was reopening the possibility that he did not hear the conversation. when we reached out to constable s office to get constable on, they replied he wasn t available but helped us arrange an interview with doherty instead. that s where we left things the end of last month. this key witness in the mastro report. a democratic mayor friendly with the christie administration telling us he doesn t think dawn zimmer is lying about her conversation with richard constable, but also that nothing like she says was said was actually said. now we have learned more information that only raises more doubt about mastro s report and how doherty was used in it. mastro released memos outlining the 75 interviews they used in their report. a few things jumped out at us. ralph larossa, who runs the largest new jersey gas and
commissioner constable say anything to mayor zimmer in words or substance along the lines of mayor zimmer s allegation. and this, mayor doherty said he did not hear commission constable say anything about quid pro quos or make threats to anyone. mayor doherty observed that zimmer may have been associating the subjects in her own mind, but that s not what constable said so the mastro report concludes that he appears to be telling the truth. we saw a problem with this. back in january, when zimmer first made her allegations, a reporter who knew that doherty had been on stage that night asked him that night. doherty told the recorder he didn t remember the conversation and remembered sitting in between zimmer and constable. and you can plainly see from the picture that doherty s memory was wrong there. given the fact that doherty had
based on what he was hearing at the state house. we know constable told mastro s team that development was a part of the conversation with zimmer. what he called a one-minute conversation with zimmer. we know two people sitting close to zimmer and constable at that event didn t hear that conversation. we know a third person who was sitting close by, matt doherty first said that he didn t hear the conversation, and also incorrectly remembered where he was sitting on the stage, but then later said he did hear the conversation and suggested on our show that the discussion had been about flood mitigation. that is the key independent witness who the mastro report relies on to discredit what dawn zimmer has said. by the way, in the mastro team memo it notes that dshoherty wa
not remembered the conversation and was wrong about where he was sitting, how key be as confident as the mastro report sittinged said he was. so we asked him over and over, did you hear the entire conversation? his replies were, a little hard to follow. did you hear the whole conversation or not? i heard their conversation. the entire conversation. the conversation about the hazard mitigation. was there more to the conversation that you didn t hear? all i can talk about is what i did hear. are parts of the conversation you did not hear. there may have been parts of the conversation that you did hear. could he have whispered it? i guess. by the end of that interview, do doherty seemed to i said on the air that he said he was
constable. we are miked up with other panelists all around us. probably the sound team is listening. and he says i hear you are against the rockefeller project. i reply, i m not against the rockefeller project. in fact i want more commercial development in hoboken. really? everyone in the state house believes you are against it. the buzz is that you are against it. if you move that forward, the money would start flowing to you, he tells me. that s from a contemporaneous diary entry that zimmer shared with us when she made her allegations on this program on january 18th. she then shared with the united states attorney for new jersey. commissioner constable firmly denies zimmer s characterization of that conversation. the mastro report claims that zimmer s version of events is blown out of the water by matt doherty because doher it was also on stage with zimmer and constable that night and he heard that conversation and nothing like zimmer was alleging is spoken. the report continues, ma