You don’t need to follow this guidance if
the claim has been awarded
the claim has been withdrawn.
The Rule 12 pre-award residency verification failure MU is populated when the customer tells us on their tax credits claim form any combination of the following
they are subject to immigration control
they live outside the United Kingdom (UK)
they work outside the UK.
Different specialist teams will work the Rule 12 verification failure depending on the nationality of the customers and what caused the Rule 12 verification failure.
Note: for customers who are UK nationals follow the UK national route in this guidance.
TCM0078600 - Claims - work lists (VFs - 1 to 12): Verification Failures work list - Rule 12 - Residency criteria not met (post award) (Info)
You should check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC as Brexit updates to those pages are being prioritised before manuals.
This guidance should only be followed for post award cases. If the case you’re dealing with is pre-award, follow the guidance in TCM0078580.
A Verification Failures work list entry will be created if a customer hasn’t confirmed whether they satisfy one or more of the following residency rules
they are a United Kingdom (UK) national
If it’s a single claim by one customer, go to Step 6.
If it’s a joint claim by two customers, go to Step 8.
Step 6
Use Function MANAGE VERIFICATION FAILURES to check which residency rules the customer has failed verification on. To do this
select the record you want to investigate
select [Investigate]. You will be taken to the Investigate Verification Failure screen
check which residency rules the customer has failed verification on
Note: Check Household Notes to check if the claim has already been referred to the Persons From Abroad (PFA) Team or International Team. If the claim has been referred to the