As is our wont, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in close cooperation with the math wizards at XTRENDS – often ponder what songs pertain to the month we are reviewing. MAY is particularly vexing because it is not only a month – it’s an auxiliary verb (take that, sixth grade English). Many a song with MAY in the title may or may not be about the month. However, we did stumble upon one specimen that was, shall we say, a bit of a surprise. It comes .
Welcome to our first look at the MAY survey. It was quite the month. There was May Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. Plus a bunch of non-Hallmark kinds of “days.” Those were distractions for radio listeners and opportunities for radio promotions – or, at least, some clever imaging. How it all played out is where we step in. We’re The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC., and we comb through the data with a healthy assist from the number .
As we pre-game for every ratings foray, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – with a strong but silent nod from the numbers crunchers at XTRENDS – tend to spend a little too much time on the mundane. Case in point: Did you know that APRIL is one of only three months that could also be a person’s first name? I mean, no one’s going to name their kid FEBRUARY, right? Perhaps we pre-game just a bit too much. This survey began on MARCH 31st and ended on APRIL .
APRIL is a time of hope and renewal. Baseball fans across the nation believe in the possibility of their teams’ success (sit down, ORIOLES fans). The EASTER BUNNY spreads her bounty for children of all ages to discover and devour. And radio stations soldier on with the hope that this latest survey will be the one that makes all the difference. It is a LUCY/CHARLIE BROWN/football situation that is repeated 13 times a year. Why does APRIL stand out? Frankly, it doesn’t. This is just .
Every 28 days as we prepare this here series of missives, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with our cohorts from XTRENDS – always look for an angle. Sometimes these spawn furiously from our id. Other times we trust in GOOGLE. So, when we typed in “APRIL is … ” the first suggestion was “ … the cruelest month.” That made little sense as APRIL has never been known to be menacing or spiteful in any way. It’s a month .