kind of thing. is jared the same way. i don t know. if i ever had to talk to him or anyone else about intelligence at that level, i would make sure that they had that clearance before i talked to them. i got to ask you about a comment you made on friday. here it is. let me get to you explain. i was telling steve on the way in here, if he knew what i know about terrorism, he would never leave the house. the in the morning. it was a little jarring. i don t know if you meant it tongue in cheek or not. what do you mean by that? there are incredible plots against the united states, terrorism plots against the united states. the really, really good news is that we have incredible men and women that are protecting us every day. you know, the away game overseas, department of defense, cia, nsa, the home game fought by dhs, local law enforcement,
over here that is going to disrupt our ability to know what the russians are up to. just because you have a back channel if indeed that s what jared was after doesn t mean that he then keeps everything secret. he shares that but the back channels, as i understand it and of course, every administration has had it forever, back channel communications with people are ways to communicate with people, again, not in front of the press as an example but that information is you know, not necessarily kept secret from the rest of the government. does jared kushner have the same level of security clearance as you do? i don t know. is that something you should know? not necessarily. i mean, everything we do in the security world classification world, of course, before i would start talking to anyone, i would make sure that they had the requisite security clearances. i mean, i m cleared for you know top secret come parted sci, that