Donau Soja sees great potential for the expansion of regional, European, GMO-free, and certified sustainable soy value chains both in the EU and in European non-EU countries due to the growing demand for deforestation-free raw materials with a low carbon footprint.
Today, the majority of European adults do not meet the recommended daily intake of dietary fibre. Worse still, more than half of the population largely overestimate their intake of dietary fibre, even though a consumer observatory run by the ingredient producer in collaboration with CREDOC shows a lack a comprehensive understanding of different fiber types and their health benefits.
Campaigners representing UK business, farming, certification, academia, and science have lodged a complaint against the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA), raising concerns about its public consultation process on precision bred organisms for use in animal feed and food.
Soyabean meal export rose to 87,060 tonnes last month from 40,196 tonnes in the year-ago period, while shipment of rapeseed meal increased to 1,69,422 tonnes from 98,571 tonnes during the period under review. "Foreign demand for Indian soyabean meal has benefited from improved price competitiveness and the shortage of Argentine export supplies in recent months," SEA said.