Mr. Chairman, are you ready to begin . Please begin your five second countdown. Chair pappas five, four, three, two, one. Good afternoon. I call this hearing to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare a recess at any time. We have a number of members participating remotely today. And before we proceed, i would like to go over some items for our members participating remotely. First, if youre experiencing connectivity issues, please make sure you or your staff contact our Technical Support so those issues can be resolved immediately. Members participating remotely must continue to use the video function for the duration of their participation in the hearing, unless they experience connectivity issues or other technical problems that render the member fully unable to participate on camera. It is committee and subcommittee policy that members participating remotely will remain muted when not recognized, just like turning on your microphone on and off during an inperso
Connectivity issues or other problems that render the member unable to participate on camera. Members participating remotely will remain muted when not recognized, just like turning your microphone on and off. This is out of courtesy to all members on the committee. When you are recognized, you will need to unmute your microphone and pause for a couple of seconds before speaking so that well be able to hear everything that you say. If you wish to be recognized, raise your hand using the webex raise hand option, unmute your microphone and asked to be recognized. I ask that members pause for two or three seconds before beginning to speak. If you wish to have a document inserted in the record, ask for unanimous consent and which your staff email that document. It will be uploaded to the Committee Document repository. Please keep in mind that you will need to refresh the repository page as it does not automatically update. Members will be recognized in order of committee seniority for ques
Our goal for this hearing is to enable this committee to have a thoughtful and deliberate consideration of your qualifications for the positions that youve respectfully been nominated to fill. The witnesses have provided written responses which you all will have. As youll see, mr. Miller graduated from George Washington university. He was commissioned as an infantry officer, he has a masters in National Security studies and a graduate of the Naval College of staff. Began his military career as a infantry man in the army and served in the district of col n Columbia National guard. He served with the fifth special forces group. He participated in combat operations in afghanistan and iraq. Upon retiring from the army in 2014, he worked as a defense contractor before serving as the special assistant to the president and senior director of counterterrorism at the National Security council. He currently serves as the Deputy Assistant secretary of defense for special operations and for combat
Legal status under the rules of congress set in the census act of 1790. The president s decision to release this illegal memo now appears designed to inflict maximum damage to the accuracy of the ongoing 2020 census. In just two weeks, the Census Bureau will start visiting the homes of millions of people who have not yet responded to the census. The president s latest attack on immigrants could sew fear and confusion in communities across the country, and could lead many people to decide not to participate. This will hurt communities that are already undercounted, underrepresented, and underfunded. Addressing the chaos caused by the president s memo will drain valuable resources from the Census Bureau, which is already struggling to administer the 2020 census in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic. And it will further divide our country at a time when we need unity. Of course, this is not the first time that President Trump has attempted to politicize the census. For more than two
Census, no president has ever tried to manipulate the census count in this way. In fact, just two years ago, the Census Bureau reaffirmed its commitment to do the exact opposite of what the president is now trying to do. The bureau committed to counting every person, regardless of citizenship or legal status, under the rules of congress set in the census act of 1790. The president s decision to release this illegal memo, now appears designed to inflict maximum damage to the accuracy of the ongoing 2020 census. In just two weeks, the Census Bureau will start visiting the homes of millions of people who have not, yet, responded to the census. The president s latest attack on immigrants could sow fear and confusion in communities across the country. And could lead many people to decide not to participate. This will hurt communities that are already undercounted, underrepresented, and underfunded. Addressing the chaos caused by the president s memo will drain valuable resources from the Ce