The Mumbai Indians announced Hardik Pandya as their skipper for the IPL 2024 season on Friday, bringing an end to a glorious period in which Rohit Sharma guided the team to five IPL titles.
Start-ups, as compared to traditional brands, have started becoming aggressive advertisers in IPL. spoke to industry experts to find out the various categories that can make the most out of IPL this year
All aboard the IPL 14 brandwagon
New role: Puma, associated with Virat Kohli, has inked a deal with RCB - PTI×
Marketers are padded up, sponsorship deals have been struck, and campaigns are rolling out. Now let the games begin!
Just five months after IPL 2020 concluded, the 14th edition of the cricket extravaganza is upon us at home and set to kick off on April 9. Against all odds, despite the raging pandemic, the BCCI managed to stage IPL 13 in the UAE. What could have been a loss of ₹3,000 crore, according to valuation agency Duff & Phelps, a Kroll Business, was flipped around and the cricket board raked in ₹4,000 crore. Since the cricket was all on TV, broadcaster Star Sports saw a 23 per cent rise in viewership and earned advertising revenues of ₹2,600 crore.
బుమ్రా క్లీన్బౌల్డ్.. ఎందుకయ్యాడు?
మన యార్కర్ల వీరుడు బుమ్రా మనసు కొల్లగొట్టిన సంజన. గురించే ఇప్పుడు చర్చంతా. వ్యాఖ్యాతగా, టెలివిజన్ హోస్ట్గా మాటలతో మురిపించిన ఆమె కథ తెలుసుకోవాలనే ఆరాటమే అందరికీ. ఎవరీ అమ్మాయి? అంతలా ఏముంది తనలో అని మీరూ అనుకుంటున్నారా? అయితే ఈ ఆసక్తికర విషయాలు మీకోసమే.
సంజన స్టార్ స్పోర్ట్స్ ఛానెల్లో వ్యాఖ్యాత, హోస్ట్. ఆమెకు అన్ని క్రీడల్లో