Its 6 00 a. M. On the east coast. Tuesday september 24th. This is Fox Friends. Were exactly six weeks from election day. What does it mean . Former President Trump will be in georgia to talk about the economy in a big way after his rally in pennsylvania yesterday. But there is one Moment Everybody is talking about. Going to go down a little bit. Just went down 100 bucks. We do that for you from the white house. All right . Nice seeing you, everybody. Ainsley the mom who received that 100 bill joins us in a few minutes. Kamala harris, our Vice President , could stop at the southern border this friday as she walks back more of her distances from the past. The clips like this dont age well. Down down with deportation. Lawrence fullblown radical and full Circle Moment on Monday Night football for Bills Safety Damar hamlin. Watch this. On the move. Down the middle, inter septembered. Over threw the hands Damar Hamlin. Huge roar one of the most popular inspiring bilsz comes one a take away.
YEEss, yEs. All Right. Ill takE it for now. It, happy mOnday, EvEryOnE. So last friday, JoE BidEn turnEd ovEr a CabinEt MEEting to his wifE, frida jill. If thats not bad Enough, hE thEn put huntEr in chargE of thE MEdicin NE and. All Right. VicE prEsidEnt will skip this yEars Al Smith Charity dinnEr. A fundraisEr that traditiOnally fEaturEs PrEsidEnt Ial candidatEs roasting Each othEr. YEp. ShE pullEd out at thE last minutE. Ifs PrEsidEnt Ial Only husband ha thE samE with thE nanny. D ha tErriblE. JanEt jacksOn, rEmEmbEr hEr was criticizEd for saying that Kamala Harris is black, but shEa would know hEr brothEr michaEl, was a whitE woman and a bEautiful OnE at that rEst in pEacE. Hillary ClintOn ArguEdl OnE that Kamala Harris doEsnt nEEd to clarify hEr Policy PositiOns to hEr variousguEd Tha Criticsr Po and instEad rEcommEnd simply killing thEmlins. ThE mEnEndEz BrothErs SEriEs On NEtflix is facing backlash ovEr thE allEgatiOns of Sibling Ox i i dOnt sEE thE big dEal, says OnE woman. I
Jesse hello, everybody. Im Jesse WAtters on the Judge JeAnine pirro, jessicA tArlov, dAnA perino, And greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new York City, And this is the five. DonAld trumps scorching KAmAlA HArris on the CAmpAign TrAil while working his chArm directly with voters. The former president mAking one of his clAssic RetAil Pit Stops At A store in pennsylvAniA, buying A big old bAg of popcorn And helping out A mom fight the scorch of KAmAlA InflAtion by slipping her 100. Trump then lighting up Vp HArris on the economy while out in georgiA. WAtch. We will hAve A reAdy, no tAx on tips. No tAx on overtime. The Word TAriff properly used is A beAul word. Under my leAdership, we Are going to tAke other countries jobs. By contrAst, listen to the deAl, KAmAlA HArris, hAve you heArd of her . This womAn is grossly incompetent. Grossly incompetent. She is cAlled the tAx queen. They love her in other countries becAuse she forces everybody out of our country into their hAnds. Jesse trump Also provin
Greg: yes! yes. Yes. All right, i will take it, for now. Happy monday, everyone. Last friday joe biden turned over a cabinet meeting to his wife. If that is not bad enough he then put hunter in charge of the medicine cabinet. Man boobs. Vice president harris will skip this fundraising dinner, a feature which traditionally shows presidential candidates roasting each other. She pulled out at the last minute. If only her husband had done the same thing with the nanny. Terrible. This person was criticized for saying that kamala harris is not black. She would know, her brother michael was a white one. And a beautiful one at that, rest in peace. Hillary clinton argued that kamala harris does not need to clarify her policy positions to her various critics and instead recommends simply killing them. The menendez brothers series on netflix is facing backlash over the allegations of sibling incest. I don t see the big deal, says one woman. I don t know why, i don t understand the backstory on th
Had earlier and what is more accurate had earlier and what is more accurate is if you look, the amount of people accurate is if you look, the amount of people that are no longer covered by Collective Bargaining has shrunk and shrunk by Collective Bargaining has shrunk and shrunk on trunk and the value of wages and shrunk on trunk and the value of wages has and shrunk on trunk and the value of wages has shrunk and sunk in trunk and to wages has shrunk and sunk in trunk and to Go Wages has shrunk and sunk in trunk and to go back to what youre saying in of expressing a vision and communicating that to people, that is all well communicating that to people, that is all well and good but it has to be backed is all well and good but it has to be backed up by posies as to how peoples be backed up by posies as to how peoples lives will change and i think peoples lives will change and i think that is one of the problems at this conference. We arent getting it either this conference. We arent get