have been delivered without an extensive investigation. but obviously for us, for journalists, lots of people, we want more confirmation. but if you are russia and you re watching this, and they re saying this plane has crashed, is it tongue in cheek that this is a terrible accident, do russians know when they look at that video of the plane falling from the sky, and again, we should get an aviation expert to tell us what sort of failure this indicates, whether there was explosion on board, whether it was hit by something, a failure of the mechanical failure what indicates a free fall. do they think yeah, it was an accident or vladimir putin took out his number one enemy? reporter: well, what do you think, katy? i mean, they saw an uprising in moscow. they were aware that this happened.
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covered his ears and closed his mind. i want to hear what i do want to hear from rudy and sidney powell and the pillow guy. that s the argument you will hear from prosecutors. the other argument, at a certain point, when all of the recounts have been conducted, all of the states have certified, it doesn t matter if you think you win. you can t try to disrupt congress from counting the votes on january 6th. i think those are the fallback arguments. not just fallback, but legitimate arguments that a prosecutor would make. the whole thing i was talking about with phil, i was doing it tongue in cheek. he didn t have advisers telling him he won. the pillow guy, sydney powell and rudy giuliani, they weren t official presidential advisers. they were part of his wac-a-doo team. you have that team and team