minority leader nancy pelosi isn t here tonight, her lipstick is, it s on my glass from last year. nancy pelosi believes in lipsticks, the same way she believes in government, too much is never enough. jay tapper also wrote that one. i have been, i have to say i have been having a lot of fun here in washington. such a great city, history, monuments. i was at the lincoln memorial last night. just standing there, in awe, thinking wow back in the 60s, on this very spot, forest gump reunited with jenny. the people are interesting too, you know. fun to have conversations with people who are so passionate about politics. i talked to a guy who was a huge supporter of obamacare, and a guy who says it is a disaster that should be killed immediately. it was interesting, because i never met mitt romney before. mitt romney is the inevitable republican candidate for president. he is, has amazing story. you know they picked him out of a land s end catalog.
wedding parties all over the place to. night the most exclusive one is vanity fair and the msnbc party. ours is exclusive. i was getting to that. capital file has a party. multiple parties all over the city going on. and, everybody just, goes from where they are at the dinner directly there. so. this, this, called the nerd prom here inside the beltway. over the past few years it seems to have evolved into even more of an event than it was, four five years ago to what can we attribute that? is it the president? what do you think it is? certainly the president. you know, the rnc, republicans have tried to cast him as a celebrity, in a pejorative way. there is truth there. he is cool. cool in 2008. for hollywood he is still cool. a chance to merge these two huge worlds of hollywood and
hey, is that rush limbaugh here? people are still upset with rush for comments he made, but you know what, there is a reason mr. limbaugh said what he said and that reason is percocet. by the way, just to clear things up for the extreme right-wingers, here s the difference between bill mahr and rush limbaugh. the people who watch bill mahr know he is an this is this is my first time here. every news organization, i guess has its own table. scripps is here. thank god just in case the spelling bee breaks out. we have that covered. we have numerous members of the print media in attendance. which remind me of a riddle. what is black and white and red all over? nothing anymore. really. the christie jokes are okay, but no?
you might be misunderstanding new jersey s slogan. it s not the olive garden state. but the the truth is the first lady is right. americans are in terrible shape. you can tell how, out of shape we are by the way we protest. we used to march. now we occupy. i want to say a quick congratulations to the occupy protestors. it took months and months of petchuli oil and hackysack, but finally wall street isn t greedy any more. congratulations. press secretary jay carnie is with us. hello, jay. jay is, as you know not only press secretary, you know him as the the white guy from every lenscrafters commercial. one of jay s jobs is to keep track of all the hillary rosens. for those of you who aren t familiar with the story, kim, lindsay, et cetera.
very, very funny way. i think he did very well once again. the president seems to have, seemed to have, seems to master the art of self deprecation if you will. absolutely. i think that is the key. i was wondering, a little surprise heed dd he did mention romney. did it in an effective way. the key for the president and jimmy kimmel, utilize it well, self deprecation works best at white house correspondents dinner. people don t like vish us ataci attacks. you didn t see that. self-deprecating. edgy. the president, the line about mitt romney asking to appear on the merv griffin show. a great talk show host. no long ear life. an edgy joke. and jimmy kimmel said he would be edgy, respectable, he accomplished that as well. the president started this year s speech, very similar to the way he started last year s speech with donald trump. take a look at how he started.