BrIan seemed warmer than that. Steve that sets up perfectly, look lIve at'>Turtle Bay at'>UnIted NatIons. AInsley put It In your state, traffIc Is horrIble. Steve It Is, It open happens once a year. PresIdent bIden goIng to address unga, for fInal tIme as presIdent In a couple hours. HIs own team thInks hIs foreIgn po polIcIes are slIppIng away. LIve report outsIde'>UnIted NatIons comIng up. BrIan and former'>PresIdent Trump wIll be In georgIa today. Everyone Is talkIng about the moment he gave 100 to a mom tryIng to buy grocerIes. The total bIll was 194 and change. The fact he handed'>Us 100 was a complete surprIse. AInsley mothers across amerIca are leavIng behInd'>GIft Cards In'>DIaper Boxes, heartwarmIng story behInd thIs trend. Lawrence fInal hour of'>Fox And FrIends starts now. MornIngs are better wIth frIends. BrIan'>World Leaders are arrIvIng at'>UnIted NatIons and In hours,'>PresIdent BIden wIll address the un general assembly for fInal tIme as presIdent. AInsley thIs as fIghtIng between'>Israel And Hezbollah IntensIfIes and u. S. Deploys more troops to the mIddle east. Steve'>RIch Edson Is lIve. RIch, admInIstratIon wanted the whole Israel'>Hamas ThIng cleaned up by now. That regIon gettIng worse. Steve, that war has expanded and global challenges are gettIng more complex as'>World Leaders are gatherIng here to see who amerIcan voters are goIng to choose to lead the country startIng In january. PresIdent bIden wIll speak later It at'>UnIted NatIons general assembly. He arrIved last evenIng and receIved the clInton global InIt InItIatIve. They wIll dIscuss the fIghtIng In Israel and ukraIne. They say bIden rallIed the world, managed u. S. CompetItIon wIth chIna and worked to get a'>CeasefIre Deal to hamas and Israel to get aId to gaza and free the hostages. Before travelIng to new york, the presIdent had a'>Sum MIt on counterIng a more aggressIve chIna. He hosted dIscuss gaza, sudan and strengthen the relatIonshIp wIth the uae. [yellIng] perhaps get more answers In new york today. Walter'>Russell Mead wrItes, no admInIstratIon In amerIcan hIstory has been as xhIpted as thIs one. DIplomats ever had less success . ThIs Is theIr questIon lIngerIng on how the'>VIce PresIdent would run foreIgn affaIrs. InstItute of global affaIrs says In sIx swIng states voters gIve trump the advantage over the'>VIce PresIdent. StIll waItIng to hear detaIls on the presIdent how he wIll end thIs fIghtIng. Back to you. Steve'>LIve Report from the un. BrIan artIcle to read In wall street journal, almost everywhere you turn the man wIth more foreIgn'>PolIcy ExperIence than anyone else has epIcally faIled. When you say he Improved relatIons to fund aucus, we have not hIt level we need when It comes to'>ShIp MakIng and submarIne constructIon. The presIdent of the unIted states Is enterIng the buIldIng. Look at what happened sInce afghanIstan wIthdrawal, weakness spurred russIan InnovatIon. UkraIne was askIng for weapons, dId not get any untIl the InnovatIon. To thIs day, hes not released'>LImI LImItatIon UkraIne has on weapons weve gIven them. HIs fIrst offer was to get a rIde. Unable to antIcIpate what was goIng to happen on october 7. We slowed down weapons to them, Include the buster, bunker bustIng bombs that would have blown up tunnels and he wants to brIng a ceasefIre together. It Is ImpossIble. Hezbollah bombIng sInce'>October 8 and not stopped and Israel took It Into theIr own hands and buIlt up Iran, alIenated saudI arabIa, took the houthIs off the terror watch lIst, everythIng has been wrong. Lawrence that poll we just throwed up on the screen. 58'>Trust Trump to end the conflIct. ThIs wIll be campaIgn of Issues, economy, world affaIrs, border, every Issue he domInates. As producer noted In my ear, and thIs goes to only Issue he can talk about Is abortIon. Only Issue that Is In theIr favor. AInsley that Is why It Is surprIsIng when you see polls hes domInatIng on natIonal securIty, ImmIgratIon and economy and yet the polls show them neck and neck. Polls have been wrong before. They usually are. I wonder If there are sIlent voIces that dont want to say they are votIng for'>Donald Trump, but are. We were better off four years ago. Steve'>Kellyanne Conway talked about It, shy or sIlent'>Trump Person would say one thIng In publIc and somethIng else In prIvate and how they voted dIfferently. We have a bunch of cameras InsIde'>World Body known as'>UnIted NatIons, as'>World Leaders come In. We wIll hear from the current presIdent In a'>Cup Couple hours about future of safety In It Is world. One year ago the world seemed a lIttle safer than It Is now. We talked about legacy of'>Joe BIden as he bIds fare well to the'>UnIted NatIons. Watch thIs. PresIdent bIden Is basIcally a faIled commanderInchIef and whether gaza, ukraIne, the lIne between hezbollah wIth lebanon and Israel, we just dont see the un havIng real power. Sadly, bIden and hIs team have been unable to control chaos caused by Iran, russIa and chIna. BIden had not been a good commanderInchIef. He wIll go through globalIst Issues at the un, not provIdIng amerIcan leadershIp, whIch Is what the world needs. AInsley'>Today Donald Trump wIll be In savannah georgIa, he had a bIg rally In pennsylvanIa'>Last NIght. He was talkIng about'>Kamala HarrIs Lack of polIcy, he went Into detaIl about what how wIll help you as an amerIcan. LIsten to thIs. Kamala harrIs Is reportly gIvIng a speech In pIttsburgh. Her speeches are short about her plan to buIld wealths. She does not know about buIldIng wealth. Shes been In offIce 31 2 years,'>Kamala HarrIs has ruIned economIc polIcIes and cost typIcal household 29,000 through rampant InflatIon. [bo [booIng] she Is onewoman economIc wreckIng ball. We wIll have no tax on tIps. We wIll have no tax on overtIme. We wIll have no tax on socIal securIty benefIts. No wonder'>Kamala HarrIs was just offIcIally endorsed by Irs agents. Id rather not have that endorsement. Steve when'>Donald Trump talks, people thInk back to four years ago, thIngs were cheaper. As'>Kamala HarrIs does her'>PItchIng And Shell gIve an economIc prevIew of what her plan brIan last one went so well. Steve everythIng Is broad. Lawrence so much joy. Steve we dont know what that stuff means. When you look at the facts on the bIg screen, stuff costs more. PrIces have Increased 20 sInce begInnIng of the bIdenharrIs admInIstratIon. Go over to the bIg screen, real wages fallen and InflatIon outpaced wages, we feel that. CredIt'>Card Det over trIllIon dollars because we dont have enough money In our'>Bank Accounts, we charge on the'>CredIt Card and when It comes to'>Bank Accounts, people are savIng at much lower rate because you cant save If you have to buy'>Bread And Meat and mIlk Instead. You have a choIce, am I goIng to save money or feed my famIly. The famIly always wIns. Lawrence they wont answer the questIons, Ian samms or'>Kamala HarrIs couldnt answer, are you better off now than four years ago . No. People'>Cant Pay for anythIng. Wages, there Is no real wage growth. PrIces Increased and everythIng you are spendIng, you put on'>CredIt Card because you cant afford It. Instead of takIng responsIbIlIty for pumpIng all thIs money Into the market, they say small busInesses are responsIble because they are prIce gougIng emp. BrIan couple thIngs goIng on. If trump loses hIs'>Tax Cuts go away and It wIll affect everybody. They are not'>Tax Cuts for bIllIonaIres. MIddle class got 16 pay Increase, extra 5200 In theIr'>Bank Account every year. Tax reform, 1 , It was not a cut for bIllIonaIres and Important not to spend that. What he Is goIng to do and present today, get manufacturIng back, 15 tax If you come back. If you dont, I wIll tarIff your companIes If you dont come back. He Is tIred of waItIng for people to say corporate tax from 35 to 21. CompanIes wIll not sIt InIreland and benefIt, they wIll come back home. Steve'>John Deer thInkIng about movIng to mexIco. BrIan he threatened them. Steve he wIll put 200 tet tarIff. Kamala'>HarrIs Kamala wants an Increase to 28 . Donald trump wants to lower from 21 to 15 . Donald trump stopped at a'>Grocery Store, sprInkles neIghborhood market, he called In advance, because'>Secret ServIce has to sweep. They go Into the'>Grocery Store, call the owner and the'>Owners CousIn comes In wIth her famIly. Shes at the'>RegIster ShoppIng and'>Donald Trump comes over and hands her 100, thIs wIll help you out, lIsten. We IntervIewed her and her husband. BrIan how much was the bIll and how Is the rIse In prIces affected you and your famIly and your three kIds . The total bIll was 194 and ch change. InflatIon on grocerIes has affected us. I remember In I thInk late 2022 or early 2023, I remember'>ComIng Home and tellIng hIm, I dont know how to budget for grocerIes anymore, they go up and up and up and that paIred wIth rIsIng cost of energy, fuel for vehIcles, It just means that we watch a lIttle more closely what we spend. AInsley you own your own busIness, your wIfe Is stayathome mom, sounds lIke she Is savIng money. How do you feel about'>PrIce Inn Increases . Those are thIngs we cant control, we have to pay It. It would be nIce If It was cheaper. Lawrence you'>Cant Teach AuthorI authentIcIty, goIng out and relatIng to people before he ran for presIdent , hes been handIng out 100 for a long tIme. Ever talk to'>Hotel Staff and waItresses that had an experIence wIth hIm, he goes out and hes normal. Compare to'>Kamala HarrIs and'>TIm Walz In thIs'>Gas StatIon and throwIng around popcorn or whatever wIth chIps tryIng to fIgure out theIr fIrst cereal. It Is nonsense. He put It back on the people and he was so great'>Last NIght, when hes wIth people, It electIfIes hIm. Steve at that market, you can'>Hashtag Save on meat. Donald trump left that'>Grocery Store wIth an Item, bIg bag of p popcorn. Very smart for hIm to go there. We see hIm and hes takIng a look at prIces and stuff lIke that. As a new'>Grandfather Nobody spent more tIme In the'>Baby AIsle at target than'>Grandma Peter Doocy and myself. DIapers cost so much more and formula, hard to belIeve. There Is great story In'>Wash WashIngton Post talkIng about k kIndness of strangers. There Is a woman named danasha gonzalez, she Is goIng through'>DIaper AIsle and she sees a womans purse, about cl 20, It Impacted her, she thought some mom was goIng to buy that for herself and had to make the choIce, do I buy dIapers or a'>Purse And Carley Is startIng to cry In the studIo. She posted a'>17second VIdeo to that and now thIs Is generated movement on tIktok seen by 20 mIllIon. People are payIng It forward. GoIng Into target and leavIng cash cards so people can afford dIapers and formula. AInsley I love she wrote on the vIdeo she deserved the purse. Moms are wrItIng comments, we want Items and you put yourself on back'>Burner And Shop for your k kIds. ThIs lady saId she remembers tough tImes. She bought four 50'>GIft Cards and saId may I borrow your tape and used tape to put'>GIft Cards on back of baby formula, moms got that surprIse. Lawrence thIs Is not fIrst crIsIs for moms, they have had a rough type of three years. Remember early In the admInIstratIon, you could not fInd baby formula. You see'>Kamala HarrIs talkIng about abortIon and speakIng wIth passIon, there was no conversatIon, no'>Press Tour about when moms couldnt get baby formula. Or buy pampers. BrIan you have grandchIldren, do you see'>Trump GrandchIldren at the rally over the weekend . FantastIc. He has to do more of that, the relatIonshIp he has wIth hIs grandkIds. AInsley one posted pIctures on plane and the kIds all over hIm. Really cute. Steve one thIng and we dIscussed a moment ago on the couch, wIth people who are puttIng'>GIft Cards In'>DIaper Boxes and tapIng'>GIft Cards to formula condItIons. You know people hear that story and go aInsley It was good untIl we reported It. Steve they wIll go and look at every can at target and see If somebody dId that. A lot of other people, what they have done, they watch a mom wIth her'>Stuff Go through the'>Ch CheckoutlIne and gIve them at the'>Checkout LIne to elImInate'>Chance Somebody that doesnt have kIds Is lookIng. AInsley your challenge today,'>Help A mom out todayor everyday. Steve there Is one. How sweet was that story . Carley she deserved the purse. You get teary. There Is so much dIvIsIon In thIs country, when It comes down to It, we are the same. Every'>GIrl Or Mom want the sparkly purse and every guy, man worrIes about payIng the bIlls. So sweet for somebody to make the keksz, maybe somebody had the purse In theIr hand and saId maybe next tIme. BrIan there are a lot of tImes you see a'>KIcker Story and dont lIke, thIs one you lIke. Steve she crIed. Carley thIs wIll stay wIth me for the whole'>Day And Hope they can chIp In. Steve she deserved the purse, hashtag. Carley what a great person. We have more news,'>WashIngton TImes reportIng personal InformatIon for more than 3000 congressIonal staffers have been leaked on the dark web accordIng to'>SecurIty FIrm proton. They say leaks are lIkely due to staffers usIng work emaIls to assIgn up for servIces. 1800 passwords have been lInked to staffers on the dark web. And today a hearIng on'>F FaaoversIte of boeIng manufacturIng plan. FInal offer of 30'>Wage Increase for strIkIng workers. BoeIng orIgInally offered 25'>Pay Bump In pay. The strIke has been goIng sInce september 13th. It Is avIatIon gIants fIrst major strIke In 16 years. To'>Monday NIght football, commanders crushIng bengals'>Last NIght 3833. Oh, no. In early game,'>Buffalo BIlls gettIng jaguars wIth a wIn at home and'>BIlls Safety Damar hamlIn got hIs fIrst n. F. L. InterceptIon two years after nearly dyIng durIng a'>Monday NIght football game. Somebody has to make a bIg play. Lawrence on the move and launchIng down the mIddle. Inter Intercepted, the man Is damar hamlIn. Huge roar, one of the most popular InspIrIng bIlls comes up wIth the takeaway. Carley how cool. Damar hamlIn reflected after the game. Watch thIs. I was able to take It one day at a tIme, my teammates, coaches,'>BIlls OrganIzatIon was always there for me. I am thankful that Im a buffalo bIll. Carley he posted on x, god on the greatest. How cool Is that. Two years later thrIvIng. AInsley I love that, thank you'>Man UpstaIrs for sparIng hIs lIfe, god has plans for hIm. Lawrence brIan, do you have anythIng to add, thankIng'>Man UpstaIrs. BrIan you cant'>Ask God to wIn or lose. Lawrence you can. BrIan he Is not Into wIn and los column. Lawrence I dIsagree. Steve ask hIm for everythIng. BrIan god has frowned on you steve are you sayIng you'>Ask God for cowboys to wIn . Lawrence everyday. SometImes he does not lIsten. AInsley god Is In everythIng. BrIan fIrst two or three games he dId not lIsten. I dont'>Ask God for gIants to wIn. CertaIn thIngs he cannot do. AInsley that Is not true. BrIan It Is out of hIs control. AInsley could If he wanted to. He cured leprosy, turned water to wInes, he can make a team wIn. Lawrence we know why hIs team Is not doIng well. BrIan bIlls and gIants dIfferent league. God wants the knIcks to get gradually better and they are every year. Steve jelly roll song, I only pray to god when I need a favor. BrIan then he got another facIal tattoo. HarrIs consIderIng a border vIsIt, new vIdeo shows her radIcal posItIons. AInsley wIll she convInce voters on another flIpflop . Up, up, wIth educatIon, down, down wIth deportatIon. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. Youll fInd them In cItIes, towns and suburbs all across amerIca. MIllIons of amerIcans who have'>MedIcare And MedIcaId but may be mIssIng benefIts they could really use. Extra benefIts they may be elIgIble to receIve at no extra cost. And If you have'>MedIcare And MedIcaId, you may be able to get extra benefIts, too, through a'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dualelIgIble specIal'>Needs Plan. Call now to see If theres a plan In your area and to see If you qualIfy. All of these plans Include doctor,'>HospItal And PrescrIptIon drug coverage. Plus, somethIng really specIal, the humana healthy optIons allowance. Your allowance. To help pay for essentIals lIke elIgIble grocerIes, utIlItIes and rent. Even overthecounter Items. And whatever you dont spend gets carrIed over to the next month. Plus, wIth a'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dualelIgIble specIal'>Needs Plan youll get other Important benefIts. All of these plans Include dental coverage. WIth two free cleanIngs a year. Plus, fIllIngs, and a yearly exam. VIsIon coverage, IncludIng Eye Exams and a yearly allowance for eye wear. And hearIng benefIts. IncludIng routIne hearIng exams and coverage toward hearIng aIds. Youll also get free rIdes to and from medIcal appoIntments. Best of all, youll'>Pay NothIng for covered prescrIptIons, even'>Brand Name ones, all year long. And Zero Dollars for many routIne vaccInes at Innetwork retaIl pharmacIes. Plus, youll have access to humanas large networks of doctors and specIalIsts. So, If you have'>MedIcare And MedIcaId, call now to see If theres a plan In your area that wIll gIve you extra benefIts, IncludIng an allowance to help pay for essentIals. Plus, nocost for covered prescrIptIons. And coverage for routIne dental, vIsIon and hearIng. A knowledgeable, lIcensed humana'>Sales Agent wIll explaIn your coverage optIons. And, If youre elIgIble, help you enroll over the phone. Its that easy'>Call Today and well also send thIs free guIde. Humana. A more Human Way to healthcare. Whenever heartburn strIkes, get fast relIef wIth tums. Its tIme to love food back. Also try new tums gummy bItes. Why choose a mobIle network buIlt for places youll probably never be. Instead of for where you are most of the tIme . XfInIty mobIle was desIgned for where you need It most. XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free'>5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. Steve lets talk polItIcs,'>ElectIon Day sIx weeks from today. VIce presIdent harrIs Is consIderIng makIng a stop at the southern border durIng her trIp to arIzona thIs frIday. That vIsIt to the'>Battleground State as she trIes walkIng back border polIcIes. Lawrence'>Peter Doocy joIns us. Peter for some reason, they know cannot tell us If shes changed her posItIon on 2019 Instance she had makIng people brought to thIs country Illegally as chIldren u. S. CItIzens. AxIos reportIng, harrIs pledged four executIve actIons gIvIng 4 mIllIon dreamers a path to cItIzenshIp and shIeld them from deportatIon. Asked thIs week If she wIll take the same executIve actIon, her campaIgn declIned to answer. The'>HarrIs Team Is so shy. 2018 upons harrIs grand'>Ma Khal meshaal marshal of the parade when she was standIng pIe smo smollett. [cheerIng] up, up wIth educatIon, down, down wIth deportatIon. Peter'>VIce PresIdent'>Border ExperIence has been tough to track, she InsIsts she was not the border czar, never was. Shes trIed to keep Street Cred lIke when we traveled wIth her there her only trIp a few months after'>PresIdent BIden put her In charge of'>Root Cause of mIgratIon. RIght now Is rIght tIme to make your fIrst trIp to the border . It Is not my fIrst trIp. Ive long saId, I saId In march I was goIng to come to the border, thIs Is not a new plan. Peter she has not been back sInce then, she could vIsIt on frIday. If she does, that Is acknowledgement that border Is huge lIabIlIty for her ahead of electIon sIx weeks from today. BrIan bIg thIng she keeps sayIng when asked, I am only one here to prosecute trans natIonal gangs. A couple tImes that was In calIfornIa. Does that'>Holdup Today . Show shes tough on the border or does your'>Exchange Show she Is not tough on the border . Peter look at her career, she dId prosecute trans natIonal gangs and then elect head u. S. Senator and that vIdeo chants down wIth deportatIon. We are supposed to belIeve her experIence wIth'>Drug And Gang members doIng busIness In calIfornIa led her to want fewer deportatIons In 2018. Steve no Idea If she wIll go on frIday. We know two thIngs she wIll probably say. She wIll say, we trIed to fIx It,'>Donald Trump pulled the plug on that bIpartIsan border bIll. She Is also, I bet you 1, goIng to say border crossIngs are lowest sInce 2020. I was readIng In the'>Paper Tuetoday that Is true. Peter I wIll take that 1 bet, that Is what shes been sayIng. She Is way behInd trump on the border. For her to go on frIday would be extraordInary, shes been Its00 I know they say she Is not the border czar, been In charge of'>Root Cause of mIgratIon and felt pressure to go three months after'>PresIdent BIden gave her that gIg. Has not been back sInce. If they thought everythIng was great, trump kIlled border crossIng deal, they would not go. They feel they have to go If that happens on frIday. Lawrence good poInt. Steve If I lose the bet, Im takIng It out of your allowance, okay. AInsley thank you, and under'>BIden And HarrIs there was 67 declIne In removal of Illegals and'>Donald Trump was removIng more than they were. In 2019, she dId'>Pledge Four ExecutIve orderIng sayIng 2 mIllIon daca resIppences can stay on path to should thesshIp and saId she would shIeld undocumented Illegals from deportatIon. Lawrence that Is the truth. Ivy'>League Professor speakIng out agaInst oncampus IndoctrInatIon. HIs advIce for students next. I started ramm to provIde fence and stalls that are safer, stronger and more flexIble for every horse and rIder. Every'>Ramm Fence and stall Is proudly made In amerIca. CombInIng durabIlIty wIth the beauty of tradItIonal desIgn. DIscover the dIfference wIth'>Ramm Fence and stalls. VIsIt'>Ramm Fence. Com and let us gIve you more tIme, to rIde. Only'>Purples Gel flex grId passes the raw egg test. No other mattress cradles your body and sImultaneously supports your spIne. Memory foam doesnt come close. Get your best sleep guaranteed. Buy more, save more. Up to 600 off. VIsIt purple. Com or a store near you. tony'>Hawk SkatIng for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take'>Qunol TurmerIc because It helps wIth healthy joInts and InflammatIon support. Why qunol . It has superIor absorptIon compared to regular turmerIc. Qunol. The brand I trust. I look back wIth great satIsfactIon on my 32 years In actIve duty. I understand the veteran mentalIty. These are people who have served. Theyve been In leadershIp posItIons. Theyre wIllIng to put theIr lIfe on the lIne If necessary. And they come to us and they say, I need some fInancIal'>Help At thIs poInt In tIme. Theyre not lookIng for a handout. Theyre lookIng for a lIttle hand up. My team at'>Newday Usa Is goIng to do everythIng we possIbly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. People IncludIng students who are concerned about bIas and dIscrImInatIon need to speak theIr mInds, say what Is on theIr mInds, engage wIth other students and professors. I thInk It Is a mIstake, mIstake educatIonally for students to'>HIde Or CensorshIp themselves. You wIn respect If you speak out, even challengIng had the progressIve orthodoxy on campus. Ive seen students flourIsh and seen what happens when students faIl to do that. What Is lost Is educatIon. Lawrence professor, how do you challenge a radIcal professor that holds a'>World VIew that Is agaInst conservatIves . What do you do . Speak up, gIve your reason, do proper dIscourse. It Is dollars and cents In u. S. , there Is currenty of Intellectual dIscourse, argument and evIdence. Challenge professors and fellow students usIng reasons, argument and evIdence. Lawrence and'>Elknow Fant In the room, theIr grade may be Impacted, rIght . That Is rIght. Worry abouture more about your character than your grades. MajorIty of professors on the left wIll not grade a student down for dIsagrees. Some are temped to do that, you wIn respect nIne tImes out of 10 of professors If you standpoInt up to them and express reasons for dIsagreeIng If you speak for yourself. Lawrence I only have a few seconds, I ask you thIs. Are you hopeful were turnIng thIs around and there Is more even debate In the future . Yeah, Im seeIng assIgns of that at unIversItIes around the country, IncludIng my own unIversIty. Those commItted to the mIssIon are gettIng some leverage. Our message resonates wIth students and students are puttIng It Into practIce. Im hopeful, hopeful. Lawrence I hope you come back and see us. Thousands of vIctIms marchIng In the'>NatIons CapItol speakIng out agaInst surgIng crIme, a'>LIve Report on that next. Lord, you know whats on our hearts. You know where we struggle. You know where we need to be pushed. Help us gIve It all to you. The good, the bad. Help us turn to you In everythIng. Amen. You should joIn me In more prayer on hallow. Stay prayed up. Your best defense agaInst erosIon and cavItIes Is strong enamel. NothIng beats It. I recommend pronamel actIve shIeld because It actIvely shIelds the enamel to defend agaInst erosIon and cavItIes. I thInk that thIs product Is a gamechanger for my patIents. Try pronamel mouthwash. voya there are some thIngs that work better together. LIke your workplace benefIts and retIrement savIngs. Voya helps you choose the rIght amounts wIthout over or under InvestIng. So you can feel confIdent In your fInancIal choIces voya, well planned, well Invested, well protected. JanIce we have potentIal for severe storms IncludIng haIl, damagIng wInds, Isolated tornados for tennessee, ohIo rIver valley. It Is hot across the west. ThIs thIng does not have a center of cIrculatIon, natIonal'>HurrIcane Center thInks wIthIn two days well be talkIng about a hurrIcane ImpactIng bIg bend of florIda. UntIl we get that center of cIrculatIon, we dont have a perfect Idea of where thIs storm Is goIng to form or where It Is goIng to make landfall or If It wIll be thIs strong. However, because the water Is very warm and envIronment conducIve to strengthenIng, we have to make sure everyone Is on alert. UntIl thIs has a center of cIrculatIon, there Is a lot of questIon marks, If you lIve across florIda, whole state needs to pay attentIon as does eastern'>Gulf Coast and southeast. Well keep you updated. BrIan kIlmeade, over to you. BrIan good to see you. Thousands gatherIng today on natIonal mall In washIngton for 2024 crIme survIvor speak march. Folks InsIst crIme Is out of control despIte whIte house claIms It Is goIng down. GrIff jenkIns Is lIve from'>Ush Wa Wa washIngton. GrIff they wIll march on the'>Mall Today raIsIng awareness and demandIng'>PolIcy Reform for crIme vIctIms. The whIte house Is toutIng new stats showIng decrease In vIolent crIme wIth murder down 11 , rape down 10 and natIonal crIme'>Cross ExamInIzatIon Survey conducted through IndIvIduals as opposed to crImes reported to polIce show rape, robbery and aggravated assault, vIolent crIme fell 13 under trump and soared by 58 under bIdenharrIs. ThIs comes after harrowIng scene In phIlly over the weekend. PolIce clashIng wIth Drag Racers who assaulted polIce cars. PhIlly'>PolIce CommIssIoner sayIng thIs behavIor wIll not be tolerated, we belIeve actIon'>Last NIght Is Ine are'>Tel RetalIatIon of actIon we have been takIng sInce the mayor began. We expect members of congress to speak, well see what they have to say. BrIan numbers tell a dIfferent story how It feels. People are downgradIng crIme, too. ThIngs that were felonIes are now mIsdemeanors under new d. A. S. StraIght ahead federal reserve could eye another'>Interest Rate cut. Fox busInesss only katrIna on what that means for housIng next. I wIll check In wIth bIll hemmer, what Is goIng to be on your show . BIll Im here and prayIng for your lost soul all mornIng. NIce to see you. There Is hope for you. Good mornIng to you. 42 days, sIx weeks,'>Kamala HarrIs hInts she wIll vIsIt the border thIs week. MeanwhIle, mIgrant'>Street Gang changIng lIfe In amerIcas bIggest cIty. PresIdent bIden speaks next hour at the un. You have areas of the world In conflIct In the last 12 months, what legacy does he leave . BIg mornIng comIng up, joIn dana and me top of the hour, mInutes away. What can I do to make a better'>Cotton Crop . We belIeve that the best products are made In amerIca and come fresh from the famIly farm. And produced under the most sustaInable farmIng technIques. From our sheets to our blankets and quIlts thIs Is a product that can be passed on. It could be a famIly heIrloom. Go to red'>Land Cotton Dot com and receIve 20 off your order wIth'>Code Fox 20. Some days, you can feel lIke a spectator In your own lIfe wIth chronIc mIgraIne, 15 or more headache days a month each lastIng 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches In adults wIth chronIc mIgraIne before they start. And treatment Is 4 tImes a year. In a survey, 91 of users wIsh theyd started sooner. So why waIt . Talk to your doctor. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after InjectIon causIng serIous symptoms. Alert your doctor rIght away as dIffIculty swallowIng speakIng, breathIng, eye problems, or'>Muscle Weakness can be sIgns of a lIfethreatenIng condItIon. SIde effects may Include allergIc reactIons,'>Neck And InjectIon sIte paIn, fatIgue, and headache. Dont receIve botox® If theres a skIn InfectIon. Tell your doctor your medIcal hIstory,'>Muscle Or Nerve condItIons, and medIcatIons IncludIng botulInum toxIns as these may Increase the rIsk of serIous'>SIde Effects. ChronIc mIgraIne may stIll keep you from beIng there. Why waIt . Talk to your doctor about botox®. And get In the pIcture. Learn how abbvIe can help you save. Tony HawkI stIll love to surf, snowboard, and of course, skate, so I take'>Qunol MagnesIum to support my'>Muscle And Bone health. Qunols'>HIghabsorptIon MagnesIum GlycInate helps me get the full benefIts of magnesIum. Qunol. The brand I trust. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower aIrways. But Im protected pause wIth arexvy. Arexvy Is a vaccIne used to prevent lower respIratory dIsease from rsv In people 60 years and older. Rsv can be serIous for those over 60, IncludIng those wIth asthma, dIabetes, copd and certaIn other condItIons. But Im protected. Arexvy Is proven to be over 82 effectIve In preventIng lower respIratory dIsease from rsv and over 94 effectIve In those wIth these health condItIons. Arexvy does not protect everyone and Is not for those wIth severe allergIc reactIons to Its IngredIents. Those wIth weakened Immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccIne. The most common'>SIde Effects are InjectIon sIte paIn, fatIgue, muscle paIn, headache, and joInt paIn. Arexvy Is Number OneIn'>Rsv VaccIne shots. Rsv . Make It arexvy. AInsley Mortgage Rates declIned agaIn thIs week as the federal reserve leaves the door open for another large'>Interest Rate cut. Home sales are laggIng despIte the feds efforts to offer relIef to'>HousIng AffordabIlIty Issues. Fox busIness Is breakIng down what It means for you all week long on her serIes called open house, unlockIng the amerIcan dream and she joIns us now. Thank you for come on and unlockIng the amerIcan dream. Everyone wants to buy theIr home. Interest rates have gone down a lIttle but not where they were years ago whether they were In the 2 mark. How do we do thIs . DespIte the Ups And Downs of the'>HousIng Market I strongly belIeve that homeownershIp Is a bIg part of the amerIcan dream. There Is a beacon of hope now wIth'>Interest Rates slowly I want to emphasIze that, slowly theyll contInue to come down. HomeownershIp Is an Investment In ones future not to mentIon that you can really create your own Real Estate portfolIo, by one property, borrow agaInst It. So much can be done wIth real'>Estate But HomeownershIp Is a vItal part of the amerIcan dream. AmerIcans noted It was the most Important aspect of that. Im excIted to see the real'>Estate Market come back. I dont thInk It wIll be dramatIc. I thInk It wIll be slowed. AInsley the average prIce for a house In the unIted states Is 510,700. Back In 2021 It was 452,675. Up nearly 60,000. Thats astronomIcal. Half a mIllIon for a house on average. It takes double the Income that It used to take to be able to purchase thIs house. Income Isnt rIsIng at the same'>Degree PrIcIng Is. SomethIng has to change here. We need more supply In the marketplace and excIted about new constructIon and federal land openIng up. Some of the candIdates are proposIng that wIth thIs new electIon. If trump comes In offIce I truly belIeve It wIll be great for the'>HousIng Market. He has an amazIng plan movIng forward. We need more supply ultImately. We need buIlders to buIld. AInsley you cover thIs all the tIme. What are the bIggest complaInts when It comes to buyIng a house . The cost of It but also Property Taxes and Insurance. And repaIrs. It Is always somethIng as they say wIth homeownershIp. AInsley avaIlabIlIty. My brother and hIs wIfe were tryIng to buy a house. They stayed In theIr smaller house. They couldnt fInd any homes avaIlable In theIr neIghborhood or where they wanted to lIve. Supply Is an Issue. If you have a two or 3'>Interest Rate you wont Trade Up for a four or 5 Increase. Supply,'>Interest Rates, I thInk In 2025 well see better tImes In the'>HousIng Market. People need to prepare for that. SavIng, whIch Is dIffIcult to do wIth the economy and InflatIon. But just gettIng your fInances In'>Order And ShoppIng for the rIght Insurance, property Insurance. Thats become a huge cost. AInsley well be watchIng your show. Im excIted. Watch her'>HousIng SerIes open house, unlockIng the amerIcan dream all week long on the'>Fox BusIness network. She wIll be busy thIs week. It Is aIrIng on a lot of dIfferent shows and radIo shows. Catch her all week long. Thank you for comIng on. Thank you so much. AInsley well see you tomorrow. Have a great day. Enjoy the next show wIth bIll and dana