Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Special Budget Committee 71816 20160719

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thank our clerk and leo from sfgtv for covering the meeting. any announcement s. >> please science all cell phones and electronic devices and completed speaker cards and copies of documents to be completed as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. thank you >> thank you, madam can clerk, call item 1. >> ordinance amending the business and tax regulations code toix possess a transaction and use tax at rate of one-half of 1% for 25 years to impose the san francisco county transportation authority and administered by the state board of equalization. >> thank you, madam clerk. so colleagues, sponsored by supervisor wiener and turn it over to him. >> thank you very much, mr. chair this. measure which is two-thirds dedicated half-cent sales tax for transportation is a essentially a backup measure. we have been working for months to move forward a general sales tax three-quarters of a cent and accompanying charter amendment allocating funds two-thirds to transportation needs, one-third to permanent exit from homelessness into housing. this backup is pending as well and ultimately it's my hope and desire that we'll move the charter amendment and the three-quarters cent sales tax on to the ballot, and that this measure will become moot. but we have kept it alive, simply as a backup. and so, after public comment, i will make a motion -- orly i will request that the committee move it out of committee. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. colleagues my questions or comments? okay, we'll open up to public comment. anybody wishing to comment on this item? >> eileen district 4 resident in opposition. in general sales tax increases disproportionately affect low and fixed income people. specifically there are a number of inconsistencies with this ordinance. first the title of the ordinance reads half sent sales tax increase, but it's one-half of 1 brs, which is is correct. and as supervisor wiener said there are two different sales tax proposals under consideration. you have both supervisor wiener has a name as sponsor of both and both on the full board tomorrow. items 39 and 74. however, only one has the mayor as the sponsor, and as supervisor farrell has stated only one will be moving forward. and so that begs the question, who is on first? and if for any chance both do move forward together i would urge an amendment that both sales tax measures are listed together on the ballot. this would be for the sake of consistency and full disclosure. >> thank you. any other members of the public wish to comment on the item? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor wiener any other comments? >> that is it. i understand from the hearing last week, that the committee had indicated that this would be agendized as a committee report so it would move out for tomorrow. so i would request an appropriate motion by the committee. >> okay. so colleagues, we have, i think, the committee report. more it with or without recommendation ? i will make a recommendation to send out as a committee report without recommendation. >> okay. motion by supervisor tang. seconded by supervisor yee. we can take that without objection. [ gavel ] . administrate clerk, call item s2 and 3 together, please. >> item 2, resolution determining and declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition, improvement and rehabilitation and conversion of at[r-eufbgs/] multi-unit residential buildings to permanent affordable housing and performing needed seismic, fire, health and safety upgrades and other major rehabilitation in an amount not-to-exceed $350 million. item no. 3 ordinance calling and providing for a special election to be held in the city on november 8, 2016 for the purpose of submitting to san francisco voters a proposition to amend proposition a. >> okay. thank you very much. these items were sponsored by supervisor peskin. so i will turn the mic to him. >> thank you, chair farrell and thank you for accommodating the amendment that i offered in conjunction with the mayor's office last week, which necessitated this hearing today, subject to public comment. i would like for the committee to forward the matters to the full board for their consideration to put forth on the ballot. >> okay. thank you. colleagues, any questions or comments? okay. we'll open up to public comment. anyone wishing to comment on these items? >> eileen district 4 resident. i would urge the committee to move this forward with recommendation. thank you. >> thank you. anybody else wishing to publicly comment on these items? seeing none, public comment is closed. [ gavel ] i would like to make a motion to second forth the items with recommendations for committee reports. >> motion by supervisor tang. seconded by supervisor yee. we can take those without objection. madame clerk, any other business in front of us today? >> no, mr. chair. >> thank you, everybody, we are adjourn ed [ gavel ]test. >> good afternoon and welcome to the friday thursday, july 15, 2016, special meeting of the san francisco full board of supervisors i'm the clerk of the board the meeting will come to order. supervisor president breed is not presented therefore pursuant in the absence of wanting the clerk shall call the roll today's agenda a start time of 515 i'll initiate the call to order therefore the powering or presiding officer from among the superfluous not beyond adjournment of today's meeting supervisor avalos thank you. i would like to we're talking about roll call. >> for attention supervisor avalos presence. >> supervisor president london breed not presents is supervisor campos supervisor cowen not presents supervisor farrell not presents supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang not present supervisor wiener supervisor wiener not present supervisor yee we have quorum so the first item of business the pro tem from the majority vote are what is required to appoint and pro tem i'll call the names of the supervisors supervisor avalos. >> thank you, madam clerk i'd like to motion to appoint our member with the most majority is supervisor campos. >> to appoint supervisor campos pro tem and seconded by supervisor peskin on the call of the role. >> supervisor cowen absent supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang absent supervisor wiener absent supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed absent supervisor campos there are 6 i's. >> supervisor campos is the presiding officer for today's meeting. >> good afternoon, everyone and thank you for your patience please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> colleagues before we go to the business at hand i'd like to if you just bear with me a moment of silence in memory of dozens people murdered in france nic nice (silence (madam clerk item one. >> at this time the puck may comment up to two minutes within the subject matters on the adoption watt calendar and item two on today's agenda director our remarks to the board and not to the brfdz and tarpgs we'll be allowed twice the amount of time and delay your document on the overhead to when the screen returns to live coverage of meeting. >> we'll open up for public comment is there any public comment on item please come forward and line up to our right and our left per the rules two minutes. >> it is great to be here on a historic type of meeting i like to be something history the city by the bay she saw about the aide by the bay play to pay they call select and protect additions, deletions, or changes right now, i'm looking for any african-american sisters that belong to district 5 and 10 why are they not here and descension of what this the board of supervisors and with the leadership in san francisco is this the new trend what i see here and i did not bring probation officer my camera this is horrifying what has been called a historic meeting a special meeting because those people are scared of what oversight they're scared and accountability is the mayor called into his office said you can't do this this will change the surface of the san francisco going on for years i'm all over the progressives they'll show a lessons the balance of san francisco must change because as a african-american black negro the czar the out mitigation mayor ed lee right now is out of compliance and he's also in my opinion neglected an african-americans i'm in support have had historical i support you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> before i start our time i'll gentle say that signs are not allowed in the chamber sew, sir. >> my name is michael let's go to the overhead from the castro flag pole controversy hits the area following the shooting back to me i've shown the headlined from the castro street currier on the street a story how what used to be public property the flag pole on harvey milk plaza is controlled by the merchant i'll be developing voting on to reclaim public property to lower the flag when there are tragedies like 49 people killed in orderly we need to have a public advocate to help to achieve that if folks running for sate senate will take up to issue the second thing the corrupt city attorney district attorney george gascon during his tenure that's 20 civilians killed and san francisco police officers yet zero indictments by the da the district attorney created a hand picketed panel that i'm not impressed with their 81 represents the fact they've used dozens of downtown lawyers in 6 or seven years of george gascon being the district attorney and 20 civics killed by the police there's been zero indictments by george gascon we have to remember that district attorney george gascon is going to replace the lady to the senate. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm peter executive director of liquor users association i want to ask you to put on reverse from the libraries funding pending their taking care of some issues of exclusion of the privacy privileges of library and decision maker the public should have there is at least count based on library users information requests would be hundred and 57 thousand cardholders who have an inability to use the libraries in the long run loan facilities capacity get the materials from other libraries or a loan because they owe one penny or more in fines and fees this shouldn't be there are also 57 thousand plus cards holders out of 20 thousand some holders not able to borrow physical items like books, voir dire's and dvds and so on they owe $10 and one cent or more both of those groups are children and teens and adults and seniors that shouldn't be the library adjusted a lot of hours for branches watt the slightly input or informing the permit kraefr to 2007 should is where cabin public input and the library suspending people from coming out the library no independent did you process to adjudicate and bargain we want a non-cash up to that time. >> thank you >> next speaker, please. >> adrian carpenters local 22 we not pilotize the office of labor enforcement i think they're working fine the way it is and don't need another layer of government let's keep it as is thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening donald from the san francisco renters federations not san francisco values to arrest and throw in jail a housing activists causing for more diversities in the bay area during the housing shortage our community if the homeless to the march kisses i across the city are in pain if keeping on track the new construction of buildings that provides close to one thousand bmr units and housing the poor families in the tenderloin a promise was made to make to a more affordable city and hits on the homeless problem but all we're seeing a status quo politics those action are not progressive we have 11 city council public advocates and time to put voters and listen to the previous elections and put aside politics and bring solutions to the city's problems thank you. >> thank you very much is there any public comment that you want to speak line up go ahead, sir. >> hello, i'm bradylie will i a member of iuoe and speak on behalf of of that public advocate we need desperate there are departments not doing a job not going into detail i'm not going to and also the question of the need for stronger enforcement of labor law and financing for and the assignment 20 to a stronger spokes organization a stronger entities in the city to pursue flight ever labor law and shorting workers they're due in the city not working out across the city in restaurants all over the city i urge you to move forward with that also on the transportation question that is before the board i am concerned about piling another layer of aggressive tax an reevergreen tax over the next 25 years an alternative to the taxation for the transportation needs we need to fund our transportation services fully and continue to expand the equity policies of our transportation administration but i think there are other sources we need to tax people that are profiting and doing well in the economy and tax issues that need to be discouraged like the ride hale and ride sharing circulating on friday and saturday night causing gridlock and no cars distributed and cars blocking. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment seeing none, none public comment is closed. >> madam clerk call without reference to committee. >> item 2 considered for adoption a motion to call if the rules committee pursuant the charter amendment creating the office of advocate and the charter amendments file creating the housing and community development commission calling from the neighborhood committee the file affirming support for the department of homelessness in support of housing and call speech meeting on jump at 3:00 p.m. and july at 10:00 a.m. switzerland the board of supervisors to sit as a special meeting on july 19th to hold the charter amendment and to modify the amount of time pursuant to the board's rules. >> thank you i will now recognize the maker of this motion the very important supervisor avalos. >> thank you very much acting chair supervisor campos colleagues we have before us this motion to move from the pending file rules committee and i believe oversight committee a resolution to the charter of the resolution a series of meetings to the full board of supervisors including on july 19th there are modifications i'd like to make to this motion since the public advocate charter amendment a version or two versions have gone forward to the full board for the next tuesdays meeting i'd like to trike the reference to this in the title and later in the body of this motion so the striking language will be on line 4 striking the file number creating the office of public advocate and that will be stricken also on line 12 the word to and that title will be stricken only one proposed charter amendment only one in and line 20 it says shall sit as a committee for 3 public hearings it should be changed to two and strike that line the phrase the proposed charter amendment for the office of public advocate shall be stricken we'll move forward to the next page in the body of motion on line 7 page 2, again go taking outlets word two and the plural of the word amendments to take out the s and the striking of the charter amendment for the public advocate and on line 9 we're tang all the language that says all 3 and put in the word to items those two items returned to the board. consideration that would be my motion in terms of what language to be taken out and again, because the public advocate chapter amendments two versions will be before us already they've gone from the rules committee to the full board of supervisors >> and with that, i'll need a second. >> so colleagues supervisor avalos has made a motion can we have a second public school seconded by mar can we take that without objection? without objection the motion to amend passes any comments on the motion as amended seeing none, >> i did i put my name. >> thank you supervisor avalos i misspoke spoke on the resolution from the department of homelessness is not gi o by the neighborhood services committee i want to clarify that. >> thank you for the clarification seeing no more madam clerk take a roll call vote. >> we have a deputy. >> oh, yeah john gibner, deputy city attorney. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. so it i believe the motion deleted on line three to four page 2 deleted the public advocate from that first photograph. >> i'll need to highlight that. >> i thought you proposed that and wanted to make sure that is leading in sorry. >> you want to propose. >> no. >> okay. great. >> my other questions or comments seeing none, madam clerk call the roll on the amended motion. >> supervisor malia cowen asbestos par supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang absent ask supervisor wiener absent supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed absent supervisor campos there are 6 i's. >> thank you the motion is approved as amended the motion is approved and for clarification this approval means the following call resolution number it will call number one 60 from committee as well as the housing community charter amendment will schedule a special meeting on july 19th and july 29th and schedule the board of supervisors to sit as a committee on july 19th and will move the time between first appearance and other in order submitted for the charter amendments colleagues unless questions madam clerk madam clerk, is there any further business before this commission? >> mr. chair that concluded the business for today. >> colleagues thank you very morning. amanda-regional initiative for the gen. service administration pursue the claim region and of your master of ceremonies today. i do the short straw and jake to the longshot. congratulations, jay. welcome to the united nations gaza. on to gsa regional headquarters and the physical home of super public. today, we celebrate the official launch of super public. the nation's first collaborative workspace to host city state and federal policymakers under one roof. the innovation lab is running in collaboration with san francisco mayor's office of civic innovation by the city intimate foundation and the gen. services administration will solve common problems that affect all levels of government. uc berkeley's center for design research at stanford university and mit media lab have also partnered with super public. super public will provide space. program convened summit, roundtables, and training programs to build capacity so that all partners in the lab can maximize time and impact. by working in an open innovation environment, super public intends to create extorted exportable models and solutions facing governments throughout the nation. the city of san francisco and city intimate into gsa and other superpower concept, was an immediate, yes. each level of government is really reinventing the wheel around a common problems. the silo nature of government has stymied the public sector from adopting innovative tech, and business models, and the sharing of best practices. so our hope that super public will break down some of the silos and allow us to share common solutions across government at the city state and federal level. not only will gsa provide a physical space which we had quite a bit of, but we will also provide some expertise in certain areas. gsa is a leader in procurement and also digital services in our digital consultancy etf's house just down the hall. minute you walk by their offices. just today. we've seen a significant amount of success at the federal level addressing the german challenges and changing the way government bills and buys technology. etf and parent organization the technology to information service can bring these past successes past and failures to the conversation. so, without further ado, we are very excited to commemorate the launch of super public and were honored to have with us another special guest. from you hear from the harsh reality recognizer speakers from today's event. gsa administrator denise turner ross, mayor of the city of san francisco and family. san francisco district 2 supervisor mark farrell. executive director of the city intimate foundation cameron sadik, and the city administrator naomi i can name is not on your last name? kelly. thank you. in addition to our speakers today i like to recognizer panelists discussing women and government and technology early 21st-century government. gsa initiated denise ross we joined by codirector of the transportation sustainably resource center at uc berkeley. atf deputy executive director hillary hartley and city oakland chief resiliency officer karen jane. now my pleasure to introduce the speaker per today's event. i bus and head of gsa this denise turner ross. ms. ross is the 21st senate confirm administrative and general furnaces ministration brother 18 years of public service she's old there is a leadership positions in washington dc and greensboro north carolina the focus on driving economic impact in ms. state of change. it is a gentleman, denise ross. >>[applause] >> thank you very much into. thank you all for being here at gsa in this beautiful old building. i think when we had the chance to actually renovate the space we were very fortunate and what a great day to see how far it's come. i'm not sure that when we were renovating the space just a few years ago that we had this opportunity and vision in mind but indeed, here we are today and it's just wonderful. mayor lee thank you for having us in your subject is a beautiful subject is been here all week and it's been a wonderful time. thank you for your partnership always. i think using the mayor has been called on frequented by the administration and it's because we like to go to leaders sought. it's not been by accident you've seen us here working with the mayor quite often. as administrative gsa, i have the pleasure of working with people are very committed to a really having a joint effort when they come to any community could gsa manages over three 75,000,000 ft.2 of space. we manage over $50 with spending occurs through the federal government and has been a straighter and you pointed out, i do have a deep deep background in city administration as well as in other capacities that i care a lot about how we are partnering with community could because when i know him and were working together both at city state and federal level, as well as with the private sector and public sector, the we are at our best and that's when we achieve our best. so when i came in as administrator i prioritize how do we use our physical footprint on knowledge, our access all resources to partner with these partners. as well as to partner with the federal agencies of course. an idea is for us to be able to bring the best foot forward in any place were entered weaver wants to never call her economic initiative which is really about how do we take a footprint and look for opportunities with communities. i think this is a great example of that. you are aware is into pointed out of our 18 f and pts and the work they been doing in digital services and current technology in bringing together that effort to our efforts and the federal government and it's been really exciting. so when asked about what is super public meeting for gsa why are we partnering in what respect to get out of this? i spoke to see us be able to continue to partner with other communities did for me this is just the start. to start an example and a strong example of what it means for how we can really leverage the space we are managing. this space the resources, the people be accessed. that's what is happening here. that is what were all part of today. so this is just a really exciting time for us throughout gsa not just the technology space but for all this that are here because were burning at the same time and will take these learning and share with other communities as well. so, mayor thank you again for coming here. thank you and your team for having the vision as well as city innovates. i've just been excited getting to know the work that you're doing and vision you have not just your locally but international. what a wonderful thing. so thank you for coming here and thank you for choosing this partnership and thank you for having the vision. >>[applause] >> thank you, denise. our next speaker has incredibly strong track record of driving collaborative partnerships in the first mayor in the nation to create an innovation office and city governments. please, welcome mayor ed lee. >>[applause] >> thank you into for that introduction. gsa of instead of ross, thank you for being here. this is one my favorite buildings outside of city hall. it shouldn't surprise you that we share the same architect and it's one of the few buildings like my office that still has curbed the wars. so there's a lot of history that we share but being here in gsa again, connotes a lot of good memories. certainly, it harkens back to city administrator these two director of purchasing a less political position in the city there i had fun. i truly had fun when i was director purchasing, spending the public's money about $1 billion a year buying things but trying to do it smartly and trying to incur local jobs, small businesses, get them involved in the economy of our city. and, even as mayor, we are still making sure were trying to do the right thing as all of our governments are. this idea of super public is exciting because in a few years, you're going to see an absolute necessity for this to happen. while it seems volunteer and innovative to do it now were actually creating the conditions the private sector, for the public sector, or academia, for those in government want to innovate, were trying to equate those conditions now so it has a lot more opportunity to be successful. as a city of innovation, i want to say that were already working not just as a city but is the region, i'm already deep conversations with mayor schaaf and mayor ricardo with our supervisors, in san mateo county about regional issues and making sure were paying attention, more than just what the part on has for the immediate future. more about our challenges and how we can really work outside of our sideload cities and counties and into arena where we can really and truly invite the private sector to work with us. the academia sector and our innovative arms. it's no surprise that gsa is a partner because it's fast becoming the most innovative arm of the federal government i've ever seen hit their really pushing it well ahead and they're challenging us to be a great partner and we want to be. because we have a lot of things that could withhold benefits to our public if we didn't start working cooperatively. we just are thinking outside of those silos that and you mentioned that we all know is a very fact that prevents us from doing better. and i say that we started this over a year and a half ago as well thinking that to be smarter city, not just an transportation but everything else that we do but transportation is a great example to start out with because if were not thinking more :-), not thinking more collaboratively and innovatively, beyond the cities and into a regional if not a state and federal approach, were going to fail. whether it's bikes, whether it's public transportation, whether it's getting less cars have thinking about automated vehicles and how to make them safer, how to use them how to use automation and delivery of goods and products, were going to fill it we don't innovate now and have that spirit. that's why i'm excited about joining our gsa partners and our city administrator, our members of our board of supervisors, and our innovation arm of the city working with the other innovation arms of federal government and state government. this is more than exciting. as i suggest to you super public is going to have to be a necessity because as you look around, not just united states, that's starting to happen in new york and los angeles and allow places, you look at what international cities are already doing. you don't have to look-has, by the way, happy the steel date those of you who have french foundations. paris story got a super public that we are studying and looking at as a model. toronto, under the great international city. other international cities have already figured out that indo global competition that we are engaged in, and we must recognize that, that is those regions that recognize how collaboration and innovation is going to help their cities become that much more successful in a global competition. when not opting out of anything were opting in to a global setting and making sure we are ready to do that even better. so, i am excited as you can probably tell because i didn't, i visited the offices this year and the space that were talking about and i know into says we have not got the furniture yet. but, i will tell you, you got the calendar ready. furniture comes after the talent arrives. i think that talent is here the dedication the commitment is here and i will tell you, i have never stopped trying to figure out how to decrease red tape. how to really convince our public who has to pay a lot of our taxes to say, your money is going into a smarter collaboration that we can be more transparent and telling them how we are cutting red tape. how small businesses can have a federal partner, a star partner, a local partner that says you're going to have a lot less red tape to be more successful. i have never stopped and effort in making sure that our city is talking with all our federal partners to it smarter and we better get how i say procurement officer as our city administrator is, to suggest that we can buy things and still have it at a less expensive price but get payments to our local small business faster so that we can really have a foundation for good employment in the long run. how we can tackle transportation, tackle homelessness, tackle poverty in ways which we never talked about before. yes we've got good ideas in san francisco but the navigation centers, like a cherry, like car sharing. how can we make this a regional thing and academia, with its berkeley mit, stanford were all part of this effort, going to contribute to that because they know that we've got the document we got to talk the man could we do to make sure our models are examples of things we can really share with people, and we've got to prove that we can do it better than the last generated so, excited about this. i'm excited about super public, and i know just in the few years is quick to be an absolute necessity for the global competition and we are helping our country by doing this. we are hoping much of the federal people be better quit estate people be better on local people be better, but as a community of people interested in being smarter about what were doing we hopefully will the public was a breathing that much deeper committed to using your dollars smarter to making sure we do things in language data can really drive and help us. this is what i think super public is and i want to just say, ken, thank you to organizations like the innovate fund and our innovation civic innovation leaders, i did sector comedies like at&t stepping up with berkeley folks and others to really say we can do this even better. but we've got to think regionally now. we can just think is that independent circuit either to make sure talking with sam ricardo and their interest in san jose. -mayor schaaf people in oakland and san mateo because our challenges are no longer just within our region with its housing, dissertation, with there's even a simple idea of procuring. we've got to do it smarter and better in this consistently foundation. it's exciting to be in a room full of innovators to do this. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> thank you mayor lea. our next speaker is the event supervisor mark farrell. his work to communities which the digital divide. please, welcome supervisor farrell >> >>[applause] >> thanks everyone could post about is a tall our gsa partners, the winners always like this in san francisco. you come out for entire week. so please come out more often. i'm truly excited to be here today. from my perspective, super public is the future. it is what we need to be doing across all every single city in the united states. when we think about san francisco as much as we have a booming economy we have issues as cities have all the time. whether it is mayor lea mentioned, the housing crisis, we have transportation issues, but they're not singled out for steve and cities across the united states are facing these issues. with the homelessness were bridging the digital divide these are issues we need to work in san francisco that matter to our residents. doing it alone in the government is something that is not going to be part of the future could need to partner with a private sector. need to partner with academia specialist visit here in san francisco today the innovation capital of the world and thank you to all our private sector partners will contribute to make this happen today. partnering with you partnering with academic, this is the future. we need to do it together because i will tell you, we cannot do it alone and several also city hall. we certainly cannot do it set up chambers of the board of supervisors we need to do it together as partners. binders and with the federal government or state government together we can do it. we also need our private sector. we need academia to be able to do it together. so i'm incredibly excited to be part of this. take you to all the people who contributed to it. congratulations to all the founding members. i know this is a long time in the making. the most excited about, is not just today but the future. this about our children and making sure as we think about problems as my son jack sits over there, honest will, this generation when we tackle problems not just san francisco problems the regional problems and were not tackling them the city government were tapping together with private sector with academia and that the wording of the best solution yet so congratulations to everyone and thank you i just can't wait for the future here together. thank you. >>[applause] >> thank you, market our next speaker is naomi kelly with the city administrator of the city of san francisco. i am agree with sympathetic partner in the gen. services administration did we know how hard your job is. we get to do it for the federal government to the other one a come over and talk shop were always here for you. ladies and gentlemen, naomi kelly. >>[applause] >> good morning. i was thinking about all the numbers of how much office space you manage and how much procurement you have and its enormous. i was very proud of our numbers we manage the city of san francisco about 4,000,000 ft.2 of office space and $1 billion in procurement and we manage 25 year-tenure 25 million capital plan. and compared to those numbers that's small. compared to the gsa. but, it's really great to be here today because of the chair partnership that will have with each other in sharing best practices, learning new innovative procurement policies, it policies. it will be very helpful in that it's helping us share relevant data, figuring out what the data we have with the city but good data the government has put together super public is that we can share with each other so we can be much more innovative. there's things were doing here in san francisco just in the city administrator in our local gsa office, looking at how we manage our fleet. how we are using telematics or black box which will behold so helpful to us to figure out when a card word vehicle needs to go into maintenance versus guessing,. rb rightsizing the fleet we see there's a lot of analyte underutilized vehicles but we can reduce the number berkeley. his rc fleet sitting in idling speed we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by a relevant amount of data were getting from that. i also upgrade during the next week and am in the process creating a digital service team. we are actively recruiting for digital service officer. this is all about the public experience. how can we in government better serve our residents, art tourists, visitors is a neat services from the government, a website how can we approve our website so they can get the information they need from a resin with the residential parking permit, whether it's a productivity, but it's a marriage certificate there's much we can do to provide services online so folks do not have to come down to city hall or wait in line to get services they need. so, were very excited about our digital service team working with a private industry, working with customer service looking at a processes how to better streamline them as we don't want to automate a broken process and of course working with our it department to make sure that our systems are running smoothly and to make sure all our data is secure because we do-we do want to make sure that everything we do is secure and that were not violating any private information that gets out there. i'm so looking forward to this partnership and thank you very much. >>[applause] >> thank you naomi. now, last but not least, the executive director of the city innovate foundation and very much the leader for super public, we are very lucky to have cameron and of leading the charge for us that it's been fabulous working with him so far. you are a welcome breath of knowledge on all the things foundational things we need to make this a reality. i hope gsa has been a good partner to good is and gentlemen, kim and city >>[applause] >> i think a lot of you have been on this journey for the last two years and it's been tough but i want to keep it short because of that people that sing to me for the last 5 min. that the mayor needs to live soon. what i do undo is actually think mayor ed lea. the sender gsa administrator district supervisor mark we met a few times but farrell and naomi kelly city of mr. and people behind the scenes like andrew the month, the republic of under atf, krista and jacob mayor's office of senate innovation to grace upon is at uc berkeley susan and also been great from day one. gifford in the city innovate foundation team.) james to make sure we talked about regional issues she's achieved resiliency officer in oakland she is working the on the past 18 months over this and not least the private sector. don't forget them because they do help pay our bills can i do i think microsoft socialize and evangelize the passage be described. the of our friends from deloitte who are good partners and now at&t and one of the things that i think a lot of people talk about the project that we've been looking at one of the other areas than looking at with san francisco, open and others not to forget their smart cities but were looking at inclusive cities. we should try this with communities so we part up with civic makers in a couple of model you're looking at a cut program rolling this out engaging the community and doing it the right way. again thank you all for coming out here. yes, we hope that that show will change and his major was pointed out, there will be a lot of international cities that come in and us cities to learn about the bit about what we're doing here. thank you. >>[applause] >> okay. so, now we get to get to the good work of actually running super public which were more excited about any event. gsa loves doing things but i'm going to invite all our guests right now and we will cut this with him. i think this is as are behind me the very large service. in the very careful handing these out. >>[laughing] have to bring the semi-carry on tonight. can be tough to get through the airport. >>[laughing] >> three, two, one cut it. >>[applause] >> >>[gavel] >> good morning everybody and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for wednesday, july 13, 2016. my name is mark farrell of chairing the committee. i'm joined by katie tang and to revise or aaron peskin and john avalos. i want to thank the clerk of the committee as well as sfgov tv for covering the meeting today. mdm. clerk any announcements? >> yes. >>[reading code] >> thank you very much. colleagues, we have 24 items to get through today. we will get started mdm. clerk would you please call items one and two together. >> item 1, >>[reading code]. item number two, >>[reading code]. >> thank you very much. these items are sponsored by supervisor peskin so i will turn it over to him >> thank you chairman farrell and committee members. thank you for hearing this item. previously it is that before you for one small amendment pursuant to the capital planning committee's recommendation and i would like to offer that amendment. by way of background, some quarter of a century ago in the wake of the earthquake, then supervisor tom shade offered a $350 million general obligation bonds for unreinforced masonry building loans and here we are 25 almost years later and much of that money remains unspent. this measure would be purpose and broaden the obligatory of those funds to allow for the acquisition improvement and rehabilitation of at risk multiunit residential buildings. the mayor's office of housing and community development made a suggestion, which i will offer as a amendment which will require one special meeting of this committee and i appreciate your indulgence mr. chairman for accommodating that. specifically, on page 4, line 14, we would like to for the cpc's unanimous recommendation, strike the words, equal to, and insert, the words, no less than so that it reads, interest rate no less than one third of the city's true cost. in other words, the city could on the affordable housing side of the program charge more than one third of the interest if properties cash flow correctly or the nonprofits that are seeking those monies have the ability to pay a higher interest rate. >> okay. so supervisor peskin reason i see ms. hartley is here from the mayor's office of housing and community development and i don't know what they call your department anymore but public finance. >> okay. supervisor peskin has made a motion. second? moved and seconded. will entertain that after public comment it before we do that mr. rose can we go to reports for item 1 and two? >> mr. chairman, members of the committee, supervisor peskin, supervisor avalos, on page four of our report, this pertains, i believe, to what you were just referring to. under the existing market rate loan program and affordable housing loan program for market rate loans, the property owner pays the full amount of the principal and interest cost and for affordable housing loans the property owner pays the full principal and one third interest cost and the city pays 2/3 inches cost. therefore, the expand allowable use of the opposition general obligation bonds could increase the city's expanded allowable use of the proposition that are offered general obligation bonds cost for affordable housing, but it's not expected to impact the city's property tax rate of other two-way 06 property tax rate base budget however, as i understand it the committee is just considered amending that those provisions. we also note according to the mayor's office of housing and community development depending on the additional work required by the proposed program, the mayor's office of housing and community bauman may need to add one additional full-time equivalent staff to administer the program and on page 5 our recommendation consider approval of the proposed resolution and speed is to cement his opposition to the san francisco voters to the policy matter for the board of supervisors >> thank you very much mr. rose. any question for budget analyst at this time? or staff? with that will open up to public comment did anyone wish to comment on items one or two today? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> so, we have a amendment in front of us. emotion than to accept supervisor peskin's amendment as earlier stated it's been moved and seconded. will take that without objection >>[gavel] >> colleagues, any questions or comments or a motion to approve the underlying item as amended >> no. i will make a motion to send four items one and 212 special budget committee meeting, i believe. is that what we need to do? so date to be determined, may be monitored >> we can continue these items to the call of the chair >> all right. so i'll move to continue items one and two to the call of the chair as amended >> okay. moved and seconded. we can take that without objection >> >>[gavel] >> thank you supervisor peskin mdm. clerk please call item number three >> item number three >> we can do item 3 and four together. >> item number three, >>[reading code]. item number four, >>[reading code] . >> thank you very much aye. colleagues, both these items are in front of us in terms of their two different current sales tax proposals in front of us today. that i know will be part of our discussion here. i just want to say for my perspective, why think everyone working on these issues over the past year, plus. it's taken a lot of work both in terms of city staff, in terms of members of the board of supervisors, but also organizations and individuals outside of city appeared i would think everyone in this regard. i think there's some obviously wrote a letter to go here before we get one or two of them out of city hall into the voters in november. i will say, i will certainly be supporting item number three. i'm certainly supportive of item for as well. i think was only ones obviously only one of them will end up getting out of city hall. there will not be to the november ballot. just as a reminder, august lee, the budget we passed out of committee the other week was based upon a three-quarter cent sales tax is something i'm fully supportive of. i think both the dual issues of supporting additional funding for transportation in the city of san francisco, as well as the funding for homelessness services as well, i think is critically important to long-term sustainable funding for both these issues that are very serious issues here in the city of san francisco an incredibly important. i'll be supportive of those. so, with that, colleagues, supervisor avalos >> thank you. i have to at least called up together so we can do some amendment to item number four, which is the transportation tax of the half syntax dedicated solely to transportation and transit. essentially, what i want to do is recommend we passed amendment that would align both the transportation sides together. this would align the amendment today, would align the transportation expenditure plan that is in item number four, with that of the charter amendment that is at the full board of supervisors. and we have people from the transportation authority to are here to explain what those with the expenditure plan would be. we talked about it yesterday at the transportation authority, but now we have the actual amendment here that is before us. we had come together as a board, the mayor, transportation authority, and representatives from transit advocates from around the city on basic structure for what we would put in the expenditure plan back when we first introduced the charter amendment and a three-quarter cent sales tax. there's been a little but of movement since that time to make sure we can ask a gold in greater structures for affordability and to how we would anticipate changes in revenue coming in and that's what that's what-will explain here. >> good morning maria lombardi transportation authority at all keep this very brief the supervisor avalos said. the proposed changes to the half cent sales tax are to bring it in alignment with changes made to the charter amendment. of course just on the transportation side. the main three changes-all just enumerate real quickly-the first was an adjustment in the projected revenue additional increment of funding. that increment in order to address the affordability and equity type images was put evenly between the muni transit service and affordability category division zero st. and complete streets category. that's the six category percentages. the second amendment was related to a trigger that would allow the sfmta eight to flex its capital money from category two towards category one for operations. that's meant to be activated on bad economic times to prevent service cuts. the last significant adjustment that were making to the charter is the double trigger related to the servicing category which is the category receive some of the funding. the first two triggers have to do it, if you funding is secured for street resurfacing such as vehicle license fees or the existing prop k transfer tax is reauthorized, that is the board of supervisors and the mayor ability to we allocate the servicing i locations to the other five categories. so were not over funding street resurfacing. there's also a third trigger related to street resurfacing that says in year 2027 the board of supervisors or mayor could decide if priorities of change or funding available they could similarly reallocate funds from street resurfacing two other categories. there's other technical and cleanup changes related to the transportation sales tax such as estimating the total amount of revenue for each category. >> great. thank you just to confirm, with the triggers and the expenditure plan they'd nearer each other in this measure the half cent sales tax. >> absolute your will would get funded in the sheer category are identical >> great. thank you. after public comment i like to recommend this moves to the full board. we can then recommend both for [inaudible] it's fun. that's what i would ask the motion for >> shortages speaker this memo is for item for only? okay kid with similar provisions in item 3 >> item 3 is basically the three-quarter sales tax and then the charter amendment the company sam >> is that right, okay >> this measure martyrs that charter amendment with expenditures and triggers >> thanks very much. okay. so, with that colleagues any questions or comments? we will open it up to public comment on items three and four. would anyone like to publicly comment on item 3 or four? please, step forward >> district for residents in opposition to this item. it is a little confusing because it seems like they were both looking forward i'm a but the chamber of commerce has stated their $400 million in tax increases on this ballot alone. sales tax increases disproportionately affect low income people and people on fixed income. so, when i was going to recommend for the sake of consistency to put both of these two on the out side by side but since only one of them is core to move forward and i'm not sure which one, that kind of changes. just to end by quoting the legislative digest on this item number four, and i would quote, the transportation authority has received .5% of the combined rate since 1990 prop b superseded by 2003 prop k. the tax imposed by this ordinance is additional to the existing taxes and would increase the transportation of the combined rate to 1.00%. thank you >> okay thank you very much. anybody else wish to publicly comment? >> good morning supervisor. i'm here on behalf of supervisor weiner who cannot be here at this. he just asked that i come and thank everyone for their efforts about the charter amendment and on the dedicated extended to plan in particular. it's been a long process with a lot of input from both the mayoral staff, city staff, your offices, and the advocates community and i think we come to a good place and i just want to express supervisor weiner support for where we are where the money for transportation is being allocated to and thank you all for your efforts. >> thank you mr. cretin. anybody else wish to comment on items three or four? public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> colleagues, there's a amendment proposed here for item for. what i understand though that item will have to be continued because there's a amendment. so, what we could do is if we are going to entertain a special meeting, what we can do is continue to that to the call of the chair and hopefully we can schedule it in august to be discussing these at the same, the board of supervisors. so, first, tonight entertain a motion to amend item number four as been discussed? >> that wasn't my understanding. i do not realize this was going to be up substantive amendment. and-but i was hoping they could both go forward but i want to be clear about that. we have mr. elwin talk about that. whether we can actually make this amendment and move it to the full board? >>, one city attorney's office. i've not seen the actual text of the amendment but from the description it does sound substantive. which would require a continuance. >> supervisor avalos we were relatively lengthy agenda. oddly we will then get through we can suddenly wait until the techs comes through in a definitive opinion it would rather do that? >> that would be great. we can hold off on moving forward. would like to do is keep them altogether. >> no, no. that's the intention of everyone. so regardless. supervisor tang >> one potential idea i know we do usually have to continue all items for a week if they have any sort of amendment it's an initiative or ballot measure. if we do hold a special meeting on monday can we do a committee report on tuesday? on item 4 >> i think that would be the idea. >> i think that would probably be the right >> right, exactly >> supervisor avalos can we move forward without now and then with a commitment to do that full intent to do that? 50 get it on the calendar but we will work towards that. >> if that's the case all make a motion to amend item for as supervisor avalos stated, and then for item 3, send that to the board of supervisors with a positive recommendation, and then for item 4, send that to work continue to the call pitcher as amended and then will do without later. >> okay >> we will have a special meeting of the budget committee meeting on monday and have that in the committee report >> that's the full intent it again and have not the calendar yet on mission were able to do that but, yes, that's what we will do. i've no attention to the discussion at the full board without them being together with that, we've a bit about on this motion by supervisor tang we can take that without objection >>[gavel] >> thank you, colleagues. mdm. clerk please call item 5 >> item 5, >>[reading code]. >> thank you. barbara hill from-to speak >> thank you, barbara hill assistant general message manager for power. the natural license agreement with at&t for outdoor antenna systems is before you for approval. what are outdoor antenna systems? welcome i the picture here if sfgov tv could bring up the slide? so, you can see what kind of equipment we are talking about. this equipment consists of a low-power antenna connected to fiber optic lines that, then, are connected to the carriers public. the purpose of these facilities is to distribute wireless network coverage enhancing wireless cellular and data capacity. and providing benefits to san francisco.. why are we before you? well, back in october of 2014 are commission approved the streetlight program license program could include a master license agreement, terms and conditions, and authorize our general manager at the puc to execute those master license agreements after approval of the board. we have brought 3-4 to you already. master license agreement to the board already. this one is with at&t. it has a 12 year term as have the others and it will generate in excess we are estimating inaccessible $1 million and hence, we are here seeking your approval. this slide gives you a quick overview of the master license agreement terms and conditions. i just want to highlight here for you on slide five, that the puc is envisioned to be the electricity provider for all of these city program services good we are encountering some difficulties with pg and executing that intent. pg&e is challenging a right to serve electricity to the city program without us making cost prohibitive and unnecessary investments in additional electrical infrastructure. i just want to note that because that could affect the pace with which we pursue the program and the revenues that are associated with it. so, the puc and public works work together on this program. what you see on this slide is a quick review of public works responsibilities to site and construct oversee the construction, of the facility and then this next slide reviews with the puc's responsible bizarre. we work with planning on the ceqa aspects and the aesthetics of the program, but really were looking at technical review purposes or impacts on our street lights that system we own and for electrical interconnection. the program as it exists provides multiple benefits to the city and to the puc. city benefits are listed here. you can see, it is really around the issue of enhanced wireless coverage for the public and for city services providing an expansion of the fiber networks that provide public benefits. the licensing component of this utilize nation of our city streetlights allows us to generate some revenue from the program as well. along those lines, we are projecting here with the revenue estimates are for the master license agreements. you can see both for at&t and for the other carriers, these are low and high estimates. you're getting a range between almost $20 million and was $40 million a year over the 12 years. our actuals, so far, for both the one-time fees and the annual recovering revenues are shown here on slide 10. you can see for at&t, so far we've just collected some of the fees. we are not seeing any of the license components showing up as a revenue yet because we have not executed that agreement. it's pending your approval. that am happy to answer any questions you may have >> thank you. supervisor tang >> thank you for your presentation i was just wondering if given these are all on the light poles, they'll all look like the photo that you showed us? >> primarily, yes good we have not seen all of the configurations. but were getting a lot of cooperation together with planning and the carriers to be very sensitive to what the aesthetics of this program looks like. if you have something like this outside your flat window on the second floor commit really matters. we understand that. so do the carriers and so we've had a lot of success in getting good cooperation from the carriers to keep the size and the look of these as streamlined and small as possible. >> these are the ones going on michael's like this i think that something most of us ugly would not notice when were walking down the street was also helpful for the nearby residents. we certainly have received many complaints from residents about the design and the bulkiness of some of the installations. i know some of them for different purposes. now, when the city enters into agreements like this with the various carriers, does it mean that it may also reduce the amount of insulation that say, maybe of different sizes or shapes or more intrusive for the residential neighborhoods? >> yes. these would be instead of a larger cellular tower type installation. so, these augment the system and allow for improved service without having to add the more traditional cell towers that you're familiar with. >> okay. i would just say that for me personally, i do prefer it when our city department can find our existing city infrastructure to work with the carriers on these types of installations that look so much less intrusive but still serve the various purposes that obviously, they need. for all of us. so, i though it, yes, the city can enter agreement like this would avoid a lot of the conflict we see with the neighbors where we really as the city don't have a lot of say in terms of where they can go and what they look like and so forth. so, i appreciate this agreement for us here today >> thank you >> supervisor yee >> thank you. it's almost off follow-up of supervisor tang's question. in regards to the placing of which polls you might choose, i am just curious, if the polls run in front of somebody sounds and they really object, what is there--the process further to appeal? >> so, it goes to the standard of appeal process for permits like this. it's my understanding it's before planning. so far, we have managed to avoid and locate-i should say, through the collaborative process with the carriers hearing from residents, we have been able to locate these facilities we are we are not running into conflicts that end up in a full review. so, so far so good. we-the kind of feedback i'm hearing today is very helpful to us because when the carriers here you express these concerns, they take seriously when we say to them, you need to work with us so that we don't have conflicts coming to the planning, coming to the board through the review process. so, it's very helpful to hear the kinds of feedback and questions you are asking me so we can reflect those in our conversations with the carriers. we have so far received a lot of cooperation with them and relocated facilities to different locations when we encounter this dissatisfaction by residents. >> i appreciate your answer and it's really helpful that we've had this program somewhat and i have not heard any complaints yet, but that's reassuring to them i want to support this new ask >> thank you. >> supervisor tang >> just one additional question. i think it said that we would have access or puc would've access to about four strands of fiber so, per installation on each. what does that get us as a city? >> in such a buildup of fiber network network further. i will use the city services that utilize that fiber network it were looking for opportunities to incorporate that infrastructure improvement in this program rather than having to separately fund and implement it. so it's incremental improvements on the city's fiber networks as used for various communications needs for the city. >> okay. colleagues, any further questions the one mr. rose can we go to report for item 5 >> yes mr. chairman and members of the committee. on page 11 of our report we know but over the 12 year term of the postmaster license agreement the estimated revenues payable to the sf puc from at&t and that's not including the one-time fees would range from 13 million dollars for 250 street light pole licenses, two 24 million and that would be for 500 street light pole licenses, and that shown in table 4. again on page 11. on page 12, if you combine this three existing agreements you've already approved with this proposed agreement, then the total estimated revenues range from $19 million to $39 million, and that shown on table 5, on page 12 of our report. the report on page 13, supervisors, consistent with the previous board of supervisors policy we recommend you amend the proposed resolution specify that all revenue generated from the proposed master license agreement with at&t will be appropriated to the sf puc streetlight program in the annual probation ordinance subject of course to board of supervisor approval. we recommend to approve the proposed resolution as amended >> okay. thank you very much mr. rose. puc, any issues with these recognitions? >> no issues with the recommendations. thank you >> we will move on to public comment supervisor tang no. public comment anyone wish to comment on item 5? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i will go ahead and move this amendment by the budget analyst and to move it on to the full board of supervisors >> moved and seconded. taken without objection >>[gavel] >> mdm. clerk please call item 6 >> item 6, >>[reading code]. >> thanks very much. we have our puc as well to speak on this >> yes. so, i come here before you today to ask for your consideration of a resolution concerning the proposed acquisition of a easement by the city to its public utilities commission located at kansas and marine streets for fair occupies of $13,500. the easement is required to facilitate the construction and maintenance of sewer improvements related to the sf puc stewart system improvement project also known as sf it. i want to show you briefly what were talking about. the area highlighted in pink is the area of the easement area were looking to acquire the gray bar is the sewer project area. our construction crew indicated that while the puc owns this property and has access to the construction area from the south, this is so narrow that construction crews can turn around so we need to find an exit. an exit route to marin and kansas street. that required the purchase of this easement. the easement is 2525 marin. the fair market purchase price was based on an mai appraisal dated dated on august 25 and in summary, through this resolution we have the board of supervisors to approve and authorize the acquisition of the easement, doc and incorporate findings of the conveyance of this easement is consistent with the city's general plan, and it by 30 policies of city planning code section 101 dot one. in approve the purchase and sale agreement and authorize the city's director of property in or the sf puc's general manager to execute the documents make certain modifications and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution. >> thank you very much. colleagues, any questions be one we will move on to public comment. anyone wish to comment on items six? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> colleagues no other questions or comments? >> i make a motion to send items six to the full board with a positive recognition >> moved and seconded. we can take that without objection >>[gavel] >> mdm. clerk please call item 7 >> item number seven, >>[reading code] >> thank you very much. mta is here. >> good morning supervise. steve the with sfmta. it is the agency's desire to establish a prevailing wage and employee retention requirements for our coin collection and counting contract which is currently in its final year of initial five-year term. there will be 26 employees that work for circle that are impacted and with families are impacted by this requirement. there are some employees that have been working, doing this for 17 years and on average have been working there for 10 years. so we urge you approve this >> thank you very much. colleagues, any questions be one mr. rose your report on items seven, please? >> yes mr. chairman and members of the committee, on page 17 of our report we report that sf mta's actual average annual cost for the circle agreement 3.8 million between fiscal year 2012-13 and fiscal year 15-6 into based on increases reflected on the table shown on page 17 of our report, the sf mta estimates the proposed ordinance would result in increased cost of approximately $750,000 in 2016-17 and based on the average annual editors of approximately 3.8 million, that would represent and 18.8% increase. in addition, based on projected future hourly wage and benefit increases, sf mta is to make the proposed ordinance would result in an increase of $913,000 for each extension year of the circle agreement. there are five extension years. that would be an increase of 24% more than the current average annual cost of the sfmta. on page 18, we report that by requiring prevailing wages and transitional employment and retention of prior contractors and employees, it is possible that the city would receive the reduced number of competitive bidders in the future, which could result in increased cost to the city. >> thank you mr. rose. colleagues, any questions be one supervisor yee >> mr. rose, in regards to your last comment, is it possibly getting a fewer number of bidders, what is the rationale for your conclusions? >> we state, as i stated, supervisor, it is possible. we are stating that because if the existing contractor, witches start out, if paper opposed competitor to circle has to retain employees, we don't with their business plan is that that could impact this omission of a good. it is possible that would inhibit him up in our professional judgment that could inhibit his omission of a big we don't know for a fact but we are saying it is possible. >> is there a response that from mta? would you agree to that? >> supervisors, the budget analyst statement with regard to the competitiveness is possible, but also when we establish a prevailing wage, that sort of sets the playing field level with regard to the cost of employees. so when we go through our process, will be evaluating heavily on companies experience with regard to the service. so, that's a possibility but also the fact will be leveling the playing field financially also would spur interest from companies that feel that their experience is equal to circle. >> thank you. >> okay. colleagues, any further questions do and we will move on to public comment. anyone wish to comment on this item? >> good morning supervise. teamsters local 665. i just wonder give you a little context regarding these employees. many of these 26 employees have been working at minimum wage for almost 2 decades. many people believe or have believed in the overall public that they are city employees, but and, in fact they are not get their contracted employees could just that on to the last point of the budget analyst nmda spoke about about leveling the playing field, the size of the contract based on the prevailing wage we believe will be increased as was talked about so that anyone who would be bidding on this contract would understand with the wage rates would be and the employees would then be taken care. were very strongly in favor of this. we appreciate supervisor weiner for bringing this board and working on this. we appreciate the mta for the work they did to bring this forward and we are in strong support and appreciate your budget committee taking consideration for these employees. although, few they play in important role in coin collection for the mta which is an important and often times difficult work. thank you >> thank you very much. anyone else wish to comment on item number seven? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> so, again-not again, but i'm really happy that mta is moving forward with supporting prevailing wages for our workers and i like to pass this out with positive recommendation to the full board >> okay. moved and seconded. we can take that without objection >>[gavel] >> mdm. clerk call item 8, please >> item 8, >>[reading code]. >> thank you very much. this item sponsored by supervisor avalos so i'll turn it over to them >> thank you very much. chairman farrell. this item was one i had originally introduced for consideration last year. when i introduced this last year it was the tax that was dedicated to be with to use for expenditures that were aligned with her raid program specifically on expanding transit, housing, and [inaudible] i thinks since then have made it a general tax so [inaudible] this is a tax that would go on utility users. the 2.5% of the total bill for parts of their that are billing ringing and non-renewable electricity and natural gas,: this a carbon tax. essentially, that's how it's been crafted to be able to charge additional or nonrenewable sources that in the carbon dioxide that contribute to global warming and climate change. and the way this tax is structured but if your overall tax bill, say, you get complete electrical power from non-renewable sources can receive natural gas, and your total bill is $100, this would be 2.5-$2.50 additional on your bill. that is not a lot of money, but we are also crafted this measure so that those who are in the clean power sf program, which is just being launched them when not be subject to the tax on the electricity side. so, if you are receiving even the copper cents nonrenewable, that is part of the light green program in our clean power sf program, you would be exempt from paying the tax on the electricity side. if you are receiving your part of a care program for low income people, you would be exempt from the tax as well. as well, you would be exempt from the tax on the side of natural gas. overall, this measure is to raise about $18 million a year as we see more people join the clean power sf program, which will happen in waves over the next couple of years, we will see the amount of money diminish from the electricity side, but beside on natural gas that this tax will also be on will remain fairly constant as people continue to use natural gas in their homes. i expect they'll be phased out eventually. what i wanted to do was to have this at the board with all the other tax measures that we have been saying consistently, i want to look at all our tax measures together so we can decide as a body, what our ballot looks like and i am not-i do not want to look about with all these different measures. so, this one i want to get in a discussion but i'll be making my decision on the overall measures we see moving forward and if there's consensus on good i'm not clear that on this one but i want to make sure we can have a discussion of the full board. so, after public comment, i would be interested in seeing getting a motion to the full board >> okay. colleagues, any questions or comments at this time? we will move on to public comment. anyone wish to comment on item 8? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> supervisor tang >> thank you supervisor avalos for your willingness to be, i guess, conscientious about all the different revenue measures before us. pending for our november ballot. so yes i'm very interested in having a discussion holistically as well. i'm going to move forward item 8 to the full board with full recognition we do have a conference of discussion. i will move it forward. my recommendation would be without positive recommendation only because, for me personally, it is a general tax and i know that there has been some discussion about this being used towards some type whether street maintenance or installation of trees, which i would support but because it is a general tax it is a little bit more tricky. so, for me personally, i would recommend without recommendation to the full board but obviously interested in see what my colleagues have to say as well >> i would just say for my perspective that's fine did i think of a holistic conversation it's no problem. i'd be happy to support that. supervisor yee >> i so we want to move this to the full board so we have that discussion. i would've preferred that it's a positive recommendation, but if the both of you want to support it just to move to the full board without recommendation, i'll make it unanimous >> okay. is that a second then? moved and seconded. we can take that without objection >>[gavel] >> mdm. clerk call item number nine, please >> item number nine, >>[reading code]. >> good morning supervisors. underneath martinez airport finance director. this item is for the approval of an interdependent-excuse the intergovernmental agreement between san mateo county and the city and county of san francisco to the airport commission. the proposed agreement would allow the airport to reimburse san mateo county a pro-radish care for the cost of public safety dispatches to the airport. the reimbursement amount is not to exceed $1 million for a five-year period. that would be retroactive to july 1 2015 emma and last through june 30, 2020. under the proposed agreement, san mateo county would also share with the airport half of the collective transit occupancy tax from the operation of the new airport hotel currently under development. this arrangement of the sharing of the hotel room tax would last until either the airport receives a maximum of $8 million about work through june of 2029, whichever occurs first. the agreement was approved by san mateo board of supervisors on april 12 2016. the budget analyst recommends approval in i be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much. colleagues, any questions? mr. rose committee report lease for item number nine? >> yes mr. chairman and members of the committee, on page 21 of our report the bottom of page 21, it is not known how much that cost of the 911 emergency call dispatch to the airport will change over the term of the agreement, but the cost of the airport will not exceed $1 million or the five years under the terms of the proposed agreement and could be less. if that cost and 91 emergency do not increase from the 14-15 levels. the source of funds would be the airport's operating budget subject to probation approval of the board of supervisors. on page 22 of our report, we state that san mateo county as the department indicated, will share 50% of the first 16 million in hotel taxes collected from operation of new hyatt hotel. that's expected to open on july 1, 2019,, and with the airport has received the $8 million through a combination of hotel taxes and aviation fuel tax, all hotel taxes thereafter will clue to the san mateo county and is shown in table 2, page 22 of our report, airport staff project the total hotel tax for the first 10 years of the hyatt hotel operations we proximally 34 million and we state that assuming the hotel is ready for occupancy around july 1, 2019, models economic shot in the year 2022 reduces room revenues the airport will receive the maximum amount of $8 million in hotel taxes sometime in 2024. we did make one recommendation on page 23, and that is to amend this resolution for retroactivity to july 1, 2015. we recommend you approve the proposed resolution as amended >> thank you very much mr. rose. colleagues any questions for budget analyst? we will move on to public comment did anyone wish to comment on this items you seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> i will move this item with the amendment and is a positive recommendation. >> second >> moved and seconded. we can take that without objection >>[gavel] >> mdm. clerk please call items 10-22 together, please >> item 10, >>[reading code].. item number 11, >>[reading code]. item number 12, >>[reading code]. item number 13, >>[reading code]. item number 14, >>[reading code].. item number 15, >>[reading code] . item number 16, >>[reading code]. item number 17, >>[reading code]. item number 18, >>[reading code]. item number 19, >>[reading code]. item number 20, >>[reading code]. item number 21, >>[reading code]. and item number 22, >>[reading code]. >> thank you mdm. clerk. airport is here. thank you. >> good morning chairman farrell and members of the budget and finance committee. before you today are 13 releases awarded to 12 tenants for food and beverage locations in the international terminal overwhelmingly and is one location and therefore is facing terminal three at domestic terminal. these leases are the result of a competitive process in which we received 90 responsive postals get the total package should rely sales of approximately $60 million per year and the minimum guaranteed rent over the life of these leases is 34 million dollars. the budget and legislative analyst office recommends approval and am happy to answer any questions about this lease >> thank you very much. mr. rose, can we go to report for always items, please?. yes. as you say this pertains to all the items.. on page 20 of our report, the airport estimates the annual including the annual consumer price index increases to be paid by those security tenants at the airport at the international terminal will range between $1 million and $9 million. now, with regard to the pre--security candidates, airport estimates the minimum annual guaranteed rent including cpi increases are to be paid by those tenants by the airport will range from between $878,000 to 1 million dollars, and that again is shown in table 4 on page 28 of our report we recommend you approve this legislation >> thank you mr. colleagues, any questions for budget analyst? will open this up to public comment. anyone wish to comment on the sentence? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] edict colleagues can have a motion to send the settings to the full board with a positive recognition? moved and seconded. we can take that without objection >>[gavel] >> mdm. clerk would you please call item 23 >> item 23, >>[reading code]. >> >> thank you mdm. clerk. dph is here to speak >> thank you i michelle with the department of public health. this is one of our ongoing contracts that provides rental subsidies to persons with hiv aids. there's a view different types of subsidies provided but this is an ongoing long-term contract that we have and would like to continue it through the term allowed by the current rfp. i'm happy to answer any questions. were in agreement with the recommendation, which is essentially, reducing unspent funds in the years, in the prior contract term period. >> thanks very much. seeing no questions mr. rose, go to report, please? >> yes, on page 31 of a report the actual estimated expenses for this agreement from 2011 are $18 million and the projected extended just over the five years from 16-17 through 20-2120 10 dollars. so, that results in total expenditures of $39.8 million shown in table 1 on page 31 of our report. we recommend you to amend the proposed resolution to [inaudible], 39.39 two and we recommend you prove the proposed resolution estimate >> thank. colleagues, any questions or comments? will move onto polk if anyone wish to comment on item 23? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> colleagues, and emotions? be dick moved it with positive recognition >> mr. chairman i believe there's a amendment proposed by [inaudible] >> yes, sorry >> moved to accept the amendment and move with positive recommendation >> moved and seconded. we will take that without objection. thank you mdm. clerk >>[gavel] >> please call item 24 >> item 24, >>[reading code]. >> thanks very much. dph is back. >> department of public health. this also is a long-term contract, actually a spinoff of a larger contract that he provides long-term care for are most severely mentally ill who are not able to live in the community. so, we are requesting this, too, for the first time because it's come to the $10 million mark and also we like to extend this contract through the end of the term allowed under the rfp through june 30, 2018. we accept the recommendation. >> okay. i do not see a recommendation i think in my report. mr. rose to your report on item 24? >> yes mr. chairman and members of the committee, on page 34 of our report, the contract not to exceed amount would increase by $400 from 9 million to 40 million and that's over the proposed two year extended period.. table 1 on page 35 of our report summarizes the request of the increasingly 4.79. we recommend you prove this resolution. >> thank you very much. colleagues, any questions? will move on to public comment at anyone wish to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> motion to send this item forward colleagues? moved and seconded. we can take it without objection >>[gavel] >> mdm. clerk to live any other business in front of us today? >> no other business. >> okay. thanks everyone. we are adjourned. >>[gavel] >>[adjournment] >>

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