leading the oil team is a highly regarded former cia energy analyst named robert ebel. said we are going to bring together all these senior ex-iraqi oil officials and we are going to have them prepare a report on the future of oil in iraq. members of the group meet in london. they meet at a washington, d.c. area hotel. they assert that without a radical restructuring of its oil industry, iraq s oil potential will remain unrealized. in this draft report, revealed here publicly for the first time, the state department group calls for international oil companies to be allowed back into iraq and for the rapid expansion of iraqi oil production, in the quickest possible time. these findings were how this bunch of ex-iraqi oil officials envisioned how they would come in and tell the government what it needed to do. publicly, the administration
something called the future of irrack project, a comprehensive plan for what a new iraqi society will look like after saddam is gone. state department officials assemble a group, including iraqi exiles, to plan for everything from health to education to oil and energy. leading the oil team is a highly regarded former cia energy analyst named robert ebell. said we are going to bring together all these senior ex-iraqi oil officials and we are going to have them prepare a report on the future of oil in iraq. members of the group meet in london. they meet at a washington, d.c. area hotel. they assert that without a radical restructuring of its oil industry, iraq s oil potential will remain unrealized. in this draft report, revealed here publicly for the first time, the state department group calls for international oil companies to be allowed back into iraq and for the rapid expansion of iraqi oil production, in the quickest
for everything from health, to education, to oil and energy. leading the oil team is a highly regarded former cia energy analyst named robert ebel. going to bring together all these senior ex-iraqi oil officials and have them prepare a report on the future of oil in iraq. members of the group meet in london at a washington, d.c., area hotel. they assert without a radical restructuring of its oil industry, iraq s oil potential will remain unrealized. in this draft report revealed here publicly for the first time, the state department group calls for international oil companies to be allowed back into iraq. and for the rapid expansion of iraqi oil production, in the quickest possible time. these findings were how this bunch of ex-iraqi oil officials envisioned how they would come in and tell the government what it needed to do. publicly, the administration
for everything from health, to education, to oil and energy. leading the oil team is a highly regarded former cia energy analyst named robert ebel. going to bring together all these senior ex-iraqi oil officials and have them prepare a report on the future of oil in iraq. members of the group meet in london at a washington, d.c., area hotel. they assert without a radical restructuring of its oil industry, iraq s oil potential will remain unrealized. in this draft report revealed here publicly for the first time, the state department group calls for international oil companies to be allowed back into iraq. and for the rapid expansion of iraqi oil production, in the quickest possible time. these findings were how this bunch of ex-iraqi oil officials envisioned how they would come in and tell the government what it needed to do.
saddam is gone. officials assemble a group including iraqi exiles to plan for everything from health, to education, to oil and energy. leading the oil team is a highly regarded former cia energy analyst named robert eeple. going to bring together all these senior ex-iraqi oil officials and have them prepare a report on the future of oil in iraq. members of the group meet in london at a washington, d.c., area hotel. they assert without a radical restructuring of its oil industry, iraq s oil potential will remain unrealized. in this draft report revealed here publicly for the first time, the state department group calls for international oil companies to be allowed back into iraq. and for the rapid expansion of iraqi oil production, in the quickest possible time. these findings were how this bunch of ex-iraqi oil officials