The San Francisco Ethics Commission. First calling the roll commissioner andrews. Here. Commissioner hayon. [inaudible] commission hur. Here. Commissioner keane. Here. And all present and accounted for. Moving the secretary item on the agenda Public Comment on matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda. Do we have any members of the public who want to speak . Please come forward. Good afternoon chair hur and members of the commission. My name is Kathleen Courtney and reside on green street in San Francisco and owned and reseated at that location for the last 35 years. I have been out of the country for the last month, and therefore i was not returned home on thursday and therefore was not able to give my comments to Eileen Hansen who submitted a complaint about the alliance in connection with jobs with the work theyre doing against darren peskin. I am calling something that occurred to me on june 28 that i think reflects the egregious nature of what is going on. I am a profession
In my office but item 2 announced the clerk the alyssa and todays meeting is broadcast presiding officer jim smith and Jennifer Lowe madam clerk, any announcements . Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the september 8th board of supervisors board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated great, thank you. So what well do well hear item number 2 first and then recess even though meeting and hopefully come in a short period of time with an item number one so item 2 first. Item is an ordinance amending the administrative code for the amount of the fund from 3 hundred to 6 hundred and 50 conflict of interests great representative from the treasurers office. Good morning on behalf of of xhooun id like to thank the supervisor president london breed and her staff in bringing this to committee that ordinance is a recommendation from the are Controllers Office will amend the San Francisco admin code for
Thank you first speaker. Good afternoon the philosophy of life for the comment one seeks ultimately personal family and civil life for rich with wellness one definitely seek of principles and holy virtues for success for the order and once you enjoy the pathway formal the holy mercy housing and principles for the world rescue will be endless as one determined to lead others with a true way for selfnature and the destiny of high order for the world one should have a different set of rules or personal goals aiming for principles can go all the way to fulfill the nature and holy natures one destiny for the sense of career is a long journey one must take step by step or attending a health that must begin for there was ultimately possessed will go beyond any limitations of lashes god bless the 0 holy mission thank you. Next speaker, please. Thursday will be 7 thousand 1 hundred and 60 days from the end of the time of the gentiles in god is users the 360 the last day of the sabbath but if he
Supervisor farrell supervisor kim not present supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee madam president kw0u789 thank you ladies and gentlemen, can you please join us in the pledges and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Madam clerk any communications. I have none to report madam president colleagues, any changes to the october 17th special Board Meeting and the october 18th regular Board Meeting minutes seeing none, a motion to approve those minutes motion by supervisor avalos and seconded by economy supervisor farrell colleagues without objection, without objection those Meeting Minutes will be passed after Public Comment. Madam clerk read the consent calendar. Items 1 through 6 are route. Roll call vote. On items 1 through 6. Supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowe
Thank our clerk and leo from sfgtv for covering the meeting. Any announcement s. Please science all cell phones and Electronic Devices and completed speaker cards and copies of documents to be completed as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Thank you thank you, madam can clerk, call item 1. Ordinance amending the business and tax regulations code toix possess a transaction and use tax at rate of onehalf of 1 for 25 years to impose the San Francisco county Transportation Authority and administered by the state board of equalization. Thank you, madam clerk. So colleagues, sponsored by supervisor wiener and turn it over to him. Thank you very much, mr. Chair this. Measure which is twothirds dedicated halfcent sales tax for transportation is a essentially a backup measure. We have been working for months to move forward a general sales tax threequarters of a cent and accompanying Charter Amendment allocating funds twothirds to Transportation Needs, onethird to permanent exi