kind of thing. is jared the same way. i don t know. if i ever had to talk to him or anyone else about intelligence at that level, i would make sure that they had that clearance before i talked to them. i got to ask you about a comment you made on friday. here it is. let me get to you explain. i was telling steve on the way in here, if he knew what i know about terrorism, he would never leave the house. the in the morning. it was a little jarring. i don t know if you meant it tongue in cheek or not. what do you mean by that? there are incredible plots against the united states, terrorism plots against the united states. the really, really good news is that we have incredible men and women that are protecting us every day. you know, the away game overseas, department of defense, cia, nsa, the home game fought by dhs, local law enforcement,
thousands of calls in this time period. he has no recollection of the calls as described. on thursday, nbc news reported that kushner is under fbi scrutiny though not a subject of the investigation like former trump aides paul manafort and michael flynn. this week, former ci a director john brannan acknowledged for the first time his concern that trump campaign associates witnessingly or unwitnessingly may have been cooperating with russian operatives though he says he saw no proof of collusion. i saw information worthy of investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place. now the senate intelligence committee has asked president trump s political organization to gather and produce all documents, e-mails and phone records going back to his campaign s launch in june, 2015. mr. kushner was also in charge of the campaign s data operation. we knew exactly who our voters were that we needed in the key swing states. jerryd was an i
son-in-law jared kushner. president trump faces a scandal that threatens to overshadow perhaps his entire presidency. consider what happened in the last week. monday, washington post reports mr. trump had asked his intel chiefs in march to push back specifically on then fbi director james comey s comments on the russian investigation. tuesday, former cia director john brannan testifies he saw intelligence revealing contacts between russian officials and trump campaign members that he thought deserved investigation. thursday had, nbc news reports that jared kushner is now under fbi scrutiny in the russia investigation though he is not a target and late friday night, the washington post bombshell that will kushner and russia s ambassador to the united states discussed setting up a secret backdoor channel using russian communication facilities. so that their preinauguration discussions would not be picked up by u.s. monitoring. that last item was so explosive the trump administration
something called the future of irrack project, a comprehensive plan for what a new iraqi society will look like after saddam is gone. state department officials assemble a group, including iraqi exiles, to plan for everything from health to education to oil and energy. leading the oil team is a highly regarded former cia energy analyst named robert ebell. said we are going to bring together all these senior ex-iraqi oil officials and we are going to have them prepare a report on the future of oil in iraq. members of the group meet in london. they meet at a washington, d.c. area hotel. they assert that without a radical restructuring of its oil industry, iraq s oil potential will remain unrealized. in this draft report, revealed here publicly for the first time, the state department group calls for international oil companies to be allowed back into iraq and for the rapid expansion of iraqi oil production, in the quickest
nuclear bomb. we argued about this in the state department, why wasn t there more concern with north korea when the ci a was telling us that north korea probably already had plutonium-based nuclear materiel and the answer was 100,000 casualties, minimum, and a real mess. so no one wanted to do korea. and of course, the footnote was, as always, korea didn t have any oil. the public case is about weapons. 9/11 changed everything. the threat of weapons of mass destruction now drives american policy. but policy toward the nation posing the most clear and present danger on wmd, north korea, doesn t change dramatically. instead, inside the administration, it is the existing, pre 9/11 planning about iraq and iraq s oil that goes operational. it s one month after 9/11. the state department forms