Mr. President , the recording has officially started. Okay. Item number one first, id like to officially start the Small Business commission it is 541 and please for the audience if you can turn off our cell phones and pagers please fill out a speaker card and its not required item roll call. Commissioner president adams commissioner dooley commissioner dwight hes stuck on muni. Commissioner torres arrest commissioner riley commissioner toursarkissian sxit is absent mr. President , you have wrourm. Thank you. Next item. Item number 2 general Public Comment likewise members of the public to comment generally on matters of pursue verify items and considers futuristic items. Do we we have members that are commenting not on todays agenda seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item, please. Item number 3 is discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on board of supervisors file 140999 this is this administration active code 14 b local Business En
Working class, families and poor family to stay in their homes, but also, be able to have a work for their family, thank you. Thank you. Miss cabani. Miss martin . Good morning. And really excited that sisww, have been able to work on these pieces of legislation, and usww represents hundreds of security officers, that work in formula Retail Establishment and banks as well as janitors at safeway and when we were organizing safeway we found out what the working conditions are for the contractor positions for workers and retail and there were folks that were getting the personal checks written in crayon that bounce and people did not know if they are working there and organizing in the safeway we were able to eliminate those working conditions in one grocery chain. But, just think about what is still happening in the rest of the Grocery Stores for the contracted Property Service workers in San Francisco, who dont have a union. And we are included in the more legislation and we are really
Mark is stuck on me mr. President , the recording has officially started. Okay. Item number one first, id like to officially start the Small Business commission it is 541 and please for the audience if you can turn off our cell phones and pagers please fill out a speaker card and its not required item roll call. Commissioner president adams commissioner dooley commissioner dwight hes stuck on muni. Commissioner torres arrest commissioner riley commissioner toursarkissian sxit is absent mr. President , you have wrourm. Thank you. Next item. Item number 2 general Public Comment likewise members of the public to comment generally on matters of pursue verify items and considers futuristic items. Do we we have members that are commenting not on todays agenda seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item, please. Item number 3 is discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on board of supervisors file 140999 this is this administration active code 14
Retention and actually, the state law this displaced janitorial acts its it would be the big flaws we want to see for Security Officers and Railway Employees working in those establishment we dont have that threshold in there thank you. Supervisors connie Vice President of the Labor Council i want to relying reiterate what jan said about really thanking you for this work we read in the paper another new mall in candle stick park and the Railway Workers need those kinds of rights were giving them in terms of present schedules, etc. So the time is now but the other thing about those will amendments yes, we support only the 6 month ramp up we know that once the mayor signs it theres the 6 mother waiting period thats enough time we agree with its not necessary for the 2 hundred people but we also want to support local 2 on this this is something that local 2 and the rest of us have been talking about this is not a big deal if it details the process one week because the lawyers feed need to
Im having a hiccup with the recording. Okay. Mark is stuck on me mr. President , the recording has officially started. Okay. Item number one first, id like to officially start the Small Business commission it is 541 and please for the audience if you can turn off our cell phones and pagers please fill out a speaker card and its not required item roll call. Commissioner president adams commissioner dooley commissioner dwight hes stuck on muni. Commissioner torres arrest commissioner riley commissioner toursarkissian sxit is absent mr. President , you have wrourm. Thank you. Next item. Item number 2 general Public Comment likewise members of the public to comment generally on matters of pursue verify items and considers futuristic items. Do we we have members that are commenting not on todays agenda seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item, please. Item number 3 is discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on board of supervisors file 1409