed with over 62 of the vote and prop b and parcel tax passed with 80 of the vote. The board of directors previously voted 101 to prove this proposal forward move this proposal forward. This proposal is fiscally sound. Right now the controller says there are 14 million that is going to be raise friday this and this supplemental asked for 9 million. So there is money left over from the money that was raised from prop w. It is critical that we move forward and that we can show the rest of the nation that we can move forward with progressive proposals that are designed to help all of our citizens, and that we can show that by actually implemented it in a fiscally sound way and i think this is the perfect example of that. The city said they want to spend this money and voters want to spend the money to support a Free City College and whats we should be doing and moving forward with that and hope you support the supplemental. Thank you very much. Thank you president kima kelly and also for 2121 support. Hello my name is hairy burn stein and a faculty member at city college and thank you for considering this measure. I do advocate of course for supporting this budget supplement. I just wanted to remind you that eric mars committee brought up that there was 300 million of Economic Activity per Year Associated with the college so there is much reason to support it. My students both credit and non credit are strongly supporting proposition w. They remind me that education is vital and they advocate Lifelong Learning. The college has really been reeling from now its more than four years of accreditation crisis and that is really had an impact on weve lost faculty members. Weve lost thousands of students as you know, and there must be be a way forward. This money would bring would be strongly supportive of students and weve heard about the opportunities that would come forth from people who are not currently associated with the college who would benefit from job training and skills for themselves and the community. Thank you. Thank you. Hi. My name is jenny holy and an english teacher at city college and Vice President of aft 2121. I am here to urge you to support the measure and remind you that this is an housing opportunities for persons with aids to show that cities are going to be. Municipal cities are the first line of defense against this terrible Trump Administration that seems to be coming in and i also i justed to tell you a little story. The day after i came in the classroom after the election my students were crying and in so fear for their families who are undocumented and i am talking about like big burtie tattooed guys crying for their family and fear and the little ray of light one student said but guys school is going to be free next year and theyre excited. Dont let them down and theyre registered in a few months so they need it now and to pass and funded and happen before they register for the spring. Thank you. Thank you. And i see one last speaker so if anyone name i didnt call please line up. My name is ben becker and a former delegate for Bernie Sanders and cochair of the bernie crowd. We would like to thank you for the vision in making the college free. I started my College Experience at another Community College where i was going to School Full Time and working full time in the nights and it was incredible difficult for me but it was also life changing. During that time my roommate was a kenyan immigrant and working as a janitor full time as a nursing facility during the nights and weekends. After a year and a half he dropped out of school because he couldnt afford the expense and he couldnt handle the stress of going to school trying to work night and evenings and weekends like he was so i would like to commend you again for the hard work that youre doing. I think this is going to go very far to help people like my friend allen to see the opportunity thats available to them. Thank you. Thank you mr. Becker. Good afternoon. My name is roger scott. I have been at city College Since 1972 and been on the executive board of aft 2121 all except one time when i lost an election. I have been a teacher for 48 years i believe and four countries and five states of this country. I am an advocate for accessible Public Education, higher Public Education because the administrators and some of the Board Members at city college probably dont think ive had a very good life because ive had disagreements with them but ive had very useful life and productive i think for the most part, and thats due primarily to my having access to a large State University in texas that charged 25 a month tuition, a semester. It went up to 50 the semester i graduated, and having 3degrees also a certificate in paralegallism from city college and never taken out a student loan me in a fortunate position and i would like others to have access to Higher Education. The Student Loan Debt is terrible and we have to something about that. I would recommend to you that you familiarize yourself with the California Master plan for Higher Education. Its a wonderful document, very humane and we need the Free City College would be part of that unique opportunity for people who deserve it very much. Thank you. Hello. My name is theresa fuller evans. I want to say hello to all the supervisors this morning or this afternoon. I will retired so i kind of lose time you know but im with the Service Workers international. Im a retired from San Francisco Community College and a student from 1971. I worked there for 24 to 25 years as a custodian and i have to say i know for a fact if i hadnt worked at that school and got my training theres no way i would be where i am now. Meaning that you know i dont have no i dont have degrees or anything but i have vast knowledge as far as stripping and waxing floors and stuff that people would love to do and cant do and learned about chemicals and all kind of stuff from city college and i have taken it everywhere i went and taken that job with me and as you can see i am healthy. Everything works, you know what i am saying . Im not broke down and its a great school and even throat teachers ice commend the teachers for trying to so hard. I have been a custodian for over 30 years and everywhere i have been they want me to cam back. I worked here at city hall when Dianne Feinstein was the mayor and i stripped and waxed the floors here when willie brown was here so its a long life. I couldnt have gotten that life had i not went to city college you know getting the training they need because people dont understand chemicals are veryiffy. You cant mix the bleach with the ammonia, you know what i means . It makes the gas. You know what i mean and i just appreciate you guys for even thinking about us and i hope that we all can Work Together to help people because its just so sad now when i walk around and see so many people in disarray and everybody should be able to go to school or get training. Everybody is not going to be a doctor or you know what i mean . Were all going to have different jobs but its still a job and a good job so i thank you and i thank this city for my life, the life that ive had. Thank you. You know working. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for closing out our Public Comment, so at this time would you like to speak . Are you sure . You came all the way over here so we would love to hear from you if you came here. If you dont speak we wont hear from you. Hello everyone. My name is malcolm. I have told this story so many damn times but just now returning to city college after at this point of 11 year stint. Came to city college back in 05 and like most people going to city college for the first time when youre young youre absolutely terrified not just by the people around you, the new experience, but obviously how the hell am i going to pay this bill . I am 35 years old now and i just signed up for the spring courses and yeah you flinch at that number. 500 for three classes you know which i will be glad to pay because its my education but yeah it would help a lot if that burden was lifted and thank god prop w did pass, but to hear that those funds maybe going somewhere else other than our school is very disheartening, but thank you for hearing me. Thank you guys and thats it. Thank you so much for attending and for speaking today. And seeing no urt Public Comment chair farrell. Okay. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] thank you. I am so sorry they missed the chancellor lamb is here in the audience and i wanted to give you an opportunity to address the board. I would have done that at the beginning of the Committee Hearing and my apologies for not seeing your face and the vice chancellor of finance and administration is also here to answer questions that the committee has but chancellor lamb i appreciate you making the time to be here and i know you have many things on your plate as the china basin channel for city college and your work ands guidelines. And mr. Gearheart and make this happen in august so thank you. Thank you. I want to first off thank the voters of San Francisco and also thank the supervisors and others that helped put this together. As many of you know and other people put eloquently city college has been a point of access for not just education but for opportunity in this city because only by accessing that education whether talking career technical jobs, whether were talking at a hospital, whether were talking about cleaning the floors, whether were talking about cooking the food or talking about the certified nursing assistants or the remgsterred nurses all the way up to the ceo at the General Hospital was actually a city College Graduate that got their start at city college so they access that opportunity through city college. This is a critical time. In order for us to implement this for our students for next fall for the fall 2017 semester our students start registering in march and april. In order for us to implement that we need approximately two, three months to get appropriate programming in and to do the front side on the implementation, so this is a very important time for us to move this forward. There are other places in the nation that are start to put forward similar programs. You hear them. Theyre called promise programs and what it says that very thing. I promise to the citizens and to the students that they have an education that they can afford, so i do recognize that the city budget is very complicated. There are different priorities that are out there, but i do really appreciate your looking at this issue and consider tg because i think it is consider important to our students and not just our students but to the city in regards to offering opportunities to everyone in this city. Vice chancellor gearheart and myself are both here if you have questions you would like us to answer. I know the Committee Members have the name on the roster but quickly i said registration gins in april but i want to clarify the date for the fall semester. Its a tiered process so we have priority registration i think starts at the end of march which is our disabled students, our veterans, our foster youth that have priority registration and then general registration doesnt start until the end of april, beginning of may but its a tiered process based on need. Registration begins on march i can look up the act date. Great. Thank you. And i know when we brought forward the timing of the supplemental we introduced this back in september we were working based off of your guidance of the time for the administration to do some of the Technical Work to allow students to register for free at city college through the portal, the electronic portal that you use. Right. We have several pieces of it. One piece is the programming piece that we actually have to program to be able to determine residency and the other criteria. The other piece is also obviously were expecting a large influx of students through the Financial Aid office where they have to be processed and through the admissions and records so setting up those processes so that were not et cetera raing to those reacting to the students coming but its a streamline clear process coming in and we can facilitate that would take a couple months. Thank you so much chancellor lamb. Okay. Colleagues any questions for the china basin channel . Supervisor yee sorry. Are we done . I dont have any questions. Were didnt with the presentation so any questions for myself, the china basin channel china basin channel. Just a. Chancellor. Just a few perspectives from me and thanks to the students and those involved in this. I guess a few perspectives. First of all the concept of Free City College is something i s i think as budget chair and what i mentioned when we voted on this earlier in the year especially what happened at in november and not the National Level and everyone is appalled at that but locally to have the question for Free City College is a false thing right now and we have a budget deficit that we have to solve for. City college is one of the issues that obviously came up and i know the voters passed proposition b regarding the parcel tax specifically for city college and passed proposition e and people were here supporting street trees geared overwhelming the voters approved and set aside for maintaining the trees and proposition j and transportation and other issues and because k its not coming to fruscpigz i appreciate the proposition w and it didnt mention city college and it was a transfer tax and its a fair discussion how were going to spend the dollars from the board of directors but from my perspective as we sit here today th needs to be taken in the context what are we doing with the holes in the current budget . And whether it be Homeless Service, something they certainly have spent a lot of time on, something i want to see funded in this current year and next year, about street trees. Supervisor campos introduced a supplemental i believe yesterday regarding fam funding for immigrant funding and theyre competing for the same finite amount of dollars and i am happy to support a form of this supplemental but from my context and a broader discussion and chair of the Committee Committee we need to have the discussion of all the issues we face financially as a city so thats my perspective. I dont know whether our controller or mayors Budget Office would someone be able to articulate for us right now kind of compared to the budget because of what happened in november and specifically prop k doesnt pass and prop l and the soda tax and i forgot to mention and spending for that tax and the deficit compared to what we had before and assumed in the budget and potential competing interests here that we have to fill. Supervisors. Ben rosenfield controller. I can talk about technically where the budget sits given j and k on the November Ballot so as you recall the proposed budget and the adopted budget for the city for the current fiscal year assumed the passage of a three quarter cents sale tax on the ballot and assumed in both years of twot year budget. That revenue was assumed at approximately 37 million and the fiscal year were in and annualized in the budget for next fiscal year to approximately 155 million. The budget also contained corresponding expenditures that effectively were spending that revenue. They largely mirrored the spending plan outlined on proposition j on the ballot so approximately 50 million analyzed for Homeless Service enhancements, 100 million for transportation enhancements. Those revenues were obviously uncertain at the time the budget was adopted by the board and signed by the mayor and as practice for us the Controllers Office held reserves in the budget on the possibility those should fail so we discussed this at the time of the budget but we have 37 million of hose Homeless Service and Transportation Services in reserve and 155 million in reserve on the current fiscal year budget in order to maintain a balanced budget, so obviously also on the November Ballot proposition w passed which was not assumed in the budget so that leads to above budgeted revenues in the current fiscal year and you have this proposal and supplemental at the board of directors to spend a portion of it. The budget also didnt assume for the second year the passage of the street tree baseline which goes into effect july 1 next year and create a 13 million unbudgeted cost so you have a set of expenditures in the current year that were assumed and revenue that was assumed. That revenue has failed and those expenditures on on reserve by our office to keep the budget balanced. At the same time you have a revenue that wasnt assumed but proposals in the current fiscal year as reflected in the supplemental and in the budget year with the passage of the street tree baseline and a portion of those. In terms of frankly the mayor and the board has choices to make at this point how you want to reconcile the facts. Our office as charter require side maintaining the reserves on the transportation and homeless spending that was assumed in the budget until someone else gives us other direction to maintain the budget balance. Should the mayor and the board wish to proceed with a portion of that funding we need to certify an alternative plan to bring those that budget back into balance in the current fiscal year is the way to look at it. Thank you for that. I appreciate it. If were down 37 in the current fiscal year were up what because of w and v which is the soda tax . In the current fiscal year were so we are down approximately 37 million in sales tax that was assumed in the budget. We have gained approximately 14 million in transfer tax. Theres also additional news. Our Office Published the citys comprehensive Financial Report for last fiscal year and identifies that we ended 12 million better than expected. That revenue is also available to spend in the future year or future years sorry you have piece of. So you have that piece of news. That news is largely driven by better than expected property tax last fiscal year that is likely to recur in the current fiscal year. Our First Quarter estimate of tax revenues for the city indicate were 25 million above budgeted level frs our major taxes in the counter year and good revenue news applied to off set the short falls or held for next fiscal years financial challenges, so theres a number of different pieces of financial these floating around at the moment. The other item coming up shortly of course is all three financial offices are scheduled to release projections and likely next week and the Mayors Office is issuing budgeting instructions next week and it will change and not certified by all three officers but the preliminary projections likely forecast a short fall in the neighborhood of 350 million over the two years so we have approximately over 100 million in the first year and likely 250 million in the second year. Those numbers are will change and the projections will be final next week theres a lot of piece of res new revenue news and to consider when making the choices and i appreciate that. Just to get into the implications of november and the election employed we were down 37 million because of the sale tax not passing. Up 14 million this estimated use proposition w and up x amount by the soda tax this year . If youre looking in the current fiscal year there is no implication of the soda tax and doesnt go into effect until the following january. Okay. Based on novembers results we are 23 million short in the current fiscal year compared to what we had projected and i understand it was on reserve and all those good things. Yeah. So and again colleagues this is the point as i sat here. Again we will have discussion in the upcoming months and budget year and exactly this week every year the Controllers Office publishes the last years close out where were close to 12 million in the positive, but that has to address a projected 350 million short fall that we have to start dealing with next week literally in the upcoming years and among major things we have all of the labor contracts up next year so again to reiterate my concern to take this as a one off topic and of all the challenges that we have. I think its irresponsible to deal with them on a one off basis. We need to talk about them together. I dont know if voters and taxpayers want to pay for people to go to city college or get homeless off the street. I think its a fair discussion and we have to doctor that discussion and based on the november results we need a discussion on all of the topics. We cant let them go unsolvedded if you will. So in any case i say that as background. Again the concept Free City College i love. I certainly would love to hear more detailed plan how its rolled out and more details exactly who will serve and so forth. With that being said and perhaps the unique position of chair of the Committee Committee i dont think we should have these conversations on a one off basis and similar separate supplementals and one off discussions and votes immigration, on Homeless Services and street trees, what have you. This needs to be taken together. Yesterday it was a hearing request for a budget and finance committee to hear about the outlook of the budget, the five year outlook that is published hopefully next week as well as the mayors budget instruction s and the projected deficit were facing and combined with the short fall in this current fiscal year so from my perspective i think we should be entertaining all of the discussions together and irresponsible to have them separately and not acknowledging that were competting for finite amount of dollars here in San Francisco and were in a short fall this current year, not just think going the projected 350 million short fall for next year. With that i will stop and let me colleagues have a chance to speak. Supervisor yee. Thank you. First of all let me spem stem back before step back before i share a different opinion. We all know that city college is really important for many, many, many individuals students and really important for the city as an institution and im not saying this because its in district 7, but and i really appreciate the stories that people came with their personal stories how its impacted their lives and maybe i will share a little bit of that in terms how it impacted my life. Certainly i went to city college and it really helped me get my head together to see what do i really want to do with my life at that time and it was free too at that time and i saved money and went to cal and that was my experience. I also was an instructor for ten years at city college and when i was a student i saw stories not stories but real life situations where individuals said im dropping out. I cant as that one gentleman was saying and the pressure of trying to work full time and go to School Full Time was a lot for some people, and i also saw people that didnt even enroll because they couldnt afford tdoesnt sound it would be a big deal for those making little money and didnt come from privileged families its a big deal and i understand that and maybe thats why i am so passion about this whole Free City College movement, and again one of the things they looked at we could talk about and i have heard this before like we should do it during the budget process and we start supporting a bunch of supplemental during the year and we have done this over and over again, and this discussion to me is about if the sales tax that had passed and prop w wouldnt pass i wouldnt come up and ask my colleagues you know we should support Free City College imais and just rob it from the sales tax even though everybody on the board knew it was really dedicated for something else. In my mind prop w was the Revenue Source and was created as a Revenue Source so that we could have Free City College. Eventually we tagged on as the board of directors we tagged on the cost of trees taking back the trees and that was because when i did the analysis of prop w and asked the controller whats really the projected revenues on there . Free city college had did not was want going to use up the revenues not by a long shot so i knew there was enough revenues in there for two other items if everything were equal. One was the trees. The third one which i kept on hinting at bringing up, but because of the situation i probably wont now is paying for infant asked to her care, so the toddler care and the funding is there and i guess the argument from me is that we walked into this knowing that prop w would be the Funding Source for certain things. We supported that as a board. The people knew that went out to support prop w knew that and people that voted for the most part knew that also. Im not going to back away from that. We need to do what is right which is to fund what it was meant to fund, and the sales tax i feel guilty now that we passed the budget on something we didnt have but i asked questions before several months ago whether or not what if what if the sales tax does not pass what are we going to do . And the controller was saying there was a backup plan. Yes, its on reserve. So lets not panic yet. We do have a plan, and then in addition theres going to be additional revenue from the prop w anyways and so part of the plan really should be whether the question should be requested yes its a budget but asked yes its a budget but many of the items budgeted around the homelessness and transportation could be eliminated because a lot is new. Is that correct mr. Controller . I dont want to put words into your mouth but my understanding is that there are new projects that were slated into the budget and we dont have the funding like you know, i would like to buy ten new cars and if i dont have the money at home i buy it so the question is that correct . I think generally thats correct supervisor. The majority of the funding in prop j was new money for transportation and Homeless Services. There is exceptions to that. The biggest single one being prop j was presumed to off set a significant of the resurfacing budget that was the case the year before. Its certainly true absent the board or the make taking other action the budget is balanced by us reserving expenses equivalent to the loss of the sales tax thank you so much if no one does anything it remains balance. What that means per direction from the mayor or the board of directors the service wont go into effect and thats the choice fundamentally that is in front of the mayor and the board as you work to consider everything on the November Ballot and what the loss of the sales tax means. Thank you for that clarification. So given that when the argument that yes, there are competing interest and there is always going to be competing interests but in this case it was clear why we supported prop w. I wont back off of that. I hope my colleagues see the light with that. This was clearly a mandate from the voters and by the way its kind of nice even the state Democratic Party is giving this as a priority as a movement to give to the city colleges as a Free Institution for our students so i mean what i would like to propose is basically support this supplemental request and positive recommendation to the full board. Okay. We have a motion by supervisor yee. Do i have a second for that yet . I have a question. All right. Why dont we go to supervisor tang. Is chancellor lamb still here . Sorry i meant to ask you this while you were up at the podium. Just for the publics knowledge and the supplemental and how much it costs of the online Registration Program and how much youre anticipating i think the first semester of the free tuition. Right. So the money is actually a pass true that goes directly to the students. There is 1 as you can see up front that would help us set up the programming. We were initially looking at the programming on the front side cost 100,000 to rewrite the programming basically to implement the students and the changing coming in and then there would be about 200,000 were hoping in regards to actually getting more Financial Aid staff on the initial part and help set up those processes in Financial Aid and also the processes in admissions and records, but the money except for that small percentage goes straight to the students. In fact it doesnt even come to the college. Basically what we do is defer the student fee at the beginning, the tuition fees and then we basically bill for those tuition fees so its strictly paying for those student fees. For those students that qualify for free tuition and the governors waiver and falls below 24,000 for the family and pace up to thousand dollars for supplies and culinary knives and transportation vouchers if needed so it would come strictly towards the fees and books and supplies in that regard. It wouldnt come to the college. We are basically billinglet city for those student fees. Great. Thank you so much for that break down. So i think that just mostly the question i wanted to throw out there so the public is aware how the funding is broken down for the 9 million. I think in terms of the comments that supervisor farrell and supervisor yee made i support all the comments made by each of you and why were in this difficult predicament right now and i want to thank supervisor kim for her staff and ivy and everyone else pushing so hard for this program which i agree is a great one. My question which i know i raised with supervisor kim was just about the timing of it wanting to see the rebalancing plan we have for this current fiscal year which i believe we have scheduled at december 14 special budget and finance Committee Meeting for and so my ask is just whether we could just have this decision come up forrous that december 14 meeting and have it in conjunction with the rebalancing plan and i want to emphasize as i discussed with you my commitment to this program but its simply so we can have it m a larger context of all the different unfortunate trade offs we have to make for this fiscal year so thats my question. I know supervisor yee has a motion out there. Again this does not take away from my commitment to this program at all. Its just to have the larger picture of our budget situation all at the same time so through the chair i dont know if supervisor yee is amenable to that. If it was pulled to the full board in december and a day before the balancing plan will be out so we would have the full picture by then. Okay. Thank you supervisor tang. Actually i want to irptject real quick and i agree this is a challenging discussion, no debt about it and i supervisor yee i appreciate the comments. I get it. And no one questioned the validity or importance of city college at all. Again there competing interest here and we have talk about them and to the mayors budget director supervisor yee mentioned net new spending here for homeless efforts. I forget the details about you could you talk about when were talking about net new spending you know from my recollection this is getting people off the streets and into housing and shelters and other things and to me its a massive priority and i dont want to dismiss that and its not important but homelessness is one of the important issues facing our city and i want to see resources spent against that. You can talk about what the net resources are. Yes chair farrell. I wanted to clarify a couple of things from our perspective with the issues. The controller is correct and the budget included those amounts that were talked about and where the mayor is most concerned and an option available us to is take the spending, take the revenue, the revenue and expenditures go away and that is angoption available to policy makers. Mayors concern and meeting a lot with the new Department Head of the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. There is 12 million in the current years budget and looks like 20 million in the 1718 budget. Really of services that either have already started or about to start and up and running this year so every math center and i know this board has passed legislation about keeping the existing naf center and new once and on to the sale tax as a source in the budget. Rental subsidies that people are getting to stay off of the streets and Additional Support for shelters. Basically im sorry, there is one other thing and the large thing i want to note. Im sorry. I cant remember off the top of my head but basically meeting with the department. The 20 million is what i am concerned about and the mayor is asking again and if the funding goes away and we keep these things what will happen and were hearing we cant address the homeless problem that the mayor and the board believes that we should and the controller mentioned before the projected deficits for upcoming year so the numbers are moving around and almost finalized and assumes the current revenue mentioned and the funding in upcoming years because of property taxes and looking like its 350 to 400 million over the next years and not that were in a situation we need to do layoffs and drastic service cuts. It just means we need to be responsible and disciplined and make trade offs and from the mayors perspective the homeless spending is where hes really concerned and i understand and i appreciate some of the comments around not pinning people against each other but the maybe has to make the decision to rebalance the budget and our plan is have a rebalancing plan before next year and prior to the hearing on the 14th and along with instructions and asking departments to make cuts and i agree and i want to appreciate having the larger context with the one time decisions because theyre related and it is really the same funding. Okay. Sorry supervisor tang did you have anything more on the comments and supervisor kim this is yours too. Okay. Supervisor kim. Thank you. I just. Ed respond to comments made and state before i make the comments i think everyone continues to make incredibly valid comments about our budget ones that we make every year. A couple of things to note. One this board of supervisors with the exception of chair farrell did vote on our intent to prioritize funding for city college of San Francisco back on july 12 and i want to read that resolution again and i will read the last three clauses. Whereas city college objective reclaim free Higher Education by eliminating enrollment fee are for students that live in San Francisco or work halftime in San Francisco and ensuring its accessible by supporting tuition covered by Financial Aid to off set other costs and textbooks and transportation up to a thousand dollar a year and be row ofled that the board of directors shall support the Free City College proposal detailed here know to make city college of San Francisco free and accessible for at minimum all San Francisco residents by sukeering the funding needed to affect the proposal and for fall 2017 enrollment estimated up to be 13 million a year for full year Free City College and resolved that the funding allocated for the purchase is contingent on the general fund and estimates and the real estate transfer tax. I bring this resolution again to the Budget Committee because as a made a commitment, the ten of us we would fund city college with exception of of the factors except the Real Property tansfer tax and the one piece of and while i appreciate the conversation that we make a budgetary decision based on a myriad of needs we made a commitment in july to the city and county of San Francisco andous residents we would make City College Free if the Real Property tansfer tax passed and not both and while i appreciate that the Real Estate Tax didnt pax and with the homeless cost we did that contingent on the sales tax passing and it didnt pass and i dont wish to not pay for those services we dont have the revenue for that and how can we move forward with the expenditures and call it a hole in the budget when we didnt pass it. We had the funding expenditures done and we should take it out of the budget. That my my understanding voting for the budget in july. I dont see years we well discussions with the pension liability and labor negotiations coming up. That i understand we need a larger funding discussion but this is one off and we knead the commitment to fund made the commitment to fund city college and this group worked hard over the last three months and voters knew about and voters voted for and its not easy being proposition w. We were literally 23 on a five page ballot and voters wouldnt have known to vote for this if people didnt organize and door knock and phone bank and by the way there was no confusion for the voters and had a diploma and Free City College on that measure so whatever you want to say is in the actual text of the Real Property tansfer tax it was very clear to the voters when they voted for this measure its about making City College Free. Now on the secondary conversation about supplementals and whether we should vote for them i think thats a valid discussion. Im not a huge fafn the supplemental process because i agree that supplementals should be largely for emergencies and we should do it that all other budget discussions happen in the budget year, but i as well as almost every Single Member of this board and one exception and provided a supplemental to the full board. Every one of us except supervisor tang and we may see we dont like it but we do it its a question of what is an emergency and what is not . My intent moving forward this is the only second supplemental i have introduced is really based on the commitment that we made to our students, our city and passing Free City College through proposition w and giving the city College Administration the time that they need to set up a system through their Financial Aid office, through their portal and make City College Free in august 2017 as we committed so committee i understand all of the points that were brought up. I am sympathetic to the concerns about our larger budget. I just want to remind this committee that we made commitment to fund city college regardless of factors except passage of proposition w and my view wont change. We worked to make City College Free and bring in new revenue to the city and theres going to be more revenue from proposition w than just making City College Free and i continue to support proposition e as well. I know we have friends of the urban forest here and that commitment on july 1 sits with me still. The voters changed that amendment change and we have to fund that and also fund city college and i believe the timing should be now. If were waiting two week frs a better budget picture were saying we want more time to potentially not vote for Free City College in two weeks and i just want to bring that forward and whether talking about a tiered Enrollment Program et cetera i just think that goes against the intent to prioritize the funding for Free City College and this board passed this year and also you know a lot of folks worked on this measure and they worked on it because ten members of the board committed to spending money they fought for to go to Free City College and i want to make that commitment to this group here today at the full board next week so that is my plea but i do appreciate the discussion here. Thank you supervisor kim and again let me say i appreciate your comments and thoughts around this. I entitle do and appreciate we have a difference of opinion. You. Referenced it i was the one person writing against the resolution of something i support for this reason and were false choices and we have competing interest and i appreciate the comments and a lot of people were involved in the campaign with prop w but it wasnt written for city college and simply a transfer tax and i get from why it was written that way and dedicated and had to achieve 2 3 vote and it might have been difficult. Thats fine. I have no objection to that but to say its dedicate to the that is absolutely not true and its irresponsible to talk in that manner and lastly if we have a 23 million hole in this years budget and were going to fund Free City College to the tune of 9 million and supervisor kims comment were going to fund the trees to the tune of 13 million were cutting Homeless Services to the tens of millions of dollars. Im not ready to did that. I dont think its the right decision. If people. To literally stand fort and say we should cut spending to get people off the streets and into shelter and housing thats their choice but i dont agree with that. I think we need to have a discussion together and not in silos. With that supervisor tang. Thank you. I just wanted to say lastly though i am glad you read the resolution and the clauses and i do stand by that. The reality is lets say its the 23 million short fall for this current year and lets say for whatever reason we were decided most likely transportation and new spending that we based on budget on is going to be removed and homeless is still up in the air but at the end of the day if we strip out homelessness we have other supplementals that came through as the one introduced yesterday to the tune of 5 million so again i just have to emphasize that even though i have taken a harder line on supplementals in the past i am very willing to support a supplemental for this because i understand the timing and how it is that by april there needs to be really march i guess there needs to be some level of commitment from the city to be able to fund Free City College so i willing to waive that hard line in the past that i have taken on supplementals and i want to make that clear to you. For me its again just to have that full picture and very well it could be the same decision, right. It could be absolutely yes were going to support the 9 million but have it in the brownedder context again with the rebalancing plan i think is incredibly important at december 14 or the full board on december 13. Okay. Colleagues any further [inaudible] supervisor tang. So what youre asking for a delay, a continuance or what are you asking for . Through the chair supervisor yee i was asking to have the supplemental back before us december 14 at our special budget and finance Committee Meeting whether we have the rebalancing plan and budget instructions in front of us, and it doesnt necessarily mean im going to waiver from my commitment to Free City College. It just means we have all of the information, all of the different aspects of our current year deficit in front of us. That also means that we wouldnt be able to pass this out of the board i mean for the board to look at it midjanuary. With a new board. But again through the chair as long as we can get to them i think by march it sounds like. Well, i cant speak for the chancellor but when you create a program and i thought i heard her say she needs staffing to create the program. Youre not going to start creating a program until you get the funding and even though with the march date that she gave its a date when students start enrolling. You need to do the program before that so its not waiting until march is my concern perhaps through the chair maybe ask the chancellor how terms in timeline wise we need to gear this up. I am talking about a couple weeks difference but obviously i want to hear from the chancellor. So the programming just to actually get where students can register in way will take four to six weeks so registration starts the last week in march if we look at last year so you start backing that up. March, february that doesnt give testing time so i would drop dead for the fall is january 15 otherwise pushing it back to the spring enrollment for spring of 2018. And thats i think thats my concern is cutting it very close considering the first mighting on a sunday and not bring it up and waiting youre abutting into that zone where it may not happen. So i guess through the chair to supervisor tang i hope you can consider these timelines where it might want make as much sense to wait until the 14th. That would make it almost when the 20th or Something Like that . I dont know which meeting it would be. Yeah, i am just looking at the calendar right now and looks like i want to get it confirmed we dont have a january 3 Board Meeting. Correct. So we have one on the tenth and the 17th. The tenth and the 24th because of holiday on the 17th or the 16th. So are we going to have two then on the eighth and the ten . City attorney john gibner. The board hasnt adopted the calendar yet and could call a special meeting at any point but anticipating you wont have a meeting on the 17th. I appreciate this conversation because i didnt know about the january 15 deadline until literally now so i could see this i mean i could see this being to the full board by december 13 already so i think at this point i am okay sending it without recommendation, not because i dont support the supplemental but want the information with the rebalancing accompanying the discussion. Supervisor tang is that a motion to send it next week or the week after on the 13th to the full board . Continue to next week. Come to the full board by the 13th. To the 13th. Sorry. Continue to the next week so it get to the full board by the 13th. Or can you make a motion to go to the full board on the 13th [inaudible] [off mic] i mean City Attorneys office we can make a motion to send something to the full Board Meeting on the 13th. Okay. Okay. So just clarify so end of a long meeting and i appreciate everyones dedication and patience here so motion to send item 13 forward without recommendation to the full board of directors for the december 13 board of directors meeting and supervisor kim does that work from your perspective . [inaudible] [off mic] okay. I will rescind my motion. Supervisor tang made a motion. And i will second it. Seconded by supervisor yee and take that without objection. [gavel] madam clerk do we have any further business before us . There is no further business. Thanks everyone. Were adjourned. [gavel] shouting. . More and more citys high San Francisco is committing to dislocate to end all traffic death that means improving safety for people walking and driving and safety on our streets is everyones responsibility people can make mistakes but not result in injury or death all traffic collisions are preventable as drivers you play a large role that will give you the tools to drive safely on streets a recent survey asks hundreds of drivers about save city introduce driving what did they say watch for distracted behavior and slow down and be patient and check for people before you turn the facts about city driving shows how important to be alert most collisions happen in good weather allowance even at 25 mileperhour it takes a vehicle 85 feet to stop this is almost 7 car lengths slowing down makes collisions less savior when a person is hit by a passerby vehicle 25 minor the chance of death is 25 percent 40 percent that increases inform 85 percent slowing down didnt cost much time driving behind a person takes 9 extra semiautomatic and stopping at the yellow light takes only 30 seconds by hitting someone costs you hours and weeks of our time and maybe a life take a deep breath and take youre time cities Cross America are being safely for walking and driving some streets are confusing heres what you need to know all intersection kroukz of novelist marked some are marked to make them more visible other crosswalks and intersections are raised to the level of sidewalk to actress as speed bump and people are maybe crossing be cautious and watch for people when you approach any intersection advanced limit lines and pedestrian yield signs show drivers where people walk and stop behind the lines at stop signs and for people crossing bulb outs where the sidewalks extends into the street make that tease easy to see pedestrians and remember to slow down whether making reasons and watch for people on sidewalk estimations extensions that maybe closer than you expect and bicyclists may motive to the left to get around bulb outs this gives people a head start allowing pedestrians to enter the crosswalk before transfer starts moving makes them more visible pedestrian scrimmage and stop the vehicles in all directions allow people to cross including department of building inspection scrambles are paired with no light restriction and rapid beacons you turn bright whether the pedestrians are there or the center is activated precede slowly as you approach the beacons especially, if their activated a Pedestrian Crossing light turns yellow before turning sold red back to flash red procedure after making a full stop as long as the sidewalk is empty and, of course, stop whenever the light is red traffic circles reduce conflicts you must stop at the strewn and precede around the raise your right hand of the circle watch for people in crosswalks and people in bikes coming around the circle arrows indicate where people with bikes share the intersections and people have ride to people on bikes have the right to use the lane whether or not in the sharing bike lanes are for people protected by parks e. R. Parked cars and stay out of separated bike lanes unless an emergency dashed bike lanes are a shared zone four for vehicles to change lanes slow bike lanes allow the circles their unusually sprayed before me from other traffic some bike lanes are built to the level higher than the street but lower than the sidewalk they provide a safe separated space sponsor cyclists are around vehicles the box areas are marked with the stencil at intersections act as advanced limit lines for people to garter at a red light this increases the 1r0ir7b9 to drivers people will ride past stopped vehicles at the fronltd of the intersection give them room and stop short of limit line behind the bike without objection and cross only after the green light and people cleared the bike box bicycle traffic lights allow people on bikes to proceed while vehicles are stopped be unaware aware of those bike San Francisco General Hospital but stay alert and only skrans when the vehicle is cleared the intersection lets take a quiz to see what all of learned here we go number one when do month collisions happen did you say in daytime youre correct question two if an intersection is not marched is it still a crosswalk yes did you get it right great job one more before we go on whats one of the best things to do to avoid collisions . You can it take a breath Pay Attention and slow down city streets are crowded and chaotic so seeing everyone every single everything is difficult heres a test how many times did the white team pass the ball . If you answered 11 youre correct but did you notice anything else also be aware ever youre surrounded and remember that is easy 0 miss something if youre not looking for it heres some basic principles driving near peep e people from youre drivers seat it is difficult address our mirrors to reduce blind spots people on bicycles maybe be in our blind spot give yourselves plenty of time to react look out stay on the road from building to building not just curve to curve check driveways and behind parked vehicles for people that enter our path turning vehicles are especially dangerous important people walking and collisions often occur when vehicles are making tunnels when you turn remember check for people using the crosswalk before starting youre turn watch for people on bikes traveling in the ongoing direction alwayscheck our mirrors and blind spots patience pays off take a moment to make sure youre clear while it might feel youll save time by driving fast or turning without checking you wont save driving only adds a few semiautomatic to our trip a collision can cost you, your job or someones live heres important things to remember all crosswalks are legal and pedestrian have the rightofway people cross the street anywhere children and seniors and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable think city strits give buses and streetcars a lot of the space or people returning to catch a train dont block the box this creates dangerous situation for people walking how are forced into moving traffic and people bicycling out of the bike lane and people on bikes most city streets are legal for bicyclists even without signs people biking can fall in front of you provide a safe amount of space when passing someone on a bike a minimum of 3 feet is required by law in california and people on bikes prefer to be in the bike lane in for the this is often to avoid accidents give them room people on bikes will stay away from the traffic or watch out for open doors whoops that was a close one expect people to go to the front of the light and pass on the right a tap of the horn maybe useful to make youre preservation known but avoid using the horn it may saturday night be someone vehicles anybody right turns are especially dangerous important biking always approach right turns properly signal early and wait for people biking through the intersection move as far to the right to people on bikes can pass on the left lets try a few more questions who are the most Vulnerable People on city streets . Children . Seniors, and people with disabilities why do people on bikes ride close to travel there to avoid car doors what is one of the most dangerous situations for people walking and riding bikes . Turning vehicles and what can you do to make sure that everyone is safe in any situation . Thartsz stay patient and alert and, of course, slow down parking and loading a vehicle on accredit city streets is a challenge weather parking and unloading always check for people in our mirrors and blind spots and on the drivers side with our right turn right hand this causes you to look 40 on your left for bicyclists when passersby exiting the vehicle make sure about opening the door know where loading zones are if not loading zones available use side streets never stop in bike lanes or traffic lanes. Bad weathering and visible rain and fog or low lighting make it hard to see youre vehicle is likely to slide or loss control in eye i didnt controls and create issues for people walking and biking they tried try to avoid pulled and umbrellas and construction get slippery for people the safety thing to do in conditions whether wet or icy or dark slow down and drive more carefully remember going fast may on this save you a few semiautomatic but speeding may cause you a life or youre job people walking and biking are Vulnerable People can be distracted or make unsafe decisions as a driver the responsibility for safety lies with you a collision could mean the loss of our life or youre job and dealing with the legal implementations could take years or an emotional toll if someone is killed in a crash help us achieve vision zero and everyone can use the streets safely. Thank you for watch and following the important driving tests your remember were counting on you good afternoon. Today is december 1, 2016. We are now in our last month of the

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