The destination ive chosen for today is a small city in the state of choosing and that was home to many cultural luminaries over the centuries. May i present poet and theologians johann godspeed had. His contemporary and fellow poet and philosopher christophe much in the land. And we have composer Johann Sebastian bach heres a piano virtuoso friends list. But perhaps the 2 most famous of all the great writers and thinkers of a yawn bus gotten from good to and feebly shut up this is the city of. The works of good to and cilla a great german classics but 200 years ago they were considered extremely progressive somehow has managed time and again to attract pioneers and trailblazers. Contributing to the mix of new and old classics that davy found all around town. Will check out the modern design classics and the powerhouse museum. Will visit a hotel in the front a luxury establishment with a 300 year history. And globe trotters steve amish will also check in with us from columbia. My tour
The destination ive chosen for today is a small city in the state of tooling and that was home to many cultural luminaries over the centuries. May i present poet and theologians johan got fleet had. His contemporary and fellow poet and philosopher christopher lent. And we have composer Johann Sebastian bach here is piano virtuoso friends list. But perhaps the 2 most famous of all the great writers and thinkers of the johann busk im fun good to and for you to shut up this is the city of. The works of good to and cilla a great german classics but 200 years ago they were considered extremely progressive somehow has managed time and again to attract pioneers and trailblazers. Interbreeding to the mix of new and old classics that. All around town. Will check out the modern design classics and the bauhaus museum. Will visit a hotel in the front a luxury establishment with the 300 year history. And globe trotters will also check in with us from maybe colombia. My tour of begins at good his fo