Today also, isolated rains may be seen in parts of Punjab, Haryana, West Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. April 27, and 28, rains will be light only. April 29 onward, rains may intensify being slightly moderate in nature.
Pre-monsoon season of 2023 is turning out to be one of the rainiest in the last many years over these states. Crop damage was reported over parts of Punjab and Haryana during the second half of March due to intense rain, thunderstorm, strong winds and hailstorm activities.
The Western disturbance will move away gradually and the intensity and spread of rain will also decrease over these States. However, there are chances of light to moderate rain over northern districts of Punjab for another 24 to 48 hours. Northern parts of Haryana may receive scattered rain for another 24 hours.
Rain and thunderstorm may start over plains of Northwest India from April 19. There may be widespread rain over Punjab and scattered over Haryana, northwest Uttar Pradesh, and North Rajasthan between April 19 and 20. Delhi may also witness isolated rain and thunderstorm during this period. Maximum temperatures are expected to drop significantly over Punjab and parts of Haryana.