heard a word about it since, and we see him flying around the country for the republican governors association. isn t that the kind of thing that new jersey voters may be considering as we watch his popularity decline in the polls in that state? yeah. although to be honest with you there s always some complaint about governors going out of state, usually from the opposition. i certainly had that when i was in vermont. and the voters don t get upset about that. frankly the biggest damage that he s got is this assembly investigation is going to be bad. but i can t wait to find out what s going on with the hoboken money. i mean, that really is a federal crime. if he did in fact send his lieutenant governor to threaten the mayor of lobe kenn and withhold 157bd sandy aid, he ma finish his term. that brings up something he said in his press conference where he was asked about would he comply with subpoenas? this is really important. let s listen to this.
although to be honest with you there s always some complaint about governors going out of state, usually from the opposition. i certainly had that when i was in vermont. and the voters don t get upset about that. frankly the biggest damage that he s got is this assembly investigation is going to be bad. but i can t wait to find out what s going on with the hoboken money. i mean, that really is a federal crime. if he did in fact send his lieutenant governor to threaten the mayor of hoboken and withhold sandy aid, he may not finish his term. that brings up something he said in his press conference where he was asked about would he comply with subpoenas? this is really important. let s listen to this. if you were to get a subpoena for whatever reason, what would you do? i m not going to speculate on that. of all the things to not answer, will you comply with subpoenas, if there s a subpoena that he gets either from the investigative committee or from
we re back and we re talking politics, corruption and crime and how the three overlap. i m here with maya wiley, paul butler and nick. we were talking about bob mcdonnell. again, indictment, alleged, they pled not guilty but that it was all for personal gain. we desperately need money. we need you to buy us stuff. and i was saying, okay we desperately need a rolex. you made the point that there s not a fine line between what campaign spending and personal spending is when you get right down to it. it depends on the state or if it s a federal race, but, for instance, here in new york, if you were a state lawmaker in new york, you can lease your car, you can pay for your plane tickets, you can go on vacation, you can do almost anything with your campaign funds.
alleged crime i have ever heard of. now, some context. the supreme court s decision made it impossible to break american campaign finance law. if you want to give a ton of money to a candidate, there are now countless ways to do it legally and constitutionally. but somehow, some way, desouza found the one way there is to actually break a campaign finance law according to the indictment handed down in new york. he donated the maximum to an unnamed senate candidate and then got others to give $20,000 more to that candidate. he then reimbursed the other donors, which means he was effectively donating more than legally allowed. desoo desouza pled not guilty today. his attorney said he did not act with any criminal intent whatsoever. at worst, this was an act of misguided friendship. here s the craziest part.
who lost their benefits starting december 28th. they are now scrambling to make do to feed their families or avoid foreclosure or eviction, to keep a roof over their head, somehow some way. so, when we say inequality, this is what we re talking about. not charts and graftphs. we are talking about justice and fairness and basic human decency. we are talking about a society, indeed a world, in which billions of people get up every day and say, as kevin o leary would want to have them say, i want to work hard, be zubsful, make money and do right by my family and what they get is a pummelling by the forces of power and money into submission and poverty. and when it is done and they are broken and trying to figure out where their next meal will come from, they are told to stop being so greedy. they are told it is their fault. we ll be right back. [ male announcer ] welcome back all the sweet things your family loves with 0-calorie monk fruit in the raw.