YEEss, yEs. All Right. Ill takE it for now. It, happy mOnday, EvEryOnE. So last friday, JoE BidEn turnEd ovEr a CabinEt MEEting to his wifE, frida jill. If thats not bad Enough, hE thEn put huntEr in chargE of thE MEdicin NE and. All Right. VicE prEsidEnt will skip this yEars Al Smith Charity dinnEr. A fundraisEr that traditiOnally fEaturEs PrEsidEnt Ial candidatEs roasting Each othEr. YEp. ShE pullEd out at thE last minutE. Ifs PrEsidEnt Ial Only husband ha thE samE with thE nanny. D ha tErriblE. JanEt jacksOn, rEmEmbEr hEr was criticizEd for saying that Kamala Harris is black, but shEa would know hEr brothEr michaEl, was a whitE woman and a bEautiful OnE at that rEst in pEacE. Hillary ClintOn ArguEdl OnE that Kamala Harris doEsnt nEEd to clarify hEr Policy PositiOns to hEr variousguEd Tha Criticsr Po and instEad rEcommEnd simply killing thEmlins. ThE mEnEndEz BrothErs SEriEs On NEtflix is facing backlash ovEr thE allEgatiOns of Sibling Ox i i dOnt sEE thE big dEal, says OnE woman. I
BrIan seemed warmer than that. Steve that sets up perfectly, look lIve at Turtle Bay at UnIted NatIons. AInsley put It In your state, traffIc Is horrIble. Steve It Is, It open happens once a year. PresIdent bIden goIng to address unga, for fInal tIme as presIdent In a couple hours. HIs own team thInks hIs foreIgn po polIcIes are slIppIng away. LIve report outsIde UnIted NatIons comIng up. BrIan and former PresIdent Trump wIll be In georgIa today. Everyone Is talkIng about the moment he gave 100 to a mom tryIng to buy grocerIes. The total bIll was 194 and change. The fact he handed Us 100 was a complete surprIse. AInsley mothers across amerIca are leavIng behInd GIft Cards In DIaper Boxes, heartwarmIng story behInd thIs trend. Lawrence fInal hour of Fox And FrIends starts now. MornIngs are better wIth frIends. BrIan World Leaders are arrIvIng at UnIted NatIons and In hours, PresIdent BIden wIll address the un general assembly for fInal tIme as presIdent. AInsley thIs as fIghtIng between
The detaIls on thIs but Israel rIght now through Its mIlItary says It has just kIlled a Hezbollah Commander In a strIke on the countrys capItal beIrut, lebanon. ThIs would be a development of EpIc ProportIons that they could hIt that commander InsIde that cIty. So we are followIng that. More reportIng to come just shortly. I want to mentIon the tImIng of thIs. PresIdent bIden just wrappIng up hIs comments. The last that he wIll make as the commanderInchIef of the UnIted States at the unIted natIons General Assembly. He spoke some words about the Twostate SolutIon and two sIdes would come together and that amerIca was commItted. But he dId not gIve a map of leadershIp through thIs moment. Well get Into It. Im HarrIs Faulkner and you are In the faulkner focus. Exact wIll I what bIden saId about the conflIct. SInce October 7th weve also been determIned to prevent a wIder war that engulfs the entIre regIon. Hezbollah, unprovoked, joIned the October 7th attack launchIng rockets Into Israel.
Hit as a category 3. Mandatory evacuations, multiple states in the path of This system. Ginger zee with the latest track. Also breaking as we come on, the images coming in now, a toxic and flammable Chemical Leaking Outside Cincinnati. Thousands evacuating, authorities moments ago saying they are concerned over the potential for an explosion now. Many being urged to close doorms and windows, and to seal them, if you can. With President Biden before World Leaders at the u. N. Today, tonight, israel launching a new wave of deadly Air Strikes on beirut. The israeli military saying a top Hezbollah Commander was killed in a targeted missile attack. Tens of thousands of people trying to escape. What the president said about the escalating crisis. Ian pannell In Beirut. Election day, 42 days away now. Donald Trump And Xkamala harris on the economy and on immigration. Former President Trump in georgia. Vice president harris headed to pennsylvania, and then to the border. Tonight, Football Hall
Headquarters in new york city. Calls for peace in an increasingly dangerous world. As the crisis in lebanon deepens, and the Death Toll mounts, President Biden uses this final u. N. Address to urge global unity. But in a world wrecked by conflict, uncertainty and change, the harsh reality of limitations of diplomacy. Plus, the subset of voters with potentially outsized impact. The ticketsplitters in swing states, boosting Donald Trump and downballot democrats at the same time. Whats happening . That aims the barrage of baseless antimigrant claims in charleroi, pennsylvania. What our reporter found out on a visit to a town of about 4,000 people, after springfield, ohio, got the trump treatment. Lots to get to, but we start with President Biden in the u. N. Making a case for global unity at a time when wars in Gaza And Ukraine can make it feel like things are falling apart. The war In Gaza, almost a year old, and israel launched more Strikes Today following its deadliest attacks in leban