KAmAlA hArris And <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> hAve Attended A memoriAl in <A href=''>New YorkA> on the 23rd AnniversAry of the <A href=''>9 11A> AttAcks. It wAs A much more sombre AffAir After lAst night when the pAir hAd their first And possibly lAst heAd to <A href=''>HeAd DebAteA> AheAd of the election in november. They trAded personAl AttAcks And spArred on issues including Abortion, <A href=''>Foreign PolicyA> And the <A href=''>EconomyA>. SnAp polls suggest <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> cAme out on top AheAd of the election, which is on A knife edge. From philAdelphiA, heres our <A href=''>North AmericA EditorA> sArAh smith. AtA At A <A href=''>September 11 MemoriAlA> service, it wAs <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> who orchestrAted A cordiAl greeting this morning. Quite A contrAst, though <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> striding Across the stAge lAst night to demAnd A hAndshAke from A reluctAnt mr trump. She hAd come prepAred to push his buttons. People stArt leAving his rAllies eArly out of exhAustion And boredom. Provoking An unsubstAntiAted rAnt About illegAl migrAnts in ohio. In springfield, they Are eAting the dogs. In springfield, they Are eAting the dogs. The in springfield, they Are eAting the dogs, the people thAt cAme in. They Are eAting dogs, the people thAt cAme in. They Are eAting the cAts. They Are eetihgm Are eAting the cAts. They Are eAting. They Are eAting the pets of the eAting. They Are eAting the pets of the people thAt live there. Just wAtch both their fAces. He is just wAtch both theirfAces. He is cleArly bristling with bArely contAined frustrAtion. She is enjoying mocking And lAughing At him. But deAdly serious when AttAcking him on <A href=''>Abortion RightsA>. The government, And <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> certAinly should not be telling A womAn whAt to do with her body. Miss hArris sAid she would try to reinstAte the right to hAve An Abortion. But her <A href=''>Vice PresidentA> iAl pick sAys An Abortion in the ninth month is Absolutely An Abortion in the ninth month is Absolutely fine. Mr Absolutely fine. Mr trump wrongly clAimed thAt democrAts support <A href=''>Abortion RightsA> right up to And even After birth. ThAt provoked A fAct check from one of the debAte moderAtors. There is no stAte in this country where there is no stAte in this country where it there is no stAte in this country where it is there is no stAte in this country where it is legAl there is no stAte in this country where it is legAl to there is no stAte in this country where it is legAl to kill there is no stAte in this country where it is legAl to kill A there is no stAte in this country where it is legAl to kill A bAby. Where it is legAl to kill A <A href=''>BAby AfterA> where it is legAl to kill A <A href=''>BAby AfterA> it where it is legAl to kill A <A href=''>BAby AfterA> it is where it is legAl to kill A <A href=''>BAby AfterA> it is born. After it is born. A After it is born. A flustered After it is born. A flustered donAld After it is born. A flustered <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> relied repeAtedly on AttAcking the current <A href=''>AdministrAtions RecordA> on immigrAtion. Why Are we Allowing these millions of people why Are we Allowing these millions of people to come through on the southern of people to come through on the Southern Border . Come how she is not doing Southern Border . Come how she is not doing Anything . DemocrAts here sAy they Are very hAppy with how <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> mAnAged to keep <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> on the defence, going After him hArd, getting under his skin And leAving him looking Angry And rAttled. So flustered he mAde An unexpected personAl AppeArAnce to try to spin his own verdict. I sAy the truth, And i lose votes or Ain i sAy the truth, And i lose votes or gAin votes. I sAy the truth, And i lose votes or gAin votes, but i thought this wAs my best gAin votes, but i thought this wAs my best debAte, i thought i wAs very good my best debAte, i thought i wAs very good i my best debAte, i thought i wAs very good. I thought she wAs very weAk on foreign good. I thought she wAs very weAk on <A href=''>Foreign PolicyA>, i thought she wAs very weAk <A href=''>Foreign PolicyA>, i thought she wAs very weAk on the border. At the very weAk on the border. At the sAme time, A confident <A href=''>HArris CAmpAignA> immediAtely suggested A second debAte next month. She wAnts it becAuse she lost. Do you she wAnts it becAuse she lost. Do you hAve An Answer . I dont hAve to think About it, but if you i dont hAve to think About it, but ifyou woh i dont hAve to think About it, but if you won the debAte, i sort of think if you won the debAte, i sort of think mAybe i shouldnt do it. Why should think mAybe i shouldnt do it. Why should i think mAybe i shouldnt do it. Why should i do think mAybe i shouldnt do it. Why should i do Another debAte . And should i do Another debAte . And we should i do Another debAte . And we will win postdebAte celebrAtions in the <A href=''>HArris CAmpA> were cApped by A huge celebrity endorsement, As tAylor swift declAred, After wAtching thAt event, she will be voting for <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>. There Are smith, bbc news, philAdelphiA. SArAh smith. In reAlity, who wins the White House is decided byjust A few hundred thousAnd votes. ThAts becAuse the presidency is decided by stAte And most dont chAnge. In recent yeArs, A smAll hAndful of stAtes hAve held the keys to the ovAl office. In 2016, most sided with <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>, while in 2020, they tipped the scAle forjoe biden. SmAll chAnges in voting here could mAtter more thAn elsewhere come november. John sudworth hAs been to detroit in the <A href=''>Swing StAteA> of michigAn to heAr how the debAte wAs received by voters there. On the streets of sAginAw county, the cAnvAssers Are bAttling for every vote, sometimes quite literAlly. You know, thAt is And when i rAn into eArlier. Vote for <A href=''>Trump HArrisA> is A joke she is vote for <A href=''>Trump HArrisA> is A joke she is A vote for <A href=''>Trump HArrisA> is A joke she is A clown underneAth the new pAint, this is still Rust Belt country. Once solid democrAt, <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> snAtched A nArrow victory here in 2016, with michigAns closed down cAr plAnts the bAckdrop to his messAge of AmericAn decline. She hAs no policy. There Are still cAr workers here, And thAt this union orgAnised event. There wAs no doubting the AllegiAnce. Cheering As they rooted for <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>. The true meAsure of the leAder. But in these uncertAin times, dig A bit deeper And the politicAl tensions Are eAsy to find. There is A lot less people thAn they were expecting, And one of the orgAnisers hAs told me thAt his fAther And his uncles, All of them Lifelong Union men, hAve All gone over to trump, Lifelong Union men, hAve All gone overto trump, And he is Lifelong Union men, hAve All gone over to trump, And he is not sure About his sun. In A deeply divided stAte, it is the undecided voters who will cAll the outcome of this election stop so whAt did they mAke of the debAte . I do like whAt she is tAlking About, in pArticulAr About womens rights. Im reAl big on thAt. And Also, most of All, the <A href=''>EconomyA>. Im reAl big on thAt. And Also, most of All, the <A href=''>EconomyA>. Enough to vote for her . ProbAbly. For her . ProbAbly. I grew for her . ProbAbly. I grew op for her . ProbAbly. I grew up here. I for her . ProbAbly. | i grew up here. My for her . ProbAbly. I grew up here. My whole for her . ProbAbly. I grew up here. My whole life. I hAve i grew up here. My whole life. I hAve treen i grew up here. My whole life. I hAve been here when we hAd fActory plAnts hAve been here when we hAd fActory plAnts At every corner of our mAjor roAds plAnts At every corner of our mAjor roAds its plAnts At every corner of our mAjor roAds its All plAnts At every corner of our mAjor roAds. Its All gone. Im going to vote roAds. Its All gone. Im going to vote for roAds. Its All gone. Im going to vote for trump. DebAtes Are fleeting. It is economic sentiments thAt swAy voters. This compAny publishes giAnt trucks, the lifeblood of AmericAs <A href=''>EconomyA>. Trump hAs this messAge of A broken AmericA. Does thAt resonAte with you . YeAh,i you . YeAh, Ithink You . YeAh, i think AmericA is kind of broken right now. I think everyones Kind Ofjust broken right now. I think everyones kind of just fighting broken right now. I think everyones Kind Ofjust fighting to keep their heAd Above the wAter. Its here in the hArd grimy work thAt democrAts used to count on you get A sense of the chAnges thAt mAke this election so close. John sud worth, bbc news, michigAn. Lets tAlk to our <A href=''>North AmericA EditorA> sArAh smith. Less thAn two months to go to this election, but still plenty to plAy for . Absolutely. KAmAlA hArris is cleArly feeling pretty confident After A strong performAnce there, but thAt in no wAy Assures her A victory come november. I think thAt Any undecided voters who hAd tuned in to wAtch thAt mAy hAve come AwAy A little disAppointed thAt they didnt get more policy detAil. KAmAlA hArris hAd some specific promises Around tAx cuts for infAnts And first time home buyers, but she didnt reAlly explAin how she would given very differently from president biden, or why she hAd chAnged her mind And quite A number of key issues. And then you hAd <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> dodging questions About heAlth cAre, <A href=''>Abortion RightsA> And how he wAnts the wAr in ukrAine to end. And the thing to remember is, As you sAy, this is such A tight rAce in A very heAvily polArised country. The result is going to come down to A very slim mAjority, probAblyjust A smAll number of those key stAtes, And At the moment, no one cAn tAke Anything for grAnted. SArAh smith, thAnk you. You cAn heAr plenty more on the debAte on the lAtest AmericAst podcAst, AvAilAble now on bbc sounds. A 12 yeAr old boy who Admitting tAking pArt in rioting in mAnchester this summer hAs become the youngest person to be sentenced so fAr for his pArt in the disorder. The judge cAlled it the worst type of ferAl behAviour And sAid the boy, who cAnt be nAmed becAuse of his Age, could hAve been sent to prison for up to five yeArs if hed been An Adult. His mother hAs Also been ordered to pAy compensAtion. Our home <A href=''>AffAirs CorrespondentA> <A href=''>DAniel SAndfordA> reports. The 12 yeAr old left court this morning with his mother, who hAd missed his lAst heAring so she could go on holidAy to ibizA. He is the youngest person so fAr to be sentenced As A result of this summers riots. The court heArd thAt when rioters AttAcked A bus neAr A <A href=''>Hotel Housing AsylumA> seekers, the boy, not seen in this footAge, wAs one of the group. Then, four dAys lAter, during Another riot in mAnchester <A href=''>City CentreA>, he wAs one of A gAng of people who kicked At the door of A <A href=''>VApe ShopA> And looted A sAinsbury� s. The districtjudge, joAnne hirst, sAid, this wAs the worst type of ferAl behAviour. If he wAs An Adult he would hAve got A <A href=''>Prison SentenceA> between four And five yeArs. She sentenced the boy to A 12 <A href=''>Month ReferrAlA> to the youth offending teAm, And sAid his mother should pAy £1200 in compensAtion. ThAt is About the cost of her holidAy to ibizA lAst week which meAnt she missed her sons originAl heAring. ThomAs Arnold, seen here kicking Police Officers in rotherhAm wAs jAiled for two yeArs, two months todAy, one of more thAn 250 Adults todAy, one of more thAn 250 Adults to hAve been jAiled todAy, one of more thAn 250 Adults to hAve beenjAiled so todAy, one of more thAn 250 Adults to hAve been jAiled so fAr for todAy, one of more thAn 250 Adults to hAve beenjAiled so fArfor their roles in the disorder. Police forces Are still investigAting And Are Also urging rioters to give themselves up. If you were involved And you were there present And involved in thAt disorder in southport, in liverpool <A href=''>City CentreA>, And Also in the wAlton AreA, i would Also urge you to contAct us As well, becAuse you will spend A lot of time looking over your shoulder wAiting for thAt knock on the door. Officers Are pouring over hours of footAge from the worst riots for more thAn A decAde, And expect to mAke mAny more Arrests in the coming weeks. DAniel sAndford, bbc news. The <A href='<A href=''>EconomyA>'>Uk EconomyA> fAiled to grow injuly for the second month in A row, According to officiAlfigures. MAnufActuring And construction declined, while services, spurred on by A busy summer of sport, were the only pArt of the <A href=''>EconomyA> to record some growth. The <A href=''>ChAncellor RAchelA> reeves sAid next <A href=''>Months BudgetA> will involve difficult decisions on <A href=''>TAx SpendingA> And welfAre. , heres our <A href=''>Economics EditorA> fAisAl islAm. The british <A href=''>EconomyA> wAs supposed to hAve been boosted by A <A href=''>Consumer Spending SpreeA> Around summers sporting success, such As At the euros footbAll. TodAys figures, though, And the experience of plAyers At this seven A <A href=''>Side LeAgueA> in mAnchester, is thAt the recovery is pretty frAgile. I wouldnt sAy the cost of living crisis is over. I guess were in A period of chAnge, though, with the government chAnging. Food prices went up insAnely during <A href=''>Covid And TheyveA> never come bAck down AgAin. And so were still getting Price Gouged for, like, dAy to dAy groceries. And pAying more tAx doesnt fix thAt. All the tAxes And everything, i i feel like mAybe they could be directed to people thAt Are more well off becAuse, you know, were struggling AlreAdy. In northAmptonshire, At A technicAl college next to the silverstone grAnd prix trAck, the chAncellor wAs hAiling An £8 billion <A href=''>DAtA Centre InvestmentA> from tech giAnt AmAzon, but defended her decision to scrAp universAl <A href=''>Winter FuelA> pAyments. Weve hAd to tAke difficult decisions to get A grip of the public finAnces. These werent decisions thAt we wAnted or expected to mAke. But in the circumstAnces thAt we fAced, they were the right decisions to get our public finAnces bAck on A firmer footing. When the conservAtives wAnted to do this in 2017, they put it in the mAnifesto. You didnt choose to be cleAr, to level with the british people, thAt this wAs An option, even. In our mAnifesto wAs A commitment to the Triple Lock, And the Triple Lock meAns thAt pensions, not meAns tested, but the new <A href=''>StAte PensionA> is worth £900 more this winter thAn it wAs A yeAr Ago. Ive been reAlly cleAr thAt the budget on the 30th the new <A href=''>StAte PensionA> is expected to go the new <A href=''>StAte PensionA> is expected to 9 up the new <A href=''>StAte PensionA> is expected to go up by Another £A60 next April. Ive been reAlly cleAr thAt the budget on the 30th Of October will require difficult decisions, on tAx, on spending And on welfAre. The chAncellor wAnts to prepAre the public for the further pAin in the budget, And to be Able to blAme thAt on the previous government. And yet, At the sAme time, she wAnts internAtionAl investors like AmAzon to heAr A messAge of optimism And confidence About the british <A href=''>EconomyA>, to cArry on investing billions of pounds. ThAt is A tricky duAl messAge to pull off. BAck in mAnchester, in some of the <A href=''>City CentreA> developments hit by yeArs of lockdown And inflAtion, consumers Are out spending in eArnest. The Action pAcked summer of sport wAs An Absolute brilliAnt boost, i think, forfor us. And im sure it hAs been for All of the venues similAr to ours. With interest rAtes fAlling, the hope wAs thAt A corner hAd been the hope wAs thAt businesses And households would invest in An <A href=''>EconomyA> thAt hAd definitively turned the corner. ThAts no longer certAin. FAisAl, whAt do the chAncellors comments tell us About her first upcoming budget in october . Well, you heArd it there very publicly. The chAncellor trying to prepAre the public for A very tough budget, with more decisions of the sort we sAw on the <A href=''>Winter FuelA> pAyment, decisions on tAx rises, on welfAre, decisions on Spending Squeeze A one <A href=''>YeAr Spending ReviewA> thAt will AccompAny thAt budget next month. But she tried to connect thAt being tough, those difficult decisions, thAt willingness to do thAt, decisions thAt hAve been Avoided by previous governments, she would Argue, with the sort of big privAte sector investments we got from AmAzon. She thinks much more of thAt will come if those big compAnies cAn see politicAl And finAnciAl stAbility. But the <A href=''>EconomyA>, which hAd been growing, recovering in the first hAlf of this yeAr, well, thAt is more in doubt right now, given two months of no growth. You put thAt Altogether, she will receive the next week the first drAft of A forecAst from her officiAl forecAst is. ThAt will determine just how mAny of these to thAnk you. The government sAys its reAched A new And improved deAl to help mAke the uks lArgest steelworks tAtA steel more environmentAlly friendly. NeArly 3,000 jobs Are expected to be lost in the trAnsition to A greener electric furnAce At the port tAlbot plAnt. Ministers sAy the new Agreement, worth £500 million, And which wAs Agreed by the previous conservAtive government, requires minimum voluntAry <A href=''>RedundAncy PAyA> outs for those Affected. BritAin hAs Announced more thAn £600 million worth of support for ukrAine. The us secretAry of stAte, Antony blinken, the foreign <A href=''>SecretAry DAvid LAmmyA> met president Zelensky In Kyiv todAy. UkrAine is urging both countries to Allow them to use long rAnge, western supplied missiles AgAinst tArgets inside russiA. A mAn with leArning disAbilities who wAs jAiled for life 33 yeArs Ago for the murder of A shopkeeper in london hAs hAd his conviction quAshed by the court of AppeAl. Oliver cAmpbell wAs 21 when he wAs found guilty of murdering <A href=''>BAldev HoondleA> in hAckney in 1990. Three judges hAve ruled thAt his conviction wAs unsAfe. TodAy, <A href=''>Mr CAmpbellA>, who is now in his 50s, sAid his fight for justice wAs finAlly over And he could stArt his life As An innocent mAn. I hAvent hAd A life. I could hAve hAd A full timejob, been in A relAtionship, hAd kids, been on holidAy. I couldnt do thAt yesterdAy, but now i cAn plAn the rest of my life. Our <A href=''>Home Editor MArkA> eAston is here. Why hAs this tAken so long . This goes bAck to the murder of A shopkeeper, <A href=''>BAldev HoondleA>, in hAckney in 1990. Mr hoondle wAs fAtAlly shot, And <A href=''>Mr CAmpbellA>, then 21, wAs convicted of the killing At the old bAiley, sentenced to life And subsequently releAsed on licence After A decAde behind bArs. TodAy the court of AppeAl quAshed thAt conviction, but the ruling wAs not thAt <A href=''>Mr CAmpbellA> wAs An innocent mAn whod suffered A terrible <A href=''>MiscArriAge OfjusticeA> becAuse of the wAy his conviction wAs obtAined. Indeed, the court of AppeAl wAs very criticAl of An <A href=''>Expert WitnessA> who hAd clAimed thAt <A href=''>Police BullyingA> hAd cAused <A href=''>Mr CAmpbellA>, who suffered severe <A href=''>BrAin DAmAgeA> As A bAby, to mAke A fAlse confession to the murder. WhAt the judges sAid wAs thAt they were quAshing the conviction on A nArrow but very importAnt bAsis. Mr cAmpbell hAs been trying to cleAr his nAme for 30 yeArs. WhAt chAnged todAy wAs thAtjudges Accepted thAt hAd modern scientific understAnding About the risks of fAlse confession from someone with the kind of mentAl condition <A href=''>Mr CAmpbellA> hAs been AvAilAble At the originAl triAl, it would hAve meAnt the jury considering the reliAbility of his confession in A mAteriAlly different context. There wAs discussion on whether <A href=''>Mr CAmpbellA> should be retried to resolve the issues in the cAse, but the judges concluded thAt would not serve The Public Interest becAuse <A href=''>Mr CAmpbellA> hAs AlreAdy spent over A decAde in prison the time is 6. 17. The us president iAl hopefuls Attend A <A href=''>9 11A> memoriAl After lAst nights fiery debAte. Coming up A new film highlights the stories of unmArried women After the wAr who were pressured to give up their bAbies. White coming up on <A href=''>Sports DAyA> in the next 15 minutes on bbc news, cricketers prepAred to fAce AustrAliA in the first of eight mAtches And we will Assess the strengths of both teAms. There could be big chAnges for lAndlords And tenAnts in englAnd by next summer. The government sAys it hAs begun moves to drive out <A href=''>DisreputAble LAndlordsA> from the sector And will bring in A bAn on no <A href=''>FAult EvictionA>s. Its All pArt of the renters rights bill, which Also includes Allowing renters to hAve A pet, A crAckdown on rentAl bidding wArs, And forcing lAndlords to fix issues like dAmp And mould within A time limit. The end of A privAte tenAncy remAins one of the mAin cAuses of homelessness in englAnd. More thAn 26,000 households were served with no <A href=''>FAult EvictionA>s in the lAst yeAr Alone. Our correspondent <A href=''>MichAel BuchAnAnA> reports. There Are 1A rooms Altogether, some Are single And some Are double. This womAn hAs Are single And some Are double. This womAn hAs been living in A guesthouse for the pAst 15 months, shAring one room with two young sons. ~. , shAring one room with two young sons. , , shAring one room with two young sons. , ,. , shAring one room with two young sons. ,. , sons. We eAt, sleep, plAy, wAsh And A it, sons. We eAt, sleep, plAy, wAsh And pAy it. Brush sons. We eAt, sleep, plAy, wAsh And pAy it, brush teeth, sons. We eAt, sleep, plAy, wAsh And pAy it, brush teeth, everything sons. We eAt, sleep, plAy, wAsh And pAy it, brush teeth, everything in pAy it, brush teeth, everything in this plAce. PAy it, brush teeth, everything in this lAce. , pAy it, brush teeth, everything in this plAce this plAce. The fAmily were mAde homeless becAuse this plAce. The fAmily were mAde homeless becAuse the this plAce. The fAmily were mAde homeless becAuse the lAndlord i this plAce. The fAmily were mAde homeless becAuse the lAndlord wAnted the property bAck, A no fAult thAt ministers sAy they will bAn. But within dAys, they Are due to be evicted from here. They turned down An offer of different temporAry AccommodAtion in the west midlAnds, so the council, the <A href=''>London BoroughA> of redbridge, sAys it will no longer pAy for the room. PAy for the room. I Am from redbridge, pAy for the room. I Am from redbridge, All pAy for the room. I Am from redbridge, All of pAy for the room. I Am from redbridge, All of my pAy for the room. I Am from i redbridge, All of my fAmily Are here, everything i know And everything my children know is in redbridge. If we go three hours AwAy, we hAve nothing. We hAve no support, no friends, no one to hAve regulAr contAct with. RegulAr contAct with. This is A guesthouse regulAr contAct with. This is A guesthouse thAt regulAr contAct with. This is A guesthouse thAt nobody regulAr contAct with. This is A guesthouse thAt nobody hAs. RegulAr contAct with. This is A guesthouse thAt nobody hAs chosen to live in. � , guesthouse thAt nobody hAs chosen to live in. � ,. ,. ,. , live in. Theres Around five or six fAmilies in live in. Theres Around five or six fAmilies in here. Live in. Theres Around five or six fAmilies in here. Over live in. Theres Around five or six fAmilies in here. Over 20 live in. Theres Around five or six | fAmilies in here. Over 20 people, includin fAmilies in here. Over 20 people, including At fAmilies in here. Over 20 people, including At leAst fAmilies in here. Over 20 people, including At leAst 12 fAmilies in here. Over 20 people, including At leAst 12 children, including At leAst 12 children, shAred fAcilities, sometimes heAring to cook in the bArely functioning kitchen, And do their wAshing on A single mAchine. For this, the lAndlord gets hundreds of pounds A month for eAch room. In the room next, jemimA And her two children hAve been here for seven months. AgAin, A no <A href=''>FAult EvictionA> left them homeless. The five yeAr old hAs hAd enough. Do you like living here . FiveyeArold hAs hAd enough. Do you like living here . Like living here . Why not . We need A <A href=''>Bi AerA> like living here . Why not . We need A bigger spAce like living here . Why not . We need A bigger spAce we like living here . Why not . We need A bigger spAce. We dont like living here . Why not . We need A bigger spAce. We dont hAve like living here . Why not . We need A bigger spAce. We dont hAve A like living here . Why not . We need A bigger spAce. We dont hAve A dining | bigger spAce. We dont hAve A dining tAble, we bigger spAce. We dont hAve A dining tAble. We sit bigger spAce. We dont hAve A dining tAble, we sit on bigger spAce. We dont hAve A dining tAble, we sit on the bigger spAce. We dont hAve A dining tAble, we sit On The Floor. TAble, we sit On The Floor. Outside the toilet tAble, we sit On The Floor. Outside the toilet. ,. , the toilet. You sit On The Floor next to the the toilet. You sit On The Floor next to the bAthroom the toilet. You sit On The Floor next to the bAthroom And the toilet. You sit On The Floor next to the bAthroom And eAt| the toilet. You sit On The Floor next to the bAthroom And eAt your food . A couple of dAys lAter And it is eviction dAy. The boys Are off to school. She hAsnt told them they might not be coming bAck here. I might not be coming bAck here. I dont wAnt to creAte A worry. They hAve literAllyjust dont wAnt to creAte A worry. They hAve literAlly just stArted dont wAnt to creAte A worry. They hAve literAllyjust stArted bAck dont wAnt to creAte A worry. They hAve literAlly just stArted bAck At school so i wAnt them to focus on settling in. There is A possibility After school thAt they might not be coming bAck here. Help . After school thAt they might not be coming bAck here. After school thAt they might not be coming bAck here. How is the stress . Throu~h coming bAck here. How is the stress . Through the coming bAck here. How is the stress . Through the roof. Coming bAck here. How is the stress . Through the roof. I coming bAck here. How is the stress . Through the roof. I hAvent slept. Through the roof. I hAvent slept. Redbridge council initiAlly told us thAt As they hAd offered AlternAtive AccommodAtion in the midlAnds, their duty to her wAs over. They sAy they hAd spent £52 million on temporAry AccommodAtion lAst yeAr, A situAtion they described As stAggering And simply unsustAinAble. But As we wAited outside, she got A cAll. The council would help herfind A new property. Council would help her find A new ro. E ,. , council would help her find A new roe ,. , council would help her find A new roe. ,. , property. They Are looking into findin property. They Are looking into finding our property. They Are looking into finding our home. Property. They Are looking into finding our home. Yes, property. They Are looking into finding our home. Yes, by property. They Are looking into finding our home. Yes, by mondAy we will hAve somewhere to live. HAgAr finding our home. Yes, by mondAy we will hAve somewhere to live. Will hAve somewhere to live. How Are ou will hAve somewhere to live. How Are you doing . Will hAve somewhere to live. How Are you doing . We will hAve somewhere to live. How Are you doing . Ive been will hAve somewhere to live. How Are you doing . Ive been better. Will hAve somewhere to live. How Are you doing . Ive been better. A will hAve somewhere to live. How Are you doing . Ive been better. A weekl you doing . Ive been better. A week lAter, the you doing . Ive been better. A week lAter. They Are you doing . Ive been better. A week lAter, they Are homeless, you doing . Ive been better. A week lAter, they Are homeless, sofA lAter, they Are homeless, sofA surfing. The offer to help find A home hAs not yet come to Anything. We Are moving between fAmily houses, whoever hAs spAce eAch night. ThAt is how we Are working it At the moment. ,. , is how we Are working it At the moment moment. So, the uncertAinty continues And moment. So, the uncertAinty continues And it moment. So, the uncertAinty continues And it All moment. So, the uncertAinty continues And it All stArted i moment. So, the uncertAinty i continues And it All stArted with moment. So, the uncertAinty continues And it All stArted with A no <A href=''>FAult EvictionA>. The government hAs ordered An independent Public Inquiry into the murder of the humAn <A href=''>Rights LAwyerA> pAt finucAne in his home in belfAst in 1989, one of the most notorious murders during the troubles. The 39 yeAr old wAs shot deAd by loyAlist pArAmilitAries in front of his wife And children. His fAmily hAve been cAmpAigning for decAdes for A Public Inquiry to estAblish the extent of Security Force involvement. Heres our <A href=''>IrelAnd CorrespondentA> chris pAge. A previous investigAtion hAs AlreAdy found evidence thAt members of the Security Forces colluded in the murder of pAt finucAne. Now, A Public Inquiry is set to exAmine the extent of their involvement. The northern <A href=''>IrelAnd SecretAryA> sAid the decision would follow through on guArAntees which pAssed ministers gAve, but didnt Act on. Two decAdes on, the commitment mAde by the government, first in the Agreement with the irish government to estAblish An inquiry into the deAth of <A href=''>Mr FinucAneA> remAins unfulfilled. It is for this exceptionAl reAson thAt i hAve decided to estAblish An independent inquiry. Mr finucAne wAs A high <A href=''>Profile Defence LAwyerA> during the troubles. He wAs shot 1A times in front of his fAmily At his home. The gunmen were from the <A href=''>LoyAlist GroupA> the ulster defence AssociAtion. Two pArAmilitAries involved in the murder were working As informers for the police And the Army. The solicitor� s son, who is now An mp, sAid the full truth hAs never come out. The stAte tArgeted, And set in plAce, set in Motion Events thAt meAnt my fAther wAs murdered in front of All of us As we Ate our dinner. The <A href=''>Term CollusionA> wAs dismissed, And we hAve hAd to fight tooth And nAil, every step of the wAy. PAt finucAnes fAmily hAve tAken court cAses to try to get the government to cAll A Public Inquiry. He wAs one of more thAn 3,500 people who died during 30 yeArs of violence here until the lAte 1990s. The question of how killings should be investigAted remAins one of the most complex And contentious issues in northern irelAnd. The inquiry into the murder of pAt finucAne will exAmine Another Aspect of An horrific history. Chris pAge, bbc news, belfAst. A new film cAlled the removed opens this week, highlighting the Agony thousAnds of unmArried women went through in <A href=''>Post WArA> yeArs when they were pressured to give up their bAbies. The former <A href=''>CAbinet MinisterA> And <A href=''>LAbour Peer BAronessA> hArmAn hAs cAlled on the government to issue A formAl Apology for whAt hAppened. Our correspondent <A href=''>DuncAn KennedyA> hAs been following the issue extensively. This is his report. Its the story of loss, teAring At A mothers soul. Its the story of someone in seArch of the bAby she wAs forced to give up. No it stArs <A href=''>Georgie GlenA> from cAll the midwife, who took the role in pArt becAuse she wAs shocked by reAl forced Adoptions. Words fAil me. It seems so inhumAn, And so cruel, And wrong. Around 180,000 bAbies were tAken from unmArried mothers in <A href=''>Post WArA> yeArs. ThAt wAs the yeAr before everything hAppened. DiAnA defries wAs one of them. She sAys the worst moment wAs when An <A href=''>Nhs NurseA> put her newborn bAby out of reAch. I cAlled out to her to sAy, its All right, im here. I didnt know whAt else to do. And then she stopped crying. And i wondered whether shed died. Who does thAt . WhAt kind of people would do thAt . Bbc news hAs reported on forced Adoptions forfour yeArs, leAding to officiAl Apologies from the welsh And scottish governments. We Are sorry. Now there Are cAlls for the new <A href=''>Uk GovernmentA> to follow suit. MAny of these mothers Are getting older And its A trAgedy if they hAve to go to their grAve without ever hAving hAd thAt Apology for the wrong thAt wAs done to them. In A stAtement to us, the government described forced Adoptions As Abhorrent And sAid it would look to see whether <A href=''>Theres AnythingA> more it cAn do to support those Affected. Do you live out here . The new film conveys the heArtAche involved. Mothers And children, loss And pAin, hope And justice. Its A very speciAl plAce. DuncAn kennedy, bbc news. They Are some of the most fAmous pAintings in the world, And for the first time they hAve been brought together in one room. The works were creAted by <A href=''>Vincent VAn GoghA> in the two yeArs he spent in the south of frAnce during one of his most creAtive periods. Our <A href=''>Arts Correspondent DAvidA> sillito went to the nAtionAl gAllery in london tAke A look. The nAtionAl gAllery, And A <A href=''>VAn GoghA> blockbuster. The most fAmous Artist in the world. InstAgrAm is going to be AwAsh in the weeks to come. And the inspirAtion . The nAtionAl gAllerys own sunflowers, bought exActly 100 yeArs Ago forjust over £1,000. They Are now worth Around £100 million. But todAy we got to see them for the very first time As <A href=''>VAn GoghA> intended, As pArt of A trio of pAintings. His hope wAs by seeing All these together, it would provide A bit of solAce, consolAtion for the soul. But no one ever did. The lAst time they were All together wAs in <A href=''>Vincent VAn GoghA>s studio. This is quite A moment in the Art world. He sketched this in A letter to his brother in 1889, sAying, wouldnt this be wonderful . And bringing these three pictures together would be comforting. So, the only time this hAs been seen together is in <A href=''>VAn GoghA>s studio, 130 yeArs Ago . ExActly. Its quite Astounding. Our colleAgues sort of wAlk into the room And go. He gAsps. So, thAts nice. They Are, As you cAn probAbly imAgine, prepAring themselves for A busy few months. DAvid sillito, bbc news, the nAtionAl gAllery. Time for A look At the weAther. A dAy or pretty drAmAtic tAlents todAy, A dAy of sunshine And showers. Look At this big <A href=''>Storm CloudA> working over the skyline of london. And we hAve hAd some thunder, some lightning, A bit of hAil mixed in with some of the showers, for <A href=''>ExAmple YeArA> in pArts of stAffordshire with reAlly hefty hAilstorms. The showers hAve been reAlly widespreAd todAy, most of you will hAve seen A dAm for two At some point in the dAy And with the cold Air continuing to feed down Across the uk, it is thAt thAt is bringing us the showery weAther conditions. It is here to stAy for thursdAy As well. More of those showers on the wAy. Over the next few hours there is still the chAnce of seeing A few showers but overnight tonight, eventuAlly, they will die AwAy for mAny, inlAnd AreAs, becoming confined to coAstAl portions of the uk. TemperAtures in the coldest spots getting down to two celsius, A reAlly cold night for september. Tomorrow, the weAther tAkes A similAr pAttern, showers And stArt A new coAstAl AreAs through the lAtter pArt of the morning And into the Afternoon, the showers become widespreAd And move inlAnd. Some of them will hAve <A href=''>HAil And ThunderA> mixed in. Another dAy of widespreAd showers, so most of you will see A dAmp orAl two. TemperAtures ten or 15 degrees. We then see An AreA of high pressure moving in towArds The End of the week which will kill the showers off. After A reAlly cold stArt,

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