Of you. NegotIate Drug PrIces on behalf of you, the amerIcan people. Donald of you, the amerIcan people. Donald Trump saId he was goIng to allow Donald Trump saId he was goIng to allow MedIcare MedIcare Drop prIces to allow MedIcare MedIcare Drop prIces and he never dId. We have prIces and he never dId. We have kept prIces and he never dId. We have kept the cost of InsulIn at 35 have kept the cost of InsulIn at 35 a have kept the cost of InsulIn at 35 a month and sInce Ive been at 35 a month and sInce Ive been vIce at 35 a month and sInce Ive been VIce PresIdent Weve counted been VIce PresIdent Weve counted at 2000 a year for senIors counted at 2000 a year for senIors and when I when I am present senIors and when I when I am Presehtwe SenIors and when I when I am present we wIll do that for all people. Present we wIll do that for all people, understandIng the value I people, understandIng the value I brIng people, understandIng the value I brIng to people, understandIng the value I brI
KAmAlA hArris And DonAld Trump hAve Attended A memoriAl in New York on the 23rd AnniversAry of the 9 11 AttAcks. It wAs A much more sombre AffAir After lAst night when the pAir hAd their first And possibly lAst heAd to HeAd DebAte AheAd of the election in november. They trAded personAl AttAcks And spArred on issues including Abortion, Foreign Policy And the Economy. SnAp polls suggest KAmAlA HArris cAme out on top AheAd of the election, which is on A knife edge. From philAdelphiA, heres our North AmericA Editor sArAh smith. AtA At A September 11 MemoriAl service, it wAs DonAld Trump who orchestrAted A cordiAl greeting this morning. Quite A contrAst, though KAmAlA HArris striding Across the stAge lAst night to demAnd A hAndshAke from A reluctAnt mr trump. She hAd come prepAred to push his buttons. People stArt leAving his rAllies eArly out of exhAustion And boredom. Provoking An unsubstAntiAted rAnt About illegAl migrAnts in ohio. In springfield, they Are eAting the dogs. In springfield
Used this winter in ukraine. But lets start in pennslvania. Live shot for you of the national constitution centre, in philadelphia where tonight, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will meet for the first time, and maybe the last time. This is the only debate the two campaigns have signed up to. There will be no live audience, no opening statements tonight. Only the moderators that is abcs David Muir and Linsey Davis will be permitted to ask questions. And remember, each Candidates Microphone will be muted while the other is speaking. You can follow it live on Bbc News tonight. Our Special Programming Starts at 1am uk time. And there to guide you through it will be my colleage sumi somaskanda. Good evening to you. Big night, and i suppose a big opportunity for Kamala Harris the people who say they need to know more about her are the very same voters who are yet to make a decision. Voters who are yet to make a decision decision. Thats absolutely ri. Ht, decision. Thats absolutely right, chr