Cooley and matthew ignown from sf gov tv. Any announcements, madam clerk . Please make sure to silence all cell phones and documents to be included in the file shall be submitted to the clerk. Thank you. Can you please call item number one . Resolution with section 147f of code 1986 as amended, the execution of loans by the California Municipal Finance Authority in one or more series pursuant to a plan of financing and in aggregate amount not to exceed 20 million. I continued this item for more information from the school and thank you very much to San Francisco for providing this committee with more information about their institution. And i would like to open this up for Public Comment and seeing none, Public Comment is close. I would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. If you can take that without objection, thank you, colleagues. Madam clerk, please call 26. Item 2, a ground please for 1. 6 acres of shoreline property for open space for a term of 66 years
The meeting will come to order. This is the meeting of march 25, 2020 regular meeting of the budget and finance committee. I am sandra lee fewer, chair of the budget and finance committee. I am joined by shamann walton, and raphael mandelman. Miss clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. Due to covid19, city hall is closed, however, the meeting is happening via remote. Committee members will attend the meeting through Video Conference or by telephone and participate in the meeting as if they were present. Public comment will be available for this agenda via the number scrolling across the screen. Best recommendation is you call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly, and turn out the t. V. Or radio. If you would like to submit your Public Comment via email, please submit it to me linda, linda, wong, wong, sf. Gov. Chair fewer thank you, madam clerk. Can you please call item 1. Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Chair fewer thank you very much. We have john lau from the of
Not to exceed 30. 5 million for 55 years for a portion of the loan amount and minimum term of 40 years or another portion of the loan based on requirements of the Funding Sources to finance acquisition of 108 unit affordable multifamily rental Housing Project for low income households consisting of three structures located at south park street. We have Caroline Mccormick here. Did you want b la to report . Normally we get a brief presentation from you and hear from the bla. It is recommending amendment, is that correct . Yes, they are. Good morning. I am Caroline Mccormick, project manager at the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development on the acquisition and preservation team. It is three Single Room Occupancy Hotels 22, 102, 106 south park street in selma within the same block. The total is comprised of 108 units. All except one will be affordable to household ifs 25 to 60 a. M. I. The buildings currently serve primarily formerly homeless adults. Per most typical restrictiv
About 55,000 visitors have walked through, and many of them attracted to the museum by the free saturdays, free general admission saturdays, that has been jegenerously sponsored by s wilsley. And theres two remaining free saturdays for the exhibition itself before the end of the show on march 15th, on the second saturday of february, and the second saturday of march. And we are also offering a reduced entrance to the Museum Entrance of 10. So theres time for our visitors to still enjoy this important exhibition. With that im going to hand over to the next speaker. Its one of the treasures of this city and county of San Francisco. And i have the great pleasure while serving as the mayor of this city on more than one occasion to visit a place that as a result of the quake of 1989 ended up being the new young museum. And it would not been that way without a fabulous commitment from a woman who more than any other single punish in thi persy who devotes her resources and life to the arts. S
Until the second part of the program, which will be a one hour question and answer session across the hall following the presentation. So save your questions until the second part. Before we begin, i like to introduce you to the woman behind todays program. San francisco elected assessor carmen chu. The work of her office helps provide over 3 billion in revenue for local services in public education. Last year, her office granted over 16 billion in property tax exemptions, including welfare exemptions. The assessor is continuously committed to providing improving services to the public. Im really happy to introduce assessor carmen. [applause] good morning, how is everybody . Good . I am so excited to see all of you. I want to thank you for spending your morning here with us at the Assessors Office. My name is carmen, i serve as San Franciscos elected assessor. Some of you may have interacted with me when i served on the board of supervisors representing district 4, the sunset district.