Welcome to through the Bible I'm your host Steve whites and today the Bible bus begins in the features one ever 17 so while you find your place in God's word let's open our mailbag and share a few letters from our fellow passengers from around the world now 1st we've got a listener of our low Connel broadcasts in the Philippines good day it's so great to listen to your program I want you to know that ever since I had a stroke I never fail to listen to your program every day I 1st began listening in the hospital and now I listen at home you're teaching keeps me company and heals my soul thank you so much for what you're doing next we've got to note this is from a listener of our Indonesian language broadcasts I have often been limited by my thoughts my circumstances and my problems I was frustrated that everything in life wasn't going according to my plan but your programs have rebuked me now that I understand God's Word I see that God loves His children and my life is meant to be lived with him God wants his children's hearts to be by Jesus so we will live according to his plan by doing this we will be blessed I have learned to come to Jesus when I have a problem thank you for helping me to see that God is the answer to my problems isn't that an encouraging letter now here's another one this is also from Indonesia but this time from a listener of our t.v. Javanese programs your teaching is very of vocative It reminds me to focus on my faith and to grow and bear fruit I admit that my faith is still like a small seed that fell among thorns I am afraid I bear no fruit but I feel so thankful to God who gives me the chance to fix my heart to become a fertile soil through His Word I am listening now and can slowly see that I am beginning to change for instance as I grow closer to God the more blessings I receive wisdom intelligence and peace the more trials of life I face the more I want to grow in my faith in Jesus despite the blows I am given from this crushing world I will try to remember and serve. Him Next we hear from a listener to our Hindi program I come from a non-Christian family but I came to the Lord after hearing the good news I am blind due to taking wrong medical prescriptions because of this incident I was unable to appreciate life and developed a poor attitude I was miserable and bitter to the core one day someone from my church visited me and I shared my pain with him he counseled me from the Bible and before leaving he introduced me to your broadcasts I tuned into the program and was taken with it I became a regular listener God spoke to me through your messages and I am now a changed person I get my daily strength from God's word now I do not have to wait for someone to read the Bible for me I want to thank you for this wonderful Bible study program well as you've likely guessed this week the world prayer team is traveling on our knees through Southeast Asia so if you'd like to join us as we lift up listeners like these and millions of others as well sign up today at t t v dot org forward slash pray now once on board you'll receive a daily e-mail with prayer prompts and encouraging testimonies of how God is reaching into the hearts of listeners like these it really is a privilege and it's a pleasure to pray together and there's always room just like the Bible bus for one more to join us on the journey again the address is t t v dot org forward slash Pray do it today and let's pray now Heavenly Father thank You that through your word we discover the depths of your love for us draws closer to you through our study of it in Jesus' name we pray Amen Here's through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee. Now we come back today to the prayer of Paul and you notice that last time the saying that we emphasize was that good news cause Paul to pray and by the way we never think really of all as being an outstanding example of a man of prayer doing well when we think of the great measure narry of the cross Well we'd certainly put all at the top of the lance and when we won an example of a great apostle we couldn't find any greater than Paul and when you want one of the great preachers of the church in fact you couldn't get a list of hand of the greatest preachers of the church without putting Paul as number one and he was one of the greatest teachers they large eases was the greatest and it said Never my own fault is this man taught of Paul certainly followed in that tradition and he is an example of a good pastor by the way as we see him in Athens says supporting to Dr Luke weeping with the believers laugh and how they love them I always judge a church by the way that they love their pastor and especially their acts pastor that tells us something about a fellow especially at these stood for the Word of God and the day we need to learn to judge by their attitude really toward the Word of God not have big the Bible it is that they put under their arm now when you think of any one ix Salang in and its field of service in the early church all the Apostle must be up toward the top but how about a representative of great men and prayer would you put Paul and not less well Moses is a great enter Sasser on top of the mountain was a great man of prayer. We think of him is that and certainly David who went before God then dire circumstance because of his awful sayin and he made confession and Alijah as he stood alone before a rebuilt all of the drenched with water on a mountain top and then I was Daniel who reveals a man a prayer as the olden days when the teller Jerusalem before a hostile power and the largest certainly is a marvelous example to a surprise so much so that they Apostles tame to him and said a lot teach us to pray but you know Paul was a great man of prayer when I was teaching. Bible in the Institute here in Southern California downtown Los Angeles I always had the students when we got to the Apostles appall to make a list of the prayer list of the Apostle Paul every time he said he was praying for somebody to put it down and blow in the hole I've had student after student come up and said Ma didn't know all had such a prayer list didn't always prayed for so many people well he was a great man a prayer and here now we have the example in fact there are 2 prayers of Paul that are here and we have the one Niall having set before us the church is the Body of Christ it just caused him to drop to is knee is and begin to pray and then we're going to find again that when we get to the and Chapter 3 another great prayer of the Apostle Paul 2 right here in the vessel to the Athenians now that some are by the way of a child of God You know one of the ways you can tell whether a Miami is a child of God or not is because of his prior lie how much does he feel a dependence upon God and if he feels that the penance upon God he's going to God in prayer for him self and he'll also goal to God in prayer as center session or other well that to me is a pretty good indication you remember that when an anonymous yonder in the city of Damascus it was their stir when they enjoy wanted him to go over to Saul of Tarsus and he put up an objection he said was that man persecuted the church and now then Joe says behold it right and that was a pretty good indication that something that happened the Apostle Paul now in this great prayer here is. 1st of all give thanks to God and then there is a prayer here are considered a 3 full prayer some a 2 fold prayer but that's beside the point because the important thing is here that he says 1st of all that God this is verse 17 now that the God of our large isas Christ the Father of glory may give under you the Spirit of wisdom and rather live in the knowledge of Him Now the thing that I'd call attention to hear it is that this man not only had a multi if in prayer which was good news but he's not praying for material things but he's praying year for spiritual blessing so. And these spiritual blessings are very important and the fact of the matter is they're all important he says cease not to give thanks for you they very generous were on his prayer last night I guess all these churches were making mention of you in my prayers and that means he called them by name I was with a great preacher one day and some folk came up and spoke to us and shook hands and one of the men that came up said that this preacher said I'm praying for you and there's preacher I never shall forget he said to him Well thank you very much but did you mention maybe a 9 he says because I wouldn't want the Lord to get me next step was somebody else well call him by the night friends when you pray for him there's a low and somebody says well we already know well just make sure that the Lord knows pray for fall by name he says I might mention to you in my prayer that means the call and I see now verse 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory my divine to you thus there is of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him Now Paul having revealed here that the church is the Body of Christ and that God the Father planned that God the Son paid for God the Holy Spirit protects it he recognizes that these folks here wouldn't be able to understand that unless the Spirit of God was there to be the teacher and rare to open up the word of God and only the Spirit of God can do that Dr are inside tells the story of when he apparently lived here in Southern California as a young man and he wanted to go out and preach the word and he was. Doing that and so there was a wonderful man of God that had come over from North Arlen to Southern California because of what they would call in that they gallop and consumption but he came out there's a re apparently too light and you wouldn't want to come today with all the smog but nevertheless and that it was different and he stayed in a little camp out back of the home of Dr inside her San this man was a great man of Gloucester and one who had been used to God in teaching the Word and Dr inside went out would sit with him and he would open up a scripture in such a way that Dr inside said he never heard of anything like that before so one day he asked him he said. This man said Well I didn't get him by going to seminary because I never went to seminary and I never got them by going to college and I never got them by actually being taught by someone but he says I learned these things on money is on the mud floor of a little sod cottage in the north of Ireland. That was mild been Bible before me I used to kneel for hours at a time and I asked the Spirit of God revealed cries for my soul and open the Lurd to my heart and he taught me mower on my knee is on that much lower than ever could have learned in all the seminaries or colleges in the world and I happen to know having known Dr and side that he practiced that in his ministry I remember when he was teaching us the Song of Solomon he said he never was satisfied with what he found in the commentaries and he just got down on his knees and asked God to reveal to him the message of that book and he has a book on it now I will present the Song of Solomon when we get to it and I'm going to give you where frankly his interpretation of it because it's the only one that's ever satisfied my own heart and a lot of wonderful glorious thing it is to have the Spirit of God to be the one to be our teacher that God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory he may give you this period of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him and how a lot take place well take place by the Spirit of God be in our teacher and all that you and I might learn that a spirit of God is the only one that can open our eyes notice verse 18 that is there your understanding being in the light that she may know what is the hope of his calling the riches of the glory of his inheritance and the sign now the eyes are your heart being in light and you will notice here that this is quite remarkable the eyes of your heart not the eyes of your mind. And that your heart might understand you see that you may be very brilliant intellectually but that does not guarantee that you can understand spiritual truth because I have not seen either ear heard neither has entered into the heart of my and the things that God has prepared for them that love him and only the Spirit of God can teach them to you now I have no understand in the music whatsoever. I can sing and can't carry a tune I recognize very few tunes so I do not know what of it she is that's a foreign field to me now I ask a musician fact I had a music director one time and he made the statement publicly says I can teach anybody to sing I stood up and made it and I said Brother you've got a pupil nobody's ever been able to teach me to sing so all right the congregation laughed then we made an engagement and every Thursday afternoon I met with him for a month at the end of the month he gave up he said you know I just really believe you were right you'd never be able learn music I said that's true I said how could I ever learn he said the only way in the world would be for you to be born again but he meant was I'd have to be born another person now my friend far spiritual knowledge is concerned no person can understand me I have not seen here heard Need I have had entered into the heart of man the things that God prepared for them that love it but God has to reveal among us by spirit and it's only as you and I will and for the Spirit of God to teach you I've told many times about that their little lady up there in Sherman Texas that when I went up to preach there why they asked me to speak to it everybody called a grandma is way up in years couldn't read nor write and I started out by trying to explain to her John 14 I thought I'd take something simple for grandma after all she couldn't read or write she one smart like I was I was a 1st year seminary student and I had answered everything at that time and she listened to me for about 5 minutes then she said to me young man and you haven't noticed that well I hadn't noticed they honestly and I couldn't understand how she noticed that she couldn't read neuron she knew things about John 14 I've never read in any. Commentary and no Bible teach average count those to me you know how she dead as her understand then we're all with the Spirit of God Oh my friend the Spirit of God wants to teach us and one of the reasons that God's people are not in the Word of God today is because they're not willing for the Spirit of God to teach them they have lessons of corporate you're like me they have to go to some home Bible class why don't you let the Spirit of God teach you Christian friend when you read a passage of Scripture and you say I don't understand that I read that I have people say that I read that many times and I never saw that in well when you didn't get anything out of it you get a barren place in scripture and I get there many times even today just get down on your knees or just turn to the Lord say Lord I miss the old and you will have to teach me and he'll teach you then that's the 1st thing and then the 2nd thing is the riches of the glory of his inheritance and the saints now it's not our inheritance here in him but it's his inheritance and I have now I think the illustration would be they land the Canaan the land of Canaan belonged to God and he gave the children of s. Real possession of Now by and by just going to take possession of this universe that you and I live in and through his saints we're going to write in with him and I've just wondered about that fact that's and I re ideas never been able to penetrate began the Spirit of God needs to make this real because he has an inheritance and I have the day and we're tired and there's the children of Israel were tired and I thought a lion was going to rule some day and then noticed there is another petition here what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe according to the working of his might if. And. Leave me this is power that he's talking about here and friends I mean power let me just take a moment for that and look at this power that we're talking about here it is power that 1st of all notice and I'll give you my translation of it what is the exceeding the end Antz greatness of this power and this is you know Mr Power dynamite to us we're to believe according to the working and that working is energizing of this rain that is my which the rot in Christ when He raised them up that is in the act of raising him from the day and now friends that power to raise Christ from the day and not only that but the power that set him on his right hand that's ascension power and we don't make much of the Ascension in our churches today that is most of us that belong to viable churches for some reason we emphasized Christmas and Easter but we saying to forget everything after that if you ever stop to thank of the power that took him back to the right hand of God that my friend is how are we beginning to see a little of it ever you ever stop to think of the hour that it takes to left a mess so off of the place down yonder in Florida and take it out yonder and displays thank God up our physical power that it took to take man to the moon and bring them back that is our why my friend if it took that kind of power to travel horizontally on this earth today you'd see a Volkswagen coming down a highway with one of these great big gas trucks back at it it would take that much power to keep it going but it was that power that took him back and that they might not only know that power Paul says that I might know him in the power of his. Erection but that I might have it working in me and why does the exceeding greatness of His Power told us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which the rotten Christ when he raised him from the day had sent him that his own right hand in the heavenly places why are above all principality and power and my and a menu and every name that name not only in this age but also in that which is a calm and he's going to put all things under his feet and gave him now to be head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that fill it all and all and all concludes on this from men as I note here that the church is the body of crimes and he is the head of the church and some day everything is going to be under him and at the present time the only thing that is under him is the church and I believe that is the true church now there's many organized groups down yesterday that are not less and there's a large Jesus I can tell you that and it's a paralyzed church you see the most tragic thing in the world is to see some dare especially child of God lying on a bad helpless because the brain has been detached from the body Well I have been in many churches that are like that haven't you where actually the churches did act and there are many individual Christians today that are dead and from the head my friend here is the head of the body and he says if you love me you're going to keep my commandments and not a word i wiggle less a little finger of mine which I think doing right now if you're by myself in the studio I'm wiggling then you know why who's the head of his got charge of that and I tell you when he. And she had to wiggle down here are you going to wiggle are else you're not attached am oh how important this is in these days in which we only have 4 as the body has one have many members and all the members of that one body being many one body so also is cries for by one Spirit we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we did bond afraid in all made to drink into one Spirit and He is the head of the body. The church is the Body of Christ Dr McGee never intended his teaching to take the place of the local church in your life and we certainly hope that's not the case and if you're not involved in a body of believers in your local area we would urge you to find one where you can be blessed and also equally as importantly bless the body of Christ so if you'd like to join a local church but you aren't quite sure maybe what you should be looking for in a church we've got a resource that can help go to t t v dot org forward slash x. And there you'll find a link to download Dr McGee statement called what is the mark of a good church well we've wrapped up chapter one of the fees ins and on Monday we'll begin chapter 2 in the meantime for more great teaching from Dr McGee join us for his Sunday sermon titled The best love to listen online or see if your station carries the Sunday sermon visit t t v dot org or call us at 1865 Bible if we can answer any of your questions about this ministry I'm Steve swats as always we're praying that God's great grace mercy and peace would be with you until we meet again she loosened a new ball oh no moon no mo soon I'm going to reduce it a little bit we're so grateful for the faithful and generous support of through the Bible's partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole Well as you know in addition to Barack Obama Hillary Clinton George Soros John Brennan Eric Holder Maxine Waters you know have Joe Biden and Robert De Niro that have been added to the list of prominent liberals and Trump critics who have received these pipe bombs in the mail again thankfully no one is hurt that's what matters was interesting though is seeing the media speculation over this as you know the only possibility that's been considered among the Democrats in the mainstream press is that this has to be a Republican who's carrying out these acts against Democrats are not even considering the possibility that this could be a Doraine judged Democrat or liberal who's trying to make Republicans look bad right before the election again I withhold judgment and opinion on this until we actually get the facts and see but there's another mean that the press has been pushing hard and that is that this whole thing is down on Trump's fault is the fault of Trump it's the fault of conservatives and the toxic nature of today's public discourse the course nature of how ugly and vitriolic our language has gotten in this country and they're laying this at the feet of Donald Trump well as be honest folks Donald Trump Yes he is brash he is harsh he is bombastic he is aggressive when he takes on his critics but I've noticed something about Trump you know what his m.o. Is he doesn't start fights he's a counter-puncher if you go back and you look at every nasty comment it in. That Trump is leveled at someone either at rallies or on Twitter you're going to notice one common theme that runs through all of them Trump is responding to someone who 1st attacked or insulted him and I just find it so interesting that the press says that this is Donald Trump's fault for the coarsening of our language in this country but they don't see the need to point to the Liberal Democrats and say wait a minute you guys are the ones who are starting it think about c.n.n. For a moment Ok every single day c.n.n. As well as m s n b c and the rest of the media go after Donald Trump and attack him relentlessly and not just with normal fair criticisms but we're talking about calling him every name in the book these are some of the names that he's been called on c.n.n. And the rest of the media Hitler Nazi dictator racist Xeno phobe liar hate monger extremist dangerous he's killing people k.k.k. Supporter a threat to national security he's going to start World War 3 anti poor anti-woman a tyrant destroying America a danger to America this is the way that the liberal left in the media talks about Donald Trump and it's Donald Trump's fault because he dares to fight back. If you really think about it what does trump done to divide us you know what he's done he's an active conservative policies he's named conservative judges in other words he's been a strong conservative president liberal Democrats can't stand that they're furious and so they lash out at him and conservatives with vitriolic language the difference is Trump refuses to shut up about it he fights back and then the Liberal Democrats get mad and blame him for cheapening the discourse in this country so look I hope they find out who this bomber is I hope that no one gets injured from this but I'm not going to sit by and let conservatives be falsely accused of being the ones starting this fight no trump is a counter-puncher he doesn't start fights do good news politician government there is a public affairs presentation of. The station the views and opinions expressed is not necessarily those of the overbroad he has to go but he does affiliates ownership for living. Here on by. Here God's truth. Welcome to by the line was Dr Ralph yankie our pastor of Calvary Community Church in Tampa Florida clearly declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the radio and the internet your regular prayers and monthly support make it possible for Bible line to continue on the air you can reach us toll free at 180-576-3771 online donations may be made by clicking on the donations link on the Bible on ministries got home page we pray that you will enjoy our commitment to the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ. And that today's message will be a blessing to you and your family well good morning and welcome to the line this is round Yankee Yarnall And it's Friday I'm coming to you live from the broad his studio here in Tampa Florida it's raining outside can you believe that in sunny Florida Well we have been blessed we have just gone through I think one of the best missions conference that I've ever been in and I thank the Lord for all those who were able to come and be part of this exciting week and many missionaries and great testimonies can you believe 8 different meals we fixed and our ladies at the church has done a wonderful job everything went smoothly it went great and so great for all the missionaries if you happen to have any kind of funds that you would like to see go into missions where people who are clear on the gospel just like I am that makes it simple makes it clear where people can know they have eternal life every one of our missionaries do and so if you can go to the Bible and Ministries dot org There's a donation button and you can see where you can donate to missionaries and I'm sure they would appreciate it we know that they're in Trinidad they had a flood and the church Dr Graham was underwater the the wall water was waged inside the church in the home the parsonage everywhere a lot of damage done and they do need some help so if you can do that and help them they had appreciated by a line Ministries dot org and give the missions it's a wonderful thing to do we may not be able to go in all the world but we can help send those who are going to so anyway if you are. Listening to the broadcast today I want you to make sure that you get your copy of the Gospel driven man that's a book that I wrote years ago and it is provided for you free include in the mail in and this is the ministry of an individual in Colorado who wishes to me remain anonymous but I'm sure glad that he likes my book and that he's well and that they do this so just call the church and say I want my book and they will be glad to send it to you and the number to call is 813-884-4328 extension 8 will be given again at the end of the broadcast in case you forget it and I would love to send that book to you Don't forget you can always watch our broadcast services live Sunday school room church service and the church service starts at 1030 in the mornings on Sunday morning and all you have to do is just go to the calvary of Tampa dot org Calvary of Tampa dot org and click on the tab that says live broadcasts and it will tell you that what time we come on on Sunday night and Wednesday night and you get a chance to listen to those fabulous firehouse 5 we do that every Sunday night Wednesday night because we just like a little pick an ingrained in and so I'm sure you would enjoy that so if you get a chance to do that course I want to talk to you about something today and I call this wide justification is irreversible justification is irreversible if you ever get justified it is totally irreversible but let me explain it to you he saved. The Bible says here in the book of Galatians in chapter one chapter 3 and in verse 8 he says and the Scripture Oh yes men for seeing that God would justify the heathen through faith praise be for the gospel on the Abraham say and in the shallow name. Be blessed for seeing that God would justify the heathen think of all the heathen all those wicked wicked things any heathen can do any barbarian and that includes the person who runs around and 3 piece suit and goes to church if he hasn't trusted Christ they say then I was a heathen also for 18 years means you're without God without Christ or you might know there is a God but that doesn't make you a child of God but the be justified mange to be just as if I have never sinned and so there's a statement I'd like to just give to you because the justification is a judicial act of God The Clarin a person righteous it's not a process in other words that I got a start and little by little I get better and better and better and better and better and then lo and behold I'm good enough to go to heaven no to be justified means it's like standin in a courtroom and the judge says you're guilty on all charges and then to be declared righteous because somebody paid my debt and that's what Jesus Christ did so a good way to remember the meaning of just the vacationer being justified is just as if I've never sinned Now some people will say one and that's not correct yes it is correct and yes that is what it means but it means that and even a little bit more but the think for a moment and God will look at me as though I have never sinned. But it goes a little bit further and it's like saying Well. It means that in God's eyes it's like I have always been righteous that I never did do anything wrong not just to be declared me righteous but like it never happened like I've always been right as well how righteous as righteous as God say we can't go to heaven unless we are as right as as God And so by your good deeds and how you live you ought to be aware that that will never happen because you can't live that righteously But what if God took all of your sins from the time you're born to the time you die and if God was to wait until you actually died and stand before Him and God declared you guilty and all of your sins were at that point from the time you were born to the time you died and face God all those sins were placed upon the Lord Jesus Christ and he paid for your sins and God would at that moment declare you righteous we see it is so good and it is so true. That if you and I would go ahead and accept Christ as our Savior now even though we may live for another 152-030-4050 years it's still true I have been justified declared righteous from all sin and what it means is I have been justified from all sin. That's ever been against me and there is now at this point in my life nothing that can still be against me and there shall in the future never be anything against me because I see God has sent His Son to pay for all my sin not some of them. The most of them all of them you say that means all the ones you've already done all known when Christ died he died for all my sins and they were all in the future and if I was to wait until the very day I died the very moment I die and I trusted Christ as my Savior it would included all of them and so God says that payment he put in my account so I have been justified this was the good news that God preached Abraham back in the Old Testament and that's why he says for sin that God would justify the heathen through faith not by his works this was mentioned Abraham 430 years before Jesus Christ ever came to the year to make the payment that's why he says foreseen Christ was going to make a payment and now he has had 2000 years ago and in the book Galatians and chapter 2 in verse 16 design Lawson verse this is what it says knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law in other words he has not declared rights as by his works he cannot by his words give the appearance that he's never sinned they never did anything wrong this means that all of his good deeds from this day forward can never pay for any sins of the past. He's done so and so he said but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the fates of pride not father works of the law but by the works of the law shall no flesh they justified so no one ever has been justified in Vi's works by his deeds in other words going to church is not going to cause God to declare you righteous given money and support in missions and pray and all those good things you can do will not cause God to declare your righteous as though you never sinned it will never happen but when Jesus Christ went to the cross he died on the cross he paid for your sins and therefore yes you can have this free gift of eternal life and God declares you righteous and being justified is something that can never be reversed it's impossible you see inversion 11 he says but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God It is evident the judge shall live by faith and here's another thought thing to keep in mind. And glaciers and Jaffer tomb he says in verse 19 for I through the Law am dead to the law that I might live on the God See when I was born into this world I was born under the law the law condemned me because I wasn't perfect and because I wasn't perfect the wages of sin is death I have to die so the law doesn't save any body it only execute Chu it declares you unjust on righteous a sinner condemned Well that's what the law does the law was never meant to save anybody because nobody can keep the law perfectly and so when Christ died on the cross so he was under the law but he lived they lived a perfect life had no sin didn't have to die so he took our place when he took our place and he died and he died. And order to deliver us from the condemnation of the law so when I accepted his death as my death then as far as I'm concerned and as far as the law is concerned I'm a dead man and that's why says I had through the Law am dead to the law because he the law cannot condemn a dead man. In 1960 I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior God gave to me at that very moment the free gift of everlasting life and that's because. I was free from the Law The Law cannot touch me the law can never condemn me and there is no condemnation to those that are in Jesus Christ we shall never in the future John Jeff to 5 or 24 never be condemned again because see the law can't touch me I paid for all my sins usual I didn't really do it no but I did it because Christ did it for me and that's why he says in verse 20 I am crucified with Christ means I have already paid my debt I have already died it and God's eyes I have been raised again from the dead I am in Christ I have the wonderful 3 you have to vet everlasting life in here never cast me out and never lose me but what he says about the law and you will always hear people trying to put you under the law and say you got to keep the law they don't know what they're talking about they don't understand the Bible and this is why I says in verse 10 for as many in chapter 3 or as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse not blessing because you see in verse 9 he says so then they which are of faith are blessed but if you want to go by the way of your good works you're under a curse why because you can't save yourself your works are not well not good enough and never will be this is why I did tell a lost man he has to turn from his sins to be saved as works for salvation it's under a curse because nobody can do it it's impossible for a last man to turn from his sins that's his problem the start with you see sinful nature is on the inside what direction can you turn anybody who tells you have to turn from. Your stand you asked him this question have you have you turned from all of your sins no preacher has no person you know has There's only one didn't have to worry about that now was Jesus Christ but he says curse it is everyone that continue with not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them so if you're going to live by the law you realize that you have to do everything that written in the law and most people haven't even got a clue what the law is is it just the sacrificial laws or ceremonial laws or moral laws while laws and you've got a whole Old Testament have fun and Israel didn't do it for 1500 years and you're not going to do it that's the law of condemns everyone this is why it says in verse 13 of chapter dream cries hath redeemed us from the curse of the law been made a curse because see he took our sins and the law cursed him he had to die and when he died he died for you and me so that I could accept his death as my death and then I am free from the Law The Law cannot condemn me ever again because I die. Cries death is put in my county I didn't really die Christ did it in my place and so this is why it is so important so that the blessing of Abraham can come upon every individual who accept Christ as their savior so in verse 24 he says wherefore the law was our schoolmaster. To bring us the crisis that we might be justified by faith to see the law cannot justify you the law can declare you righteous the law can only condemn you because you and I we fail we may want to do right and try to be good and decent Cyr But we're sincerely wrong we can't perform so that's why he says the law is our school math to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith in other words God will declare me right just as though I never say in the like I have always been righteous and just by my faith and faith alone in what Jesus Christ did on the cross for me well that's what he says and then there's another portion of Scripture I like to share with you this found in the book of Romans and chapter 3 and this is what he says in verse 24 Well it's amazing that it follows verse 23 the 1st 23 says all have sinned and come short of God's glory short of the perfection of God All have sinned Well that means that we've all seen and you and I we cannot be clear ourselves righteous. Therefore the Bible says we can be declared right as by God and this is what he says in verse 24 him being justified freely by His grace justified means to be cleared up righteous as though I never sinned as though I have always been righteous like I've never done anything wrong in my whole life was a my good works can't free mean the Christ can and so he says you're free free because of the payment Christ made on the cross for you you see the rest of that verse says by His grace through the re Dems that is in Christ Jesus Lord because of the payment Christ made for you and for me that's why it says in verse 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith with out the deeds of the law you are trying to tell me that I can trust Christ as my Savior and God will save me and declare me righteous and give me the free gift of eternal life and I don't have to serve the Lord for the rest of my life. That's exactly what I'm telling you you see Grace means grace it means you good not deserve it you do not now and deserve it and in the future you still will not deserve it your words cannot save you can't keep you saved and all of your bad sans that you have ever done or are doing or ever will do can never save you or keep you saved because you see God looks at it this way I've already lived my whole life and I've already died and I'm standing at the Great White Throne Judgment and I everything that was ever against me is brought up in a court of law. And God has declared that I am a sinner and I am just fired in going to hell I do not deserve to go to heaven. Jesus presents the case in my defense he says I have already paid for all of his and. And it doesn't matter when I was born or when I died or how long I lived or how many sins I committed or how bad they were he paid for all of them up until the time I was dead and he puts that payment to my account and God This slams the hammer down and says he has declared righteous as though he never sin as though he has always been righteous as though there has never been anything ever brought against him they see God did that but see God knows the future I had didn't have to wait until I died in and I don't have to wait until I stand at the Great White Throne Judgment You see I have already trusted crisis my savior when I was 18 years old and I've lived almost 50 years since then I just say. That payment he made was that just for the sins that I committed up to the time I was 18 it was for all my sand past present and future so there is no saying that I can commit today there is no sin that I can commit in the future that ever ever could cost me my salvation because you saved by God who created the heavens in the year of Almighty God sovereign God as the Claridge me righteous by His grace freely therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith something we do not earn we do not work for we do not deserve it any way shape or form the Vibro says that the Gospel. The good news is the be offered to every person because their sense of already been paid and their free gift of ever lasting life friend at last for ever and God said in never cashed us out and never loses the greatest thing in all the world is to know that you're going to heaven when you die and yes I serve the Lord I try to serve Him with all my heart all that I have but not the get to heaven not the big justified not to be declared right is because it's already been done I serve him because I'm his child I serve him because I want to please my Heavenly Father I want to show my Heavenly Father how much I love him for all that he has done for me you see I don't deserve it. But I assure him appreciative and friend if you're listening to the broadcast today and it doesn't matter what you've done how wicked it may have been and it doesn't matter what you're going to do in the future I know that may not sound right but that's what grace is you don't deserve it you never have never will but God loves you so much that He sent His Son to pay for your sins he came back from the dead and said The only thing he wanted you to do is believe he did it for you. And all you have to do is by faith. Paid for your sins and if you. Know that you're going to heaven because he's justified is irreversible it never has to be done again and this is Ralph. And I'm pastor of the. Church. George road and I'm only looking for you this Sunday morning come and visit with us thanks for joining us today God bless. You here let me ask you a question did you appreciate today's message I know I don't often have the chance to ask you that question but the answer to that question is very important the answer to that question what kind of impact is this program having on you is why we bring this program to you every day here on this radio station we do not hear from many listeners but you. Has made an impact on your life you know. The overall response your letters and e-mails as well as your financial support has been down and we really could use your help today if this has been a blessing to you Could you please consider helping us. During this time of year contact information is coming up in just a minute but please. Consider supporting by the line today but your prayers and financial support thank you. You've been listening to by the line of teaching ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa Florida with Dr Ralph Arnold you can reach by the line and pledge your support to keep us on the air in your area by dialing toll free 180-576-3771 that's 180-576-3771 if you are in the area we welcome you to visit us the address for County Community Church is 4811 George road Tampa Florida 3363 for our Sunday morning services beginning 1030 live broadcast of our services may be seen by clicking on the Calvary Community Church link at by the line Ministries dot org gene. Morning noon and night we're broadcasting God's word on the mighty 670 k. L.t.g. Commerce City Denver high definition digital radio and streaming online at 670 calle g.t. Dot com. This is a engram lot to the daily life for daily living what does God want to say to you that you have yet to hear Have you made the time to listen I wonder as I go through an entire day without opening God's word what did I miss what encouragement Dogg nor what morning what are we missing because we're too busy too distracted to listen to what God has to say when Jesus visited Martha and Mary imagine the flurry his visit caused yet look 1039 records that Martha was frantically busy preparing a meal for him while Mary sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said Are you too busy to make time to sit at his feet listen to me are you complaining that you never hear his voice he doesn't speak to you then could it be termed for you to sit still. Be quiet and listen to him as you read your Bible he speaks but you must be word visit in touch with Dr Charles Stanley at In Touch Dato argy. Join us for in touch with Dr Charles Stanley weekday mornings at 1030 here on the body 67 day. We're called to love God and to know him to be in a relationship with him and that's got to be our 1st priority sometimes we think that an understanding of God's will in direction for our lives can take a lot of time I'm Steve Douglas and today on making your life count Louis good Leo gives us a simple shortcut and discovering God's plan for our lives my job is not to find God's future for my life to discover God's will for my life my job is to say yes to my father that's what I'm responsible for my father's job is to point to me into the vineyards that he wants me to work and walk in with him and so I grew up in a church context where there's all the pressure to. In God's will what is God's will for my life to no god to pray without ceasing to give in live generously to be in the word those that's the will of God for your life for me but what does God want me to do he wants you to say yes when he ask you to do something but what is he asking me to do I don't know you've got to learn if it is voice and so it frees us from being paralyzed by wondering if we're getting God's will right and it allows us to just love God and to walk with him step by step and it's not surprising that Louie encourages us to seek out godly counsel I think that it's in the company of faith that we find the confidence to know yes I'm hearing God's voice and then we have that confidence to step out in obedience to Him knowing that we're never going to see the full picture on the 1st step and when we step toward Jesus we have confidence because he is there he gave me a blueprint and a set of diagrams I would run on my own and try to do what he asked me to do God says I'm going to give you enough light for the day in a big enough task that you're going to have to cling to me because the task is going to be bigger than anything you think you can do in and of yourself even when we're faced with daunting tasks we are equipped to handle them when we rely on God and His promises. This is am 670 Cayle t.t. And k l t g h d Commerce City Denver and now f.m. At 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com Good morning everyone good to have you along in this 9 o'clock hour on this Friday morning and again here at this 9 o'clock hour we're going to Encore another of the good broadcast that we carry on the station each and every weekend and that would be international Gospel Hour that comes your way Sunday mornings at $730.00 please stay tuned now for this special presentation of the International goes below or on the. Tail to. The use of the aid. It is. The easiest. Hi this is Jay web of international gospel hour since 1934 Churches of Christ have proclaimed God's word through international Gospel Hour please stay tuned for another lesson on this program by Jody Apple are you listening to. This. Thank you Jack and thank you for tuning into Are you listening let's think about something for a moment or 2 you come to the grocery store and you buy your favorite food why because you like it because it tastes great event eating it since you were a kid to you it's the best thing imaginable question do we buy do we choose what we believe for the same reason it's we like it it makes us feel great we believed it since we were kids it's the best thing we thank for us buying and eating your favorite food will always be a matter of personal preference it will probably stay that way as long as you live but buying or choosing what we believe needs to be different faith from God's perspective anyway has never been just a matter of personal preference it's not necessarily about how you feel yes feelings emotions they're always involved but emotions do not make what's right or wrong or what's wrong right feelings should not determine what we believe and though we might not want to hear it it's really not up to you or up to me to determine what's best for us yes it's true matters of faith are intensely personal they always have bam and they always will be but it's some point we really should evaluate not only what we believe but why we believe it it's not enough to say if it's good enough or.