After absorbing a heavy one-two punch by way of mammoth waves and a high tide Thursday, local crews and community members spent Friday cleaning up the mess that was left behind.
"I think it would be a good idea to work at the speed of safety instead of the speed of government and doing something like (this) is positive," said Councilmember Joe Clarke at the Dec. 14 meeting. Clarke is also a member of the ad hoc subcommittee steering the improvement effort. "As long as we can incorporate it with our overall plan, I think it's a great idea."
More than three dozen community members gathered Wednesday night to discuss dangerous local traffic conditions in the wake of the unsolved hit-and-run death of Debra Towne.
Hundreds of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers sizzled Tuesday afternoon as an appreciative group of onlookers eagerly lined up in front of the Community Center at Jade Street Park.