West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee arrived in New Delhi on Thursday on a four-day visit and is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday to discuss multiple issues, including GST dues for her state.
According to the latest UN report, India is expected to surpass China as the world s most populous country as early as next year, with Central & South Asia. 11.07.2022, Sputnik International
Singh said more than seven lakh km of road length has been laid since 2014. Besides, 3.25 lakh km of roads have been upgraded during the last three years, , Rural Roads Development, giriraj singh, State Govts
Gandhi’s dream of Gram Swaraj fulfilled: Giriraj Excelsior Correspondent PALLI (SAMBA), Apr 24 : Union Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Giriraj Singh said today that three-tier Panchayati Raj System has been set up in Jammu and Kashmir for the first time under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Addressing people on National Panchayati Raj Day here in Jammu region, Giriraj, without naming the Congress, said, one party only talked of Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals but his dream of […]