found an interesting parallel between the most interesting midterm losses for the gop and reagan s 1982 midterm losses. democrats won dozens of seats in the house, they also gained seven governorships. kilgore goes onto offer a warning, reminding us, quote, reagan rebounded and carried 49 states in his landslide re-election. indeed the passion of the fire that we kept burning doesn t die because four years have passed. to each one of you, i say tonight is the end of nothing. it s the beginning of everything. [chanting] laura: joining us now to tell us how to 40th president did it, reagan buying for craig shirley.
soviets out of other nations. americans generally don t like to throw their president out of office unless they have very good reason like 1932 with the the great depression. if i was advising donald trump, i would say focus on the economy, focus on the positive aspects of conservativism and republicanism which they didn t do in this previous election. i saw a lot of negative commercials. i saw very few commercials focusing on the concept of freedom and individual rights and privacy. laura: craig, we were talking earlier with newt about what happened in orange county in california. that was reagan country, of course. that s where reagan came from. the gop has been pretty much wiped out in orange county. the gop in california is down to a fraction of its former self. what about that? newt seemed pretty down on it. we don t really have any answers right now. what do you think? well, i disagree with newt. i think that the ideas, the
fundamental ideas of american conservativism, individual rights, freedom, less government, more economic opportunities, all those things, those are superior ideas to the ideas to the left of collectivism, opportunity is a message that should resonate for all. and reagan in 1980 he got something like 43% of the hispanic vote. in 84 he repeated that. he was making overtures to the african-american community. that surely helped open the door with more moderate republicans. i think it s better to focus on the positive because donald trump has a lot of positive things to say about the american economy. isis has been basically driven from the front pages of the
between the most recent midterm losses for the gop and reagan s 1982 midterm losses. democrats won dozens of seats in the house, much like a couple of tuesdays ago. they also gained seven net governorships, the same as in 2018. kilgore goes onto offer a warning, reminding us, quote, reagan rebounded and carried 49 states in his landslide re-election. indeed the passion of the fire that we kept burning for two decades doesn t die just because four years have passed. to each one of you, i say tonight is the end of nothing. it s the beginning of everything. [chanting] laura: joining us now to tell us how to 40th president did it, craig shirley.
everybody was expected to behave professionally and problems were worked out informally. now there s going to be a code. it s pretty clear there will be some sort of written down rules which will make it easier for the white house to eject reporters in the future because of this. laura: i was looking at some old reagan footage today and during one of the turkey pardons. and hilarious. it was chris wallace shouting a question at reagan. but it was aggressive but it was such a different era. it was such a different reagan, frankly, behaved in a different way than trump. and the press behaved that doesn t seem that long ago, but it was 30-plus years ago. well, a turkey pardon is different. laura: i m just saying they re shouting questions. that was just a moment where i thought, wow. cory, this is what the president said today after the news came