The destination ive chosen for today is a small city in the state of choosing and that was home to many cultural luminaries over the centuries. May i present poet and theologians johann godspeed had. His contemporary and fellow poet and philosopher christophe much in the land. And we have composer Johann Sebastian bach heres a piano virtuoso friends list. But perhaps the 2 most famous of all the great writers and thinkers of a yawn bus gotten from good to and feebly shut up this is the city of. The works of good to and cilla a great german classics but 200 years ago they were considered extremely progressive somehow has managed time and again to attract pioneers and trailblazers. Contributing to the mix of new and old classics that davy found all around town. Will check out the modern design classics and the powerhouse museum. Will visit a hotel in the front a luxury establishment with a 300 year history. And globe trotters steve amish will also check in with us from columbia. My tour
The works of good to and cilla a great german classics but 200 years ago they were considered extremely progressive so how has managed time and again to attract pioneers and trailblazers contributing to the mix of new and old classics that kenton davy found all around town. Well check out the modern design classics and the bauhaus museum. Will visit Hotel Elephant a luxury establishment with the 300 year history. And globe trotters steve name is will also check in with us from columbia. My tour of begins at. Good to us former residents in the very heart of the city the author and naturalists lived here for half a century. Be sure to grab an audio guide to get the most out of your visit. Good to just rented the residence later it was given to him by his patron grand duke ghost. That allowed it to remodel and furnish it to his liking. And he had this staircase built in the italian style. And in the end. I wonder if the steps like this back and just a he once wrote that one never tired of
Over the centuries. May i present poet and theologians johann got feed had. His contemporary and fellow poet and philosopher cool stuff. And we have composer your hands of us just bought heres a piano virtuoso friends list. But perhaps the jewel most famous of all the great writers and thinkers beyond was gone for good cheer and feebly shut up this is the city of. The works of good to and cilla a great german classics but 200 years ago they were considered extremely progressive somehow has managed time and again to attract pioneers and trailblazers contributing to the mix of new and old classics that kenton davy found all around town. Well check out the modern design classics in the bauhaus museum. Will visit a hotel in the front a luxury establishment with a 300 year history. And globe trotters will also check in with us from many colombia. My tour of begins at good his former residence in the very heart of the city the author and naturalists lived here for half a century. Be sure to
Year. Another was interrelated but sort of a distinct issue that we saw starting over the summer with vaping related illnesses that were beginning to emerge. We have now seen thousands injured and dozens dead from this. Thats related to illicit vaping from the use of ecigarettes. Beards and sea of those illnesses really prompted policymakers to want to respond more broadly to the vaping issues weird dealing with in the u. S. They will have to take their flavors off of the market. The other dive boat the cigarette product available, there are these devices that they have tanks that the users can refill them with liquid nicotine themselves. They tend to be more popular among adults. They are harder to conceal the products on juul. The flavor for those who continue to operate as they currently have as long as they have strict age verification in place. It is also not la favors that are obviously marketing to children. So they wouldbe able to sell things like flavors used on serial or Some
We will get a little bit of haze, the temperatures right now santa rosa 33, napa 35. The reason i didnt want to shock you is because i always love it when viewers say we need the rain, where is the rain, then the rain comes and they are like, why is it raining . Well, san joses temperature trend right now, plenty of sunshine for today, enjoy t its going to be sunny, gorgeous, in the 60s. By monday we will see an increase in winds and then by tuesday weve got our very first measurable amount of rain moving in and this is going to be a cold system, which means it could be bringing with it the possibility of hail, thunderstorms, snow for the sierra and all in time for your thanksgiving celebrations, but we do see a change in the timing as far as how much rain we will see on thanksgiving day so i have an update on that, also if youre heading up to the sierra i have a closer look at that. I want to show you how sat lied radar looks right now. I will take you through that entire timeline of