sports your metabolism is still at nearly eighty percent takes a long time before you draw on your carbohydrate reserves. well donald reconstruct metabolism has always been unusually good he said before he switched to a role food diet. the medical exam shows he has no nutritional deficiencies. so could this kind of diet be an option for everyone. you couldn t just go from zero to one hundred percent raw food even specialists tend to incorporate some cooked food in their diet which is important and. there are also some tricks like curating raw vegetables and fruit to make them easier to digest. after ten years of eating only real fruit and vegetables on old reagan has now also added a small amount of cooked food to his diet. that s it for today see you next week
fundamental ideas of american conservativism, individual rights, freedom, less government, more economic opportunities, all those things, those are superior ideas to the ideas to the left of collectivism, opportunity is a message that should resonate for all. and reagan in 1980 he got something like 43% of the hispanic vote. in 84 he repeated that. he was making overtures to the african-american community. that surely helped open the door with more moderate republicans. i think it s better to focus on the positive because donald trump has a lot of positive things to say about the american economy. and the state of america right now. isis has been basically driven from the front pages of the newspaper. in every measurable way, he s keeping his promises from 2016.
now, no one is expecting trump to win 49 states in 2020. it s a different demographic landscape. but tell us about the lessons he might learn from reagan. who did suffer a similar mid-term series of defeats. well, what trump has to do is focus on the economy, laura. and that s most presidents in the 20th century, in the 25, 26 elections, only several presidents have been driven out of office. in 1912, 1932, 1980, and 1992. and two of those were anomalous because of the third-party candidates in 1912 and in 1992 with ross perot. the other presidents have all been elected because they focused mostly on the economy. and that s what reagan did in 84. don t forget, too, by that time, the cold war, the tide began to turn in the cold war and we were pushing the soviets out of
afghanistan and grenada and other nations. americans generally don t like to throw their president out of office unless they have very good reason like 1932 with the the great depression. herbert hoover tossed out by franklin roosevelt. if i was advising donald trump, i would say focus on the economy, focus on the positive aspects of conservativism and republicanism which they didn t do in this previous election. i saw a lot of negative commercials. i saw very few commercials focusing on the concept of freedom and individual rights and privacy. laura: craig, we were talking earlier with newt about what happened in orange county in california. that was reagan country, of course. that s where reagan came from. the gop has been pretty much wiped out in orange county. the gop in california is down to a fraction of its former self. what about that? newt seemed pretty down on it. we don t really have any answers right now. what do you think? well, i disagree with newt. i think that the
no one s expecting trump to win 49 states in 2020. it s a different demographic landscape. but tell us about the lessons he might learn from reagan. well, what trump has to do is focus on the economy, laura. and that s most presidents in the 20th century, in the 25, 26 elections, only several presidents have been driven out of office. and two of those were anomalous because of the third-party candidates in 1912 and in 1992 with ross perot. the other presidents have all been elected because they focused mostly on the economy. and that s what reagan did in 84. by that time the cold war, the tide began to turn in the cold war and we were pushing the