You re listening to am 6 empty k l t t broken to beautiful the real Tracy rock and my good friend Bradley Hey Dutch t.v. Writer she were are how always well has everything and the big I love. Here I get I got to tell you it s kind of. Cold pleasant and cold. Yeah I m terrible you know I don t know if anyone told you but Denver is typically cold. I keep trying to get you here but I like I don t do cold weather and I m like it s really not that bad. Yeah and you know what I ve been saying lately I just got to tell you that s why I share this with you because I ve been trying to get you here and I m really a warm weather girl. But I really think God and I have been having a one on one conversation and lately I ve been saying Lord I think you got me in the wrong state. I really do so I m coming to Dallas I m going to be in Dallas the 1st weekend of mays So I m thinking where you need to be yeah what I left Miami to come to Dallas Texas so I said the same thing to. Me. He said Well I trac
Lines are open so call now 1800 God says that s 804637297 Now here s your host pastor Doug bestial are welcome once again friends to a fresh edition of bible answers live and we are indeed coming to you live from the capital of California Sacramento sometimes known as California. The home of our famous governor and this is a live Bible interactive study if you want to participate of course you can listen and will learn together if you have a Bible question you can call and we have several lines open that because a lot of our listeners are on the road listening right now that number is a free phone call 800 God says 804637297 my name is Doug bachelor and my name is Dick eating pastor Doug welcome back Hassidic We missed you last week thank you very much we re going to miss you next week as I will be here but probably be over is understanding the questions and answering these questions and speak to all of us tonight Lord May we know that we ve been in your presence we thank you and we a
Manner God is not in control or is that overshooting the mark in another direction in what is God control anything. Everything I believe here rules everything so in a sense we all are understanding recognizing that God is alive and well and he is in control planet Earth but in another sense we re recognizing the opposite and that is that there are things happening on planet Earth that are distinctly unrelated to God and not part of God s will I think that there is a real trickiness even in the way that we ve ordered the question and this is this is come up several times in the way that we ve ordered other questions and that s what I like about these questions because they re thorny they re thorny they re difficult even the questions themselves are problematic so with this is a case in point if God is in control then are we really free will there is a sense in which you could describe God as being in control that I would totally disagree with. And then there s a sense in which you coul
I m boys and girls moms and dads this is it Carol and I m a golden hello everyone and welcome to Day We have another episode in our series on King David you can find the story in the Old Testament of your Bible in the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 5 we call it a camel to success. And David was 37 years old when he began to reign over all Israel members of my court some of you have been with me since the days of the cave of Adullam some of you held your positions under King Saul but all of us together have a solemn duty to perform for Israel God s chosen people. God covenant with Abraham Isaac Moses and many others of our forefathers to make of his people like great people like the sands of the sea a number come to us as the stars in the heavens the most powerful people on Earth and the greatest of all nations if we obey his will and keep our part of the Covenant these things shall come to pass we will keep His commandments and walk in His statutes. Our 1st duty is to choose a site better
Welcome to through the Bible I m your host Steve whites and today the Bible bus begins in the features one ever 17 so while you find your place in God s word let s open our mailbag and share a few letters from our fellow passengers from around the world now 1st we ve got a listener of our low Connel broadcasts in the Philippines good day it s so great to listen to your program I want you to know that ever since I had a stroke I never fail to listen to your program every day I 1st began listening in the hospital and now I listen at home you re teaching keeps me company and heals my soul thank you so much for what you re doing next we ve got to note this is from a listener of our Indonesian language broadcasts I have often been limited by my thoughts my circumstances and my problems I was frustrated that everything in life wasn t going according to my plan but your programs have rebuked me now that I understand God s Word I see that God loves His children and my life is meant to be live