Lines are open so call now 1800 God says that's 804637297 Now here's your host pastor Doug bestial are welcome once again friends to a fresh edition of bible answers live and we are indeed coming to you live from the capital of California Sacramento sometimes known as California. The home of our famous governor and this is a live Bible interactive study if you want to participate of course you can listen and will learn together if you have a Bible question you can call and we have several lines open that because a lot of our listeners are on the road listening right now that number is a free phone call 800 God says 804637297 my name is Doug bachelor and my name is Dick eating pastor Doug welcome back Hassidic We missed you last week thank you very much we're going to miss you next week as I will be here but probably be over is understanding the questions and answering these questions and speak to all of us tonight Lord May we know that we've been in your presence we thank you and we appreciate in Jesus' name. I have not had the privilege of seeing the Governator on the streets of 2nd meadow yet but to he might be on his way walking to heaven for all I know what is this walking to heaven pastor Doug this is so this is interesting well I'm playing on actually a story that is a true story that you find in Genesis Chapter 5 Let me read this as it's going through the genealogies of Adam it tells us about the 7th from Adam the 7 generation was a man in Iraq Ok and I think it's significant that the numbers that we find here in it live 65 years and he get Methuselah we all know that and after he got the through saliva Enoch walked with God 300 years and he had sons and daughters and all the days of you know where 365 years and in it walked with God and he was not forgot to look him again as you read some of the stories about Enoch that you find in the New Testament in Judah and Hebrews he's mentioned among the faithful it's basically saying that he was translated to heaven. Because of his close connection with God He walked with God so long and so close to the vessel he walked right into heaven in man and you know we're invited to follow Jesus with this kind of godly walk that he just a little bit of for the cerebral people who are listening I think it's significant that he lists 365 years that's one year for each day in our years and he's the 7th from Adam and you know the 7th is the day of rest on the 7th. We believe biblically this is the 7th 1000 year yes of man's history on Earth and it says that he was translated when the Lord comes back I believe that the 7th millennium group is going to be the group that will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air soon very soon so this is a significant passage but in addition to that. If we would be ready when Jesus comes to meet him in the year to walk into heaven we need to walk with him Nell 1st that's right that's right the Bible says the $144000.00 these are they that follow the lamb wherever he goes and if we want to follow him there then in heaven we must 1st follow him here now wouldn't it be great if we could get a glimpse just clips and it would motivate our walk I'm sure I think it would I think it would well I want to offer tonight Pastor Doug this little book that we that we have in our library is called Heaven is it for real. Is a little cover to him a Greek of firing Yes it is well we want to make this available to anyone who will call our resource operators tonight it will help you I think to. To organize your thoughts and maybe get that little glimpse of what it might be like in heaven. Call our operators and ask for this little book it's written by Joel Cruz and it's called is it for heaven I mean is it for real heaven is it for real and we'll send it out to you tonight the very encouraging book if you need some encourage me you'll enjoy it all right Pastor Doug we want to take care of a little bit of business as we normally do before we go to the phones so we have some radio stations that want to welcome to our Never tonight. W g s e n Sebring Florida. W u r y. In Columbus Georgia j j d in Kokomo Indiana k m e 8 in Bozeman Montana k p l l in Lewiston Idaho and k s t g just down the street in Lodi California praise the Lord Amen it's thrills our soul when we hear of a new stations that are joining the amazing fashion network and we hope that those of you who are listening to us tonight from these stations will call in let our operators know that you are listening from one of those stations and will do our best to get you on the air and acknowledge you tonight Sebring from Columbus from Kokomo from Bozeman Lewiston and from Lodi Calif friends at Sebring I want them to call and tell us what the weather's like yes by all means we'd love to hear from folks in Florida tonight tell us give us a report of what's going on Pastor Doug e-mail questions quickly can you please clarify for us 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 6 Ok 1st Peter for verse 6 for this cause was the gospel preached to them that are dead that they might be judged according to men in the flesh but live according to God in the spirit. This is a phrase sometimes people think that after a person dies they get another chance to have the gospel preached to them we need to keep in mind that the way the word death in the Bible can talk about those who are physically dead in. And Paul refers to those who are dead in trespasses and sins yes that's why Jesus said Let the dead bury the dead he's talking about people that are up and around but their spiritually dead and Peter simply saying even the Gospel is even preached to those who are spiritually dead they may not believe but then they will be judged according to those who live in the spirit and that's why Jesus of the gospel will be preached in all we're all the world for a witness today it will be judgment against those who rejected others fearfully dead in their content to remain that way but it doesn't mean that God went somewhere to preach to people that are dead because that would teach that there's a 2nd chance after this why a bible says it's appointed and a man wants to die then the judgment they don't die then hear the Gospel then get judged on this is the chance to hear the God Ok very good 2nd e-mail question comes from well let's see. From Teresa and she says Would you please define to me who does the scape goat represent in the Bible. All right during the this is found principle in Leviticus 16 during Yom Kippur or the day of atonement there was a festival where among the ceremonies they would select to go yes one go was called the Lord's code and you can read this and verse 8 and Aaron shall cast lots upon the 2 goes one is for the Lord of the other is the scapegoat and the Lord's goat is offered as a sacrifice and of course he's a type of Christ but people say no if that's true then what is the scapegoat the scapegoat is carried he isn't sacrifice he's carried off into the wilderness and traditions as they push him off a cliff because he wasn't supposed to come back and they would place the sins of the people on the scapegoat to separate the sins from the camp and from the people and the it's my opinion that the scapegoat is representing the ultimate destiny of the devil now those 2 ways a sins are paid for. Somebody could commit a crime and go to jail and pay for the crimes themselves they are paying for their sins but it's not a comb and. And then you have the sins that are paid for by a sacrifice of death where Grace is offered the devil is going to pay for his own sins he has paid for the sins of others but she is punished for those sins that he caused others to commit and so. And Satan is for ever separated from God and His people visit eternal separation there and so the 1st gold is a type of the Lord because He is slain the scapegoat many believe is carried off into a foreign wilderness and never to return and that's a symbol of how the devil and those who follow him are going to be eternally banished I say Ok let's go to the phone. We want to start with Lexington Kentucky Joseph is listening to us on w j m m Hello Joseph welcome to the program figure Mr gentleman I'll. Go to work for somebody to go in some color about it as a. Second half of g.d.p. That's a very strange you know what I was talking about I don't know who's going to the nation. You know who we're talking about I'd like to get to clarification one day and you know through the Scriptures I'll give you some scripture right now just if you're for I don't know if you're on a phone with the batteries cutting out Revelation Chapter 2 talks about he that has an ear hear what the Spirit says he he will overcome and not be heard of the 2nd death Revelation 20 verse 6 it says that the righteous don't have to fear the 2nd death see many people die the 1st death but they'll be resurrected you don't want to die in the 2nd death because there is no resurrection from the 2nd death and again you find 2nd death mentioned in Revelation 20 verse 14 Revelation 21 verse 8 it says The wicked are cast into the lake of fire which is the 2nd death now Jesus when he hung on the cross did not face the same death that the same have to die he faced the kind of death that the last face because he was bearing the sins of the world that's all we're saying Joseph. Did that make sense. Is there you there Joseph Young Do your bit and I mean I care too 'd well it's very simple with the the last those who are died why you know no it's not talking about that the last they are cast into the lake of fire in the Bible calls that the last a 2nd death the 1st death of Christians and wicked all kinds of people die the 1st death but the righteous will never die the 1st at the resurrect that they are forever with the Lord when she was this hard on the cross she was facing doesn't say you die twice Jesus was facing the same kind of death that the wicked face called the 2nd death elsewhere elsewhere in the Bible Joseph It says The Jesus was made sin for us in other words he took the sins of the of the world upon himself and faced the separation from his father he faced the 2nd death and that's the best answer Pastor Dick is that when a righteous person dies they die under the approval of the father rises by under the separation because of said he was paying a penalty percent right so hopefully that helps a little bit jealous of and we trust that that will fill in the blanks for you thank you for your call thanks for the call Joseph let's go next to Brooklyn New York Daniel is listening and w.m.c. a Daniel welcome yes get real close to your telephone Daniel your question please Ok On my question about going to date I was on I believe that the date of conscience and awaiting a resurrection but I was having a discussion with my mother who believe that when we die everything Jesus died on the cross everyone who's died after that have been going to heaven. Well there there's you she uses scripture like Abraham bill to mean go present. Absent from the body present with the Lord and we've just been talking about Dan and I was wondering when let me address a couple of those and obviously there's not enough time in 3 or 4 minutes to do the whole Bible study on the subject but 1st of all. Your mom was saying that after the death of Jesus things are different will the ever hims bosom takes place before the death of Jesus Secondly you can read in Acts chapter 2 that after the death of Jesus Peter is preaching and he says King David this is the good king that killed the lion king David is dead and buried and not ascended to heaven so if 40 days after the death of Jesus David is still in his grave then the idea that everybody went to heaven after the death of Jesus falls flat that doesn't make sense Paul tells us in the 1st Corinthians Chapter 15 that those that die in Christ will rise at his coming they're not made alive until his coming and then again 1st us alone is chapter 4 it says when the Lord descends from Heaven then the dead in Christ will rise well how can they rise at the 2nd coming if they're already risen now when it says in the Bible to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord that's true that simply means that for a person who dies in the Lord their next conscious thought is the resurrection. In the moment in the twinkling of an eye it's not going to seem like 3000 years went by for King David King David went to sleep with his family around him for him it will seem like a dreamless sleep a moment and he's going to wake up the 3000 years have gone by and he's in the presence of the Lord soon I'm saying yeah but for us who live on earth were constrained to time that God is not constrained to time the way we are he can go into the future into the past and sees all eternity in a glance and so people get confused by that but on the chronology of our world people are not up in heaven now because the judgement hasn't happened and the resurrection hasn't happened of course is a few exceptions like Enoch and those in the life of a thief the average person who dies they sleep until the resurrection That's why Jesus at last resistlessly metaclasses was dead for days and Jesus raised him last rist never made a single comment on what it was like to be dead it's because he had no he was a dreamless sleep he had nothing to come into will send you the study guide for free didn't help at all Daniel you yeah I really I believe that I'm just hoping on my mother's believe me you know your old well O'Meara hope that helps a little and can send for the study guide that is is called are the dead really dead and there's a lot more in that study guide on that subject that hopefully will be of some help maybe if Daniel if you send for it or if your mother sends for a week it will help you to have that in front of you and and you can go through the various Bible passages with her there are are you have to get on the Internet Daniel Ok well there are 2 other books will send you if you ask for one is called spirits of the dead and then there's another book your mom had a question on the rich man and Lazarus Jo Cruz wrote an excellent little book they're not they're not big heavy books and they're easy reading it's called the rich man and Lazarus. And she can just you know answer all these questions so tell her feel free to send for those and will as formal send them to if Daniel if the you or she call the resource operator in 1883567478356747 and it's a it's a free phone call 800 and ask for those books and we'll send them out to you tonight Ok God bless you God All right thanks for the last let's go to Brooklyn stay in Brooklyn really with the Raphael who's also listening on the u.s. C.l.o. Raphael I don't know yes or get real close to your phone your good evening do you hear me yes your question yes my question is I'm going to try to make our of because of that I do appreciate you and you know the program in very good Ok. My question is when one uses quite high and where does the weight of that go in the Bible that you want to have the view of one hell it doesn't say in the Bible that he did go to hell he doesn't she well what confuses people when you say did he go to hell you're talking about the place of punishment and burning right the Bible says that that would not leave his soul in hell in the Old Testament and that's talking about the grave the word hell is sometimes the word grave is sometimes translated hell in the just means she'll And there's an Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah that he would not be left in the grave that's because he rose but Jesus did not go to a place of torment when he died he went to sleep and he was placed in the grave and he rose the 3rd day but he didn't go preaching or trance in around anywhere so to answer your question he didn't go to a place of torment doesn't teach that. You don't know they're not out on in a viable No it says you went into the grave. The word is she old in the Old Testament and if you find a scripture where it says a Jesus went down to Hades or some place of torment when he died then I'll be happy to read it everyone but I have never seen and I've been reading the Bible a long time Ok all right now I act on one question Ok like one thing all right and I don't want to sound right to divine you're in the clear you have to be a good old in the bible of a very black man where does it show in the Bible about the 1st black man well in the Bible it tells us that the sons of Noah no one his sons repopulated the earth they went to the tower of fable and from the Tower of Babel when the languages were confused the children of said the Shem him in chief was dispersed in many different directions but they all inner Mary to some extent and. You don't really find record of the races in till you get further down in the Bible where it begins to talk about the Ethiopians and I don't believe it uses the phrase black men anywhere in the bottle I don't think so in so they were just considered men and a good time to read the 3rd one is that I don't know of any scripture where where it says the 1st one in the Bible. Or 1st white man or 1st Asian man so all will think so I'll tell you how the Bible says God has made of one blood all nations. Let's go to Middletown California and talk with Bruce's listening on k. And d.l. Hello Bruce you know Peter you're good at that. You can have to speak up we can barely hear you Ok but it's about speaking and it seems to me in the days of private and then in chapter 2 of x. I mean when the Holy Spirit came. That they spoke in a different way they did not prepare a sermon and read from No I mean I don't think that every member Jesus that much people mentioning he did open the Bible want to read it in the synagogue but usually he was preaching in a folder preaching on the street or preaching on a mountaintop and what is the difference between the way that we've been satisfied speaking now and the way that they spoke in the days of the apostle with the Bible and the prophets in the Old Testament they waited for the word become and they spoke the word what good that's a good question I've often thought about this person and in let me share with you what what I've come to visit couple of dynamics 1st of all I think most good preachers put on the spot can preach extemporaneously to say they have it in their heart in their minds and whenever we share our faith with somebody on the airplane we don't pull out our notes. When you stand in the shirt shop you might have an outline I usually use an outline I don't read my sermon but to some people you know want to make sure they don't leave things out they may read through but. I'll tell you what I believe in because we are living in an age where information is recorded so many different ways that our memories are not as strong as they used to be back in a time of the Apostles and Moses they used to remember. Voluminous discourses . Of Pastor Dick Last week we had in our church a gentleman he ever heard of Barrio here Byron was a he preached a miniature Jessa this gentleman preaches his whole sermon Bruce he's 92 years old preaches his whole sermon quoting probably 2030 scriptures surveyed him without even picking up a Bible he's got a Bible in the sand and he sits there and he says now I'm reading from that's a liberal going out on a hill never open his Bible Yeah he has it but and if you follow his word for word King James I mean he doesn't make mistakes so there are still people out there the do it that way and I think the more spirit filled We are the more of that kind of preaching will see Hope that helps a little Bruce one thing to do we cheat God but that way by not offering him a chance to ruin that we control that too much well I I think that there probably is a case that could be made that we we could be. More Spirit led but that varies from Pastor Pastor so I wouldn't even say I want to put that on everybody and there is a vital passage that says that the Spirit of God will bring to your mind what what what he wants you to say in the time you need guzzlers on that tells us that the car Thanks Bruce thanks for the call goes to Kingston Canada Randy we have about 2 minutes before we're going to take a break. Are you there with this Randy Yeah Hello you're on the air hi there i am i did your Bible Study Course I thought it was great and you know I found a formatter or he's a lord I am God anyway to the question I have it on I'm on your study of how you mentioned that you use huge smoking you drive General times before you finally quit what it will work well but at the you get that. How do I finally get we have a well in it with me it was a little unusual it was more sort of in the pit Fanie where I was actually making a bargain with the Lord driving in this old truck one day and I was thinking about the new Nissan pickup for Will drives with with a Winston all the singing in my mind I was imagining this pickup truck and I said I was all by myself driving and I said Lord if you give me a truck like that I quit smoking because I knew God wanted me to quit and I could live a life and I almost heard his voice I know it spoke to my heart and it basically said you know I died for you you would quit for a truck but you won't quit for me and I just I felt I felt so convicted that my love was so shallow. That just feel like I've let him down and I've tried to many times and will hate you know what it don't quit quitting because some people have to try several times where they knock the wall down just keep going to ask your doctor a couple more minutes of are they going to make it you can make it and let me tell you there's a book I'll send you that will encourage you Randi it's by Joe Cruz and it's called the power of a positive no call for that book will send it to you the power of a positive No it's a good title I'm going to give you the phone number in just a minute here Randi so we'll keep listening and call the resource operator and we'll send it to you tonight the power of positive No it works Believe me it works Doug and I are both of the Torrijos that are used to smoke yes or s.o.v. Just yes smoking atheist Yeah Stay with us we're going to take a break for a couple of minutes and then we'll be back with the 2nd half of bible answers live so and check out the website and write down if you get a pencil jot down amazing facts dot org And you can also go to the Bible University site that effect you owe it yourself just check these sites out there is so much Bible information there and you get your Bible agree we'll be right back. Welcome back listening friends and for those who may have tuned in in the interval this is the 2nd half of the Bible answers live it's a life interactive Bible study and we know that there are probably tens of thousands of extra people on the road that are hearing the program just because they're surfing the radio dial and we welcome you and you can call in on the cell phone or you can listen as others call from around the country and around the world with their Bible questions my name is Doug bachelor My name is Dick Devon and Pastor Doug before we go to our 1st caller for the south of the program. I'd like you to tell us a little bit about what's going on in November you're going to be doing a series in Chattanooga Tennessee yes as as many of our friends know that the better part of what amazing facts does is television we have so broad television network program that airs on everything from Family Channel b t all across North America cable and satellite and we're going to be doing a 10 day sort of an upper room uplink you know the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples after these been intending to set up a room and we will be up linking something called over for revival of course it's a play on words oh for is the year and it also means 00 for a flame and metaphoric we have a website that's all for revival dot com tells you more about it but it will be a live on both 3 angels broadcasting and the hope channel and that will be the ember 5 to 13 and we'd encourage people if you would like to experience revival and tune into this broadcast that will be on a number of local stations as well as satellite in the be watching for details or go to the Web site over for revival dot com or even the amazing facts website has a link to that the number 5 November 5 for the next 10 minutes if they're all right let's go to our 1st caller for this part of the program to Grass Valley California Keith is listening to k.f. I am located rather Thanks for waiting on your question. It is you are serving on a jury and the condition came of whether. Being on the death penalty would that be. Of a biblical today that you know we think of for be put to death well let me tell you now some of this is my personal opinion if you're a Christian that believes the death penalty is barbaric or inappropriate then I I would not try and change your mind I am of the opinion that God supports God's word I should say supports a consequences for murder for deliberate premeditated murder and of course usually the death penalty does not is not for accidental or manslaughter it's is for premeditated taking of life from old one and then of course it tells us life or life I fry tooth for tooth now when Jesus said not to kill and turn the other cheek he's talking 1st of all about interpersonal relationships it was never intended that a government could not execute judgment the word that's used in the original language Jesus doesn't say Thou shall not kill Jesus is Tao shall not commit murder so if soldiers if police defend themselves nobody calls a murder or is soldiers defend their country we shouldn't call them murders some did during the Vietnam War that was unfair but murders a different definition than killing and actually the 10 Commandments in the words of Jesus don't really say I shall not kill a 1000 shalt not commit murder because every time you see national fly with your fly swatter your killing and that that command taken that way would forbid pulling the wheat you're killing pseudo say so this is my understanding of it and I would not I mean of course something I'd weigh very carefully but if I believed someone was deserving of the death penalty I would not find a moral dilemma voting for. Macaire. All right I hope that helps a little I'd hate to be in that situation but I would try and do my own act who are not are not. My wife when that are the only birth the fact of the approach Yeah in the New Testament when Jesus quotes the 10 Commandments to the rich young ruler and that would be a market Chapter 10 he doesn't say Thou shall not kill He's that the Russian not kill he says Thou shalt not commit murder as Mark Chapter 10 you'll find if you read there and of course in the Old Testament when it says eye for eye and we find that for you a quick. That's Exodus 2124 I fry tooth for tooth would rule your life history book Ok I got all right thanks a lot thanks for the call Keith let's go next to David in Victor Ville California listening on k r l a o in way pardon me when we are friends still listening it's Deuteronomy 1921 is the one that says life for life as not an exodus as in Deuteronomy 1921 sorry I was still reading next question and even that had been the case give me a chance to pull over you know to give me a Bible Ok. First of all may God refer with me but both of you thank you not a question of no quick. Look at it get into it because of the children of the doing and to them when and when any man had a running issue out of the way because the issue is going clean but if they are running issue an issue is any kind of body fluid that is c.p. And that could be anything any issue with the it could be blood it could be just a minute from a runny nose it could be you know things we won't talk about but it's a talk that any unnatural. The mission and that was actually a very wise health law in our medical facilities all over this country they are very careful the way they dispose of any kind of body issue or seepage because it is usually very it can carry a lot of contaminants and germs it usually is a breeding culture for disease and that's one of the signs of the inspiration of the Bible yes I did and didn't really do it too well actually they really had been to the board many times and I'm back again and give you know praise the lord amen they've got Indeed and. But on reading the Bible by that you know a lot of cases I would buy a book that he and I had a lot of questions and earlier in the show when you mentioned the scapegoat obviously that would go through in Leviticus as well and that have been that question before I even had to think that all phrasal are you know I just I did lad to hear you reading then you got these questions I remember and I still have questions and so that's exciting and David you're well you're welcome to call any time they and I had they go Well I've been going on and Evie show many many kind if it's been you know on the nation and I know there are a lot of the callers and a lot of the questions and so I just wanted to they prayed God thank you both very much well thank you and God bless you David Also if you've seen the program make sure and check out the website and go through the you know the Bible courses free online and you'll find lots of answers there a man got you all right God bless thanks for the call to Calhoun Georgia next is where we want to go we want to talk with Sam who's listening on w l o j Hello Sam. Mr Dunne. My question is regarding Leviticus chapter not James version only 7 Ok where the Lord commanded the people of Israel to not round the corners of their heads nor. Mar the corners of their beers yes one wanted he commanded and what will the significance of them a good question now I've glad you asked seconds a lot of people are confused about this when verses are in the Bible and they're separated from the verse before or after. And people get confused because originally when the Bible was written there were no chapters and verses those were added hundreds of years later over a 1000 years in the case of the Old Testament Let me read the whole thing you'll not round the corner of your head nor shall you mar in Marmion stimulator cut off the corners of your beer you will not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks on you I am the Lord now they had a custom in pagan countries and they still do wear when they are mourning some people will cut their flesh they will shave off their head remember when Job sons died it was he shaved his head job lived before Moses they would cut off the corners of their beards and make a v. Shape to show they were in mourning and Moses and saying don't ever trim your beard or don't ever shave the scene don't cut your beard or your flesh or tattoo your body for the dead another words we are not to mutilate our bodies in any way even when we are in mourning because our bodies are holy that's what Jesus said even if you're fasting he said Wash your face and comb your hair so some of taken this out of context to be some kind of Bible command that Christian men are never to shave or trim their mouths it's Ok if you want to be or this 5 but it's not a biblical law Bible says most of shaved before he went before the Pharaoh and the fish if trim does mustache so there's no there's no sin in trimming your mustache shaving your face or growing a beard or not grow. And appeared. You know we trim our fingernails there's parts of our bodies that need maintenance and the hair in the nails in these things you need to take care of it's just grooming but I meet people you probably have to pester Dick that they never cut their hair and ever shave the beard they take the Scriptures to mean that right now thanks very much All right thanks for the call Sam to Lynn Massachusetts Jimmy is listening and w r o l welcome Jimmy. I had a critical moment and I you know the reason I came because I would seem you know usually. Weeks to commute he would come in I think he's coming again now let me give you a quick history Jimmy. The Bible tells us that He lives of course was one of the great prophets you find him in the 1st kings and part of 2nd Kings then his servant his apprentice whose name was Eli shuck not to be confused with Elijah Eli shall then prayed for the spirit of Elijah to be upon him so now your life is ministering with the same spirit of Alija then the Bible prophesies that they'll be someone else coming in the spirit and power of the light and the angel Gabriel said John the Baptist and this is Luke chapter one would come in the spirit and power of Elijah he wasn't allowed to resurrected because when the religious leaders asked John are you alive he said no he wasn't a lot alike to resurrect and he came in the spirit and power of a life but in the last days Malik a shepherd for says. I'll send a lodge of the prophet before the great dreadful day of the Lord I believe there will be another group of people that come in the spirit and power of Elijah before the 2nd coming there maybe some other individuals or maybe a group but that same spirit of revival will come again so that's a good question in the answer is yes you better effect I have a book that we carried amazing facts and it's called the last allies a message and their deals with that very subject Ok that's not a free book but you can read it online or you'll see it there Ok We're going to face Thanks for the call Jimmy let's go next to Spokane Washington Cheryl was listening on Katie eat a cello Sheryl. Yeah. I had a question about when the Lord created Adam 100 I was curious to hang out here trying to not get am you can have a help me a family long read and then created woman could be a help me or him. I want to know what God knew before he created Adam Yeah Adam would need help me and you know me I'm your baby and he well he does of course God knew that and I think one reason God had Adam name of the animals as Adam quickly realized that the. Higher forms of animals did not procreate without an act of intimacy and he realized that. He was missing that companion and I think God allowed this so she would have maximum appreciation for Eve when she was introduced. And so it you know sometimes the groom is not supposed to see the bride until the wedding day is supposed to increase the the appreciation and in the same way I think God just there created the. A little drama for the moment and said you name all the animals and he really begin to notice some was missing so God knew it and the word helpmeet there I understand in the original translates and I had a companion Some people think it means you get a wife to help meet expenses and but it's really to be a man is not complete in many ways without a woman you know men think very much with one side of their brain they've discovered in women balance that out. Women are more relationship oriented where men are more task oriented and the 2 of them together balance each other out so right crying and God knew I think that that was going to be the plan he knew that in advance in other words the that it's a question of a job but where in the is there anything a viable name Yang would lead you to believe that he. That God knew where you know or you need out because you know God your journey because I know God knows everything. Well if God's original plan just use deductive reasoning he told Adam and Eve to fill the earth how is out I'm going to fill the earth without Eve So God must have known from the very beginning that he was going to need help to fill the earth to procreate and to be fruitful he just waited till the optimum moment at the end of the 6th day to I believe one of the last things that happened on the end of the 6th day was a wedding at a mini Sabbath was their honeymoon Ok. I hope that helps a little bit he said skeptical but I'm doing the best you know thank you all right thanks you all have been here nicely called Cheryl to Newark New Jersey Mel is listening a w j h e Welcome to the program Mel are you with us Mel Mel's been waiting patiently he has been waiting a while will put him on hold maybe. Get back get back to him Ok let's go next to Margie in Sacramento California who's listening on k.f. I.a.e.a. Margie and I know. I want to end it but in uniform and on the other day am I love your enemy yes I'm having a problem with this because we I have been my neighbor next door County and because they both charge against the family member. They detect their own life not that big and them or have anything to do with them no I can't love them I've been trained in them but I'm not allowed to be in contact they have that go with Love your enemies well that doesn't prevent you from loving them you can love people you don't see how we can see God and we love him and God yet another act of love if they are to love them well you may not be able to manifest your love You may not be able to and you know what they're probably even things you could do to be a loving neighbor without you know entering into conversation with him when you see them no doubt if you live next door to each other there are going to be times when you see each other won't there. We've each other quite after knowing Bob drive you come in and smile you can smile you can wave try and be pleasant even though there's probably been some painful history there yet there is very much no but do your best do your best I mean it's easy to love people that are friendly it's really hard to be kind and loving to those that maybe have taken advantage of us. Oh I know how to do it to train well that's it we pray for them and then there's no this is you can Margie try to be pleasant when you see them you know doesn't doesn't mean you have to have a conversation but you know the Bible says a soft answer turns away wrath and kindness solicits kindness and b they vow to charge you to get a family member and add that was not true and now my family member it is not being greatly on very well and I know that that 1st of all just because you're being kind does not mean you need to endorse what they did what they did me have been the a very wicked thing but that doesn't need you mean you need to scowl at them whenever you see them that's all I know they go on in the yard and they kind of dance around make face and everything out of coming here and they find out there and found everything out to make it look bad on where my plane are let me tell you a story real quick the years ago there's some Christians in China that lived on the hill above some pagans that lived below them and the pagans used to steal the Christians water because it would run down hill in the Christians had to carry it all the way back up from the river and after several weeks of the pagans draining the reservoir of the Christians up on the hill into their rice paddies the Christians decided to water the pagans for rice paddy before they filled their own reservoir and what they did was that they overcame evil with good and so do your best not to reward evil with evil if they want to make faces and act childish you can't help that that's their problem you know but you don't do that you do your best to be pleasant and you know it pretty soon they'll start being ashamed of themselves. And don't let them get you upset you know I give a good God and my God could gain a generic campaign and get people may remember and you'll be surprised to know the Lord knows how to move people to Ok I ain't got it right gutless thanks largely to Tomahawk Wisconsin Dennis's listening on w k b a l Dennis welcome to the program. My question without mentioning any related nominations. How do you know your religion or mine will be the right one Him I have one for you the Hell if I'm not right well there are certain fundamentals of the Sat I think we should you know you have to establish at the beginning there are many religions in the world and a person has to ask on what do they base their religion and most of the religions of the world the major ones are based upon some sacred writing whether it's the Bible with the Qur'an with the Pog the Fida or you know whatever that might be up to the Holy Scriptures you know Holy Bible or right and of course that's what I base mine on that's what this program is dedicated to we believe that there's abundant evidence that the Bible is an extraordinarily inspired supernaturally accurate book and the way the prophecies have been fulfilled are a testament to the accuracy of the Bible and it is the Bible comments on every dimension of life everything from the human body which we've discussed tonight in in the marriage relationship interpersonal relationships a civil law military law I mean there's so much in the Bible that. It is the most defining book so once you stablish faith in the Bible then you have to use the Bible as a foundation many Christian churches and of course the Judaism the religion of a Judaism they believe they found their religion on part or all of the Bible and you'll find most Christians agree on certain basics and then it starts to fractions and so what we share on this program we try to give Bible reasons and not follow tradition and that's all you can go by Ok thank you very much appreciate that you know what would help a lot with that question we have a study guide It's called Is there anything left you can trust the 1st study guide in the amazing facts series will send that to your for free Guinness is there anything left you can call our resource operators does it's 18083567478356747 and ask for is there anything left you can trust and we'll send it to you tonight Ok Thank you oh alright thanks for the coffee skull to David in New York who's listening and w.m.c. a Dell David welcome. Good night in the in thanks for waiting if you look closely regards to the some of the. Very very different scriptures that is in the Bible well Sunday the day Sunday course in the Bible you don't find the days of the week Monday is a Greek name a Roman name from Moon Day and Saturday was Saturn Day and Wednesday was Odin's day Thursday was for him and so most of the modern names we use are from Roman or Greek mythology in the Bible they never use any of those names they use 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th the days had numbers Sunday was the 1st day of the week and that's why people celebrate Easter Sunday the day of the resurrection the supposed 1st day of the week and so if you're looking for references on the 1st day of the week there are about 9 of them. The 1st one is creation on the 1st day God said Let there be light and then you go to the New Testament and there are 8 others most of them are simply telling us that Jesus rose the 1st day of the week. Acts Chapter 20 verse 8 talks about when you because was resurrected he fell out of the window and that was actually a Saturday night which was it became the 1st day of the week and then it tells us that the disciples at 1st Corinthians 16 were supposed to take up the year offerings on the 1st of the week at home so I wasn't talking about a church service but that was because the there was to be no collection on on the day of worship so those are most of the references to the 1st day that we could you would find in the Bible. Is that answering your question Are you wondering if any of those are I don't get 90 days of the Holy War I get I do think for terms of worship and well there's really no command anywhere in the Bible 1st of all we should worship God every day but there's no command in the Bible that the 1st day should be kept as the Sabbath and I think that maybe what your wondering. The only day that is ever blessed in the Bible is the 7th day of both the old in the New Testament beer of the south and there is no command to worship now you can worship God you know every day of the week you can go to church Wednesday night or Tuesday for per meeting like we do in our church and got to meet with you every morning in your family worship but as far as what days the Sabbath Sunday or the 1st day is never called the Sabbath in the Bible and that's just the most scholars will agree with that if you just look in the commentaries. But it's it came out of a tradition from when when the the Roman Empire basically adopted Christianity as a national religion they used to celebrate the day of the Sun was the 1st day of the week and they slowly transferred from Saturday to Sunday that's why in much of the Western world there's a 2 day weekend Saturday and Sunday because the dates all the way back to Rome Ok thank you very much thanks for the call the weight of whether want to send him away empty I've got a. I've got a book on here I'm trying to level with the book is. This a book written by Joe crews on Sunday that answers all those questions in my mind just went blank at that one of the call this a brain oh here it is is Sunday really sacred will send that to you for free David anyone who wants it is and they really sacredly show crews the classic I had a brain freezes they call our resource operator David that numbers 835-6747 it's an 800 number Ok Ok thank you but thanks for the call let's go next to Cynthia Cynthia we have less than 2 minutes Welcome to the program and I guess you're on your own a question about Heidi Ok. I'm I'm now that you're going to be a parent I'm everything for your card and not. On our free will. My current that is that I didn't get that word increase Ok good at me and acquitted what did it actually mean and I guess when I'm thinking about it like if you have known property I'm going to grab. The paper and on come and be particularly hard on right I understand the increase let's suppose you bought a house for $10000.00 and you sell it for $15000.00 you pay tithing $5000.00. And so. You know you initially had pay tithes on the 1st 10000 I'm assuming that you used to buy the house and I had SARS and you can tell that we ran out of that we have a lesson on tides you can just call our resource numbers and the animals and that listen listen in friends we hope that you'll keep us in your prayers make sure and check out the plethora of resources a lot of free that you can download as free video you can watch these archives of these bible answer programs as library information a booklets and it was any subject most of it you can read for free some things you need to order but just go to amazing facts it's easy to remember basic facts dot com basic facts dot org listen and friends keep us in your prayers and we will see you next time. That a. Teacher and. 'd you are listening to us Do you know the 1.9. And are you 89.9 f.m. . And. The time is now. Giving makes no sense you deprive yourself of something so someone else can have a part of what you. Who does that God did giving provides benefits that are superior to keeping God giving opens new doors we would have never expected given is an act of faith in the God who provides an act of love for those who receive your gift giving is an honor to the God who gave 1st if you just look at giving from the perspective of what it cost you then you'll never see the potential impact your gift can have on God spared no expense and. Freedom and. Have you ever wondered how he feels when we choose not to express that same generosity of spirit when you give your opening opportunities for the growth of those receiving your gifts others who benefit from the gift and your own hearts that may need to. Thanks for your financial gifts to this radio ministry that started change. Family friendly radio. Our program is building relationships with Dr Gary Chapman and this is our dear Gary broadcast for October if you have a relationship question that you'd like to call a listener. Question is. Answered here on the program That's 18664243. Featured resource 5 Love Languages of teenagers the secret to loving teens effectively you can find out more at the Web site 5 Love Languages dot com What do you and I'm not a priority in life. We love each other and we're open to. That it's not worth a relationship that's hard it is hard. Work on your show I can relate a lot of questions callers but I'm starting to wonder my friends. Are So I just. Thank you well. Mike it's when you see the willingness or the unwillingness to reach out for help look we're all broken none of us are perfect you're never going to date a perfect person but if we're not willing to grow. You know to me that's a sign of we need to get out of the relationship you were either growing are we regressing So that's why I emphasize if you're going to stay in the relationship reach out for counseling and see if he's open to growing if he is yeah there can be a significant change and you can be in a different place in 6 months if the 2 of you get into counselling just the passing of time is not going to do it it's going to continue as it is until somebody typically both of you change your attitude change your behavior learn how to handle your emotions in a positive way and those things can be learned but you're not learning them simply by dating and going through this experience again and again and again reach out for help if you're going to stay in the relationship like that because it shows whether the other person is open or not to that kind of change and now one other question before we go on let's say there's a married person who's listening right now and says Boy that's me 5 years ago I made a big mistake I married the wrong person and he is not who I thought he you know we fight a lot or she is.