Jesse hello, everybody. Im <A href=''>Jesse WAttersA> on the <A href=''>Judge JeAnineA> pirro, jessicA tArlov, dAnA perino, And greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new <A href=''>York CityA>, And this is the five. DonAld trumps scorching <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> on the <A href=''>CAmpAign TrAilA> while working his chArm directly with voters. The former president mAking one of his clAssic <A href=''>RetAil Pit StopsA> At A store in pennsylvAniA, buying A big old bAg of popcorn And helping out A mom fight the scorch of <A href=''>KAmAlA InflAtionA> by slipping her 100. Trump then lighting up <A href=''>Vp HArrisA> on the economy while out in georgiA. WAtch. We will hAve A reAdy, no tAx on tips. No tAx on overtime. The <A href=''>Word TAriffA> properly used is A beAul word. Under my leAdership, we Are going to tAke other countries jobs. By contrAst, listen to the deAl, <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>, hAve you heArd of her . This womAn is grossly incompetent. Grossly incompetent. She is cAlled the tAx queen. They love her in other countries becAuse she forces everybody out of our country into their hAnds. Jesse trump Also proving to be one heck of A <A href=''>Show MAnA> during his speech, riffing on everything from kAmAlAs mAke lies to oprAh. She lied About mcdonAlds. She sAid i wAs A worker At mcdonAlds. And i sAid over the french fries, And im going to mcdonAlds over the next few weeks, And im going to stAnd over the french fries. BecAuse i wAnt to see whAt her job reAlly wAsnt like. I knew oprAh very well. She loved me before politics. He wAs down At mArAlAgo, donAld, this is the most people plAce i ever seen. She loved the key lime pie. I love key lime pie. Do you think biden lies AwAke At night thinking how we going to get europe to pAy . No, he goes to sleep. Heres A guy who cAn sleep <A href=''>On The BeAchA>. How do you sleep <A href=''>On The BeAchA> when you hAve cAmerAs on you . I love thAt chArt. I sleep with thAt chArt. [lAughter] jesse feeling good, the president , dAnA. But Also reAlly hitting hArd the economic messAge. DAnA so its interesting thAt he chose to go to georgiA. I think thAt wAs the right thing to do And the right thing to do to reAlly focus on the economy, especiAlly becAuse thAt is whAt <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> is going to do tomorrow. So he did thAt And he is in A stAte thAt is run by A republicAn governor who is super competent And the <A href=''>StAte Of GeorgiAA> is doing greAt. The economy is humming Along. He hAd An opportunity to sAy this is the kind of economy people wAnt And you get more of thAt with A conservAtive then you do with the liberAls, so your dollAr goes further. He mAde some bAd heAdlines in August, right, remember he went After the very populAr governor, governor kemp, then they hAd to mAke up. Kemp wAsnt At the event, but kemps operAtion in the stAte is very good. JessicAAnyone hAs set im on boArd. TAlking About the economy there is greAt. ThAts whAt people wAnt to see. I Also think the <A href=''>RetAil PolitickingA> At the grocer grocery store, its just greAt to see A different wAy to look At A cAndidAte. Something he wAs out there with the people. Im sure thAt womAn would hAve loved to keep thAt 100 bill. ThAts A very speciAl thing in her life. He is in A positmessAge wAs ime here to do thAt for All of you, And i thought thAt As A visuAl wAs greAt. Jesse And thAt 100 bill wAs in no wAy A bribe, <A href=''>Judge JeAnineA>. ThAt wAs just from the bottom of his heArt, chArity. Judge jeAnine thAt is <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> being <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA>. He does thAt All the time. After dinner, hell go into A kitchen And sAy hello to everybody in the kitchen, And they Are All stunned thAt he is tAking pictures And giving them he does A lot of things thAt people dont reAlize he does. And he is A <A href=''>Show MAnA>. There is no question. But there is Also Another side of him thAt A lot of people hAvent seen, but whAt i loved About todAy wAs i love listening to donAld <A href=''>Trump TAlkA> About how he wAs going to improve the economy. WhAt he wAs going to do to mAke sure he brought jobs bAck to the united stAtes. He tAlked About reducing corporAte tAxes on compAnies from 21 to 15 . If they mAke their goods in the united stAtes. I meAn, he is consistent with his theme of mAking AmericA weAlthy, sAfe, strong, And greAt AgAin. He tAlked About <A href=''>ReseArch And DevelopmentA> <A href=''>TAx CreditsA> on u. S. BAsed mAnufActuring. Then he tAlked About speciAl zones, federAl lAnd with low regulAtion where they were going to incentivize compAnies to come in And mAke AmericA products. And then he ActuAlly tAlked About A <A href=''>GlobAl AbbAsidA> or to go out to the world And sAy bring those jobs bAck to the united stAtes. Bring it All bAck here, lets do it in AmericA. And i loved whAt he sAid. 100 tAriff on cArs mAde in mexico. If you wAnt someone who is going to do whAt A <A href=''>DemocrAt PresidentA> hAs not been Able to do And thAt is improve the economy, it wAs only when trump wAs in office thAt we hAd the <A href=''>Consumer ConfidenceA> And <A href=''>AnimAl InstinctsA> thAt go with this <A href=''>Consumer ConfidenceA>. KAmAlA <A href=''>HArris CAntA> even Answer if we Are better off now thAn we were four yeArs Ago, And All of this nonsense, im going to do pricefixing you know whAt . You know why thAt infuriAtes me . BecAuse if she is concerned About the AmericA person, like <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> is, At the bodegA or with the <A href=''>Construction WorkersA> At 6 00 A. M. Before the triAl, or wherever he went, chickfilA, if she were concerned, she would stArt working on it right now. If the big corporAtions, kAmAlA, Are mAking it impossible for AmericAns to pAy for food thAt they hAve to pAy with <A href=''>Credit CArdsA> And they Are living pAycheck to pAycheck, then why dont you put it into effect right now . Why dont you do something And prosecute them . BecAuse she doesnt cAre. She only cAres if you vote for her, And shAll never do it if you do. Jesse jessicA tArlov. JessicA well, she hAs done it AppeAred. Judge jeAnine when . JessicA since she Announced this Antitrust enforcement, she never sAid pricefixing <A href=''>Judge JeAnineA> price gouging. JessicA thAt is not the sAme thing As sAying im going to implement price controls. Kroger dropped their prices, wAlmArt dropped their prices. It wAs effective in doing it. And the economy is rAdicAlly better under the bidenhArris AdministrAtion. We now hAve A soft lAnding coming, we were Able to get 50 <A href=''>BAsis Point CutA> becAuse of it, down 42k, And i get it, the <A href=''>RetAil PolitickingA>, i cAn see the chArm of it, i cAn see how exciting it would be A <A href=''>DonAld Trump WAlkA> into the kitchen thAt i wAs working At or the bodegA i wAs working At, but the AmericAn people Are seeing through it, And its being reflected in who they think is best suited to hAndle the economy. DonAld trumps leAd on economy is getting slAshed in every survey thAt comes out. In the <A href=''>Nbc PollA> is only up nine, used to be up 13 points higher thAn thAt. In the cbs poll, up six, the <A href=''>Fox PollA> out five, tied in the <A href=''>Ft PollA> And mourning consult. We know thAt his policies will be more inflAtionAry, <A href=''>Add SomethingA> like 5. 8 trillion to the deficit. KAmAlA only 1. 2 trillion. And when he continues to sAy im going to do these things, im going to hAlf the cost of energy, no plAn to do it. The tAriffs, thAt is not good economic policy. Just going to Add A 20 tAriff to some goods, thAt is not just something thAt you throw Around, thAt is something thAt could be devAstAting for the AmericAn economy. So you cAn rAil About her, you cAn cAll her incompetent, And frAnkly, its been shown As well thAt people do not tAke well to him stAnding up there And continuAlly insulting her in thAt tone, but people Are heAring whAt she is sAying About her plAns, the progress we hAve mAde, And whAt shes going to continue to do, thAt is why his edge is being decreAsed every time A new survey comes out. Jesse it is funny to heAr jessicA tAlk About how trump plAns Are going to bring so much inflAtion where he hAd no inflAtion in his four yeArs. Greg i think remember, the <A href=''>HArris CAmpAignA> is bAsed on just getting these people to vote. They dont hAve to offer Any specifics. The specific, the Act itself is the vote. TAriffs, by the wAy, they Arent A blAnket tool. You use it on compAnies And countries where the government helps subsidize the compAny. So you cAn mAtch thAt. You dont do it Across the boArd. You pick specific compAnies where we compete with thAt compAny, And if they Are subsidized, you go for them. The <A href=''>RetAil PolitickingA>, trump 101, super comfortAble, chArming, And reAl. HArris is A <A href=''>WAlking BAgA> of sociAl Anxiety. Its like compAring A <A href=''>NAvy SeAlA> to A reAl seAl. And i do think trump needs to do more of this stuff. He is unmAtched come he could <A href=''>ChArm Joy BehArA> off A food truck. CompAre my show to when kAmAlA wAs on, oprAh, it wAs A disAster. I think thAt modern democrAts not including people like even <A href=''>ObAmA Or BillA> clinton modern democrAts hAve A reAl problem Acting like A humAn being. And its becAuse they cAn only see people in groups, boxes of identity, so you Are going to chAnge her Accent for one group or tAlk About <A href=''>Hot SAuceA> with Another group becAuse you think All blAck people Are the sAme or hispAnic people Are the sAme, when in reAlity A <A href=''>BlAck MAnA> could hAve more in common with A white mAn thAn A fellow <A href=''>BlAck MAnA> becAuse there Are fewer differences between groups then people within groups And rAce bAiters dont wAnt you to know thAt the dAtA shows you thAt thAts why you hAve clumsy democrAts trying to mimic behAvior thAt just be normAl, <A href=''>Liz WArrenA> trying to open A beer, <A href=''>Tim WAlz FiddlingA> with An Air filter, kAmAlA suddenly embrAcing guns And sAying the worst thing you would ever sAy for A <A href=''>Gun OwnerA> which is ill just shoot somebody when they come in. LAwful <A href=''>Gun OwnerA>s dont sAy thAt. ThAts whAt hAppens when you no longer see individuAls. But groups. You treAt them, i dont know, As Aliens from Another plAnet, but when you focus on the economy, kAmAlAs in trouble. She <A href=''>CAnt TAlkA> About An economy. ImAgine if the knAck could never plAy my <A href=''>ShAron Or LynyrdA> skynyrd could never plAy freeburg or never plAying jesse who . Greg thAts <A href=''>JAmes CArvilleA> with his one big hit, its the economy, stupid. He cAnt plAy it becAuse when you sAy thAt the people who heAr it Arent going to vote for trump, look bAck, All you hAve to Ask, where you better off 2016 to 2020, of course you were, so insteAd he is stuck plAying covers on msnbc. Also And i will finish with t this, trump should deAfen they tAlk About mAnufActuring becAuse it is tied to the economy. Its the hArdest pArt About cApitAlism is mAking something At volume consistently, its AffordAble. ThAts why <A href=''>MAking FActoriesA> is the biggest deAl. ThAts why <A href=''>Trump TAlkA>s About it And musk tAlks About it. WhAt do kAmAlA know About mAnufActuring . WhAt could she sAy . MAybe, you know, tAxpAyerfunded <A href=''>Sex ChAngeA>s. She puts the mAn in mAnufActuring. ThAts About it. JessicA whAt About All of the new plAnts thAt hAve been creAted under the bidenhArris <A href=''>It AdministrAtionA> . The chips And science Act. DAnAAll of the ones thAt Are closing <A href=',000-new'>JessicA 100,000 NewA> <A href=''>MAnufActuring JobsA> greg when did they come . Judge jeAnine didnt obAmA sAy he didnt hAve A <A href=''>MAgic WAndA> And couldnt bring them bAck . JessicA you think trump is going to win becAuse you Are bringing up some <A href=''>Thing ObAmAA> sAid . Judge <A href=''>JeAnine TrumpA> did bring them bAck when obAmA sAid you couldnt. Jesse nice try, jessicA. Try it AgAin next segment. AheAd, its <A href=''>Election SeAsonA> And <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> smells A photo up At <A href=''>The BorderA> she bungled. Greg kAmAlA will be securing <A href=''>The BorderA> for A photo up. Vp hArris expected to visit the southern border in ArizonA on fridAy, its the lAtest effort to <A href=''>Spin HArrisA> As the toughest son of A gun on illegAl immigrAtion, but every time kAmAlA the hAwk soArs A resurfAced video sensor crAshing. The lAtest shows hArris protesting deportAtions wAy bAck in 2018. [chAnting] trump heArd About kAmAlAs little trip And got right through the b. S. After Almost four yeArs, <A href=''>Border CzArA> <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> hAs decided for politicAl reAsons thAt its time for her to go to <A href=''>The BorderA>. She is trying to cAlm the public thAt she did A good job At <A href=''>The BorderA> peered when kAmAlA is seen At <A href=''>The BorderA> on fridAy, she will pAss hundreds of miles of wAll thAt wAs built by trump, And it is wAll thAt reAlly wo works. Greg sewed dAnA, she is weighing whether to go to <A href=''>The BorderA>. A coincidence it is coming upon An election thAt she cAres. WhAt sAy you . DAnA it drives me A little crAzy thAt they Are crowdsourcing the decision About whether she should go to <A href=''>The BorderA>. For goodness sAkes you wAnt to be in commAnder chief. Do you wAnt to go to <A href=''>The BorderA>, just go. All dAy long hAving the chyron, weighing A decision, should i go, should i not . Here is three reAson she shouldnt go. Too little, too lAte. AlreAdy dismissed it As something she doesnt need to do. Remember she sAid i didnt go to the europe, hAvent been to <A href=''>The BorderA>. Number two, it reinforces president trumps line, why didnt you go before . Three And A hAlf yeArs, why didnt you do it before . The third reAson is she is not going to win over voters on immigrAtion in the next 42 dAys, pick A fight she cAn win, thAt would be better. Most people do AssociAte her with the fAilure At <A href=''>The BorderA>, And i think, i know friends who hAve polled thAt in their privAte polling for republicAns. I imAgine they Are seeing the sAme thing, which is why when she is in <A href=''>ArizonA CAmpAigningA> in thAt bAttleground stAte, then the questions Are going to be, why Are you going to <A href=''>The BorderA> . She cAn sAy i went to <A href=''>The BorderA>, but for All the reAsons i just lAid out, i dont think its worth it. Greg so, jessicA. How ironic kAmAlA is trying to deport her pAst And build A wAll between the <A href=''>Voting PublicA> And the idiotic things she sAid in thAt very pAst. JessicA ironic indeed. Greg it is ironic. JessicA dont you think . Like rAin on your wedding dAy. I ActuAlly think thAt she should go. Just becAuse even if there Are drAwbAcks to it, you Are sending A signAl thAt this is A renewed importAnce to you. And i think thAt people who Are mAybe on the fence About her or someone who lets sAy immigrAtion is in their top five, it might not be the Absolute top issue to them, would consider thAt. She hAs cut into his leAd on <A href=''>The BorderA> substAntiAlly, down 14 points from where it wAs. There hAve been All of these focus groups of <A href=''>Swing StAteA> voters who know thAt <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> wAs the one who killed bipArtisAn border deAl. ThAt is something thAt is resonAting in her fAvor. And there is A <A href=''>Crisis MomentA> going on for the <A href=''>Trump CAmpAignA> Around the hAitiAns in springfield. And he And j. D. VAnce will not stop demonizing these legAl immigrAnts who Are here, who went to springfield to tAke jobs thAt needed to be filled. Governor dewine hAs spoken out AgAinst it. The mAyor of springfield who is Also A republicAn hAs it Absolutely pleAse stop doing this. And trump wAs even doing it lAst night, they got A chAnce going in the bAck, send them bAck where . These Are AmericAns At this point. Greg we Are tAlking About the ones flown in <A href=''>Judge JeAnineA> AmericAns [overlApping discussion] jessicA they Are here legAlly, im sorry, they Are not AmericAns. Greg A scAm. They fly in they Are flying in thousAnds of people, they Are flying them in, lowers the wAges, And in the people there Are pAying the tAxpAyers Are ActuAlly pAying for their lives to be screwed. JessicA but they Are but everyone, including the republicAns in chArge, Are sAying this wAs A good thing. The republicAns in floridAAre sAying these Are greAt people. Greg not tAlking About the people, tAlking About the process. I hAve no doubt they Are good people. Im tAlking About the ActuAl process. JessicA so why do you sAy send them to venezuelA . Greg i dont know. I didnt heAr him sAy thAt. JessicA you did. Greg judge, the news About the <A href=''>Sex And DrugA> trAfficking is worse, And yet there is no specifics from kAmAlAAbout thAt. You hAve gAngs coming over here who cAnnot be policed becAuse of the <A href=''>SAnctuAry StAtusA> preventing cops And feds Are doing Anything. Judge jeAnine look, whether you Are tAlking sex trAfficking, drug trAfficking, or the economy, the womAn is not going to do Anything. She is bAsicAlly telling the world hAve At it in the united stAtes. CArtels, you run <A href=''>The BorderA>, you Are mAking billions, go for it. BecAuse if she were she just cAnt stop tAlking About her prosecutoriAl chops. Well, youve got none. Everything About her is Antiprosecution. DecriminAlize <A href=''>The BorderA>. MAke sure thAt you know whAt, if you Are price gouging, we Are not going to prosecute you for Another 45 months so hAve At it. And look, criminAlly, criminAl migrAnts encountered in 2024, 15,000. ThAts the number we know of. In 2019 it wAs 4,000. This is whAt if they Answer the phone And the other country And they tell us thAt they Are criminAls. Here is the bottom line. WhAt is she going to <A href=''>The BorderA> for . To Apologize . She should Apologize. She should Apologize to AmericA, for tAxpAyers, she should Apologize to the fAmilies of those who hAve been hArmed And injured And rAped by illegAls who hAve not been vetted And she should Apologize to those <A href=''>Border AgentsA> when she wAs so quick to jump on the <A href=''>Whipping StoryA> regArding the hAitiAns. All right, this is A womAn who wAnts to decriminAlize <A href=''>The BorderA>, And she cAn go there for whAtever she wAnts, to mAke believe About good vibes. She is responsible for whAt is hAppening in this country to the economy, to jobs, to the increAse in crime, the increAse in tAxes. We <A href=''>CAnt PAyA> <A href=''>10 BillionA> in new <A href=''>York CityA> Alone. Nobody plAnned for thAt. We hAvent plAnned for Any of this. And yet she is not doing A dAmn thing. Greg you know, jesse, or jerk, he sAid i could cAll him A jerk todAy. The judgments of the <A href=''>Whipping StoryA> thAt the mediA conveniently hAs forgotten, And lets not forget her And embrAce of jussie smollett. They Are Also identicAl in the AdditionAl lApse in judgment she seems to express in every mAjor thing And then she just wAlks AwAy. Jesse i hAve the remArks right here. Joe biden, ive Asked her to leAd our efforts to help <A href=''>Stem MigrAtionA> to the southern border. If you wAnt to leAd, you hAve to be Able to follow orders And she didnt follow orders At All. She let <A href=''>20 MillionA> illegAl Aliens into the country, jessicA, And how mAny hAs she deported . Less thAn 1 . Why . BecAuse she wAnts them to Amnesty so they cAn vote. ThAts the truth. If you wAnted to cleAn these people out, she could, like <A href=''>BArAck ObAmAA> did. Shes lost 300,000 children. They Are working in sweAtshops. They Are being sAcks trAffic. You know whAt the cArtels Are doing now . They Are giving the kids drugs so they Are more dozed And compliAnt when they Are smuggled. She hAs treAted A cArtel bonAnzA, cArtels Are never been this rich, people Are being rAped, murdered At <A href=''>The BorderA>, never nAmed <A href=''>Link LAken RileyA> once And her life, destroying the fAbric of smAlltown Americ, becAuse it hAppened wAy too fAst And recklessly. Its impActing housing. Is impActing schools. Its impActed crime. It hAs to stop. And now she wAnts to give <A href=''>Sex ChAngeA> operAtions to these people . She sAid it. JessicA she checked A box <A href=''>Jesse TrumpA> hAd A greAt dAy. He quoted her As sAying she wAnts <A href=''>Sex ChAngeA>s for illegAl migrAnts being detAined And he sAys <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> is four they them, im for you. Speeder i would sAy she is for they them but not us. Jesse you should reAd thAt greg thAnk you. Get A royAlty. AheAd, <A href=''>Joe BidenA> grAbs the <A href=''>Smelling SAltsA> to post to the world. I heAr it All the time. People tell me theyd love to buy gold. But becAuse its gold, they think it must be complicAted. It isnt. Not with <A href=''>RoslAnd CApitAlA>. With roslAnd. The entire process from stArt to finish is built on one concept. One. Keep. It. Simple. RoslAnd cApitAl A trusted leAder in helping people Acquire precious metAls. Gold bullion, <A href=''>LAdy Liberty GoldA> And silver proofs, And our premium coins, cAn help you preserve your weAlth. CAll <A href=''>RoslAnd CApitAlA> At 8006308900 to receive your free <A href=''>RoslAnd GuideA> to gold, gold precious metAls irA, And silver brochures. With roslAnd, there Are no hAssles, no gimmicks, And our shipping is fAst And reliAble. Remember. Keep it simple. MAke gold your new stAndArd. CAll <A href=''>RoslAnd CApitAlA> todAy At 8006308900, 8006308900. ThAts 8006308900. When your child hAs moderAtetosevere eczemA, its okAy to for them to show off. Show off their cleArer skin And noticeAbly less itch with dupixent. BecAuse children 6 months And older with eczemA hAve plenty of reAsons to show off their skin. With dupixent, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermAtologists And Allergists, they cAn stAy AheAd of their eczemA. It helps block A key source of inflAmmAtion inside the body thAt cAn cAuse eczemA to help heAl your <A href=''>Childs SkinA> from within. Serious Allergic reActions cAn occur thAt cAn be severe. Tell your doctor About new or worsening <A href=''>Eye ProblemsA> such As <A href=''>Eye PAinA> or vision chAnges including blurred vision, <A href=''>Joint AchesA> And pAin, or A pArAsitic infection. Dont chAnge or stop AsthmA medicines without tAlking to your doctor. Show off to the world. Ask your <A href=''>Childs EczemA SpeciAlistA> About dupixent. Judge <A href=''>JeAnine President BidenA> giving his big <A href=''>FArewell AddressA> to the world, thAt he left in chAos And conflict. Joe <A href=''>Biden ShufflingA> his wAy off the stAge At the <A href=''>United NAtions GenerAl AssemblyA> to give A speech in which he ActuAlly boAsted About his pitiful policy trAck record. The president spinning his hAndling of the disAstrous withdrAwAl from AfghAnistAn And the two wArs which begAn during his presidency As A plus. TAke A look. It wAs A hArd decision but the right decision. 13 brAve AmericAns lost their lives Along with hundreds of AfghAns in A suicide bomb. I think of those lost lives, think of them every dAy. We Are At Another <A href=''>Inflection PointA> in history. The choices we mAke todAy will determine our future for decAdes to come. As much As i love the job, i love my country more. I decided After 50 yeArs of public service, its time for A new generAtion of leAdership to tAke my nAtion forwArd. Judge jeAnine All right, jesse. No one cAn deny <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> left the country And the world A sAfer plAce, And <A href=''>Joe BidenA> is up there boAsting About AfghAAfghAnistAn. Putin wAtched while we hAd this botched withdrAwAl And then decides hes going to go into ukrAine, And of course irAn wAtches And gets funded by biden And then stArts funding All of the <A href=''>Houthis And HezbollAhA> And hAmAs. Isnt <A href=''>It SAfeA> to sAy the mAn up there is sAying he should get An A becAuse the chAos of the world. Jesse bAd foreign policy legAcy. Objective observers cAn Agree, even jessicA would Agree thAt im right About everything, but specificAlly this. ChinA, the espionAge is rAmpAnt. Not even tAlking About the <A href=''>Spy BAlloonA> thAt picked up All of our secrets. They Are still sending chemicAls to cook up drugs to the mexicAn cArtels. The mexicAn cArtels quAdrupled their cAsh flow. We hAve A humAn <A href=''>TrAfficking CorA DoorA> into our country, through lAtin AmericA. LAtin AmericA hAs gone fAr left under <A href=''>Joe BidenA>. You look AfghAnistAn of A distressful exit, left expensive hArdwAre, dow then took it And now hAve A bunch of new toys. Putin sAw whAt hAppened there, smelled weAkness, went into ukrAine. And then ciAtrAined ukrAiniAn commAnders blew up the nord <A href=''>StreAm PipelineA> thAt <A href=''>Joe BidenA> okAyed, biggest environmentAl disAster we ever seen. The irAniAns right where we wAnted them, sAnctioned, broke, gAve the money injected the price of oil And stArted funding the houthis, funding hezbollAh, hAmAs. Joe biden took the sAnctions off hAmAs And stArted giving them money, look whAt hAppened to isrAel. We got kicked out of our best bAse in AfricA. Its been Amos. Now thAts when you stArt Agree with me, jessicA. Judge jeAnine Asked just get this directly. Joe biden blAmes <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> for isolAtionist And chAotic yeArs. And he sAys thAt he AlienAted mAny globAl leAders. Is it A reAlly problem to Ask countries to give 2 of their gdp for their own protection As he did with the nAto members, And they mAde it like he wAs AlienAting world <A href=''>LeAders CommissionA> And they pAy for themselves . JessicA i think people should pAy their fAir shAre And there Are some on the left to think thAt, you know, it wAs time thAt they contributed A little bit more, but the cAse he is mAking About his globAl leAdership is deeper thAn thAt. So the quote wAs, nAto is bigger, stronger, more unified todAy becAuse of <A href=''>Joe BidenA>s leAdership, And thAts true. FinlAnd And sweden Are pArt of nAto becAuse <A href=''>Joe BidenA> wAs president And becAuse he stAnds with the ukrAiniAns in A wAy thAt <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> doesnt seem to hAve Any interest. Seen A little bit of territory, wAs the big deAl there . He is put together pArtnerships like the <A href=''>QuAd PArtnershipA> with <A href=''>JApAn And IndiAA> And AustrAliA, getting us closer to our Allies All over the world, unprecedented climAte Action putting us bAck in the pAris climAte Accords, trying to meet goAls with the rest of the world to protect our plAnet, thAt is the type of leAdership he is tAlking About. Not AppeAr to sAy thAt everything <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> did wAs wrong. I think the AbrAhAm Accords were An incredible piece of peAcekeeping brokering thAt put isrAel in A better position to be Able to do trAde with people, with their neighboring countries. But you cAnt deny the things thAt <A href=''>Joe BidenA> wAs tAlking About. And on the AfghAnistAn front, you know, thAt wAs A moment where his populArity went down And it did not recover, frAnkly, until he dropped off the top of the ticket. But <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> put in plAce thAt negotiAtion thAt ended up freeing 5,000 tAlibAn fighters. Why is <A href=''>No OneA> tAlking About thAt . 5,000 terrorists. You go no problem. Judge jeAnine you wAnt to Answer thAt, dAnA . DAnA no, i wAnt to tAlk About A bigger issue. WhAt i wAtched todAy, i felt like AmericA wAs limping to the finish line. With <A href=''>Joe BidenA>. And it looked week. And we Are At A point in AmericA or people like we mAy not like the two choices in front of them, but A choices going to be mAde, And next yeAr there will be somebody new or different on thAt stAge, mAybe not new becAuse trump hAs been there before. A couple of things. One, At the end, when he sAid i chose to leAve, And hes telling All the dictAtors in the room, its better for you to leAve. They know thAts not true. You didnt choose to leAve. You were forced out. And just becAuse mAybe the people in their pArties Arent strong enough to do thAt, they dont hAve <A href=''>NAncy PelosiA> in congo or wherever else he wAs tAlking About. I thought thAt wAs wrong. Dont lie to them. Dont tell them they should do the right thing. You didnt do the right thing. You were forced into doing the right thing And now were in this situAtion were <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> And scrAmbling, i got to put A cAmpAign together, i dont even hAve A policy position, got to do All of this i just thought thAt wAs so wrong. The more i thought About it todAy, the more i thought thAt wAs not A good thing to do. The other thing is i hAve A beef with the mediAAnd its this. DemocrAts get All of this credit for their intentions of whAt they wAnt to do on the world stAge. So you cAn pledge thAt you Are going to Cut Emissions by x Amount. And you cAn put A whole bunch of money towArds it And sAy this is whAt unites us. And then you cAn ActuAlly see, becAuse of AmericAn innovAtion, thAt we hAve Cut Emissions, And you sAy it in front of the generAl Assembly And dont even get ApplAuse . So whAt did we spend All the money for . At the sAme time <A href=''>IndiA And ChinAA> hAve increAsed emissions so everything we hAve done to AccommodAte the world on climAte chAnge, we didnt even get the credit for it. I dont think thAts right, either. The lAst thing i would sAy is the globAl leAders thAt Are looking At the problems in the middle eAst, chinA, certAinly russiA, ukrAine, south AmericA hAs A huge Amount of problems, but he did bring up sudAn. This is A civil wAr thAt wAs not hAppening At the time, things were contAined. Lost thAt bAse in AfricA, chinA is All throughout AfricA, rushes All throughout AfricA. Whoever becomes president on <A href=''>JAnuAry 21stA> of next <A href=''>YeAr 20thA> hAs A huge number of problems on their plAte, And it wont be becAuse it wAs their fAult. Judge jeAnine you know, greg, there is just one point i wAnt to mAke And then you cAn tAlk About whAtever you wAnt. When <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> left, the strAtegic <A href=''>Petroleum ReserveA> hAd 644. 82 million whAtever And we Are down to About hAlf of thAt. Weve got A problem there, As well, with the strAtegic <A href=''>Petroleum ReserveA>. Greg well, now i will sAy whAt i wAnt to sAy. Lets <A href=''>TAke A LookA> At him wAlking in. I thought it wAs interesting. You know, i hAve to give them credit, dAnA, he brAvely wAlked on thAt stAge knowing there would be the threAt of stAirs. AnywAy. The greAt news is none of those countries will hAve to hire his son Anymore, which is good. As for the climAte Accord, thAt wAs not leAdership, thAt wAs A grAft. It swindled the tAxpAyers. Why else would they hAve covered under the guise of <A href=''>InflAtion Reduction ActA> . None of those temperAture predictions Are tAken series Anymore becAuse they hAve been shown to be corrupt. They throughout the ones they didnt like. We cAn tAlk you Are losing the wAr on climAte chAnge. I wAnt to tAlk About one there he is i wAnt to tAlk About him. This is A guy, zelenskyy, who visited A <A href=''>Swing StAteA> during An <A href=''>Election SeAsonA>, funded by the tAxpAyer, to A munitions plAnt, flown on one of our jets, one of our fighter jets. How cAn you be good with thAt . How is thAt not <A href=''>Election InterferenceA> . He went to A <A href=''>Swing StAteA>. BecAuse he knew thAt if trump if trump wins, there goes the grAvy trAin. This is About electing kAmAlA so the wAr cAn continue. A wAr thAt hAs killed A million people. Im not sure pArAding zelenskyy Around And endorsing kAmAlAAnd trAshing <A href=''>VAnce And TrumpA> is A good thing After trump is Almost AssAssinAted by whAt i would cAll A ukrAiniAn Asset, whether he wAs selfAppointed or not, i would sAy thAts pretty bAd. Judge jeAnine And im going to pAuse so people cAn think About thAt lAst point thAt you mAde. Greg by the wAy. DAnAAlso whAt A terrible thing for biden to do to zelenskyy to tell him to go there. Its An Awful decision for mAny different perspectives. Judge jeAnine yeAh. Do you hAve Anything you wAnt to sAy About zelenskyy being pArAded Around A <A href=''>Swing StAteA> by the democrAts for more Muni Munitions . JessicA i do. Judge jeAnine up next. WAit A minute, i thought the democrAts sAid crime wAs down. DAngerous street tAkeovers Are terrorizing residents in A key bAttleground stAte. Known for following your dreAms. Known for keeping with trAdition. Known for discovering new plAces. No one wAnts to be known for cAncer, but A treAtment cAn be. KeytrudA is known to treAt cAncer. FdAApproved for 17 types of cAncer, including certAin eArlystAge And AdvAnced cAncers. One of those cAncers is eArlystAge nonsmAll cell <A href=''>Lung CAncerA>. KeytrudA mAy be used with certAin chemotherApies before surgery when you hAve eArlystAge <A href=''>Lung CAncerA>, which cAn be removed by surgery, And then continued Alone After surgery to help prevent your <A href=''>Lung CAncerA> from coming bAck. KeytrudA cAn cAuse your Immune System to AttAck heAlthy pArts of your body during or After treAtment. This mAy be severe And leAd to deAth. See your doctor right AwAy if you hAve cough, shortness of breAth, chest pAin, diArrheA, severe stomAch pAin, severe nAuseA or vomiting, heAdAche, light sensitivity, <A href=''>Eye ProblemsA>, irregulAr heArtbeAt, extreme tiredness, constipAtion, dizziness or fAinting, chAnges in Appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, <A href=''>Muscle PAinA> or weAkness, fever, rAsh, itching, or flushing. There mAy be other side effects. Tell your doctor About All your medicAl conditions, including Immune System problems, if youve hAd or plAn to hAve An orgAn, tissue, or stem cell trAnsplAnt, received <A href=''>Chest RAdiAtionA> or hAve A nervous system problem. KeytrudA is An immunotherApy And is Also being studied in hundreds of clinicAl triAls exploring wAys to treAt even more types of cAncer. Its tru. KeytrudA from merck. See All the types of <A href=''>CAncer KeytrudAA> is known for At keytrudA. Com And Ask your doctor if keytrudA could be right for you. [siren sounding] dAnA so much for crime being down. Absolute chAos on the streets of philAdelphiA with hundreds of drAg rAcers wreAking hAvoc in setting A <A href=''>Fire WorkA> is, vitAlizing vehicles And even chArging At cops trying to rein in the chAos, leAving one officer injured. It wAs the 11th legAl cAr mAde up the police hAve responded to in just one weekend. One guy Allegedly brought A flAmethrower to one of them. Greg, im sure we will even heAr todAy from jessicA thAt crime stAtistics Are down, And i just reAd in the <A href=''>WAll Street JournAlA> ActuAlly in urbAn cities they Are up, thAt wAs the <A href=''>WAll Street JournAlA> yesterdAy by jeffrey Anderson, And your lived experience is it is bAd. Greg Crime Reporting is down. BecAuse <A href=''>No OneA> is reporting the crime becAuse they know thAt when the criminAl gets out, which is Almost in A few hours, hes going to come for you, so in new york Alone i think 70 of <A href=''>Property CrimeA> isnt reported And something like 55 of violent crime isnt reported. Also the stAtistics thAt the fbi uses Arent tAken seriously becAuse they Are limited. They dont pAss the <A href=''>Smell TestA>. You know whAt is worst in the <A href=''>Smell TestA> . The seA in the field test. People cAn feel when they Are victims And they cAn see if they hAvent felt it. You cAn mAke A cAse for A drop in crime but you better show your work, cAnt just cherrypick stAts hAnded to you from Someone Else who hAsnt experienced, felt, or seen the crime becAuse i think the thing is in politics, since crime becAme pArt of A politicAl pl plAnk, is Almost treAted like A recreAtionAl belief, Almost like the climAte <A href=''>DebAte Or FrAckingA> or pronouns, where you cAn push full stAtend stupid, shAllow opinions, And not be concerned whether it impActs lives. This is A nArrAtive thAt directly impAct peoples lives becAuse you Are denying reAlity which then denies relief, denies experience And pAin, thAt ActuAlly hurts people. You hAve fewer police, then you hAve to defund the police, thenu hAve incited groups of people who feel they cAn go into 7elevens And destroy them. You hAve people not reporting crime becAuse they know nothing is went to hAppen. I would sAy to people, the dAvid neArs of the world, reAd more thAn An pArAgrAph from the Ap. You did A disservice. DAnA judge, 11 illegAl Meet UpsAcross the city, not sure how A <A href=''>Police DepArtmentA> is supposed to deAl with thAt. Judge jeAnine this whole thing wAs instigAted becAuse the police sAid they were going to stArt tAmping down on this, they sAid we will show the police And whAt they did wAs ActuAlly Aimed At some police cArs, dAmAged five of them, Aimed At A police officer, And these young kids hAd A <A href=''>Temper TAntrumA> becAuse we hAve Allowed them to do this becAuse either we dont hAve enough police to hAndle it or we hAve other crime to hAndle, so they think they Are entitled to it. The reAson they think they Are entitled to it is becAuse they Are not prosecuting. The reAson they Are not prosecuted is nobody reports the Crime It if they lArry krAsner, thAt george sorosfunded nond. A. Is the one in chArge. Look, we Are in this mess becAuse of the democrAts. Its true. They Are the ones who wAnted the cAshless bAil. Everybody gets out. You commit A crime, even if you Are pedohpile, repeAt offender, threAten to do it to her over And over AgAin, you get out. They wAnted to defund the police And rAise the Age of crimes for young kids. Lets mAke it older, lets not mAke the young kids responsible. They wAnt to reimAgine the police, they wAnt to decriminAlize <A href=''>The BorderA>, And they wAnt sAnctuAry cities. Is Anyone surprised . ThAts All. DAnA jessicA, Are you surprised . JessicA no, but i live here, so thAts whAt And not. I ActuAlly didnt know About this nAtionAl crime victimizAtion survey which wAs the bAsis for the <A href=''>WAll Street JournAlA> piece And i think its A reAlly good thing thAt this tool exists And people Are Able to tAlk About whAts hAppening in their lives in Another wAy. The one thing thAt sticks out is A problem is they dont report murders. The only <A href=''>Murder NumberA> we hAve is from the fbi, And i do think fbi stAts Are reAl, And homicides Are down 12 . Jesse fbi sAying thAt homicides Are down is like me sAying emmA, i cleAned the whole house. Except for the bAthrooms, the bedrooms, And the kitchen. Whole house is cleAn except for the <A href=''>Murder CApitAlA> of the country, new orleAns, is not included. ChicAgo not included. Judge jeAnine new <A href=''>York CityA> jesse besides All the mAjor metropolitAn AreAs where All the homicides, everything else is fine. Judge jeAnine thAts it. DAnA thAts it. AheAd, shocking study reveAls some brutAl news for guys like jesse And greg, And its About their brAins. Its good to get some fresh Air. Fresh Air . Hi guys bill, you look greAt now thAt i hAve inspire, im free from struggling with the mAsk And the hose. Inspire . Inspire is A <A href=''>Sleep ApneA TreAtmentA> thAt works inside my body with A click of this button. No mAsk no hose just sleep. Give me this thing. Where Are you going . Im going to get inspire. Inspire. Sleep ApneA innovAtion. LeArn more And view importAnt <A href=''>SAfety InformAtionA> At inspiresleep. Com. CAn you do this . As eArly As your 40s you mAy lose muscle And strength. Protein supports muscle heAlth. Ensure <A href=''>MAx ProteinA> hAs A 30 <A href=''>GrAm BlendA> of high <A href=''>QuAlity ProteinA> to feed muscles for up to seven hours. So tAke the chAllenge. Ensure, nutrition for strength And energy. It is inevitAble. They will grow up. discover who they Are whAt they wAnt from this world. And how they will mAke it better. And while pArenting hAs chAnged, how much you cAre hAs not. ThAts why instAgrAm is introducing teen Accounts. AutomAtic protections for who cAn contAct them And the content they cAn see. jessicAA new study reveAls thAt mAle brAins shrink in volume by 8 00 p. M. Coincides with jesse show, by the wAy every night thAnks to hormone cycles. Jesse, defendAnt jesse my performAnce At 8 00, im bArely hAnging on At thAt hour. I dont know. Who did this study . A womAn scientist, probAbly. It hAs to be A womAn. Greg it would be interesting if this wAs done in reverse becAuse then it would sAy complex femAle brAins require more rest becAuse you know they Are so complex. This is cAtnip for people in the mediA, only if this reseArch goes in one direction, thAt it is like men Are stupid, they Are idiots, they Are lAzy, but women on the other hAnd, they would spin it into something positive. JessicA like how good <A href=''>BrAin FogA> is from pregnAncy. DAtA . DAnA i think this is why hemmer crushes it in the morning. Jesse A morning guy. Judge jeAnine A womAn did do this study becAuse she did it becAuse they tAlk About the fAct thAt we Are All hormonAl you Are hormonAl. Jesse it wAs A revenge study. [lAughter] <A href=''>Judge JeAnineA> men Are only good in the morning. Jesse thAts not whAt you sAy. Judge jeAnine thAts whAt it sAys. Greg jesse, it is not just the brAin. JessicA one more thing is up next. Heres to getting better with Age. 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Introducing kArdiAmobile 6l, the fdAcleAred ekg thAt provides sixtimes more heArt dAtA thAn Any smArtwAtch. And it detects three of the most common ArrhythmiAs in just 30 seconds, including AtriAl fibrillAtion, brAdycArdiAAnd tAchycArdiA. Check your heArt with the most AdvAnced personAl ekg outside the hospitAl. Get yours At kArdiA. Com or AmAzon. Music . Judge jeAnine oh yeAh. He knows whAt you Are looking At. He is At the AustrAliAn <A href=''>Wildlife PArkA> And he knows whAt he is pAcking. Get A little closer. You dont wAnt to get hit, do you . YeAh. Jesse After 8 00. He is toAst. Greg brAin shrinks, but the other thing, wow jesse gross. Im sorry. Jesse wAtters primetime tonight, how do i follow thAt . Im not going to follow thAt. Im just going to promote the show. How ryAn routh slipped through the crAcks. 8 00 p. M. DAnA <A href=''>MArine VeterAnA> using experience from time spent in AfghAnistAn to help the people who helped us. These AfghAn students leArn how to ride bikes. StArted A fundrAiser cAlled All kids bikes. 9,000 to help them. Good guy. Jesse only 9,000 . One time donAtion. Judge jeAnine time for me . Why did the chicken cross the roAd . To Arrest the trAffic violAters, the sAn frAncisco cop wAsnt weArin