The European Art Of Taste Brings The True Flavor Of Italy With Tomato Sauce And Processed Vegetables
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BOLOGNA, Italy, Jan. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Tomato sauce is one of the ingredients that represent Italy. It plays an important part in traditional recipes and some of the most popular dishes in the world such as spaghetti and pizza. Italy is the third largest producer of tomato sauce in the world, behind the USA and China, with 5.26 million tons of tomatoes processed per year and a turnover that reaches 3.5 billion euros, of which 1.8 billion from exports (Iri data).
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The Italian kiwi is among the protagonist products of The European Art of Taste, the project financed by CSO Italy and the European Union, a fruit rich in taste and health, increasingly appreciated and requested in the world
BOLOGNA, Italy, Jan. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Thanks to its rich and sugary pulp, its intense colors, kiwi has become one of the most consumed and appreciated fruits by consumers. Italy is the leading European producer and among the first in the world, counting on 25,000 hectares planted with kiwifruit, of which 5,400 under the organic regime (source: Sinab) for a production close to 400 thousand tons (CSO Italy).