now, no one is expecting trump to win 49 states in 2020. it's a different demographic landscape. but tell us about the lessons he might learn from reagan. who did suffer a similar mid-term series of defeats. >> well, what trump has to do is focus on the economy, laura. and that's -- most presidents in the 20th century, in the 25, 26 elections, only several presidents have been driven out of office. in 1912, 1932, 1980, and 1992. and two of those were anomalous because of the third-party candidates in 1912 and in 1992 with ross perot. the other presidents have all been elected because they focused mostly on the economy. and that's what reagan did in '84. don't forget, too, by that time, the cold war, the tide began to turn in the cold war and we were pushing the soviets out of